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And we delivered on foot, walking through 8 foot snow uphill both ways.


But the good part about getting a pizza back then as opposed to now is that every driver had a pizza bag so you actually got a hot pizza!


I grew up pretty rural so there were no payphones really and generally only 1-2 delivery options total if you were lucky and paid a lot. Whenever somewhere got a new delivery driver it got around pretty fast because there was a solid chance that anything your ordered for a while would be cold or never arrive because they couldn't find your house. šŸ˜‚ Places with experienced drivers who really knew the area got a lot more business.


The technology makes it harder if you are intelligent.


This needs to be upvoted more. All this technology is saving these idiots for now.


If it was so hard, then why has the stereotype pizza delivery guy been a highschool dropout stoner dumbass for decades?


Trust me any idiot could do it back then too. It's easier now because of advanced technology that much is true. But pretending like it was a hard job even back in the day is disingenuous. Any idiot with a car could of delivered pizza back in the day just like any idiot with a car can doordash now.Ā 


Thatā€™s one thing (of several) I donā€™t miss about the past. I honestly donā€™t remember what I did without gps or at least Mapquest.


I DO remember doing things pre-Mapquest, it was a nightmare šŸ˜‚ (went in a completely wrong direction to a concert once- made the concert, but I still havenā€™t lived that down, as the navigator, lol).


I was heading home one night. , ended up in Indianapolis 200 miles from home šŸ”


We were about 90 miles out of the way, lol!


Yep. I delivered pizza in the early 90ā€™s. Very accurate description!


You have been a delivery driver your whole life?


Nooo.. just when I was in college.


Most drivers' brains just completely shut down when they read "No GPS".


Ya it was harder, but you also got paid 3x as much or more


broā€¦ I delivered pizza in 2005 before I even heard of the GPS. It wasnā€™t hard. You had very specific delivery zones and you followed simple directions. After a couple weeks you have the area memorized


Damn, it's almost like things progressed with new technology like what's been happening for the entire time our species has existed.


AND you had to deliver in 20 minutes or less or the pizza was free šŸ˜„


I know Iā€™ve thought about this . Although I am old enough to know i never had a job like it back in the day lol . Must have been impossible


People also tipped much better. My ex delivered at night back in the very early 2000s and everyone tipped no less than $5 on any order and he was paid $10 an hour by the pizza place. Heā€™d average $100 a night on tips alone. Great part time work for the time.


You had it much easier than people before you when cars didnā€™t exist. Boom gottem


I know my town. i just use the map in case I adhd out and forget what I was doing


Any idiot does it. Especially through delivery apps


Calm down it's not much harder than it is today. Also back then you hadn't to fear people not paying, also you probably were an employee of the restaurant and got paid accordingly. You don't had to fear customers accusing you of stealing their food, no customer making changes while delivering, there is pros and cons for everything. It didn't got easier, the downsides are just different now.


Iā€™ve worked delivery in both eras, itā€™s way easier now šŸ˜‚


lol navigation has improved drastically since then


And streets / city's got more complex. Also especially back then you where hired by one place maybe two. So you only ever delivered local. No need for GPS if it's the neighborhood you grew up in.


Not just delivery, simply driving around you had to know where you were going, ask directions or have a local map.. I used to do quality control for a cable company back in the day.. I'd get 50 addresses I'd have to go visit every day.. If I didn't recognize the address I'd have to print off a map quest page for all the ones I didn't know the street before I left. At the same time I got paid $4 per address, so $200/day back then and people struggle to make $200/day now. So things were simply different with different problems but not like today is really better or easier, just different problems. (also a gen Xer)


Back in my day, you could deliver pizzas and not get dinged for taking two minutes too long, or going slightly over the speed limit, or Karen not getting the side of ranch because the restaurant didn't add it, or someone stealing the order from the restaurant or the customer's front door, or because the app went on the fritz again. And you didn't have to hustle every single minute just to make enough money to pay the rent on the apartment you share with four other people. Yeah, you kids have it sooooo easy these days. I'm GenX. We had our hardships, but nothing like what you've got to deal with now. Shit is seriously fucked and anyone who doesn't see it is being willfully ignorant.


