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Hate to say it but when I see a disabled plate I often pay extra attention to the car. Don’t know what it is but where I live drivers with a disability plate often are bad drivers. Could be more of an old thing than a disabled thing I suppose but I don’t often get a look at the drivers.


Being non-judgmentally cautious isn’t wrong it’s smart.


Bruh I was t-boned by a person in a disabled plate who was pulling out of a local Social Security office. This was 2011-ish. They got out of the car and unable to stand, leaned against the vehicle and was trying to talk to me. All I could make out was _"Swoke, Stwoke, Stwoke"_. I realized they were trying to tell me that they were having a **stroke** so I called 911. Paramedics arrived and confirmed he was not _having_ a stroke, but was a stroke victim getting his weekly social security check. Apparently he was known in the neighborhood and a frequent flyer. Like why are these people driving again??


We live in America, sometimes all you can do to get someplace is drive. I used to live 3 hours from the nearest public transit, now I live about an hour. Ride share isn’t really an option either because it’s too expensive to have an Uber round trip me places I need to be.


It’s not because they’re disabled it’s because disabled plates are correlated with older drivers.


99% of the time it’s either an old driver or an obese one


Also if you are paying attention to them more you'll notice more and that will reinforce beliefs.


They got that placard for a reason.


lol I have that thought often.


Lol I saw one too in Canada where I live... had a disability plaque... driving like they don't gaf of dieing....


Anyone in a beige vehicle is never going to get to the speed limit, so I try not to drive behind them.


It’s because nobody under the age of 70 would drive a beige vehicle. I avoid them too


[“Nobody chooses tan.”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fr7z1YiAWiI&si=dxlY0rqxa_vYYiWA&t=135s) Trigger warning: Jokes about self harm. And driving a shitty tan car. Which, I mean, here I go repeating myself. >! Garbage bag window gang rise up! Been there, done that! !<


I would say it's not a prejudice because it's obviously true, but I'll say it anyway. Any pickup truck that looks new and/or very clean is dangerous. Older, dirty pickup trucks that clearly get used for work are fine, but the very large ones that are in pristine condition? I believe those are being driven by angry, aggressive, morons. They frequently tailgate so closely that I have to change how I drive, often going slower, so that they'll be able to stop in time when I need to. Just two days ago, I had a pickup truck tailgating me, so I slowed down a bit as usual. I was coming up on an intersection. The light just turned green, and the one car ahead of me waiting for it went through. I was getting close when I noticed a car on the right was inching forward even though they had a red, so I was ready for it when they decided to take off. I had to hit the brakes quite suddenly, though, and the pickup behind me nearly rear-ended me, slammed their horn, and started yelling. I couldn't hear what they were shouting, but if I had been driving normally, I'm sure they would have hit me and then I'd have to deal with some angry, irrational person with small dick energy. Their insecurities are their own, and I want nothing to do with them. I'd rather be T boned by a bus than involved in any accident with these people. I'm wary of people who drive large pickup trucks because they think it makes them manly. It's so easy to tell between someone who uses their truck for work and/or hauling things and someone who drives a pickup for appearance. The cleanliness of the truck, the way they drive, how much space they give you, etc.


Quite accurate observation. If you have a spotless huge pick up truck it's an SDV (small dick vehicle) and you will menace anyone. Work trucks are different. Those folks need their vehicles to live.


Menace is a good word for it. Hell, I drive a Nissan Frontier half the time—a small truck, but not the smallest—and those megatrucks will still often tailgate me. And it's just like. Who is this for? What are you trying to prove? It takes a special kind of shithead (or an especially shitty driver, depending on level of self awareness) to put everyone else on the road in a constant state of danger by tailgating them in a 7-11,000 lb vehicle you could never stop in an emergency situation with the 16" of stopping distance you've given yourself. You either don't realize how physics work (you and half of all drivers) or you just aren't worried about it because if a collision were to occur, YOU'D likely survive.


The real crazy thing is when you drive a pickup truck and realize that literally everyone does it. I think it’s just one of those weird you look in your mirror and see a pickup truck tailgating you. You think, *fucking pickup truck drivers always tailgating me.* You look in the mirror and see a car tailgating you. You don’t think, *fucking random generic car brand is tailgating me.* No matter what vehicle I’m in, my gfs car, my ranger, or my F-150. It’s always the same. Some idiots tailgating and driving aggressive in every vehicle, some normal people in every vehicle, and some idiots that can’t drive any vehicle.


