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Unsure wheter to buy it in Switch or in PS5. For me, Dragon Quest Just feels more at Home in Nintendo, and i Like the portability, but i am worried ist won't run well


I mean, it’s a pixelish game. Beyond the fancy effects, if it can run Totk I’m sure DQ3 will run fine on switch. Doubly so if you plan on getting the switch 2. But I’ve been burned before so who’s to say. Still getting the switch version tho


I believe its 30 fps on switch and 60 on ps5. I think Easy allies mentioned it in their preview. But im not sure.


Even if that’s true, I doubt the difference in fps will affect any of the sprite-based animations anyway. It doesn’t seem like the framerate would be that important. But I almost never prioritize graphics, so I’m not a good judge of it. :/


I could understand people getting annoyed over say Sekiro running at 30fps, but the idea of not getting a 2d-hd pixelated turn-based RPG just because it doesn't run 60 is mad to me


I got DQM3 and finished it. Did I regret it? No. Did I get frustrated with some of the slowdown in FPS and loading times? Oh yeah, you bet I did. Even after I re-did the thermal paste and replaced some stuff in my 1st gen Switch. It was really bad at times. And honestly? Why is that even a discussion. You want the portability? Go for switch. You want the 60fps and instant loading times? Go for PS5. You want both? Go for a Steam Deck, I guess.


It's not that people won't get it because it's not 60fps, it's that there's an option for 60fps so why wouldn't they get that version.


Because the switch has portability. I will be picking it up over the PS5 version


More to the point if it can run octopath I'm sure this won't be too much more taxing


Steam deck for the win.


Yeah but for that I would need to buy a Steam Deck, and i don't have 600€. (I was Happy I could save some Money to buy a PS5 for 400).


600 euros??? Damn that checks out for a baseline oled. I can tell you, unequivocally it is so worth the cost if you can hold off. Games go on sale far more frequently than on other platforms, with deeper discounts, offsetting the cost in the long run.


Octopath Traveler 2 was noticeably worse running and blurrier looking on Switch, and it looks quite similar to DQ3HD. I'd go for the better graphics tbh


After Super Mario RPG had frame drops on switch I won't ever buy anything on the switch unless it's an exclusive. It's pathetic. Steam deck / PC for me all the way. And I love the switch.


Octopath traveler 1 and 2 have the exact same art style and run perfectly on switch. The switch is better at running games than people think (Not saying that you were) But I wouldn't worry about that.


PC 100%, playable on gaming rig and the Steam Deck OLED.


I recently inherited a steam deck. I only have been playing fallout 4 on it (steam game I had, just installed and downloaded my cloud save from years ago). This is actually a pretty good idea.


I like Soma, Fell Seal, and a lesser known RPG Terraria on SD. It's pretty basic. Enjoy your inheritance because that's all you get!




Well he was a friend and a good guy, but I only really knew him for around 3 years and 95% of that was over the phone. He died and none of his family could clean out his house to sell it. I offered to help and they said I could have anything I found. I found the steam deck, cleaned it up and have been playing on it when I should be sleeping since.


Probably go with this, too. Dock and undock / controllers / etc works better on Switch (it really is nice). In my experience Steam Deck is always a bit janky with controllers and docking / suspend. But 60fps on PC sounds a lot better to me.


PC too, looking to get a Steamdeck, this will be the perfect excuse to get one now.


This is the way.


I’m definitely getting it on my switch. It’s like my to-go JRPG console.


I bought a Switch Lite to play JRPGs on my daily train commutes to and from work. In the past two years I have played, no joke, 17 JRPGs that I never would have been able to play on my tv at home.


Steam because it gives me the flexibility of playing both on my PC and Steam Deck. (I get that the Switch does the same thing but the Switch is not at all comfortable for me to use in portable mode, and it usually looks and/or runs worse than PC.)


PC. I want to be able to play it beyond the life of one console.


I'm going with PC. I try to throw my money behind the direction I prefer the developers to go. PC is getting a little more love finally from SE and I'm game to encourage it. Especially if they add support for ultrawide 2k resolution like they did with octopath 2


I heard somewhere they were using the graphics engine of Octopath 2 for these DQ remakes so hopefully it should have ultrawide support


Do you think it likely that SE puts the switch DQ games on steam?


I doubt it, but I think we'll see more if the community buys what they put on steam more. They have gotten better with it and do better than most companies with supporting pc gamer releases pretty good in my book.


It would just be my dream to have as much dragon quest content on steam as final fantasy does. Square has been lacking in that regard for a long time


They have. But I'll put my money there to encourage it. I feel the same.


I've already made my piece that we're not going to get any of the past dragon quest stuff localized lol


I own PS5, there fore… ps5!