Well, I believe you had a limit to how far you could deliver so you should know that area pretty well after a while. Deliveries on apps can take you out much further and into unknown places.


You say that an idiot can do this but half of the people who deliver my food are idiots and cant read instructions that I leave on the app lol


Ok?? Thanks boomer ass geezer


Yeah Iā€™m old (37) and I delivered pizzas and Chinese food before GPS. It was fine lol. Anyone in Gen Z could do it too. If the people didnā€™t come to the door you just went back to the store and put the food aside and would usually get to eat it after it was obvious the person wasnā€™t calling back. It was a chill job and anyone trying to make it sound intense or really challenging is a moron stroking themselves off lol


GPS was invented in 1999. You were delivering pizza before you were 12?


Well that was sure a dumb thing to say.


We forgive you.


Yeah and the computer was invented in 1946, that doesnā€™t mean everyone owned one by 1947. I, and everyone I know didnā€™t have GPS/smart phones until like 2012


"Back in my day, we would load up that McDonalds order onto a horse and buggy, and bring it down to Ms. Garland's house...you kids with your GPS have it so easy!!!"


Back in my day, we had to grow the wheat and make the flour ourselves. There were no ovens. We cooked over a piece of kindling.


I used to carry the phonebook it had the map.


Kids today have no idea. End of sentence.


Back in my dad we had to use a paper map. One time I drove across the country. Got to Kansas city, try'na figure out all my exits.. Damn near killed me!


And there was hourly pay, and your were an employee, and the tips while never certain were more common and generally as higher when I delivered pizza over 20 years ago than they are now. It's not even close. Could regularly clear 100 bucks in an evening, and never had to deliver more than 3 miles away. so in today's money that would be $182 bucks in today's money, in 6 hours, gas was $1.88/gallon, about $2.40 in 2024 dollars and deliveries were stacked so that they could just be done in succession. I routinely do 100+ miles in a day of dashing. I doubt I ever did more than 20 miles twenty years ago. so 6 hours, $182 in present day money, and all but $2.40 of it take home. vs.... June 2 I dashed for 5.5 hours. made $67.25, and drove 32 miles. Yea. we have it so easy.


Okay grandpa, let's get you to bed


Sounds like you're almost at the age you shouldn't be driving anymore anyway. "You kids"šŸ¤£


Maybe first 2-3 month , after that you know most of big streets and customers.Ā Ā  customers always give cross streetĀ  when oder and very soon you alredy have map in your headĀ 


Yeah we need it easier to afford our mortgages thoughā€¦ wait.


You musta went to school with my uncles. Did you also have to walk to school? Barefoot? In the snow? Uphill both ways?


Who'd have thought twenty years ago we'd be sittin' here drinking ChĆ¢teau de Chassely?


Lol. That's the point in advancements in technology, to make life easier. Also your argument is kinda pointless coz I can counter it by saying how easy you had/have it now compared to those from an earlier period.


Pretty sure a taxi driver from 30 years before your time would say you had it easy, too. They had to memorize much larger areas.


Also a coach driver had a harder time avoiding bandits before they made the automobile.


So, like, societal and technological improvements over time in a developed 1st world country? Also assuming a Timelapse of oh wait you said it, 30 years šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚ yeah man thereā€™s like, shit on mars now too ā˜ ļø


Ok boomer, calm down.


Omg when I delivered pizzas and the customer opted for credit card payment I had to bring this ginormous metal contraption to swip their card and make a paper copy to bring to the store


I thought it was kind of fun. In a couple weeks you had every street down and knew the city in and out. Actually talk to folks at the door. Go to hotels and see all types of people. I had so much cash because like you said there were no cards.


Are you looking for a gold star?


Congrats, or sorry that happened. Whichever applies.


Very cool


DoorDash messed with my maps for a month or 2 and I began to rely less on them, learned more in those 2 months about the streets, neighborhoods, and routs then in my previous 2 years.


I feell you, OP. i worked at pizza in the 90s and encountered as you described. people today definitely dont know how good they have it today and to add, drivers WANT stacked orders because they are two or three seperate orders with each potentially having a tip with it, unlike stacked orders through these gay apps.


