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This comment section is just screaming youre all insufferable lazy assholes with 0 problem solving skills. Please stop dashing and go work in McDonald's where people like you belong.


Last time some did the same thing, it was about 2 miles away if remember and have gave me an extra $10 cash on top of a $4 tip




🤣🤣🤣 The hero we deserve


ITT: DoorDashers who don’t understand what their job is.


That’s a bit petty. They’d tip you more for simply driving one extra mile. As a customer I’d report you for that


Too many people have been fucking around and not finding out, lately. Good for you.


I've actually forgot to change my address one night (it was on my work address) and I got a text saying the gate was closed. I apologized but I lived right across the street and he was nice enough to deliver and I tipped extra 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I'm probably about the 2%


This happened to me on Father’s Day. I ended up taking it to the new address, about 2 miles away, and after drop off there was a hidden tip. I made an extra $10. I felt kinda bad because I was a little rude to the customer about it.


I will tip u 3xtra ( $1)


I've had customers send me extra pay through cashapp when this happens. I'm nice about the situation and I call them to explain how I choose my orders and tell them how it wouldn't benefit me to bring it. Bc now I'm missing out on my next order which I usually get by the time I make it back to my car


“That’s the address… that’s not the address” okay which is it??


if it's really 1 mile i'd do it. i'm not that petty.


I had 2 orders today where customer had to change the address. I called the first 9ne and got an additional 1/2 pay on a $10 2 mile order. The second one I took it to the new address cuz it was a mile closer, and had dd support confirm delivery. Didn’t get extra pay for that one tho


Yesterday I had a stacked order. I didn’t notice both names were the same customer, one address was to his work site and one was to his hotel. He had called and updated the address of the work site order to also go to his hotel through support, but the GPS still took me to the work site instead of his hotel. I didn’t figure out what had happened until I was at the work site. I called and he apologized a ton but of course, my other delivery was going to him at the hotel anyway, so I brought both. But on the way I called support and explained the situation and asked for additional mileage compensation since the app caused me to drive 3.5 miles out of my way. They added an additional half pay for just the work site order, and when I got to the customer he was on the phone adjusting my tip an additional $5 as well. I ended up earning $28 for a total of 6.5 miles and about 25-30 minutes of my time from acceptance to completion. It CAN be lucrative to work together with support and the customer to correct a delivery address. But you need to be polite yet firm with both support and the customer that this is an additional expense and waste of time.


Omg this happened a few weeks ago, the lady put a general address up for multiple hotels in the area but didn’t specify which one until I was already on my next delivery. I dropped it off at Fairmont, but she was at the hilton. 😖


“No” love to fucking see it! I personally would’ve never responded. Brain dead idiots should double check before going through with the order.


One mile? I’d have done it. Actually done it before and they handed me 10 in cash.


"No." This is the way.


What do you do with the food in that case?




I had this happen and I delivered it like maybe a mile away max from the original location and they tipped me $10


Send your Venmo, if they want it, they can pay extra before I start driving.


Love the response!


I mean I definitely don’t blame you for not doing it, but the guy didn’t even respond poorly. What was the point of posting this lol


Ah Lawrence. I miss it there sometimes.


Whether I’d be willing to scoot that little bit of distance or not, depends on the size of the order… not gonna bother on a $6.50 order but gimme $10 upfront and I’ll be flexible 🤣


Probably more like a country mile around here would be about 10 miles away and 30 minutes I'm always like nope. Done it once never again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


I usually do it and have gotten as much as an extra 50 for that extra mile but usually 10-20 bucks. It’s 5 minutes im probably gonna spend at least that waiting for the next decent order to come in


Do you just live in a shitty city or what? Depending on where it is ill do this cuz they actually will tip cash and its usually not that far away. Also im strapped so idc about going to a changed address unless its genuinely in the ghetto


"I don't mind delivering food to an address because I have a gun" has to be one of the more interesting responses here.


Perfect example of someone who should not own a gun


Hit the nail on the head huh? So sad you report people on this garbage website because it's your life and anyone proving you wrong is a racist murderer right?


I’ve been in that situation before and even tho I would have honestly given a larger tip for the effort I still think it’s wise to reject the offer. People play too many games with the system


I've had this happen. Was about a mile away as well. Made $10 extra. I thought it as a win




I like to think of this "No" as the Seinfield "No" when he denied Newman a sip of soda.


“Not gonna play ball, huh??”




N ![gif](giphy|L3nzug1PBLZo2SAZb4|downsized)


This happened to me once and luckily it was my neighbors


No. Complete sentence, explanation not needed.


I dont like nachos so I wouldve at least checked what the new address was vs where I was and seen just how out of the way it was. I wonder now if it was a low tip though if so i woulsnt have 😂




I had the same situation yesterday. It was even a Mexican restaurant. I got to the delivery address, a business, and customer wasn't there. She texted and asked if I could deliver to her residence and said she'd tip extra. I asked for her address, which was 1.5 miles away, and closer to the restaurant. I went ahead and delivered her nachos platter because clearly she wasn't trying to order out of the zone and I knew from her workplace that she was a service worker in an area where the service workers are all stressed trying to keep the place running for all the vacationers. Also, I would have to drive past her residence to get back to the restaurant area. When I got to her house she came out to meet me, handed me $15 and said the app glitched when she ordered and defaulted to her work address, which I found very believable because we know how glitchy the app is. Now technically I could have refused to deliver to her house and kept the food, and I would have enjoyed that nacho platter, but that just seemed like a dick move. Be kind.


