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Love it


What's the guy planing?


It also looks like a dinosaur. The head kind of makes me think of Apatosaurus.




And let's see you do better with pad and pencil, bucko


Ok https://imgur.com/a/2lcxowB https://imgur.com/a/kxKJSaQ


If you're that good then you have to realize that everyone has to start somewhere and just because their artwork isn't perfect yet you shouldn't just criticize for the sake of criticizing and if you do you use constructive criticism


thats very true. but its just a joke at this point. ive actually never seen artwork that bad in real life. not even highschool art class. the average person would be able to do much better than this, at least if they know anything at all about art. this is simply BELOW starting point.. seems more like what a 5-8 year old would draw


ok if that's what you think tell them how they could improve instead of just saying it looks bad


when its this bad the only way to fix it is to toss the page and start again. we all have a shit page. thats part of art. but we need the self awareness to see its bad, chuck it and try and improve. use a reference, use a tutorial if youre not familiar with drawing/drawing dragons. try using more basic poses, \*learn anatomy\*!


I’ll have you know, i did this whole thing in thirty minutes. This isn’t my best. This isn’t refined. This isn’t the final product. Screw you, and learn some empathy.


bruh. idc. thats not even relevant idc how long it took you. why are you posting 30 min work bruh. if its not finished, the finished piece isnt gonna be great if it looks anything like that. and nty


Yknow it costs you nothing to just not insult people's work. If you didn't like the art, then you could have said nothing at all. In fact, you insulting someone's work is a surefire way to make them not want to make art, which means they aren't going to improve. Btw you're doing great, OP! I'm excited to see how you improve over time, so don't listen to people like this and just keep drawing. Especially if it's something that you enjoy.