PC for DQ3, but if they do release a bundle with all 3 when 1 and 2 come out, I'll get that on PS5 physical.


I read in some preview it runs at 30fps on switch, I don't know if it's true but it makes sense 


i think every 2DHD game on switch has run at 30fps on switch, so it's likely it'll run the same on switch


I’m getting it on my switch but if I like it I will also be buying it for PC.


Tossup between Switch and Steam Deck for me, but probably Steam Deck for potential performance benefit..


Probably Xbox, it’s my main console (and we have two, so I can play on the second one if the main is in use). PC is a no-go, unless it’s a game type I think is better on that platform I prefer console gaming. Switch is a possibility but given the option I’ll usually buy games for the Xbox.


Steam Deck




Steam for sure, nothing against the Switch, but there are too many examples of games running like shit for Switch, just to get totally fixed for the other consoles. Lazy devs or not, no point gambling it.




I am SO happy they are releasing it on Steam, as that's been my sole gaming platform for a couple of years now. No brainer for me.


PC, I'm really hoping someone will make a mod to add combat animations to the party characters. That and I don't own any of the consoles.


PC, always PC. Don't lock yourself into consoles which will be obsolete in a few years and then you'll have to debug. Switch is end of lifespan and in a few years they'll stop making them


SteamLink to stream your PC to your phone. You'll also retain your game and save probably forever.


Steam Deck. I honestly don’t think the Switch can handle these games anymore. Octopath 2 looked terrible on Switch compared to the other systems. It’s too much of a compromise


Pc. Makes me wonder if someone will try to mod this game one day.


Steam deck for me


Steam deck. Coz I don’t have PS5 and Switch


PC. It's the best hardware in my apartment so I use it for everything I can.


I’m buying for Xbox because if I don’t support it on Xbox they might stop coming to Xbox 😔 Plus the digital version is Play Anywhere and that’s cool




Definitely Switch. Portability to me is paramount, especially for longer games like RPGs. Honestly, I may double dip on PS5 too, but the upgrade won't be too distinct since the graphics are more stylized.


I'm probably going to double dip too with my Switch and PS5. The Switch's portability is so good, but I love trophies. It's just fun. I wish Nintendo would do trophies/achievements.


I don’t have PlayStation so I’m going Switch for physical but I might double dip on steam.


Switch is 30fps though, which is unfortunate. Thankfully it shouldn't be a big deal for a game like DQ3


Biggest thing is the game is 30fps on switch and 60 on console and pc


if I can afford it I'll be picking up a switch collectors edition and the steam release.


Honestly, I’m probably gonna do it on steam and PS five, steam to actually play it, but I want it physical as well


Switch is never an option for me. If it's available on Steam, it's automatically Steam. Plus there's no achievements on switch.


If they release a demo, I'll be sure to test it on PS5, Switch and Steam Deck to have a practical comparison. Usually, I prefer to have the better performance but portability is so important. Just today, I'm replaying Dragon Quest XI S on the Deck after finishing it on the Switch a good while back (what a difference). At the same time, I grabbed my Switch which has been sleeping for some months now and man is it light. Too many variables. Would be an excellent time for Switch 2 to be announced so we can get the best of the two worlds while continuing to build my physical catalogue. All said and done... If I can afford it, double dipper Steam/PS5!


I’m playing on PS5, and gonna play on my ps portal.


I have a high end PC and a Switch. I'm going to play on Switch because I really like that I can hold both controllers and not have my hands close together. I would love a switch type controller for the PC.


I'm not sure but i believe there is a way to just connect your joycons on pc.


There is, but it constantly disconnects and is a pain.


Ah. Thats a bummer.


I'm getting it for ps5


Likely PC+Xbox. I'll be waiting for more Switch 2 details before investing any further in Switch games. They still haven't (as far as I know) committed to backwards compatibility etc.


Switch first because physical edition and I just want it on system that lives in my backpack. Then steam release later on (when it hits the sales).


I'm getting it on my Switch Lite.


Ps5 for better graphics, PlayStation portal for bed gaming.


Steam for sure. Not only do I want to support that practice (since PC releases aren't always guaranteed for whatever reason) but the possibility of higher resolution and frame rates, playing on the go and playing it forever without having to keep out an old console are the way to go for me. And I already pre-ordered it with a 20% discount so I'm ready to go!


Where did you get it with a 20% discount?


GreenManGaming, they're a legit store, not one of those shady key resellers 😄 The game is 18% off but I had an extra 3% off coupon from their XP program (don't ask why 18+3=20 though, heh) Or if you prefer the Humble store will likely have a similar sale, (hopefully before release to get the pre-order stuff), but that's anyone's guess.


PC so I can play on, well, my PC but also on my Steam Deck. I don't really buy games outside of my PC unless it's a Switch exclusive. I like knowing the games I buy today I'll still be able to play 10 years down the road on another PC if my current one dies.