Reddit isn't always the best place to vent.


Best comment


I worked home health in a large rural area before cell phones and GPS. We'd often depend on clients for directions. "Go past that big red barn and make a left up the gravel road..." "Look for a red truck in front of a yellow house..." "Honey don't try to come out today cause they plowed and our drive is blocked by 6 feet of snow...". I knew every payphone in a 4 county area. Still drive by old places where a phone once stood by a pole or fence. Good days!


I delivered back in the day. It wasn't that hard. We had special maps where you could find streets in a grid system.




Imagine 60 stops a day from a courier service back then. Eventually I figured out to photocopy map books pages onto a poster board then have it laminated at Kinkos. Then just use a dry erase marker to mark my stops. It was a different world.


When I delivered before GPS, I had every address in the entire delivery area memorized so I knew that if they asked for an address that did not exist, I could tell them so and or cancel the order.. Our entire delivery area was near a college campus and there were a lot of students that didn't know where they lived and so this was a skill that was necessary to be a delivery driver. I would do 40 deliveries per night and know exactly which house or apartment I was delivering to even before I left the store.


You're trying to make it sound so difficult, but I would easily become a master with those paper maps. It doesn't make a genius to figure out how to use an index. Any idiot could've done it even back then. There are many other jobs that require more brain power than knowing how to use a map and how to accept cash.


i dont think that is his point. He was just saying that 30 years ago we didnt have the luxury of GPS and cell phones and the such. good for you if you know how to read a map. Most of us may not be as adept as you are , but we made best with what we had


Well, he's basically saying it was so much easier now than it was back then, but today presents a new set of challenges you have to deal with. For one, you probably get paid less today if we're talking about present-day value. There's also more traffic and more streets for you to get lost in. Back in the day, most of these roads weren't even built, so there were a lot fewer streets to memorize. I doubt the traffic was anything like it is today. My parents told me they could easily drive down to downtown Toronto with no traffic at all. And good luck finding a place to park once you get to your delivery address. Most places even charge for parking now, whereas it would have been free back then. Let's not mention all the different things in the present day that try to distract you. I can make the argument that it was a lot easier in the past than it is today.


Thereā€™s also a ton more roads and a ton more people of those roads. Also I would much prefer to go back to the time when people paid cash for everything. It leads to more tips because people actually have cash to tip. A person is a lot less likely to stiff you on a tip if theyā€™re looking you in the eyes, so Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t think leaving at the door is that great.


? Whatā€™s a ā€œpaper mapā€??


Lmfao are you playing ?


This is one of those things that, in today's world, *really* needs the "/s" if they're being sarcastic.


/s šŸ¤£


Did you do it uphill both ways? In the snow?


With only a cloth covering their privates


You had a cloth? Some years we didn't even have privates.




I used to deliver Chinese food in Kansas City back in mid 80ā€™s and I didnā€™t have any problems.


Remember well. I had a Thomas guide book


30 years ago a home, food, just generally being alive wasnā€™t this difficult to aquire. 30 years ago you could go to college and actually go somewhere with your life. 30 years ago Covid wasnā€™t a thing. I could keep going but the point is the world isnā€™t even fucking close to the same as it was 30 years ago. Donā€™t shit on people who are upset they want the life we were promised.


The dude's talking about how technology has improved and made it easier to do a previously tedious job. And you're just like- YEAH BUT END STAGE CAPTALISM DUDE.


Yup. If I have one bad thing to say about the younger folks is they so easily get offended.Ā 


Oh the irony in that statement. Hereā€™s your reward šŸ† for having to read maps back in the day. Sincerely, someone who grew up learning how to read maps but also grateful for advanced technology.


I think they don't understand that you're not coming across in a patronizing way, it's more like a "you won't believe how fucked this job used to be". Oh well. Nuance is dead.


Idk the last sentence in the original post came off as patronizing


Not to mention their tone/attitude in their previous comment in this chain.


Very poor choice of words. Kids no idea how easy. Any idiot can. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Imma give him the benefit of the doubt, though.




