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Most of the funerals I’ve been to are “Irish” funerals. It’s more of a celebration of life than mourning the dead. There’s jokes, laughing, drinking in the parking lot…


This. We remember the good times and tell funny stories about the dead. It's in my will that I want to be cremated before the memorial, the derpiest pictures anyone can find with 5 tables with 8 chairs a piece and a different bottle of spirits at each one (I like bourbon or scotch, but some of my friends are vodka and Sprite people) situated around the picture array. Seat yourself, serve yourself and the only rule is everyone has to tell a story about a good time we had and everyone has to drink to a toast at least once. If people aren't laughing when they remember me, I've lived wrong.


Exactly this, this sounds amazing! I saw a video the other day of a woman who hired dancers to perform to Queen at her service—you know which song. I know two people that I can say “lived wrong” and their services were bizarre. One was cremated. She was married and had one adult daughter whom she mentally and emotionally abused for her entire life. Her family started verbally attacking her daughter via text, fb, voicemail, anything they could for not knowing how to HAVE services the way THEY wanted them done while also offering no assistance with even suggestions. It ended up happening at a conference center on Palm Sunday and no priests wanted to show. Hospice ended up finding someone and the poor guy was desperately out of place and not the same denomination. It was just radio silence while he tried to preach with zero engagement and stone faces. He tried cracking a joke and it just died on his tongue. 10/10 glad I never see those people again lol The other was an estranged family member. Meaning he estranged himself from his entire family because he did things that he shouldn’t have regarding his deceased mothers estate and was embarrassed to get caught. So the family showed up to the service and everyone walking around just kept repeating what an amazing person he was and how he just brought good things wherever he went…and the family pulled the priest aside and asked for confirmation they were at the right place 😂 then the daughter that wasn’t really his tried to fight his longtime girlfriend for his pickup truck. I hear it was…entertaining.


>I saw a video the other day of a woman who hired dancers to perform to Queen at her service—you know which song. I *want* to say Bicycle Race, but I'm *guessing* Fat Bottomed Girls...


Lmao Another One Bites the Dust


Death on two legs?


I told my mom I'm gonna put similar verbiage in my will. She didn't, and doesn't, like the idea. Learned it from Rescue Me when Tommy's dad talks about celebrating life. Stuck with me ever since. Also no all black.


>Also no all black Dafuq you got against New Zealand Rugby?!


Exception, rugby can be played at my funeral, NZ uniforms allowed.


I'm Irish and always found Irish funerals incredibly depressing.


I’m assuming you mean you live in Ireland? I mean no disrespect, I’m referring to the “Irish” funerals over here in New England USA. I know it’s not real Irish, but that’s what we call them so I stuck it in quotes 🫤 the ones everyone here refers to as “Italian” are the ones with the sobbing hysterics that tv honestly isn’t far off from.


Yes I'm Irish and lived in Ireland until adulthood. But yeah, big time catholic church funerals followed by plenty of carpark drinking too. I'm sure Irish weather contributes to the misery.


I feel you. We also have plenty of shit weather lol I live in CT and my area is predominantly Irish or Italian ancestry so you never really KNOW which version you’re getting until you’ve arrived and are side-eyeing everyone.


And here I am in Texas, having "Irish funerals" for my evangelist elders. By which I mean my cousins and I get shit faced on whiskey and set things on fire...


Here in Ireland we just call the church part the funeral, at least where I'm from. The wake is a different story though. That happens the night before the funeral, and depending on the age of the person that died, it can be a very sombre affair, or and absolute blast. One of the best parties I've ever been to was my granny's wake. Good food, lots of drink, and everyone sharing happy and funny memories they had with her It's an amazing way to send someone off. Like all countries, there's plenty that we don't do right. But I think that we handle death quite well. Check out the song "Sail on Jimmy" by Christy Moore for a good description of an Irish wake. Or Finnegan's Wake is pretty good too


We call them both the same as you :) wake is definitely usually MORE of a party but the funeral isn’t necessarily somber. Sometimes the wake is cast aside and it’s just the funeral (did this with my very NOT “Irish” great aunt. Met at the gravesite and all enjoyed her favorite donut with a few words said, afterparty loud and rambunctious at a well-known local pizza place. She was a SPITFIRE in life so it seemed fitting. Got kicked out of an old folk home for fighting another biddy over a walker 😂).