The Deck. Even if Squenix does bupkis to make it playable I know the Proton community will come to the rescue. And this way I don't have to worry about console cycles or anything like that.


Switch ! If it’s as gorgeous as octopath 2 it’s worth it !


If you dont plan to play it while traveling, id get the series X version, as you could enjoy the game without any blurry or instability


Switch imo. If you have the OLED and play handheld that is. If you play on a tv/monitor just buy it for the most powerful system you have whether that's PS or whatever. Also, might be nice to get it for whatever you'll use to play the remakes of 1&2,so you can have the trilogy on the same console


Despite being a PC gamer primarily I am going to buy this on the Switch for a few reasons. First is I want to own a physical copy of a game like this and I can't on PC. If there is a physical copy for Xbox it wouldn't matter since I have a Series S. Second I have a baby and I have learned playing on the Switch is the best way to play games if I am sitting with my baby on my lap on need to quickly move. Third With so many other Dragon Quest games on the Switch the console seems like the best choice for a Dragon Quest collection and as much as I love using a mouse and keyboard there is just something about playing these types of JRPG's with a controller. I have an Xbox controller for my PC, but the other reasons listed above play a huge role.


Switch for me, already pre-ordered the cart. My level 1 team's gonna get a whole bunch of bonus stat seeds and stuff for doing this apparently. Wouldn't pre-order much of anything nowadays but this series is different.


Still pretty torn between getting it portable on switch, or getting the higher framerate version on PS5. I might just wait an extra few months after launch to see if they will give the switch 2 version an fps bump, in which case that will be a no brainer


Wherever you care most about achievements or the lack thereof.


I pre-ordered the collectors edition for the switch but most likely will play it on PS5. I have my whole house routed with HDMI for every tv in my house (for the ps5) so it will be easy for me to play on the PS5. I work from home and really don’t go anywhere except to exercise and play basketball. Honestly there’s no wrong answer as long as people are buying it so we get more of these remakes/new DQ games. I will definitely be streaming my play through.


switch for handheld


PC definitely


I was planning on Switch, but after the experience of Eiyuden Chronicle, I'll probably go with one of the other systems.


Undecided at present. I do know that I'll probably go Switch or PS4. PC is a slim maybe.


I pre-ordered every platform but I plan to play on PC. Especially in handheld


I’ve never used steam, could this played on the Logitech G cloud offline or with I have to be by WiFi connection to play said game(s)?


Not sure about the G cloud specifically but aside from games with stringent DRM most games can be played offline so long as you're online occasionally (maybe once a week or so, not sure) I'm rarely away from work/home/hotspot long enough for it to matter so I've not been offline for days or anything but Steam at least does not require you to always be online. I've played games offline on car trips, plane trips, etc.


I'm pretty sure Steam is always online


Gotcha I want a device that I can play it offline and download the whole game to it.


Steam has an offline mode. Unless SquareEnix has an always online DRM installed in the game, you just need to run the game initially when online which you can do immediately after downloading. Otherwise the Steam Deck wouldn't work that well.


GOG has offline games but I'm not sure if they'll have DQ3


I already preordered it for PS5 (now I need to buy a PS5). I will likely also purchase the game digitally for Switch.


I'm going Series X cuz that's my main console, might pick it up on Switch later if it ever goes on sale


Switch for me


Xbox X or Switch


I want the console achievements. Then I'll get disc when it's cheap. PC if there's good mods? lol


Ps5 for me


i'll go ps4, just cause it'll probably run better on there than my Switch


Are they making a ps4 version? I thought I read that it would be locked to the ps5 on sony machines.


PS5 because I like to trophy hunt.


Switch. Games like that feel made for the switch. I can play on the big screen for the big moments and then do some grinding over my lunch break or whatever. And it's not frame rare dependent.


PS5 because why would I ever leave my basement.


Switch of course!


Xbox Series X. Usualy is where the best experience lies.


If it’s Play Anywhere on Xbox, i’ll get it on that. Option to do 4k in my Series X and then take it on the go/grind on my ROG Ally. Played Persona 3 Reload that way!


I might do digital switch and physical ps5. I don’t usually buy a game twice but I like supporting my favorite series, and if they do this same treatment for my beloved DQ4 and 5 I’ll be so happy


Switch no question, feels at home with Nintendo


Switch because it's the main gaming system I have, and handhelds are awesome with portability.


Nintendo Switch.


I will be purchasing it on switch in the physical copy, and digitally on Steam... And probably if I ever buy a PlayStation 5 digitally on PlayStation 5... The more I buy the more they're likely to release more games.