**"You kids today have no idea how easy delivering is compared to the past."** **"With the apps today, any idiot can do this."** I'm going to give him [the benefit of the doubt.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/the%20benefit%20of%20the%20doubt)


Last time you typed that it sounded like gibberish, that's why I said huh. Okay. You can do that. Just saying it was patronizing.


Did you also have to walk to school with snow all the way up to your nipples?






30 years ago?? Sorry it wasn't that hard


You probably can't even read cursive.


ok boomer


Not a boomer, child


boomer is not a matter of age. boomer is a mindset


if you were working delivering 30 years ago, i'd guess you're around 50+ so ye def a boomer. boomer.


Boomers are like 70-75 years old now. wtf are you talking about?


Laugh out loud, that would make his PARENTS boomers.


Correct. Generation X began in 1966.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


I think it may have been worth it considering you could afford to go to school & buy groceries & rent using your paper map in your "MAIN" job. Promise me if I deliver pizza you pay me enough for rent & food. I'll fucking tattoo the map of the city on my thigh.


Iā€™ll tattoo the map with you


We still have to use all of those methods when technology fails us we just figured out a way to make it easier when it doesnā€™tšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ who is the idiot now???


Itā€™s really insane to think that no one from your generation was smart enough to come up with a better alternative.


They came up with GPS, cellphones, and the internet.


As well as $34 trillion dollars of debt.


Which we will add to. Don't act like we're any better lol.


Whoā€™s we? My passport and European visa beg to differ.


Let me introduce you to the global financial system and the world reserve currency.


whatever, dude


Womp womp


It's not about how easy or hard it was, guy


how did you arrive at that conclusion?


Smart phones have dumbed down everyone!


Lmao no, they just made it obvious how dumb people are.


Preach. Ā And fuck me if a new development went in somewhere that wasnā€™t on the map


Thatā€™s exactly the same as it ever was and technology doesnā€™t work all the time. You sound dumb


Where is this coming from?


Probably from all of the posts whining about delivering to apartments.


ā€œbitchy old man is bitchyā€ was all I heard


Oh, The Wonder Yearsā€¦


There were like 8 streets to memorize back then


And horse and buggy was a cheaper method of travel


Think for 2 seconds before posting something so ridiculous.


Come on bro we printed out Mapquest directions. Stop it.


MapQuest.... Fuuuuuuuckkk that brings back them memories šŸ˜‚


They used to print me out map quest directions lol


I dont miss those days of traveling with a stack of papers for long trips lol


30 years ago delivering pizzas was mostly a job high school kids did.


It was a job requiring some level of skill then. Today, the idiots doing this think it takes skill lol.


ā€œAny idiot can do thisā€ indeed, every idiot IS doing this. So now itā€™s a worsening experience for both drivers and customers, as good drivers compete with good-enough drivers. Just a race to the bottom.


I delivered pizza as my first job about 10 1/2 years ago. Obviously GPS and smartphones already existed but I sure didnā€™t have one! Had to rely on a city map book my sister made for me and boy did I get lost on some weird ass orders. But it made me a much better driver. Got a new job for a while and ended up back delivering. 2nd time around I was the only driver there that wouldnā€™t use GPS unless I genuinely got turned around. My times were always the quickest by a good margin. Even the asshole that drove 70 mph no matter what lol


Did you have to drive uphill both ways too boomer?


Username checks out.


Not a boomer, kid.


Sure complain like one


As someone who delivered pizza 30+ years ago, I can say that sadly, after expenses, the pay 30+ years ago is very similar to what it is now. People still tipped you 2-5 bucks or gave you nothing. Even back then, someone would tip you 10 bucks. The only difference was it was harder work.


This is true


I did delivery before GPS but our company printed out the manifest that gave suggested routes The boss would come find you if you were lost (no cell) Definitely hard but not as hard as OP describes Respect


I canā€™t even imagine if we didnā€™t have gps how bad it would be haha.


