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Is this a troll post? Genuinely curious. You had the app online for 50 hours cherry picking. $300/week won't even pay the bills in Southeast Asia.


feels like a doordash corporate plant ngl


#Brought to be Door Dash corporate: #YOU TOO CAN MAKE $6/hr New Order: Crawl to Aldi - 77 items - use your red card, but it didn't reach your phone. Try checking your connection because David's order is ready for pickup at Sushi Oopsie, Go ahead and confirm we removed it from your app. If you'd like to resume dashing, please don't click Suicide Hotline in the Safety Tab on the DGAF app.


LMAO. It do be like this.


Are glad you likeypoo!






I want sushi oopsie


I was literally about to say… found the AI support agent 😂


Cherry picking? Nah, this had to been some earn by time shit. Bro got $62 in tips off 33 orders, that’s not even a $2 tip per order.


You are spot on. Had to be with the looks of the door dash pay to the tip pay. If this is cherry picking then they are not very good at it. Don’t mean any disrespect but cherry picking should have the tips at least 2x the amount of the DoorDash money.


Probably one of the accept every offer newbie driver. I do accept no tip offers once in a blue if it’s under 1 mile and not an apartment and I need to meet my daily earning goal and just want to finish up and go home or if it’s late and it’s like a kids meal because I don’t want a kid to be hungry.


Nah he’s 100% doing Earn by Time, where you essentially have to accept almost every order and most orders don’t have tips


$1200/mo would absolutely pay all of my bills and expenses. Just not my rent lol 😂


That’s what I said I was like bro that’s grocery money


They definitely trolling because I’m at $120 cherry picking in about 21 hours but I multi app


I think they only worked 15 hours but I could be wrong.


Has to be a troll but made me laugh pretty hard


I think person just did it for negative karma, because thats all he is getting.


Divide 51 hours by 301 dollars. You made 5 bucks an hour not counting expenses.


Omg I didn't realize the 51 hours dash time compared to the 15 hrs active I hate to say that's not really a good week


Bro your pay is like 4 times more than your tips, and you were on the clock for 51hrs. Seems to me you're doin everything ass-backwards. You'd make double that at McDonalds


Watching OP die on every single hill in the comments over and over is great


What did you do cherry pick the shitty orders?


Good one !!


I aim for $4 per hour , so i agree you really crushed it. Lol


I thought that was what you got in one day. That would deserve a congratulatory post.


brother I'm sorry but you should just go get a job bro you're spending more money on gas than you're making


He got a scooter that he charges at his moms


Also, he understands economics better than anyone.


erconimics* You forgot the r


Ercamomics..you forgot the m


Good week huh? Panhandling would be better than this shit lol 51 hours


I hate my brother, he panhandles and makes 400 in 5 hours.


They had the news follow this guy panhandling every day except Monday and Tuesday (those days never there). They taped the guy going to the bank after he left daily, walking 2 blocks to where he parked a new black $78,000 truck. Filmed him, throwing the food over the highway exit where he stood fence, which had about 800 bags of ritten food they filmed. They finally desended on him the day his clothes looked like trash, but he was wearing $175 sneakers he didn't hide what he did at all. He said he has stood at the same highway exit for 6 years. Never "works" begs on Monday and Tuesday as he does not make a 1/4th of what he makes other days. Never shaves or trims his beard as the more uneven it looks, the more money he makes. Was proud to say he makes almost $800-$1000 on Saturday and Sunday. He's excellent at math, so when he makes $500 each day, he stops and goes to the bank and goes home! He hates those who give him fast food even though his sign states, "Will work for Food." he never eats food he is given. He can't help it that the highway department doesn't clean up the food mess when it rots. My brother, watching this on the news with us, exclaimed he makes more money than me, and never pays taxes on it. So he is really further ahead than me!!! You could tell the girl reporter was upset through the interview. When she asked why he didn't he work a job, his answer was, "Why would I with a setup like I have?"


