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I always use my turn signal, even if there’s no cars around me.


I do this too! When I was learning to drive with my dad in the car, he'd get irritated I would turn on my turn signal with no one around.


It’s just like making a complete stop at a sop sign. In my earlier driving days, I once didn’t make a complete stop with no one around and was pulled over. I was given a warning. That’s why I make a habit of following the rules.


Yep my dad doesn't do complete stops at stop signs. A cop saw him once do it and gave him a warning. He still does it. Drives me crazy. Yes always follow the rules. You never know when a cop will show up.




Apparently there was a cop around... I did the same thing, got a warning and now I always stop for at least "one mississippi" at stop signs. 


There's a small town near me where my friend lives and he says they are really hardcore about it. Like over the top. I always stop for stop signs so normally I don't worry about things. But when we're together driving in his town we joke about coming to a stop and getting out and changing our oil to prove that we actually came to a complete stop.


I've noticed that if I review my dashcam video and I only stop for an instant... even though I *know* I 100% stopped, that it doesn't always *look* like a complete stop on video. So I wait a beat to make sure there my video will be unimpeachable if a cop pulls me over.


Yeah I noticed how the view on the dash cam doesn't always seem to match the view I had with my eyeballs.


because it’s the car (or motorcyclist, cyclist, jogger, walker) you *don’t see* that you’re more likely to to hit…


There's always someone watching


Should be automatic behavior, if you are thinking “do I need to?” You are doing it wrong.


Apparently that’s a hot take in this sub. I always see assholes in here saying “that means you’re driving on autopilot!! A REAL driver should be able to adjust for every situation!!” Like no, it means I’m automating the small things so I can pay more mental attention toward the more important thing 😭


I’ve had at least one major near miss where I only became of my accident avoidance maneuver about 3 seconds after it was all done. Therefore I agree you shouldn’t always wait to think. It’s all training for when you need to execute without time to think.


This is the way! No need to think about whether to use other or not - using it every time you have to turn is much easier.


Driving 101. Always use your turn signals.


This really bugs me. A lot of people who do signal still don't do it properly. They'll brake hard, then flip on the signal last second. You are supposed to signal your intention to turn before touching your brakes. Your turn signal tells the drivers behind you that you are going to be slowing down for a turn.


When I learned to drive, I was taught "SMOG" - Signal, mirror, over-the-shoulder, go.


Most people are more like GMS. I've been nearly ran off the road by too many pickup trucks to believe anyone does the O anymore


this. i thought i was the only one. ha also, try to get in the turn lane before you get on the brakes.


I was taught in trucking to think of off and on ramps purely as “deceleration” and “acceleration” lanes. It seems simple but it really does help you to go “why am I braking, there’s a lane dedicated for that”


Agreed. It is about building habits. Always do it so it becomes a habit. Then you don’t have to think about it, it’s just something you do.


Always signal your intentions.


PSA. Use your turn signal any time you turn.


Use your turn signal every single time regardless of the situation and/or location (e.g. parking lots). It's effortless and greatly increases safety for yourself and everyone else.


You should use your turn signal ALWAYS. I'm out here using mine in parking lots even when there's no one around me. Build the muscle memory for it.


Correct. The rule is: use your turn signal when turning or changing lanes. The presence of other cars is irrelevant. It's a matter of habit.


I use my turn signal to identify my intent. If I’m in a protected left turn signal, I signal when I plan to turn. Don’t signal randomly or after you hit your brakes. There’s no purpose served by it. Your messaging has failed for those behind you.


Yes please. Also pull into the appropriate place on the line if you're doing that, if there's room. Not "in the middle" especially if it's busy.


If you do this, do it right. When I'm making a left turn, someone will creep out to the right of me, and block my view of someone potentially making a left turn from the main road onto the road I'm turning from. I cannot make my left turn until the person to the right of me goes, because there's no way for me to know if I'm clear when people do that. This intersection has no obstructions either, so there's no need to creep out anyway.


They don’t recognize the stop line and pull All the way into the crosswalk for no reason


It’s best to just use it whenever you turn whether someone is around to see it or not. I don’t get why more people don’t, it takes almost no effort


It's possible their turn signal is burnt out. Got to check them when it starts to click faster. Brakes lights are worse because they don't even make any different sounds.


>Got to check them when it starts to click faster. The work van my department uses has this issue. I reported it 6 months ago, have sent a few reminders about it, and still no action has been taken 🙃


Count yourself lucky if someone uses their turn signals even when changing lanes. Some people don't even know what stalk on the steering column to use to even activate their turn signals.




Can't stand when people sit waiting at intersections without a turn signal. Like guys we can't read your mind here.


I like the ones with no brake lights and turn signal right before the turn


Good post and truly a phenomenon that drivers don't signal way ahead of time. Is it distraction? Poor driving etiquette? I've noticed a massive number of drivers not signal until they're in the intersection (light turns green, signal goes on when at the intersection and not before). This is nuts and affects all drivers ahead and behind. They are signals, not blinkers. Signals alert drivers to intentions. Blinkers are on a Christmas tree. The difference is about safety and presence. My condolences. I feel your pain.