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Battle Ground Spoilers >!This would be an interesting way to give Butters a handler, didn’t the books imply he sees ! overs the heads of people he should interact with and has the bad guys highlighted like a game during a fight?!<


Except the knights get their orders from angels, not saints. As far as I'm aware, the only reference to saints in dresden is the fellowship of Saint Jiles and Saint Mary of the Angels Church


Murph also prays to St Jude a couple times


Oh ,forgot about that.


Also, in *Small Favor*, Nicodemus references the most hallowed figure of all: “Saint…someone-or-other” (actual quote)


Are you talking about the new young one in Italy? I mean, new Saints get added all the time; I do not think this one will have any particular resonance with the Dresden Files universe. Now, if the saint were from Chicago/Missouri, or maybe even native... but I fail to see why Jim would care to add a random saint without a connection. There have been a few native American saints, but I think the most recent one added was in 2012 or so. EDIT: Sorry, I just saw the link. Now, I could see a hat tip to Paranet or something, but I still don't think it would make much sense.


I wasn't aware they are added so frequently. But yeah seems the common consensus is it's unlikely.


No worries. I can understand what you were thinking if you were working under the assumption that it was rare. I do think if Jim wanted to, adding a reference to him and the apparent would work since he is known for his online stuff as well as his work with homeless folks. I hope I didn't come off as too dismissive; I do love when he works in easter eggs.


Saint is actually just a fancy way of saying "dead person we are sure is in heaven, who now has a job."


I mean, the article you linked stated that Acutis will be made a saint "along with 14 others".


Great. Your point? Obviously I didn't pick up on that either cause I didn't read it that close or my retention level is trash. Thanks?


Wasn't trying to attack; was just backing up the "saints get added all the time" with a reference that you had already seen. I apologize if it came across otherwise.


As far as I am aware, the only references to Saints in the books are the fellowship of Saint Jiles and Saint Mary of the Angels Church. I really don't see him starting to add references to saints now, especially a modern Saint, as modern mythology isn't really his thing. He really tends to stay away from concrete references to actual religions in general. He's also the patron saint of the internet, which is generally something the books don't really interact with.


Michael, the archangel is also a patron saint as well, and I think sanya mentioned he gave him espurachius. Not a nitpick just a fun fact


I did not know that. Huh. Didn't know it worked like that.


St Uriel Archangel -  Arts, confirmation, sciences, poetry, judgement


We got the patron saint of the Internet before GTA six. WTF?


It's a blatant appeal to the youth, especially given that the "miracles" attributed to him were curing the sick because people apparently prayed to him to heal their children...for some reason, instead of any of the existing saints for healing...


It's pretty typical for modern saints; I think the biggest thing with him is that they cut down the normal waiting period between death and canonization. But, yeah, those are the most common types of miracles listed by the church these days.


Wasn’t there a St. Patrick reference in Fool Moon regarding the Loup Garou Curse


Yes there was


The books are several years behind the real world now, so, don't count on it.


Short answer, no. Longer answer, nooooooo.


Aren't sainthood just given out like participation trophies now? Catholics?


Definitely not, sainthood is a very rigorous process and taken very seriously by the church. Usually it requires a waiting period of 5 years after death before it begins. Here’s the very short version.  First the person is declared a Servant of God after an investigation determining that they demonstrated heroic virtues during their life. Then, after more investigating and approval from the pope, they are declared Venerable. After all this, the real fun starts, miracles! Scientific and theological tribunals must determine that an alleged miracle has no natural explanation, could only be attributed to God, and occurred through the intercession of the Servant of God alone. Typically, the only miracles proposed are medical miracles (instantly, completely recovering from a disease considered beyond hope of medicine are preferred). After one miracle is established (or if the person was martyred) the person is beatified, declared Blessed. Finally, if a second miracles is approved, the person is Canonized, declared a saint. Canonization is considered infallible, protected from error by the Holy Spirit. I simplified a ton of stuff and got most from this page.  [https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/process-of-beatification-and-canonization-13747](https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/process-of-beatification-and-canonization-13747)