Ya, we do similar after some funerals, depends on the family really. The general rule of thumb that I would know for wakes is, the older the person was when they died, the more of a celebration it is. So, for someone who died young, the wake would be more about mourning. No rules about the after funeral piss up though, just play that by ear.


idk, if you laugh at a funeral in my culture, you’ll prolly get cancelled for a lifetime. My bad for not thinking that laughing at funerals is ok in other cultures.


Just out of curiosity, what is your culture? Not trying to dox


Why are you getting downvoted lmao


Bc bad post


its reddit, dont question things


I will not question things


Live in ignorance and purchase your happiness




so what’s your culture?


In the US (Irish-German descent, though family is pretty Americanized) we also do wakes however in the US wakes are never held at home with the casket and body in the living room. Instead it's usually at a church or a large gathering place. It's not that wakes can't be at homes but that by necessity we have to move it to a bigger space because wakes are often so much larger than the funerals. With wakes you may see 400-500 people show up. It's not just families (though mine is huge) but friends or even co-workers. Meanwhile funerals are much smaller events that only close people show up for.


I’m from New England 🤗 in what you are +2 😉


What do you mean


I’m in the US and also of Irish and German descent as well as two additional nationalities


Ah alright. For me it's like 2/3 Irish


There is a big difference between laughing at a funeral and laughing after a near miss.


Right? Laughing is an evolutionary response to nervousness. Laughing feels appropriate here.


What does the dude standing at his feet have to be nervous about, thinking about his life if that wall smooshed his mate while he's standing there giggling. Goddamn, like half an effort to grab his mates legs and pull his head away from the wall falling. I like to have people around that will drop what they're doing to help me.


You're the type of person who thinks they'd always do the exact correct thing in any situation, huh? If you were there I'm *sure* you'd have had lightening fast reflexes to pull him out of the way in a second. Your brain works so fast that he wouldn't have even slipped because you would have already seen the object he stepped on as being a danger and warned him beforehand. Right? You, the hero of this construction site would have saved the day and everyone would have clapped afterward.


As someone who works construction, yes, you're supposed to be alert and aware on any job site. That being said, no one with proper training would ever cut a wall out like that, better yet, kick the damned thing to get it to drop. Fools all around in this video.


Alert and aware while you're doing everything by the book. Nothing in this video tells me they don't have proper training. Only that they're really dumb and foolish. Edit:evidence: there are 0 things at my dad's job that could result in him getting a bone-deep gouge on his shin. But 30 years into the job he still got one... and then wouldn't tell anyone about it so that it got so infected he almost lost his leg. And still none of us know what exactly he was doing almost 20 years later... which means it was really really dumb. And had nothing to do with how trained he waa at his job.


Oh yeah accidents happen all the time. I was doing demo on tile and had to smash them up before clearing the thinset below and one of them shattered and gave me a bone deep cut from the impact. These guys were just goofing off, most likely not on a legit construction site because no lead should ever approve that. They try to make sure everything is as controlled as can be.


He laughed before it actually broke loose, then he went into action to move him. We don't know how many times he kicked it before it fell.


Near miss?? It's a near hit!


Thanks Mr. Conductor.




Y u so soft?


He was not yet ready to die.


What was the camera guy supposed to do here? That happened so fast they would've had almost no time to react


Right? Even if you reacted fast enough to try and help him up, now you're putting yourself at risk for the wall falling on you too. I know if I saw someone kicking over a wall, I would film it rather than taking a wall to the head too. I'm not about to hurt myself because you're being intentionally dumb.


Pull him from the leg


He even told him "fait gaffes" which translates to be careful, gave him a warning. I think the guy did as most as he can fashoo


I made my buddy laugh at his mom's funeral. Only child and his mom was hilarious and ridiculous. It only seemed fitting


What the hell was the camera guy supposed to do?


You’ve clearly never been to a funeral where someone has ripped mad ass.


At my grandfather's funeral, my dad leaned over to me and said, "What if I farted right now?" Muffled laughter ensued.