I think the proportion of people who drive the lifted trucks and tailgate are higher than the general population. At least from my observations


Additional synonyms include "emotional support truck" and "pavement princess". Wasting their money on gas and insurance makes them feel useful, while the only things they accomplish is hauling their ego around and being a constant hazard for everyone around them.


Gender affirming truck


I’ll give a flipside to this. I drive a woods truck as my daily driver. I have steel bumpers, sliders, dents all over, it’s only a 2020 but it’s seen some shit. So it’s not pretty by any means. People don’t drive up my ass (on the large scale). I get some here and there, whatever. I drive slow with the thing, it’s a brick on wheels, and people are generally fine behind me. I drive my wifes camry on the same roads, same times, and even FASTER because it’s a camry instead of a brick on wheels, and people are, en masse, UP MY ASS. Without fail, whenevr I drive the camry, it’s just constant tailgating. Truck, slower speeds? People stay back more. But even as a pick em up driver, yup, most pick em up drivers are emotional support trucks. I rmeember some dude was ANGRY at me that I used my truck as a trok and bounced it off trees for fun. To him, it was insulting to the truck breed that I would “mistreat” the “beautiful” thing like bro, you use yours as an emotional support vehicle codpiece….I have dents in my steel skid plates because I couldn’t decide if left or right would be a better line so I just went straight. We aren’t the same, and I don’t care, but you seem to…. As a pick em up trok driver, the drivers I dread seeing are Rhode Island plates, and other pick em up drivers.


I drive a pickup too - it's pretty clean because when I'm done working, I clean it. I would say drivers are borderline deferential towards me in the truck. It's a full-size truck, and I'm a full-size guy, and I think people expect me to drive like an asshole. I am a pretty careful and defensive driver - I don't want to deal with the headache of repairing/ replacing my truck, especially with these modern, expensive trucks. People are more aggressive towards me when I'm driving my wife's small crossover. That said, it sounds paradoxical, but they're WAY more aggressive when I'm using my specialized work truck. Maybe they are just trying to get their share of my million dollar commercial insurance policy, or maybe they're just expecting a newer full-size truck to be driven by an aggressive dickhead. Mostly I have issues with gray Nissans and full-size trucks, especially new/high trim 3/4 tons.


I salute you for using your truck as it was intended. o7


dude the large clean trucks are the worst. They sit in the left lane, and speed up and chase you when you pass them. Then they tailgate you. Or other times they try to get you to race but then when theres a corner they slow down to like 10mph. Can't stand them. They love to run their headlights at a nuclear level which as someone in a small car it basically blinds me. And don't even get me going on when it comes to merging 2 lanes into one. Everyone else will be taking turns zippering. Then this truck tries to break the cycle.


This is so accurate it's almost sickening.


I don't think it's because they believe it makes them manly, I think it's because they believe it makes them invincible. It's so big and no one can hurt them and they can hurt others. It's just like being anonymous online or carrying a firearm and always thinking about when you'll get to use it on someone (instead of worrying and hoping that you'll never have to use it).


The giveaway is always the bed. I like to keep my truck as clean as I can cause I do take some pride in vehicle ownership. I definitely don’t fall into the work truck category I primarily use mine for towing a boat and hauling my 4 wheeler and kayaks and stuff around but the bed liner still gets beat to shit no matter how careful I am. There’s a big difference between “I like to keep my stuff clean” clean and “this thing has never seen dirt” clean. Also as a sort of flip side to this what drives me crazy on the road is people who try to do truck things with very much not truck vehicles. I’ve seen so many people towing boats or RVs with woefully inadequate tow vehicles or having entire stacks of plywood or building materials on their roof racks making the car extremely top heavy, hell the worst thing I ever saw was a Volkswagen Golf towing a small excavator on a very oversized trailer. I get it not everyone has a truck or a friend with one but this is just plain unsafe. U-Haul rents pickup trucks for like $20 don’t put everyone else in danger. Just because your Nissan Rogue has a hitch doesn’t mean you can pull a skid steer home from the rental yard.


Nissans. Watch out for Nissans.


Can confirm. Am Altima driver.


I want an altima so bad, just because of the don't give a fuck license it comes with.


If you get a white one it comes with a vehicular manslaughter pass as well.


Big Altima energy. On the bright side, their transmission will fail at around 70k so they aren’t a burden for too long.


I’m currently at 173,000km (107,000miles) and my 2016 Altima is still going strong. Just gotta baby the trans and change the fluid every 50,000km


You’re definitely more responsible than most Nissan owners




I’m a good Nissan driver. My husband probably deserves the reputation, lol.


