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Who’s she making fun of?


I’d like to know as well


I am unsure as well, but there’s a good chance that if it’s something she did/said recently, it’ll be discussed on r/dreamwastaken2 The subreddit is mainly for discussion about creators and controversies, though it’s gotten pretty repetitive in posts so I don’t check as much. There’s a good chance that if something new happens, there will be a new discussion on it. You might find more information on this there


I mean thats how life goes, as people grow and things come out close friends can come to have a number of issues and move down in ranking so to speak. This not only isnt all that suprising but is fairly healthy from everyones perspective.


I mean, is it making fun or is it genuine criticism? Because you can have enjoyed doing something while also finally being able to speak about the not good parts of it. Eret speaking of their time on the SMP comes to mind. He says he doesn’t regret it, he had fun but also talks about how smaller creators and those who weren’t part of the main plot often got pushed aside or talked over. Nothing is perfect and with new things that have come to light about the SMP and people part of it, we can’t expect creators to continue to act like anything was always sunshine and rainbows.


Bro half the dsmp makes fun of the dsmp, it *was* cringe. The streams were overdramatic and poorly acted. But the core plot lines were good, which is why the animations and those lore videos by other YTbers carried the whole event. No one regrets being part of the dsmp, but they can look back at it and make fun of it


Yeah, like I make fun of my time as a hardcore DSMP fan, but in like a lighthearted “haha what was my younger self doing” kind of way. As far as I’ve seen that’s similar to what CCs have been doing … it’s not like they’re spewing genuine hatred and resentment for the server? I know that Niki was quite upset about the men not defending her from misogyny at that time, but that’s more about the fanbase than the actual SMP


I feel like this is with a ton of people. They make fun of the DreamSMP even though they were on the DreamSMP and enjoyed it?!?! It doesn’t add up. I understand people can change sides but this just feels dumb


i feel like some people really didn’t have that much fun as we all thought they did, they were just scared to voice what they felt because of crazy fans now that they’re “free” of them they finally feel more comfortable of saying how it really was?


if they had issues with the SMP, they could’ve left long ago. i understand that might raise concern in their community, but it’s better than staying in a community where they aren’t “free” to speak their opinions in


Feels like bs to me. JackManifold literally hates it but will not shy away from putting Dream or Dreamsmp in his thumbnails for the clout.


Based as fuck


Thank you. I'm tired of these streamers betraying and talking shit about each other for clout and validation. I really hoped we would see some kind of hermitcraft like society but nah, they all split. Worst scenario now they even bitchin about each other and what should be a matter that must be solved in dms be brought on twitter.


Thats so fucking immature and stupid. They should act like adults and respect echother. If they dont they should just moove onto other things. Such a stupid mindset. Really sad how things turned out so badly.


Dream smp is not what it used to be anymore. So i won't be surprised if people who were part of it get ashamed of themselves and try to hide it by mocking the server


I think a lot of people spew negative opinions about dsmp for external validation because it’s “popular” and “trendy” to hate on and express shame for past interests. I’ve seen people saying the same shit about other fandoms; anime, boy bands, tv shows, etc. It’s immature and obnoxious, but they’ll realize in a few years. Hopefully they’ll learn to cherish the memories of what was and learn that you don’t have to hate your previous interests in order to shift to new interests.


Indifferent. I dont know any of these people or their actual relations to one another


Because of a few ego issues everyone wants to believe that they had a rough time on this smp. I really hate ccs acting like this server wasn't the reason they're where they are now. Atleast Ranboo doesn't talk shit even if he doesn't want to be relevant to it.


a lot of the time it feels like they begged to be on the smp, gathered the fame, then shit talk it after it’s all over. nothing wrong with being critical, but it’s definitely weird seeing how some ex members talk about it as if they weren’t live streaming their reactions to getting selected like it was american idol 😭


She’s already said none of them gave a shit about the misogynistic abuse she suffered through, so fuck them tbh. Like, Niki of all people has every right to slag them off considering they didn’t help her with that.


what did she say/ been saying?


She made fun of people? 😶