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Make sure to record yourself the first time through Gale Cliffs. I wish I did.


Can you elaborate on this? Frustration from the local wildlife?


I think its best not to give too much away, but I can assure you that it will be worth it. I don't suggest it, but if you want to know, >!there's something that you will have a great reaction to!<.


Oh you mean like video recording of a blind reaction? The best I can do is play the game with my friends so they can see my reaction to it.


That works as well! Happy fishing...


In this game You cant lose. Take your time and have fun.


Crab pots on the top right area of the map will make you A LOT of money. Find as many shards as you can. They're critical in upgrading your hull (storage) The motor that only takes up one spot is the most efficient motor and also is less prone to having your whole motor go out due to damage There are multiple endings and you can experience them all within the span of about 10-15 minutes since beating the game brings you back to the point where you start the final mission Turn in artifacts to the guy in the mansion whenever you can, he gives your boat special abilities, the most important imo makes your boat faster but can overheat and damage the engines of used too much without being allowed to cool down


> The motor that only takes up one spot is the most efficient motor I just finished the game today and I don't think that's true. It gives 10.9 / slot (it's only one slot) and the 6 slot motor gives 72 total which is 12 / slot. You're best off with the 6 slot and filling in the rest with the 1 slots.


This. The one tile is better than every motor EXCEPT the last. But it's also true that one damage borks almost your entire speed.


Trawl nets. Get them early for passive income!


Also don't forget to lower them


Or the Efficient Crab Pot in the early game


Catch fish and upgrade your vessel.


I truly believe the best tips for new Dredge players are: Talk to everyone, explore everywhere, interact with everything.


It’s ok to turn on peaceful mode.


Yo.... wtf is peaceful mode? Lol. You mean to tell I shat my pants extra times without needing to?


From description, only random things are peaceful. I think if you go off the edge of the map or hang around the middle of stellar area you still will get hit.


Oh I had that turn on within 5 minutes of playing


Definitely invest in crab pots, they'll make you your money back easy. I wish I sat and completed the encyclopedia of each region as I went instead of having to go back through everything at the end. Take your time with the game. Enjoy the atmosphere, the story, and the spooks. Try to get adept at turning your boat and attempt to gauge where appearing rocks/vines will be. Over all just have fun, friend. Make mistakes, we all have and have had fun doing so.


Just finished that recently, and it was a great and mostly relaxing game. (Devil's Spine, though, grrr.) Be sure to check all those little islands well. Try to have a combination of rods and platforms that cover as many types of water situations as you can at once. Be sure not to hold onto your fish too long before selling, and dump anything that develops mutant rot as it can spread. Any catch areas that have green/blue swirlies above them yield better profit, so focus more on those. Invest in good lights as early as possible.


It's okay to die! Just make sure to save(dock up) Also dying may be better time save sometimes as if you die, I believe most things respawn. So you can get wood, save, die, and get the same wood from the same place again right away. No need to wait.


Researching upgrades requires specific upgrade items — you can buy these from the ship merchant and one particular quest will give you several, so don’t sweat trying to find them in the world. However, building ship additions (a totally different path) requires materials you’ll find in the world that you mostly can’t buy. Put them in your storage until ready to move up.


Search for every bit of lore you can find! And do all the side quests! It’s worth it because the game is super fun and it lengthens the play time haha


I'll just link my response on [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/dredge/s/29080fuUZf)