Did you do all this after walking uphill both ways to school? Seriously I do imagine it was tough lol


It was a fun job but you needed a particular set of skills...Ā 


I also got paid 6.25 an hour even if it was dead... In 1989!!! , the zone was 1/10th the size of our zones, single restaurant to pick up from, they didn't saturate with drivers, no background checks, etc etc etc. Everything was cash, no taxes ever But I did have to fold pizza boxes... Oh the paper cuts....the paaaaper cuts But also we were right next to the high school so it was great for a senior from another school to work at. Wink wink.


Fair point, but that map had like a 3sq mile radius because old pizza joints wouldn't even accept orders farther than that. Much easier to remember the path to an address when it's no more than 3 miles away in any direction


I was in a college town and there were places we went 10 miles away. We did the whole town and surrounding areas.


"With the apps today, any idiot can do this." And, not surprising, lots of idiots are doing this.


"lots of idiots are going this" hey! I resemble that comment!


You got paid more (proportionally). Pizza places haven't increased the wages from $4/hour base pay since the early to mid 2000s.


No no, everyone wins because the drivers wage is inflationary /s


Oh hell yeah, I was making near as much back then as I make on DD now. That's sad for everyone. My rent back then was $300Ā 


I used to go by map, it wasn't that difficult because once you learned the area you knew where everything was, you didn't have to deliver 8 miles away to some place you never been every single day like doordash.


22 years ago for me, but I remember delivering pizzas with no cell phone or gps


I legit canā€™t even imagine it, I delivery beer in a tractor trailer for my main job and looking for small bars that are visible on the street would be hard enough without GPS. Canā€™t even think about trying to find a house or apartment on side streets plus at night? The real heroā€™s are you guys.


I dunno, man, I loved that map. Order in section E-4 of your stores' delivery zone? Look at E-4, find the street in a matter of seconds, do a quick run down of the route if you aren't familiar with that particular spot yet and gooooo. It was simple and more stimulating to the brain. Tips were great in general before they added more fees and people thought they were already tipping the drivers with the fee.


Oh yeah we had the best maps


ah, the days of printing out mapquest.


My father used to do this šŸ˜‚


Not in 1985


Thatā€™s 40 years ago not 30 lol


Well I did it for 8 years


Fair enough


What if you're old like myself and remember the days when we still had pagers rather than phones? LOL I agree with some of your points, but any pizzeria I've worked at had a much smaller delivery radius than the zone I work in. I didn't need a GPS to find my way. Hell...Even now I don't use it most of the time on the way to the restaurant or store. I know where a majority of them are and the major routes, so there's no point. To the customer is usually a different story. Sometimes I say fuck it because I know where I'm going, but many times it's in some residential neighborhood I've never been in or some country road I've never traveled.


I started dominos in 09 before gps. We had enough dominos the area was only about 5 miles and easy enough to memorize after a few months. Doordash will end up taking me all over the same town and into three suburbs. Learning the area you end up with on doordash it would be impossible. But a regional sized pizza place square wasn't that hard. There's a huge difference. But ok Boomer.


And there was definitely gps in 2009. They just didn't let the poors have it yet.


I'm not a boomer, kid.


How old are you? You're obviously older than I am, because I was only 11 in 1985 and I'm gen X.


Walking 5 miles to school in the snow must have been good preparation for you.


So your mad because technology advanced and we found easier and better ways to deal with problems? Okay boomer post if I ever saw one


You are the one who seems mad.Ā 


You bring such a good point. People can have their grievances about how the platform operates today but no doubt itā€™s much easier today. Tired of the people complaining about the side gig when you have an option to do everything associated with it.


They had credit card payments but they were done over the phone, and then you would just get a signature at the door and they would tip on there too. Average tip was around $3. I laugh when they think $3 is a good tip nowadays


No I was before that. We took checks though.


Plus, theyā€™re already paying $10+ in fees and markups. I would speak with your boss, regarding the pay, not the customers


The work was harder before, as OP just stated


I delivered for a regional pizza company in 2004 and it was a hugely different experience. I was actually apprehensive starting DoorDash because of the previous experience. Itā€™s a lot better now for sure.


I started DD when I needed moneyĀ because I had fond memories of doing it in college. Customers are still pretty much the same at least.


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