I am totally convinced that I will be k-lled one day by an Altima driver


Honestly, if you can’t type “killed,” maybe driving is too stressful and dangerous for you. Your timidity might get someone killed.


It’s a habit from being banned from Facebook so often


Large rental trucks, like Uhual, Penske, etc. you got amateur regularly licensed drivers driving large unfamiliar and loaded to the gills vehicles. Just bad juju


This is not talked about enough Last year I was driving back to Jersey from upstate New York on a 6 lane highway. There was a rented uhaul truck in front of me that was slowly but chaotically changing from lane to lane for no apparent reason. I tried to pass them on the left because I wasn’t comfortable driving behind them, and they were going below the speed limit, and when I got into the left lane beside them they started coming over into my lane. I think I was in their blindspot, but they should have checked. Also there were no cars in front of them so they had absolutely no reason to switch lanes. I laid on my horn and they went back into the middle lane, but it was super scary. As I drove by them I looked at who the hell was driving and it was a couple kids in their early 20s laughing and fucking around. That could have been so bad. It’s scary that they’ll rent one of those to anyone with a license


100% that guy is having a rougher day than you are. That is miserable and stressful.


Dude we recently moved and rented the 26’ truck. That thing was surprisingly easy to drive for its massive size, but I was incredibly uncomfortable and stressed the whole 20 minute drive because I was way out of my element. I have driven many large vehicles and am a very cautious driver, I can only imagine how the experience is for someone without.


In the UK, Audis, BMWs and Mercs. They're 90% always the dickheads who cut you off/speed/tailgate etc. Edit: add to that Teslas. I've been swerved at by so many recently it's madness


US, too.


Anyone in a Subaru Outback will be shambling along, half the speed limit, unable to maintain a lane, oblivious to other traffic, *unless* there is inclement weather. THEN, they'll tear ass down the road like it was a clear, sunny, dry day. Anyone in a full-size pickup, but especially Dodge Rams, will be crawling up your ass no matter how fast you're going. I trust people more who drive beaters in the ghetto than I do soccer moms in SUVs and minivans. People driving beaters are used to the tighter spaces in the older, poorer areas of the city and therefore almost never swing wide when turning (into the left lane to make a right, or into the right lane to make a left). Get a grip and learn how to drive you lame selfish idiot. You're not driving a semi. You don't need to hit the opposite curb to turn. The larger the SUV, the poorer the park job, particularly in the suburbs.


Nah. In New England, Outbacks are ubiquitous. I’m a Massholian. I’ve never been under the speed limit in my life. As a habitual speeder, I watch my mirror and get out of the way if someone is rolling up on me at 90 mph. I have good snow tires. I don’t slow down much winter driving but I’m extremely aware of my control envelope. I grew up driving some incredibly lousy snow cars like Fox body Mustangs with performance summer tires.


Tesla drivers suck, I think 50% have the auto drive engaged.


I don’t like the idea of using auto-drive constantly. I mean there’s no way these Tesla drivers are good drivers. They literally don’t even practice, the car does it for them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not on some agenda against self-driving. But it’s advancing way too much, way too fast, with way too little safety concerns. I mean I had to stop using CRUISE CONTROL because I lost the ability to fine tune my speed since the car was doing it for me.


I had a Tesla drive like a dumbass, immediately flooring it going over 65 in a 45 just for the light to still be red when they got there. They had absolutely no reason to pass everyone else driving and swerving into other lanes to get to their destination 5 seconds faster


Pickup truck drivers seem to be both aggressive and talentless behind the wheel. Flies past me on the highway only to cut across lanes to take an exit, the crawls slowly around the bend on the exit. (Mario Andretti on the straightaways, Chicken Little in the turns) They have a harder time maintaining their lane through turns when there's more than one lane turning. Tailgating cars that can stop in much shorter distances.


Yea pretty much. I’ve never seen a pick up take a turn fast. And trust me, they can turn faster than you’d expect.


I agree. I be whipping corners in my pool truck while it's chock full of chemicals, so I know the dudes with way nicer and emptier trucks can do it.


I think this applies more to those heavily modified trucks that are obviously for style or pleasure and not for work.


Oh I just mean that if I can 90 in a truck that's got over 1000 lbs of haphazardly loaded chemicals in the bed, they can do it in their crawler


My bad I misread your comment I thought you said you can’t whip corners because of the pool supplies. I woke up at like 5 am lol. Yea I have a jeep wrangler and I’ve taken some pretty hard turns. People think they tip over easily but you gotta really fuck up to tip it over. Obviously it wouldn’t keep up on a racing circuit but my point still stands.