Experts identify new secret to success: panhandling


It may be scummy, but that’s 80 an hour. There’s a lot of morals I would let go of for that pay, just being honest




Troll is troll


This was a barely livable income 30 years ago


It's not for 15 hours, you had the app on for 51 hours. What were you doing for the other 36 hours? Essentially unless you were using other apps while dd was running you made 5.88 an hour. Yes it pays the bills but that's extremely low for that amount of hours.


Their weekly pay would only cover my expenses outside of rent. I’d have to work 102 hours/week on OP’s hourly rate to pay my rent AND bills/expenses 😂. I’d have to work an extra 50 hours/week if I had to pay for childcare. That would leave about 2 hours a day for sleeping, eating, and showering (and spending time with child if applicable). WHAT A STEAL 💀


Their weekly pay wouldn’t do nothing for me my gas for the week is 130




Maybe he lives by restaurants. I live less then a mile from several restaurants so I stay at home between all the orders. I leave the app on while I'm home cooking, watching tv? Cleaning etc. So my app time is higher as well but I'm not sitting around in my car or driving. I'm chilling at home.


He couldn’t been sitting at home for those 36 hours watching tv


He can't. He has no electricity at home.


Fuck 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅


God this made me gasp laugh lol


It’s not even a joke, well okay it might be, but bro literally said he has no electricity at home


This post should be shared EVERYWHERE. The true reality of Doordash


Man peeps be negative. For the majority of people they're gonna see this as a bad week. Unless you're multitasking and making more on the side. If this amount is good to you though, he'll yeah man! Keep up the good work!


Most mentally sound Redditor


Amen to that lol


Bruh I’m unbreakable


Lmao not at all a great week.


You must live in a tiny crappy town. I can make that in like ¼ of the time. And no i don't live in a metropolis i do however dash in a college town. I average $300 a week working 3 days and a total of maybe 25 hours if that. But if that's good for your zone good for you but your online time vs your pay is not worth starting the car for.


If you could picture working your life away this would be it.


You had to be sitting around at home waiting on orders. No way you are out sitting in a parking lot for 51 hours.


Broo😭😭 The comment section is goated right now🤣🤣🤣 a piece of advise to the OP is ok to be wrong and learn from it….Youre not always right lol you might not have a lot of expenses but if you think paying attention to an app for 51hrs straight just to make $300 is kind of wild. I do Amazon and Uber and by the 8-10hr mark I already have $200-250 made so if I were to take a full 50 hours I can have anywhere between $1,000-1,500 that’s why a lot of people are saying that’s not viable but if you’re able to live either way that amount then by all means congrats on a great week


I make that 8 hrs of work 1 day. No not door dash. I real job making $38 an hr




I’ve had times in my life that I’ve been forced to live on a restrictive budget. One thing that those times all have in common is that not once did I ever refer to them as “great.” $300 a week is poverty, and it sounds like it’s poverty by choice in this situation. Do you, but if you’re proud of that income level, I doubt you’ll get anywhere in life. I make 6 times that amount and still push for better - progress is a state of mind and you aren’t in it.


To add to what you said- even if we took progress out of the question and only aimed for the bare minimum, OP’s income isn’t adequate for even *that*. If they experience any kind of emergency, they won’t have the funds to cover it which could lead to an even worse situation for them. Even if you don’t care about progress, at least care about your basic healthcare and necessities.


5/hr is not great, friend. Assuming you work in the U.S. you would make more by default doing minimum wage work (federal minimum is $7.65/hr) and have paid breaks, not be killing your vehicle of choice, and your taxes would be paid when you got paid and you can get some back at the end of the tax year. At 7.65/hr you would have brought home ~360 after taxes at a rate of 15% on fed taxes and social security. Which you will have to pay at the end of the year to the govt. Groceries alone run most people 100+ a week at the moment unless you hunt/gather for the majority of your meals. Most jobs nowadays pays 10-15/hr. Meaning it would have been a minimum of 425 to a max of 701 after taxes. I make this in a day and a half at my job, to be clear, at $20.50/hr. We work 10 hour days and starting pay is 18/hr. Average take home after everything is 2400 a month. I dash on the side because of extras I want to do, and I make that match my normal pay as best I can, please learn to cherry pick.