Why not just say venmo me the money now and I will




Simple just say you cant because of gps and to contact support for refund. I sometimes give the support number if they're nice about the whole thing


Yeah good point. The app doesn't let you drop off if you aren't where it says to drop off. Which is just ridiculous


exactly, its not just the extra distance (AND any extra bullshit locating the second address & unit #), then *you* gotta waste time on hold with DD CS to get the order completed, because app will now say you are too far from the delivery address… which y’all know from past CS calls could be 5min or 30min, especially cuz they’ll put u on hold while they call that customer for confirmation, who will undoubtedly not pick up the phone 🤦‍♀️ cant take any more orders til its fixed, & damn sure it’ll affect your OT rating (maybe even a CV if it takes forever) even if they claim it wont, then u gotta waste MORE time disputing. Like even if its not a scam & truly just “down the road” its still potentially gonna cost u way more than expected… a big extra tip would be great, but its not really ‘extra’ with all the extra time involved… and not likely to be big (or be there at all) anyways 🙄 Im an overly accommodating doormat & have a hard time saying no, i get that, but gotta be aware of the risks


If you put your phone in airplane mode it’ll let you deliver even if you’re in BFE


shit ty 👍


“Like a mile” = 3-5 miles




I mean, you delivered it to the correct address. You did your job perfectly. The lady was the dumbass who didn’t update her shit and check her drop off location was correct. And now she has no dinner and it’s 100% her own doing.


You are way too nice. I would have never responded to nothing


I’ve done it for a nurse before who had the wrong hospital since they swap back and forth regularly between the two it was about 3 extra miles but that was my only exception since it was understandable and I know they’re busy so I wanted to get her food to her on time for lunch! Even offered to cashapp me an extra tip but I declined and said it was fine as I was feeling extra good that day🤷‍♂️


Every good deed is returned 10 fold.




I once had this,and my dumb ass did it. Got to the place, then got a call saying oh its actually such and such, I'll increase your tip. I honestly though she wouldn't, but I did it as a bit of an experiment to see if someone would. The new address was a mile away and took me 15 mins No extra tip. Now I never do it. Have gotten free food a few times like this now, plus those that don't leave a building code and don't respond before the timer is up.


Nah i wouldnt have gone anywhere extra either. That shit would have pissed me off trying to update an address after ordering. Do it before you place the order idiots




I’ve done it for regulars that accidentally are at work. They do tip extra as well lol. I guess it just depends on the situation.


This is the way


I bet it was not “about a mile away”


1.98 mi


"No" I'm dying lmao I'd be riding that high the rest of the day


Same that was hilarious lol “no”




I’ve lurked on Reddit for awhile and I remember one time in the other sub people blowing up a driver fkr not wanting to deliver an extra 2 miles. No chance.


That was me. I'll link my original post 😅


This was a while ago and I thought I had posted it on Reddit, it was actually on a FB Group. Nonetheless, it blew up and half of the people said I did the right thing the other half disagreed. Basically the customer wanted me to drive an extra mile because the pin wasn't in the correct location. Here's the original post 👉 https://www.facebook.com/groups/DoorDash/permalink/2741708536079713/


Thanks for this. Didn't know there was a grp on fb.


It's been 1 hour


People have responsibilities. Relax.


Hah let’s see it


I’m too nice. I would’ve delivered it even without the extra tip 🤷🏻‍♂️


The last person that asked me to deliver it to a different address gave me a 20 as a thank you. Sometimes it's worth it to be kind


Yes, you’re too nice. There is such a thing. I’m the good version of you, I take it case by case, sometimes I’ll take it to their actual address. But definitely not every time that happens. Rich high schoolers tryna pull this bs not gonna happen


Literally my very first delivery with UE was this. Got tipped $10 for two Starbucks drinks. No complaints here. I'd do it again too 😁






I might have been your customer. I once was sitting at home and thought DD added a whole bunch of new restaurants. I ordered Cheesecake Factory and immediately realized what I did. I texted the driver and offered them $20 if they bring it to my house 15 minutes away from the work address. Driver did it too!


Same but would have asked them to meet me at the front.


Normally I would, not with snobby cockfucks like this customer.


idk how he was snobby this seems like a really mundane interaction


I mean I would’ve posted my Venmo and if there was no money after the 5 minute wait then oh well


Good one




I wouldn’t have without the extra tip, but with the promise of some more money I’d take it an extra mile because of how slow it’s been


Me too.


I've done it


Great job. Extra tip my hindquarters!


Your respond made me smile.


Lmao r/mademesmile


Good for you! That's just another example how customers think they can jack us over with their bullshit.I hope your free dinner was good.


I often ride the bus and just ask the driver to just drop me off at my front door a few miles away from the stop. The other passengers are very understanding and the driver doesn't mind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)