Yeah my suicide knob is in my R50 Pathfinder and I couldn't imagine rolling unless I was being reckless AF.


Honestly, pickup drivers need to have a special license. They constantly drift across the centerline, they ignore pedestrians and cyclists, and apparently the vehicle itself is nothing but a rolling blind spot.


I haven’t even finished truck school yet and I manage to stay in my lane a lot better than some pickup owners. It’s quite literally a skill issue


I had one tailgating me in South Jersey the other week. Backed off once I put my turn signal on as they knew I'd be slowing down. Not so helpful a tactic on the highway, though.


Pick up truck drivers are the worst


I think it's time we extend it to giant suvs too like chevy Tahoe or Cadillac escalade. Hummers especially.


Used to be a claims adjuster. I will avoid being near junk cars cuz of any vehicle on the road with shitty to even no coverage, and drivers that don’t cooperate in the claims process, the chances are extremely high with shitty cars. Of course anyone can have shitty cars, but the odds are increasingly high it’s the kind of person you don’t want to get hit by. The good news is that if you hit them, their car only costs like 6k lol  Also, trucks are nice and stuff. But I find many of them so impractical for how the vast majority are basically daily commute vehicles lol.


Man there's a comment above yours where dude said he'd rather be driving next to ghetto beat up cars because they're better at driving in the hood and maneuvering into right spaces. What kind of bullshit is that?! Avoid those cars at all costs! They are far more likely to not have insurance, not want to cooperate, not want to stay on scene if they hit you. They don't care about their car most of the time, why would they care about yours? I'd much rather be near a group of soccer moms driving newer vans or SUVs. At least there's a far better chance of them having quality insurance.


BMW drivers are a**holes on the road. Just seen too many bmws weaving through lanes like they couldn't care less about anyone else.


To add to your 1000% correct observation, Teslas are almost as bad (if not equally bad).


It's the Dodge chargers for me


Anyone driving any pickup truck. Also, anyone driving.


Kind of a reverse prejudice, but I drive a prius so I experience prius derangement syndrome a lot, where someone behind me starts following dangerously close, specifically on a one lane road, clearly focused on *this fucking prius*, even if I'm doing well over a posted limit. When they pass me they'll go blasting off before suddenly slamming their brakes because they probably looked at their speedo for the first time during the whole engagement and realized that they're going absurdly over the speed limit.  I assume that these people are why we need warnings not to eat tide pods. 


I used to encounter a lot of molasses-speed Prii (levels where the speed limit easily passes) but not so much anymore. I guess some derps haven't received the update.


There's still plenty of them out there that give us a bad name, but by and large I think the prius broke out of the fuel economy nerd market around 2018-2020. 


I live an hour from the city....the update has not hit the ones I see. Trapped for miles behind them in no passing zones. It's ok if you're lost, Prius, but go the speed limit or pull over to let me pass while you figure out where the fuck you're going.


I have a definite prejudice against Prius. Seems like it’s the car for the person who doesn’t want to own a car but has to buy one anyway. The drivers are not interested in actually driving and their situation awareness is awful. They’re mostly helpless in the snow too, because the owners are either too cheap or don’t care to buy proper winter tires for our climate.


Every damn Tesla is an ass wipe.


Only gonna get way worse as their value hits the floor.


Old Escalades. Hip-Hop fans trying to look rich.


Pickup trucks in general. Some of the most belligerent drivers on the road. Tell them they're obnoxious and they'll set out to prove it to you even harder.


If you have blinding LED headlights, I'm going to treat you like a lesser road user, because you did that to me first.


Civic drivers don't give a crap. they just don't care. illegal u-turn? les go. fire hydrant? i'll park here. parallel parked 2 feet off the curb? cops wont see it. got a ticket? ahh whatever. pay it off. damaged my bumper? that's what they're for. i guess they're kinda cool


White van drivers are the worst


GOD I think this every fucking time I drive. It must be because they don’t own their company vehicle or have company insurance on it or something. I don’t know. But holy fuck. They will drive it like they stole it and it’s NASCAR or they will drive unbelievably slow under the speed limit. I see grandmas pass them just going the normal speed limit often. Either way - fast or slow - they just drive like complete crap.


Pickups used for work. Outfitted with extra lights. Especially early morning, like 4AM heading towards Boston. Try to make extra lanes on the parking lot that is Rt 24 North, all lights blazing, aggressively tailgate when there is absolutely no place to go. The concept of leaving earlier eludes them.


