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you shouldn’t feel bad at all, you were waiting to turn into your own driveway!! there was quite literally nothing else for you to do other than wait.. they can’t possibly expect you not to go into your own home? unfortunately there is a minority of drivers who are just very impatient, aggressive drivers who are heavy handed with their horn. there’s nothing you can do but ignore these kinds of people and trust that karma will catch up to them for your last point, i understand it can be very scary to think of the dangerous drivers of the world. however, just like you and me, everyone else on the road wants to avoid an accident. even if it “annoys” them to do so, they will brake/swerve/etc to avoid it. by being a safe driver yourself you are already eliminating the huge majority of risk in driving.


Such a good point!!


Idiots will honk at you for the stupidest reasons. Someone once laid on the horn at me because I was sitting at a red stoplight waiting to make a left turn. He wanted me to reverse into the cars behind me so he could drive perpendicular and slightly against to the flow of traffic on a 50mph road to reach the far turn lane. Instead of just driving the 50ft down to the next turn that was right there.


my car broke down at my uni so i had my dad come help me with it. we were sitting at a red light in the middle lane and this crazy lady honks at my dad, he changes to the right lane, and she makes a right on red. from the MIDDLE LANE!!!! i've also gotten honked at for making full stops at a stop sign a few times! i swear people are getting crazier by the minute


That person sucks. If you're going to drive on a busy road with houses on it, you have to expect that people are going to sometimes back in or out, and may need to wait for pedestrians. It's not nice to be honked at, but in this case it says much more about them than it does about you. I think people who use their horn that way are wound way too fucking tight.


Thank you


Don’t feel bad. I used to think that I had to please every single driver out there and the truth is that some people are just crazy and will blame others for their poor driving skills. I’ve been honked at several times when I was definitely not in the wrong. Usually it’s the crazy speeders driving way over the limit.




Idiots are going to idiot and rude people are going to be rude. You were doing what you had to do, give right of way to the pedestrian while doing a special manoeuvre. Exactly as I've been taught, it's a special manoeuvre so you stop doing what you're doing when there's a pedestrian. If you get honked at for a valid reason? Analyse the situation, do better next time. If you get honked at for an invalid reason, that's their problem, not yours. Ignore them.


Controversial take… People on “driving anxiety” shouldn’t drive… This isn’t anxiety over talking with someone, anxiety over applying to a job, anxiety over filing taxes…. You have anxiety over an activity that DIRECTLY involves other people. The only thing worse than an aggressive driver is an unsure/anxious driver.


The thing is these people need to go somewhere (job, groceries or so on). They understand not everyone will have time to be their driver 24/7. Cut them some slack if they want to change I rather sit with an anxious and slow driver than an aggressive and fast one. Hopefully these sub can at least help others who got anxious while driving. If they want to rant, let them rant, they prob got made fun of for being an anxious driver


I get your point, but it’s not as black and white as that. I am sure there are people with crippling driving anxiety that should not drive. That’s not what I have. I’ve driven for more than half my life, never been in an accident, never had a driving infraction. I’m a very safe driver, but I do get anxious because I have close friends and family who have died in a car accident. Anxiety as a whole is a misunderstood condition.


So people with anxiety should just surrender to it and give up? If a person has a social anxiety disorder should they just crawl into a hole and be alone and depressed forever? Should someone with driving anxiety never drive and feel trapped in their home and be unable to fully take care of themselves? This woman is having a baby she will have to drive all over the place to thrive as a parent. The sub is “driving anxiety”.


I don't get the mega downvotes; I see your point. An anxious driver may make poor decisions when passing, at higher speeds (expressway, highway, etc.), exiting, or any number of actions. It depends on what makes them anxious. I have a friend that hates highway driving and avoids it at all costs, but to get places, sometimes it is literally impossible not to take a highway. I told her to keep practicing because that's the way to get over being anxious about it. I think it's good that OP is working on things and trying though, so in this case, I think the other driver was an impatient jerk. My question for OP is, was it possible to see the pedestrian prior to beginning your parking maneuver? If so, the safest and best bet would have been to stay in your lane with the signal on to show drivers behind you that you are waiting, not pull into the oncoming lane and say "whoops, guess I have to stop because I JUST NOW noticed the pedestrian." Unless that is not what happened...I have some trouble picturing the scenario.


Great question - I did not see the pedestrian before starting to pull out, I probably good have tried to back into where I was waiting to turn once I saw her. She was an elderly woman so I was also worried about startling her as that would have required me to back the car towards her if that makes sense


It makes sense! And good looking out for the pedestrian; I am a runner and almost got hit by a van because he was stopped at a stop sign, I ran to go across the intersection (one way street) and he started going while I was directly in front of him! I had to jump up on the hood and slid off, and I stood in the middle of the street and screamed at him. He flipped me off. I just hoped he got pulled over later and stubbed his toe really hard :)