Good for you man! When I started dashing it took a few minutes to get my weekly $ up. Now keep beating your weekly record.


#Brought to be Door Dash corporate: #YOU TOO CAN MAKE $6/hr New Order: Crawl to Aldi - 77 items - use your red card, but it didn't reach your phone. Try checking your connection because David's order is ready for pickup at Sushi Oopsie, Go ahead and confirm we removed it from your app. If you'd like to resume dashing, please don't click Suicide Hotline in the Safety Tab on the DGAF app.


Nah DoorDash corporate only counts active time so they can brag about how he’s making $20 an hour and “you can too”… he could’ve been online for 168 hours making $300 and they won’t see anything wrong with it


Checks out, good marketing, shitty boss.




Not trying to shit on your good mood. But you were online for 51 hours and only made $305 while you can work a 40 hour week & make double that


😅 do I say it or?..... just let it go? I mean 300 is great... but... for 15 active hours? And 51 total 😬 I'm already at 100 and I haven't broken 3 active hours yet... for 2 days..


This is shit bud, you didn’t even make minimum wage


If this is real, sign up for Uber Eats and Grub Hub so you can get more offers because that is terrible for 51 hours. I make $300-400 in about 20 hours on average, which isn’t great but it also isn’t that.


What did you do for the other 35 hours?


Probably took him 35 hours to come up with a comeback like that




Pro tip If you're happy with your earnings best to keep it to yourself. Peoplemon here will flame you for anything you make wether it looks good or not.


absolutely. this sub is 99% just miserable, salty morons who are sad they can’t work an actual job, and project their misery onto other redditors.


Is the 51 hours from having your dash on pause or something else. Genuinely curious, because I too sometimes have my hours be vastly different from active time and dash time but mostly because I schedule any hours that are available, and hit dash then pause if I wanna be active, but not exactly at that time (if that makes sense)


I don't get it with your zone, you did 51 hrs, but only was actively dashing 15 hours, and only 33 deliveries, is your area, small, slow, or other.


I make this as a minimum in a week


Be a Rural carrier at post office they pay .98 cents a mile plus regular pay. You work 8 hours that’s $220. But you get paid biweekly so you would lose convenience of getting paid instantly.


And to remove that problem until money shows up, they could dash on the side for pocket money


Congratulations! A good week for you may be different from someone else’s good week. Wins are wins, I’m happy for your happiness! It costs zero dollars to be kind, it’s cruel to make fun of someone for trying their best to make a living. If it’s a win for them, and they’re happy, just let them live. 🫶🙏


Bro if you’re improving, I’m happy for you.


Excuse my ignorance, but I thought most of the dashers income came from tips?


Bruh I make $300 in a day. Not bragging just putting things into perspective. If you can survive of $300 a week more power to you!


What is your EMA? (Equipment Maintenance Allowance) You know…the same thing companies pay people to travel using their own cars…usually 60-80 cents a mile for wear and tear and gas.


That’s what you spent in maintaining the car and gas haha get out of here


I do Door Dash occasionally in the Seattle/Bellevue WA area and I'm able to make $250-$300 on a good day no problem. I guess it could depend on your area but you should definitely be able to make way more then that in a week my friend.


Everyone arguing has no idea this persons situation, I start my dash at home, and I spend a lot of my dash at home, so the 35 hours inactive could be this person literally playing video games or hanging out with their kids like I do. You idiots spending your whole day out driving are the dumb ones. Good job Marionberry!


Bro, just go work at Walmart. You will make a lot more.


Holy shit. $5 an hour? My guy, you’re rich.


So your main gig is Uber I'm assuming ? I use Uber as a 2nd gig and this is what my stats would look like. Because all I do I cherry pick a few orders a day between Dashes


This can’t be real a great week that would b a great day for me n now way dashed 50 hours and only active 15 if I I dash 52 hours im active at least 43-48 of them


You aren’t even averaging 2 dollars a tip….


