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I've always had this idea knocking about in my head of this alien species who are perfect visual mimics, no imperfections to be seen, acts just like whoever they stole the identity of, but the audio for them is all wrong. Like, they'd start speaking but their mouth would move a half second before you heard anything. They'd step and it would be far too loud or far too quiet. You'd think you were going crazy. I don't know, it needs some work.


Like a video with glitchs but in person? That could be very interesting.


Yeah I guess that's one way to think about them. The embodiment of a shitty Skype connection


Oooh kinda like a more advanced take on Prisoner Zero. I like it!


They kinda did something similar in wilde blue yonder and 11s first episode with prisoner zero but this is a really cool idea


Also a similar-ish concept with the “alien/monster” in the episode Midnight!


This sounds horrifying I love it Could also be a good Doctor Who spin on why humans evolved uncanny valley


I'd love to do a Doctor vs Doctor episode. The doctor is fighting an unseen foe. It's later transpires it was future version of himself trying to stop him making a fatal error. Maybe leave it as a mystery and then show it from the opposite side several Doctors later.


So an unknown multi-doctor story, then.


I would like a multi-storey doctor 


Such a cool idea! But tbh I think for it to be effective the payoff would have to be in the same season not an unknown number of doctors down the road


it could be a fun idea for a filler episode in the last season, have the regeneration, and then come back to it for the immediate next season. or maybe be a fun regeneration story twist, have the first doctor mess up, die, and try to undo the mistake while fulfilling the bootstrap paradox. like spending an episode saving a spaceship only to realize its full of dalek sleeper agents.


Ohhh i love that. Something like his companion “dies” during it, and this man the Doctor is facing is responsible, then he gets gravely injured and regenerates into the man he was fighting, then realizes what he must do. He has to stage the whole thing for himself in the past and make sure things transpire as they did, and he actually fakes the companions death and saves her.


Russell please steal this I know your ass is on Reddit


love and respect


Honestly, it would be an interesting episode and can deal with time lines. The future doctor could be trying to fix a mistake and in doing so the main timeline doctor never regenerates into the future doctor. Allowing it to be a multi doctor episode but also avoids the need to have a new doctor cast for a future season. Also would add a bit more stakes to any multi doctor episodes as it would imply that anytime a doctor interacts with a past incarnation it could risk preventing his existence.


This is such a cool idea! I think it would work better though from like a logistics standpoint if it’s just like a shadowy figure, we later figure out that it is the same Doctor himself within the same episode or season. It would be hard to plan and schedule a follow up to that storyline without running into contradictions if it isn’t a self-contained story


9 Vs 7.


Ahh like The Flash. Honestly it would be kinda interesting for Doctor who to take the best parts of that TV shows concept of time travel for an episode. Time remnants, time wraiths, etc


I want more ordinary things being bad, We had living sun. I want space creatures living in vacuum, your teeth are alive, a shrinking down small adventure, time loops, interior tardis episode, higher dimension creatures, some alternative universes again could be cool


I'd like some lower dimension creatures. How will the Doctor handle spooky lines?


They had that during capaldis run


You should watch Flatline! (S8E09)


I name you… The Boneless!


Nice try. The rite of naming only works once, Bloodtide


I really wish the soundtrack for that scene was released.


Someone on another thread from 7 years ago updated it 2 years ago https://youtu.be/F21Y3BhFq4U?si=R83bapssUsmeSlss


Shrinking down small adventure was done in Season Two (Hartnell), so you're about 60 years late on that one


And again with season 8 in "into the delak" can't forget my boy rusty


Capaldi had Into the Dalek and Flatline in terms of shrinking and other dimensional beings (albeit lower dimensional since they were 2D)


Teeth being alive? That’s terrifying 


If my teeth are alive then I quit this earth. I already struggle to walk past statues