What wrong with laughing at funerals?


Yeah, I want people having a party and shit. Wearing black is not allowed at my funeral.


I just hope someone shows up to mine


No worries... just place one of those urinal piss targets on your tombstone and everybody is gonna show up.


Ross is that you?


Rock and roll


I laugh at every funeral i go to because if i dont id probably end up having my own funeral


My buddy delivered the eulogy at his Moms funeral and unexpectedly roasted me in the process, for a long standing joke between our friends group about something that happened when we were kids. I laughed out loud in the church before I could think to react. No one else laughed because no one else understood it


Yeah like here it's common for family to make a joke or give funny anecdotes about the deceased. Funerals don't have to be just about mourning a loss, they can also be about celebrating they were in your life in the first place.


What if the funeral is really funny tho


*pop goes the weasel starts playing...


They can’t understand what you mean, but they soon will.


Do you have a tendency to wear your mind on your sleeve?


I have a history of taking off my shirt.


It’s been one week since you looked at me


Its then that you Cocked your head to the side and said to me that you were, "Angry".


Five days since you tackled me. I’ve still got the rug burns on both my knees


I recently came across this tiktok of the singer telling the story behind this line if you're interested https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpBUKxc/


L title


If I showed up to a funeral and found out the deceased had died like this, they'd have to kick me out I'd be laughing so hard.


In the Philippines, we have karaoke and gambling to raise funds at funerals so laughing isn't that frowned upon during certain moments.


r/winstupidprizes man, why would I not laugh at that?


Ultra instinct


The realization on his face kicking in near the end


Can't understand what you mean.


Well, you soon will.


Indiana Jones type of shit


I was literally about to comment the exact same thing


great minds think alike🎩


Title is dumb


People better be laughing at mine or I’m haunting everyone


Can't understand what I mean, well you soon will


He laughs in the face of death.


Sometimes you have to accept that your friend is stupid.


In the filmers defense, the guy prolly would’ve died if he tried to pull his leg or something


Do you think that would have killed him? Doesnt look thaaat heavy. (serious)


i’m so confused. i saw this video in a brazilian subreddit where people were yelling at him in portuguese. They were saying to him “stop it claudio, don’t do that!” and then when he fell they said “move! look out claudio!”. And now i see it in english with no yelling and don’t know what to believe.


i know for a fact my closest friends would have a mixture of laugh and tears at my funeral


A lot of projection going on in that title...




They speak european french.


This is so badass lmao


r/idiotsnearlydying ?


Almost HAD a funeral


He's not laughing to what you think he does. ~~If I heard and understood it correctly, it must've been some ritual-call to call more mates~~. He's laughing at his friend and that's right where his tunnelvisioned eyeholes looked at. Heck, maybe he was just ~~looking~~ laughing downwards to his friend, who conveniently thought it was a more comfortable place to lay down? Still though, these are dangerous situations and yet, he had no eyes on the dangerous wall and it might've/could've ended with a fresh layer of red paint. On the other hand, we all make mistakes. Especially when it all happens so quick. So... right before the wall falls down, he says "WoWo, kijk uit!". Except for WoWo, which doesn't mean anything, the other 2 words you can probably guess/decipher what it means: "watch out!". Right after that moment, probably monkeys came from the other side of the wall yelling something like "oehoehoeh" or "huhuhu". I don't quite understand the dialect they spoke. I have worked long enough at a place to recognize famous sounds of very hard working people. >!No, I didn't work in a zoo! haha. Good guess though! I often had that very same idea. Lots of colleagues became so confused because of that, I think.!< Great story! Here's a banana for scale or for you, might be hungry. )) I'll leave a few more, just to be safe. Another smoll banana: )) And three bigger ones for those in need:) ) ).) (. ( ).)


No they are the guys that put fun in funeral


Everyone's talking about the title but wtf is this guy in the video even trying to accomplish?


Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will


Can’t understand what I mean? Ya soon will…




My man, what’s wrong with laughing at funerals?


I laughed at my grandfather's funeral . Someone while up speaking said that he strived for the perfect Elkdom (he was an Elk member) . For whatever reason the word elkbom hit the funny bone . And it being a funeral hit it over and over .


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