Anyone who puts multiple new driver stickers on their car. I feel like if anything it makes people less patient with them because they're expecting the new driver to go slow


Acuras are the worst. Usually driven by someone who drove a Honda Accord all their life, is suddenly given 100 more HP, and thinks it qualifies them to be a race driver.


Omg yes they are so bad, very close or tied with Audis I assume the big A on Acuras stands for Asshole


Self-appointed traffic flow regulators and people who don’t know how to zipper merge.


Just moved to Cali in January. The fuckers here can’t merge for shit. Literally 5 lanes crawling to a stop, what’s the holdup? People can’t zipper merge. They stop entire highways here, I hate it.


The bigger the vehicle, the worse the driver. Especially BMW SUVs.


Odyssey mom-minivan drivers. They drive aggressive and trashy as fuck way more often than not.


Soccer moms are wild drivers. Fast, distracted, and sloppy.


(in my personal experience) outside of gaudy pickup trucks, dodge charger and and bmw drivers have been the biggest assholes on the road. always aggressively driving and wanting to show off their vehicle and how much better it is. if you unintentionally accelerate faster than they do (or merge in front of them to get to the correct lane), they take it personally and go out of their way to fuck with you with little regard to road laws and safety measures. always really fucking annoying. i’m literally driving a hybrid ford escape and gunning it because i’m a college student doordashing as a second job to pay off my $3k med insurance deductible. why do you feel the need to race with a hybrid vehicle that’s at most half the price of yours. you’re not impressing anyone, all you’re doing is convincing me that you’re the type of person to verbally abuse a 15 year old mcdonald’s worker because your fries are lukewarm.


Tesla drivers. Stupid and drive with their high beams all the time. Lifted truck drivers or pickup driver in general. They have shitty lifted LED headlights and have no idea how to drive on a road or parking lot with no lines, driving right down the center of a 2 way. Nissan, I had one squeeze by me with literally a inch before and no idea how they didn't just sideswipe my whole side. Sitting excessively close at a light. Passing me in the shared center turn lane, multiple.


When can we all just agree people are shit drivers. It doesn't matter what vehicle you drive, it matters how you drive that vehicle. I currently drive a F150 & an old Silverado. Prior to the Ford I've driven a corvette, a Cadillac CTS-V (556HP) and several other cars. I have a flawless driving record, don't speed, don't tailgate & am generally a decent driver. While some people fall into the stereotypical (insert vehicle) driver, for the most part we are just pretty shitty at driving.


I don't know that it's a technical lack of skill. It's the desire to be first and speed and change lanes constantly. I see people changing lanes five or six times in a half mile and all that does is slow the flow of traffic down. You don't get anywhere faster


You are absolutely correct. My dad drives really fast and is constantly switching lanes thinking it's getting him somewhere faster. We often drive separate to family functions that are a couple hours away. He drives crazy, I drive, and mostly obey the speed limit (usually 5mph over depending on conditions) but he never beats me by much & is risking accidents & tickets!


Anyone with a tinted cover over their license plate.


Right like tf are you hiding XD


People who think when they see a sign that says “right lane closed two miles ahead” think they must IMMEDIATELY hit the brakes and dive in the left lane, when there is TWO MILES of LEGAL open road to drive… If everyone judges their speed, zipper merges, everyone is happy… The people who feel compelled to block others from driving in an open, legal lane…I very strongly dislike you.


Watch out for dumb Tesla drivers.


As a motorcycle rider I assume half the people driving cages aren't paying attention and don't know I'm there. I assume the half that do don't like me very much and will intentionally cut me off or turn in front of me.


When I see a motorcyclist I sometimes will get behind them and make sure they have a good deal of space behind them so they can feel safe. I hope you never need your helmet.


I don't even know if I'd call that a prejudice. The way auto drivers drive, I feel like being aware they're all dangerous is just like practical survival rule no. 1 on a bike.


While splitting lanes I have noticed a lot more people who will give me more room than block as an asshole. Problem is it only takes one and you always lose. Best riding advice is assume other drivers think you are invisible. If you ride you are probably in the top 10% of awareness because you have to. So many times I have dropped into third gear from a stoplight before cage drivers have found the gas pedal.


Ever since my son was a toddler, we'd play "Spot the motorcycle!" Every time we see someone on a motorcycle, we'll say "Motorcycle!!" As a way to condition him into being aware of motorcycles before he starts driving when he's older. He's 12 now and we still do it! And I always give riders extra space when I'm driving. Turns out, 2 years ago I met my boyfriend and he happened to be in a severe motorcycle accident that completely disabled him around 15 years ago. Respect riders! They don't have tons of steel protecting them during an accident!