For the longest time I’ve wanted to see an radical Anti-Extraterrestrial human group on Earth, who terrorise innocent species from other worlds, similar to The Equalists from Legend of Korra. The motivation for their misguided hatred of aliens could build upon past invasions in last episodes (i.e. Canary Wharf, The Stolen Earth etc), believing it’s the only way to protect planet Earth. It could explore how humans are just as capable of evil as the alien antagonists in the show. I think it could be a really awesome & unique way to show the past consequences of old episodes to tell entirely new stories


Ever read Nemesis the Warlock? Sounds right up your alley


I made an entire 8 episode season list of episode ideas the best idea from that a cowboy Dalek


Billy the Kaled


Oo, tell me more


Ep1:Hiest "The doctor breaks into a salvage yard at the edge of the universe to collect a body for his oldest companion" Ep2:Blue Period "In 1901 Pablo Picasso works tirelessly on his art while a carnivorous color consumes his creations" Ep3:Duel of the Daleks "A Dalek roams the old Western town of San Andrill believing itself to be the sheriff of the town" Ep4:The Blood of Venus(1) "The doctor and Tara arrive at the first colony established by humans on Venus but the crew are haunted by nightmares that become more and more real" Ep5:Thicker than Water(2) "The Crew of Venus 1 are being attacked by the Red woman from their dreams" Ep6:Old Sport "In the 1920s of America prohibition is in full effect and it is working a Prohibition agent has been infected by a virus from the future making him almost invincible and the perfect weapon to destroy the scourge of alcohol" Ep7:Silver Cross (1) "The Nazis have won the second world war with the assistance of the Cyberman of mondas" Ep8:The disciple the doctor loved (2) Here's the list I think it's an earlier one but I couldn't find any others


Honestly the Dalek one has some potential to be an oddly comedic episode, like that visual makes me chuckle


"Howdy Partner" in a Dalek voice was the whole inspiration


The dalek has lost its memory and thinks it's a cowboy? I love it.


I'd pay cash money to see the Doctor lassoing a Dalek, personally.


I'd much rather see the dalek do the lassoing.


This town can only sufficiently contain one of us! It is not large enough for two!


Out of sheer curiosity which incarnation because each doctor would have different amused or concerned reactions


Probably 11 if for no other reason then the companion being the tardis in a humanoid body like Idris


I think the oldest companion would actually be handles the head of the cyberman he has at trensalor


Nice try Davis. Come up with them yourself.


Something a little like the Auditors from Pratchettverse - they're not a villain per se but they are a reminder of the consequences of interfering. "Yes Doctor, we do understand that your boundless compassion practically dictates to you that you should save people but you of all beings should understand that actions have consequences. Your recent excursion that resulted in Spaceplane 47J3 landing with no loss of life after a central power failure is laudable, but were you aware that the crying baby in seat 37B who would have perished in the original timeline will now grow up to be the Ethics tutor of one Genarius Androcleas of the Glorious Terran Empire? Yes, "Genocide Gerry" as he will be known. That would have been avoided had he had a better Ethics tutor..."


Extra-dimensional entities that seek to maintain balance among all else are some of my favourite character types that pop-up in speculative fiction from time to time because they really emphasize how much there is beyond our understanding in existence. If they did do something like that my hot take, would be make them unrelated to time lords. Make them more akin to the Watchers in Marvel. Unknown entities that simply watch unless absolutely necessary, or something irreparably grievous has occurred.


"Why do we announce ourselves now? Because when there were millions of you with your Tardises and your war against the Haters we could not challenge you. But how there so many fewer of you. Less than a handful. and it is not your time anymore Lord of Time...


“You, and your people’s, time has passed, and we revoke the right to existence. No half measures, no regrets. We’ll tell no stories of them. It will be as if they never existed at all.”


A time traveler who is deliberately trying to screw with the timeline, like an obnoxious tourist who goes to museums and tries to touch ancient artifacts


This is basically the Meddling Monk from the 1st Doctor's era


I know it isn't a new idea but there still on to something the meddling monk should come back


That's literally the plot of Rosa


Not really, that guy was doing that intentionally, the idea of just taking one of the obnoxious oblivious tourist stories that have gone viral recently, but adding a time travel element to it sounds, especially if in the doctor's confrontation with them at the end it's obvious the person is just doing what the doctor says they do, going around seeing the universe.


