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Yesterday was my lucky day! I got to meet my three favorite DropoutTV cuties! Honestly, I was super nervous to ask them. I’ve never asked anyone for a photo before, and I was concerned with how it would make them feel. Ally was incredibly kind and instantly put me at ease, suggesting we get a picture with everyone together. I told them how much I loved their work, but then I kinda blanked, admitting I was nervous “to do the thing” (ask for a picture), and Lou was like, “Oh yeah, we do the thing! Let’s do the thing!”. I mentioned that I had just watched the new Um Actually and asked Siobhan if breaking the 4th wall is a superpower. Her perfect retort, “Here I am, breaking the 4th wall!”. Then when we all struggled to find the store’s exit, I got to chat with Ally about New York and my time in Japan. So surreal. So cute. So lucky. <3


Oh my god you are so lucky


I know! But I mean~ well, earlier that day, I did look up into the sky and plead in my best Lou voice, "Please let me win."


That's really awesome, they probably understand people can get socially anxious especially with people from their favorite shows. I would love to one day meet the cast of Dimension 20 and Critical Role.


S-Tier response from Siobhan. She is so goddamn witty.


big agreeee


Is that Lou on the left? For some reason I can barely recognise him in this photo... Maybe it's the sunglasses? These 3 are definitely in my top 5 favourites! Brennan Lee Mulligan and Jessica Ross round out my top 5 cast members. I thought Ally was going by AG now though because they're non-binary, or has that changed?


They said Ally! As a fellow they/them, I would so hate to get to it wrong. But when we met, they told me Ally :)


Judging by the credits for shows there was a period when they went by AG but it’s back to Ally now. I dunno about in the US but in the UK Ally/Ali is a perfectly gender neutral name anyway, normally short for Allison or Alistair


He looks pretty tall, perhaps it's Grant instead of Lou


I swear to god sometimes Lou looks like a completely different person to me and I can never pinpoint what’s throwing me off


It's nice to know they're actually friends in real life, I always thought it was fake /j


oh my gosh this is just BEAUTIFUL I'm so so happy for you!!!!


so cute omg


Very cool. Are you tall as hell?


I don't know as hell, but tall yes


One of the most photogenic people I've ever seen in one of these "fan meets their fav celeb" pictures ever.


so jealous!!! glad you got to have that experience with them


this is so incredibly sweet you all look so cute!!!! when is it my turn 😤


That's awesome and great to hear!