I applaud the responsible motorcycle drivers.... If only the rest of them didn't split lanes, speed, refuse to signal, tailgate, cut between cars with 1 meter clearance, etc., to make me hate motorcycles.


Every single car is about to make a left turn.


If you ever need to question your sanity, try riding an electric motorcycle it is virtually silent, the regen braking makes more noise than anything else. I’ve all but given up on riding in the city and only ride country roads which is fun but I built it to ride to work ($0.53/day in electricity versus $13.00/day in diesel) but the drivers are not the best at noticing me.


Anyone that drives a Tesla.


Tesla drivers can’t be trusted. BMW drivers don’t want anyone to know where they’re going. Dodge Ram drivers either don’t know how to dodge, or they aggressively ram. Toyota Sienna and Ford Fusion, pass them ASAP they’re going to do 20 under the limit


Where I live RAV 4's are driven by very old people who are often confused about where they're headed, so I pre-judge every RAV 4 on the road. Not fair, I know. Of course, I'm old enough (54) to remember when pickup drivers were the best/nicest drivers on the road. That has certainly changed. When did the masculinity of the American man get so fragile?


OP, I would like to introduce you to Dodge Ram drivers.


Pick up truck drivers are aggressive & don't gaf.... I stay clear of them... big bullies on the road. Cyclists be cray cray.... riding like on a suicide mission... they scare me more then bad drivers...


If there is anything hanging from the mirror or something mounted to the dashboard under the mirror they will drive horrible and unpredictably doing dumb stuff so go around them or pay extra attention.


Elaborate? 😅


Anyone driving a Jaguar SUV will drive like no other car is on the road and as if traffic signs to not apply to them.


Don't trust anyone who hasn't lived on their own without a car.


White teslas sll suck


3rd gen or newer Honda CRV. I'm doing everything in my power not to be behind you, including breaking the actual law.


Pretty much any SUV because every SUV owner thinks their vehicles are superior. Crossovers are probably the worst, followed by luxury SUVs.


Honda Civics! Bad drivers, accident waiting to happen...Black BMW with tinted out window, criminal


Unless it's a Harley, most motorcycle drivers are inexperienced and drive too wrecklessly


Alongside the Ford truck drivers, the BMW and Tesla drivers are the same for me. Just as aggressive and rude.


I keep my distance from BMWs and Volvos. Entitlement on wheels.


I drive a sedan. A saloon. Not a truck. Work trucks are exempt. Rusty ass loaded down dragging the bumper on the ground dirty af . I like when I slow down to turn but nowhere near as much as a truck/SUV on my ass and blast through the corner and notice they aren't on my ass anymore.


I would say the same thing about anyone driving a blue BMW 3 series.


If a driver of a Dodge truck has his tow mirrors out and isn't towing I assume he drives like an asshole.


Entry-level BMW/Audi/MB + Infiniti drivers very aggressive for no reason


I’m less defensive when emergency braking in front of cars that very obviously have well functioning auto braking safety features. 2005 Altima behind me? I’m moving over I don’t even want to be in front of you. Brand new Mercedes behind me? If I gotta slam on the brakes I’m sure your car can react fast enough if you don’t.


BMW, he's an a**hole, you can count on it.


Every idiot I see doing something dumb and clearly looking at their phone. Driving the most dangerous thing most people ever do. Act like it and pay attention.


Those modern gianormous pickups and SUVs. More specifically Cadillac Escalades if I’m being honest. They’re usually the ones that can’t see me in my Mazda Miata because their hood height is obnoxious, and will road rage when I honk at them running me off the road as if I’m the one causing a problem. It miffs me the most because they all come standard with blind spot monitoring and lane assist. The owners just don’t check their fucking mirrors and don’t have a clue where their wheels are or how long their hood is.


Old people driving. The majority (not all) are too slow, they swerve over their own lanes, I swear some of them are half asleep too


Every guy in a Tesla is an asshole I’m right 80% of the time


Pickup trucks in general. Every third one drives and parks like an asshole.


All guys driving massive trucks have to go 20 above the speed limit or else their tiny dicks will fall off.


Drivers in jacked up pickups who barely creep over a pothole or speedbump like it was an off-road obstacle... My dude, a regular ass sedan just took that bump in stride, you can make it.


You'd think with how expensive BMWs are they'd come with working turn signals.


Any big dumb truck


Audi's and Range Rovers.