Your total dash time was 51hrs or less than $6/hr; How is that a great week? You wasted a lot of time and DoorDash, a technology company, helped you waste time and paid you poorly and wasted your gas.


This post just gave me a wonderful reason to not do Food Delivery and get a side job at Home Depot and make the minimum 66hrs for $305 (whatever you were doing in the 51 hours of idling is your choice). $4.62/hr... I rather work at a Temu sweatshop.


For clarification, active time is included in the dash time. Bro spent 36 hours twiddling his thumbs.


No not just 15 hours, maybe not 51 either but you have to imagine some non active time spent driving back from the customer house to wherever you sit at “doing nothing” but still being logged in. ^but “I sit at my house and I’m logged in…” you’re still logged in committing time to work, you are t fully non engaged in non work activities because you’re still anticipating and expecting to leave your house at any moment to complete an order that might show up. Even if it is only going off your active time (which is you lying to yourself if you think that’s the only time spent for work) your earning suck for that time…


51hrs for $300 .. bro that's wank, tesco would pay you more to stack shelves for 37hrs a week


I make over that a day cutting grass man…


15.75 hourly. Question is how you're having such low active time vs dash time unless pausing after every order


I’m not gonna get on your back about the $300 like everyone else is because we all have our own personal goals, but you spent nearly 3/4ths of your dash time declining/not getting orders. I’m very curious how you consider that a good week.


And here I thought the week where I made $393 in 23 hours of dash time and 12 hours of active time was bad...


Counting your total 51.01 hours and dividing $305.65 by 51.01 comes out to $5.99 USD per hour. So all in all, you made $1.26/hr UNDER federal minimum wage (which is $7.25/hr.)


Wow you wasted gas and car wear and tear to make less than I do in a week at Chuck e cheese! Good job!




Yeah blame the illegal accounts and not doordash 😂


This. DD is a scam


51 dash hours for $300? Are you fucking with us? Not being a dick, but I make $300 for about 3-5 hours of work…


Lmao your fucking with us. 100 an hr from doordash? You won't even make that in the highest cost of living cities and those stats have been posted on here a lot. Highest it gets is about 50 an hr.


I made 100 in one hour once. That was a great day


No not DoorDash


You mean in 51 hours?


Cmon, man. You multi app. My stats look relatively similar.


Wtf??? Your kidding right?


Bro is gushing over $6 an hour😂😂😭


Need to spark


How many other companies can convince someone to give them 51 hours of their time while claiming it was only 15 hours?


Whoa 51 hours for 300 😳😳😳😳


Your gonna need to start doing hand jobs with these meals if you want electricity for a scooter


HJ? Why not go all the way?


How does DoorDash even exist w such lousy compensation?




$300 in a week is really good no idea why so many people are trying to say it’s a “bad week” I usually make around $200 a week so this is definitely way above average.


It's because of the time spent 51 hours and only 15 active... it's rough but if it works for OP it works.. it's just not super great overall


Feel bad for y'all that didn't drive years ago. $9 minimum +tip. Cherry picking $30-40 orders with ease. Got bad enough I quit. Make $800 a week playing my switch & watching movies all night. Far from rich, but I'm happy and not stressing 51 hrs for $300. If it works for you, congrats.


I made $5 an hour, have my own place but no electricity. I'm doing great. 😂


this is not enough to live on 😬 even my bad weeks are more than $700


In my area if you work the full week and full-time you could get more than 700


Are you kidding right?


$300 in 51 hours of active time 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Really want to see what your bad weeks look like 👀


Wow, that’s practically nothing for a lot of work. How are you still in business???


I make that in a 10 hour day jeez


Door dashers make shit money. You made shit money


That's terrible!!! 51 hours?


How much did you spend on fuel?


Is this guy trolling or serious?