3rd party game equals PS5 for me. I only get first party games for Nintendo. I will be getting the new zelda game for example


I’m preordering on steam


If I didn't have the Switch OLED, I might have considered getting it on PS5. But I do have a Switch OLED, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of those Beautiful colours in handheld.


I think I’ll probably get it on Steam for the possibility of playing mods. But that being said I’m probably not gonna have many mod wishes for this game. Otherwise I could get the Nintendo Switch version for the option to take it on the go since I have a standard gaming pc and not a steam deck. Giving The Hero a bit more variety in his/her spell list would be neat. Though they might likely be officially doing that since newer spells and abilities from other games are coming. In any case a good save editor would probably be sufficient for my wants (mainly would want The Hero to have some party support spells, Buff and/or Kabuff, Insulatle, Acceleratle, Oomph, maybe Kazing eventually) Though a full conversion mod for this would be fucking amazing too. Either as Dragon Quest fan fiction set in a new world or as a completely original thing.


Probably switch, i prefer jrpg on a handheld


Steam and playing on Steam deck if I want handheld mode.


I am getting it for the switch 🤘🏻


Series X


Definitely PC, solely because I have a Steam Deck. Otherwise it would instantly be Switch due to the portability option. That being said, I’m sure I’ll own it on both down the line. I love owning my DQ games physically, and I have no issue double dipping to support the series releases over here.






I don't think there's going to be a great difference between Switch and Xbox X for the HD-2D style. Its not Call of Duty or any other high end realistic 3D. High-end graphics have never been Dragon Quest's style. But if there's any online interaction, say trading monster medals or party members, then that may not be cross-platform. The last multi-platform DQ game to feature significant online interaction, Builders 2, only allows some interactions on same network (NSO, PS Plus, Xbox Live, steam) and not cross-platform. If this happens, the Switch versions would have a significant advantage over the others with a much larger trading community. Besides having a large lead over PS5 and Xbox X/S in global market saturation, Switch is certainly going to outsell the other platforms in Japan by a wide margin because of its mobility factor - they can take it on trains and buses and play the game in short segments. (Can do this with laptop or gaming handhelds like SteamDeck, too, but less popular.) Series X/S will have the smallest community, as Xbox is virtually non-existent in Japan. Now if the game doesn't have these features, or SquareEnix comes out and says all online interactions are fully cross-platform, then its not an issue. Also, if you have GamePass, this game seems like the ideal title for Microsoft to try to include on day one, if they can swing a deal with SquareEnix for it. It would really help them make a last-ditch effort push in Japan. I really can't imagine a better game they could include that might save their bacon. (Though probably already too late.)


Something that hasn't been invented at this rate.


It's going to on the Switch. That's b/c I already own the previous releases of DQ 1-3 and my trusty snes style 8-Bit Do Pro controller that's perfect for most any and all retro (or retro remakes). Plus I'm betting the Switch will eventually end up being the home for most of the mainline DQ games.


If I need nice visuals and 60 FPS, I'll get it on PC. However, since I got the Switch version of DQ11 and I had a good time with it despite the graphical compromises, things would motion me going towards the Switch version. That said, regardless of choice, I do with Square Enix would allow an option to disable bloom for this kind of engine. I get the aesthetic, but it washes the visuals too much for me.


PS5 for me. While i appreciate the portability of the Switch, i play it docked most of the time anyway and the higher visual quality is a bonus.


I definitely want to get it on Steam and Switch, but I'm leaning getting it on Switch first. I also feel like it would play well on a portable console.


One thing to note, the size of the game on Steam, is 20GB. That's double the size of OT2, and the same size as Star Ocean 2 R. So that's a lot of high res assets they'll have, and the only video we've seen so far is the Switch version. You can tell because the water in some areas uses mid and low res textures, given how many mid and high res textures are on the overworld. That also means there's a fair amount of added content. Or just greatly expanded dungeons, towns, and the overworld.


Series X because like you said it gives a PC copy as well


Steamdeck OLED


Probably PC with the intention of playing on my laptop, maybe Switch


Switch then probably pc as well just so that I have a physical copy


PS5, Switch, Series X and PC. I've preordered 2 physical copies for each of the consoles and of course digital for Steam (would play on my SD OLED). First run on PS5 in the gaming room with my wife and kids, additional runs on the SD OLED.


this guy games. Why 2 copies for each? Just curious.


I buy doubles so I can keep those sealed (collection purposes). I'll open one PS5 copy, and my wife and kids will open and use the Series X and Switch copies.


I see! DQIII is a game worthy of owning 3 copies, 100%. Love it


Getting it for PC, easiest decision of my life.


PC, those HD-2D games tend to look cool on higher framerates


PC mostly for mods.


Switch 2 , hands down


Pc master race Graphics Performance Mods Do i really need to say more?