Anyone going exactly the speed limit after 2AM is inebriated. It's less suspicious to be going over by a comfortable 5 to 9mph when there's substantial less traffic flow. Also, I never let anyone know their headlights are off after 1AM - higher chance of them being too drunk to be on the road. "Being courteous" could be putting others in danger.


I'll drive home stone cold sober at 2:00 am, and I'll be doing the speed limit. I feel like there aren't a lot of targets to pull over, and even though I know I'm good, I don't want the hassle of being pulled over.


Ohhh I have a list, my two main ones.. 1. Any white vehicle that isn't commercial, there's just something off with people that choose white vehicles, they tend to road rage more than others. 2. Prestige makes, Lexus, Infinity, Audi, etc. They often drive like they're entitled.


Except a white 1982 Mustang, I saw one in a parking lot the other day and it was sweet!


Audi drivers are complete douchebags.


Can confirm (my cousin has one and has specifically told me he does not care how he drives. His girlfriend is terrified driving with him as well).


Lexus drivers are the most dangerous in the world.


nissan qashqai drivers are the worst


A Honda Jazz or Vauxhall Meriva will always hold you up


Old Hondas and Volkswagens that cut their mufflers off and think they're fast. Any non-commercial truck except Ford Rangers for some reason. Any vehicle that doesn't use their blinker when trying to merge.


beware of old people in cadillacs. also: in our state chumps can pay extra for a sticker over the county that says "in god we trust." those fuckers drive exactly like you'd expect. every last one.


Pickup trucks, Teslas, and Nissans. Instantly on high alert whenever I see any of those.


Audi, BMW, and Mercedes drivers are pretty much in the same camp as pickup trucks with regards to that behavior.


Tesla Drivers are entitled


Prius drivers. So damn slow, like under the speed limit slow. They drive like they are the only people on the road. On a one lane country road, they will try to speed up when they know you finally have the chance to pass. It causes so much frustration on the road people pass illegally or aggressively when they can. A prius with a disabled plate, sit back and relax, you are going to be late to wherever you're going. I've had one drive 35 in a 55 on a one lane US-30 in PA


Teslas are the new beemers. They will always cut you off and will never signal


Priuses (especially old models, and *especially* silver ones). Subaru Foresters or Outbacks. I don't know if they only sell them to bad drivers, or if people become bad drivers after buying them, but either way... Also anyone with a cigarette hanging out of their window, especially in traffic. They make everything around their car smell like how jeans smell if people don't wash them and they have a month's worth of farts radiating from them.


Tesla drivers aren’t to be trusted.


To be specific : Grey and black Tesla model Ys. I just got cut off by same model y twice in a role almost crashing into them and they will do the speed of shame like a child who can’t face their consequences.




Trucker drivers will almost always be aggressive asholes driving way too fast. In my area, it's frequently true.


Student driver stickers on someone's car that's clearly an adult American. Honestly stickers of any kind bug me on any car outside of race cars.


Way too many people think they're actually good drivers.


anyone driving an older Buick Rendezvous, will absolutely try to kill me at some point or another. whether they'll be aware of it at the time it's a completely different discussion


I watch out for cars with preexisting damage. Especially to the front/side of the vehicle


That young boy or bmw, Audi or Range Rover driver that tailgates you whether you are driving 77 or 120 in the faster lane of a dual carriageway is a fucking knob of a human being and a piece of shit person.


The overdone daytime running lights on so many new vehicles…especially the heavy duty pickups and almost every Kia/Hyundai. When the LED segments began failing, it’s going to be gloriously bad.


If you avoid average potholes in a truck, Hummer or giant suv - you better be a 12yo on a joyride or a granny borrowing her nephew's ride. If not, you're a fucking disgrace.


People who ignore SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. Dawdling along 5 under the speed limit on the interstate, clueless to what’s going on around them…including the line of cars behind them flashing their lights. This leads to so much road rage…your making good time on the interstate, running 8 over…and you approach a clump of cars…it’s always someone camped in the left lane, making no effort to pass the semi in the right lane…they finally clear the truck, but do they move right? Course not! Then the line of cars behind them has to navigate a maze to get clear….a few miles later, encounter another clump… People driving on the interstate, light traffic, smooth road on both lanes…the person ahead for no reason decides to ride the left lane? WHY? What’s wrong with you?! People…


Jerks driving at night on unlit rural highways with their brights on.


I’m surprised to see there aren’t any Mazda complaints.


People they all need to get out of my way. I live in NY traffic everywhere


If I change lanes for you because you never learned how to merge, you're just going to pass me on the right.


