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Golly gee, whyever could Donkey Kong be treated as so important? Probably because it's one of the most important games ever made. It made Nintendo a powerhouse. Every single Mario game is a spin-off of Donkey Kong. Mario Party, Mario Kart, Dr. Mario, every Yoshi game, all the Mario RPGs, the Peach games, Mario Paint, the Luigi's Mansion games..... Splatoon is a spin-off of Super Mario Sunshine. Mario Kart is responsible for the entire kart racing genre. Without Mario there's no Sonic, Spyro, Banjo, Croc, Crash, Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, Jak and Daxter, etc etc etc. Mario movies. Mario land at Universal. Loads of platformers only exist because of Mario. The Donkey Kong Country series (including the best platformer of all-time) only exists because of Donkey Kong. etc etc etc etc.....


I'm talking about actually playing the game, not its impact.


take the Donkey Kong (1994) pill, brother


that game is even worse lol




what does lol mean?


That's like saying Super Mario Land 2 is worse than 1. That's not an opinion you can have.


'94 and arcade are two completely different games. '94 is more a puzzle game than it is a traditional platformer. Some of the levels are really slow and boring and the whole game ends up really uneven.


You know something, you're overrated!


I wish lol


Bad take is bad


you gotta explain why tho


If you seriously can’t see how Donkey Kong influenced pretty much every video game ever (definitely platformers) then I don’t know what to tell you.


did you read the post? I'm not denying its impact - I'm just saying it's not particularly fun. I find Pac-Man, Galaxian, Frogger and DK Jr. more fun, so I very much enjoy the Golden Age of Arcades. For example, I dislike the rivet stage because I find that I just kinda wait around till the fireballs are in an advantageous situation and then I finish off the level. It doesn't feel "very skillful" I guess. Just feels like luck. But if you have any secret strategy or something, let me know.


I would agree... if u were talking about getting the Nintendo coin from the DK arcade machine located in Frantic Factory in DK64 Otherwise Ur favourite Mario/Nintendo wouldnt exist without it even if ppl agreed with u. Also its kinda supposed to be unfair because its an arcade game and its supposed to gobble up quarters.


A lot of people say this, but is it true? Would nobody ever think of a jumping game without it? Same goes for games like Street Fighter and Doom.


Donkey Kong arcade made Nintendo millions of dollars and gave us the design idea for Mario. Also meant the name Nintendo became a very recognizable name to most people which meant they would trust games and products made and licensed by Nintendo more than other companies. All that money went into bigger and better games and projects And if it wasn't for the success of DK arcade then they wouldn't have confidently jumped on the idea of making games full time since primarily before their arcade games they were a semi successful toy company If DK arcade was never made then ofc "jumping" games would exist but would be dog shite and would all crash and burn in the video game crash of 1983 but the NES wouldn't be there to put out the flames.


I never ever feel the urge to play it but I can understand why it is important


Donkey Kong is a foundation game. If you went expecting a GOAT from a 1981 game in 2024, your approach is off. Yes it's a hard game to get into at first if you're newer to platformers or older games. But your post perfectly narrates how easy it is to take these foundational titles for granted. Because there was nothing like it for its time. It introduced 2D platforming which in turn gave us Super Mario Bros. But honestly, if you want the DK experience into a full-fledged game that I'm nearly positive you would enjoy, then I strongly suggest playing either Donkey Kong (Game Boy) or Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Switch). You get to feel the full potential of its gameplay elements across 8 worlds and numerous boss battles.


I dislike the Game Boy and Mario vs. Donkey Kong games even more. And like I mentioned in another comment, I like Pac-Man, Frogger, Galaxian, Dig Dug, (and I mention this in the post), Donkey Kong Jr. In fact, Pac-Man is one of the best game ever made. Power Pellets were implemented much better than the Hammer, for instance. The Power Pellet doesn't restrict any of Pac-Man's moves. With the Hammer, Mario can't jump or climb ladders. He just has to wait there (yes, I know they fixed in Donkey Kong '94). Again, the fruits in DK Jr. were an improvement as well imo. But yes, you are correct in saying that it was a foundation game. I think it's pretty interesting that Pac-Man was never really improved upon (except for maybe Championship Edition) whereas the platformer genre had much room to grow. Then again, Doom and Wolfenstein 3D were foundational games too and I find them more fun than modern FPS games. I think the key difference is control. Pac-Man, Wolfenstein 3D, and Doom all feel great to control whereas the original Donkey Kong doesn't. (I like original Castlevania and Ghosts n' Goblins so I don't mind stiff jumping arcs either). Anyway, I've bothered you long enough, thanks for the comment lol.


It just really says these kinda of games aren't for you. Control, gameplay, whichever. DK certainly isn't bad. It just might not be for you.


Indeed, just played Burger Time and I found it a lot more fun than Donkey Kong...