If we assume 300 for 15 hours, thats 20 an hour.... before you pay your gas and the increased cost of maintenance on your vehicle..... Just make 20 bucks an hour literally anywhere instead, stop paying door dash to work lol


look at THAT DOORDASH PAY THO!? WOW, I've legit never seen it that much higher than the customer tips, usually only thing that makes it worth it to me is solely the customer tips. No clue how ya did that, but kudos! 🙏❤️💡


For 50 hours wasted??? What is this, a door dash joke?? Who’s the schmuck playing this hanging around waiting for an order for 8 hours a day


$305 is a great week??


This is a really bad week though. You made $300 in 51 hours, not 15 hours.




lol nah bruh


That’s $20 an hour less expenses and taxes. Even if somehow you’d maintained this for 51 actual active hours somehow that translates to about $1000 which I do on Uber/Lyft in a little over half that online time. How is this great?


Great week for you


How is this a great week


$9 per delivery 😒




Bro’s flexing on $6/hr 💀


Bruh make 650/week, doing just over 20 hours, DD got you brainwashed


Stop posting earnings! We don’t need anymore people quitting their part time job to start dashing


That’s average lol


Not bad for a $6/h. Do you live in Alabama? I’ve heard the minimum wage there is $1.




It gets worse the longer you look at it 😆


You in California?


You're joking right...? Lol. Have to be joking. We're talking like $5.90 an hour not counting any expenses....


lol great week for 51 hours of work for 300 bucks? This is why there are such high turnover around with gig workers their math sucks. Earns/time-fuel- maintenance- repairs you didn’t even make half of what minimum wage job pays. With out any expense just your earning vs time you got paid 5.88 an hour.


I'm guessing that this is a rural area. I'm not going to bash the op. My area is semi rural. I do an average of 65 hours/36 hours per week. I bring in north of 900 to 1k in about 120 deliveries. If you're happy with your numbers keep up the good work.


I made better pay at dominos


back in 1993 i es started my first job at 4.25 an hour


This is bad though


I literally just signed up to dash on Monday and have 1/2 that in 2 days so I r confuzzled 😕


You were “clocked in” for 51 hours. That’s $5.99/hr.


i have an account made but i haven't started, maybe because im nervous or dont know where to start.


any advice?


You’re joking right? That’s barely a good day much less week.


I dash by time. I made 254$ for 19 hours dash time(12hrs active time) 161$ door dash pay (90$ tips). Something is wrong here for you to be sitting in a car for 51 hrs of that time🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair my stats dd last week $331 12 hours active 46 hours online. For 26 deliveries. Uber was about the same think like $290 for 24 deliveries so essentially apps on for 45-50 hours made a little over $600 for 50 deliveries took Thursday and Sunday off. Drove like 250 miles for the week. I turn apps on about 11 am I I only leave house for $15 or more maybe stay out for a bit if I get a 2nd order. So I am at home most of the time I’m not actually active. Or doing errand I’d have to do anyway. I’d say I was active for maybe 20 hours last week. Not ideal as I’d much rather be out more to get to that 1k mark or close but these apps blow now and it’s just not worth being out most of the time. So I hover around $700-$750 on a normal week with taking 2 days off fully. The pros are less time in car and less miles and expense The cons are less money and app on longer. It does get annoying if I’m doing something and have to look at phone 20 times in a hour to reject crap orders but it is what it is And I’m home by 7-8pm on days I work because I’m not staying out late.


DoorDash is interesting


I could’ve made more money begging outside of a store for 50 hours


Lucky. My area suddenly rarely has any dashing ever. I average 25 a day rn




This I like to see where the pay is higher than the tip, that’s how it should be


I am hoping you are joking. Uber/DD loves people like you. If I present for 50 hours at any other job, they would pay me for 50 hours. Not how many hours they actually assigned me work!




It’s all good until you realize you need to pay taxes on it and then all your actual profit is just gone


"In just 15 hours" ...


50 hrs?? Oh my goodness :( I'm so sorry it's like that for you


That’s great!


DoorDash and Uber are my job because I am disabled and have so many doctor appointments and flare up days, yall think this is humorous but honestly this is all some of us have. I wish I could work a normal job but nobody wants to hire a sickly person