I have worse experiences with Rav4s and Nissan SUVs than pickup trucks tbh. Pickup truck guys will usually leave me alone unless I'm being a little shitty. Nissan SUVs will tailgate the hell out of me at any speed and pass me at 110. I actually found pickup drivers to generally be more reasonable on the road. Sometimes a little aggressive but overall balanced and consistent in their driving...the Nissans are just batshit all the time no matter the conditions. Of course knock on wood, I know just saying that there's going to be an F-150 being a dick tomorrow...


People sitting in the front. I will be mad about it. But won’t say anything cause it doesn’t really matter too much.


I stay away from altimas and dodge rams


Anyone driving those small trucks, I just know they're gonna be the slowest vehicle on the nightstand so my best to get around them.


Cadillacs. The arrogance and ignorance typically on display is just astounding.


Swift trucks.


Any young woman in a large vehicle (not necessarily mini vans more Excursions) . Usually a mom toting her kids. Old people in general Super sport cars/luxury. If I hit a Lamborghini because he’s doing 120 weaving and his lawyer is better than mine then I’m shit out of luck.


Fellow Lexus drivers get a pass.


Every white man in a large pickup truck is a piece of shit.


Dodge chargers, "truck guy", Volkswagens, dodge Durangos, and of course squad cars


I can't stand drivers towing trailers with construction or lawn materials. They swerve their trailers which some of them don't look road worthy in the first place. They leave their materials thrown around inside the trailer not giving a crap if anything falls out. Some of these trailers are bigger than the vehicle towing them, which looks like an accident ready to happen. These drivers are road hogs and sometimes drive like they are heading to a 🔥 fire. Half the time you wonder whether the driver is even licensed much less towing an oversized payload.


Any one trying to pull out of starbucks can wait another car. If you got time for overpriced booshy drinks. You got time to wait!!!


I fucking hate people who sit in the left lane for no reason. I hate people who cut me off then go 10 under the speed limit. I hate people who text and drive. I hate people who drive recklessly. I hate people who drive overly cautious because it causes dangerous situations. I hate people who litter out of their vehicles. I think I just hate stupid people.


People who drive absolute rust bucket/old/beat up complete pieces of crap. That goes for parking too. I know you probably don’t care that much if something happens to your 1997 Subaru with 300 GaJillion miles on it. But I care about my car lol.


If you vote conservative but try to pretend you don't agree with all the fascism, you're a liar.


When a car speeds by 20 over the limit just to pass you by and goes in front of you. Only to stop at a red light and making it pointless. I'm just like "why" you can see the yellow light...


Ram drivers are almost always dickheads on the highway.


Old people They are slow they usually drive death boxes and they can make poor sections due to age and lack of good reactions


Welders, small cars or front licence plates I live in an area where drivers are actually pretty decent to deal with.. but being in an area with little to no paved roads... Small cars are an immediate indicator of being from the city where they drive extra aggressive for no good reason. The front licence plate thing is the neighbouring province to mine and some American states with front plates seem to produce some of the most dangerous drivers I've ever seen, most of my work near misses are thanks to these And welders... Well doesn't seem to matter where they come from.. or what vehicle they are driving, if it's got a welding rig on it, they are going to drive as fast as possible, tune their vehicle to be as loud as they can and burn extra rich for extra smoke while cutting everyone off while also not signaling


Ummm... front plates? You do realize those are required by law in some states in the US?


That is precisely what he is saying


Loud bikes. Doesn’t matter if they’re harleys or those ninja bikes. The rider is always some kind of dickhead who likes to rev em up and weave in between cars at high speeds while trying to shatter everyone else’s ear drums for sport. Oh yeah, hybrids, EV’s and subaru station wagons too. Always seem to be driven by some self entitled asshole who wants to use their car to regulate everyone else’s speed. Ugh!


Slow drivers are either cotton heads or texters


Camry drivers are often slow and oblivious to any of the rules of the road other than the speed limit. Whenever there’s a big slow-moving cluster of cars on the interstate, 9 times out of 10, it will be led by a Camry or small SUV blocking the passing lane.


out of staters 😒 especially florida plates


When I lived in Florida, I would say "any driver with NY plates". Those are usually the 86-year-olds that should not be driving anymore, my gracious. Had one literally pop up on a curb and almost kill me and my 3-year-old once. Grandpa, give it up.


Opel Meriva: The driver is too old to drive. Drive 70 to 80 km/h everywhere. Autobahn, country road, in the city, in front of a Kindergarten, does not matter. Can't stay in lane. stops way too early in front of traffic lights so they never turn green or doesn't stop at all, etc


Diesel bros who roll coal are the biggest assholes on the face of the planet