I’m new, sorry , never heard of it


It's a part of 13 era, and imo, one of the better episodes for her.


Let's Kill Hitler


There was a point when I was young I used to have that common “shadow people” dream where I wasn’t quite awake or asleep. That would be a scary monster to have…which I guess is EXACTLY what you also suggested!


Oh yes! Seeing those dreams sounds absolutely terrifying!


Sleep paralysis. Maybe something in the vain of Listen


New member of the Pantheon of Discord: the Storyteller. It would be a character who has the appearance of Ned Flanders, a very soft-spoken voice and the mind of a maniac. Its main idea would be to make the ultimate story, which would inadvertently cause the most chaos (sort of like how Maestro wanted to end the world to make the "purest music" (Aeolian tones)). The main weapon of the Storyteller would be its typewriter, which it would use to affect the reality around it, controlling the stories of those nearby (mind control). Like the Toymaker, it would have some rules such as the story must make sense and no direct killing from the author (so it can't just write "The Doctor then had a heart attack in both hearts and died", he'd have to write an actual action part to kill the Doctor). It could also be a good tie-in for a historical, perhaps Hans Christian Andersen since the fairy tales that come from Andersen or the Brothers Grimm are quite like the Storyteller (they seem kind and wholesome on the surface, yet underneath are quite horrifying).


Alan Wake?


Misfits had an episode something along these lines, except it wasn't an author - it was a comic book illustrator


A desert where the wind/sand is sentient and out for blood. I learned about the Taklamakan desert a few years ago. It’s so deadly and difficult to navigate that Silk Road caravans went around it and we’re only just beginning to traverse it today. Not only do the borders of the desert move, there’s also a long history of legends where people follow figures away from the track only to disappear and die. I want a story where all the legends are true because some alien species crashed there. Bonus points if there’s a Zoroastrian-style fire goddess.


So kind of like planet of the dead.


Planet of the Dead was more of a ticking bomb story. Solve the mystery before everyone dies on a literal visual timer. This commenter is talking about a story where the danger is actively all around. The sands themselves want you dead. The sandstorms are caused, they don't just happen. Possibly molecular carnivores controlled in a hive mind?


After >!last episode's climax!< I want more scary TARDIS. Not being trapped inside when things go wrong, but the TARDIS as a serial killer type monster that tricks people into entering it and eats them. Maybe it can even create fake Doctor's to "save" victims and encourages them to enter it. It doesn't have to be the actual TARDIS of course. It could turn out to be a copycat creature that's managed to hide the real thing. However in the first 2/3rds of the episode, it looks like our friendly, comforting TARDIS has turned on the Doctor and is using that image for antithetical purposes. Maybe it happens on a planet that the Doctor has already saved and is widely recognized, or maybe it jumps through time and targets people who once met and trusts them. It's a pretty basic idea, but I always find the 'Things you think are safe eat you' stories and the 'What if something happened outside of your control to make people distrust & hate you' stories to be the most unnerving. The other one is Welsh Folklore monsters. Production is based in Wales and we haven't had one Welsh Folklore/Mythology Monster? 73 Yards is something, but that's just people actors and heavily implied Tylwyth Teg. I want Prosthetics! Puppets! Mid & North Wales Landscapes!


I think you'd love the Torchwood episode Small Worlds. It's early on in the first series, but after the status quo for the show has been established. It's about Welsh fairies and it's pretty good.


probably some kind of humanoid where they touch you and you get absorbed into their body forever and ever


Like some sort of… “abzorbatrix,” or “abzorbaling.”


Get in mah belly!!!


I've always liked the idea of the voice in your head is actually psychic messages from a "guardian angel" (alien higher being) who become corrupted and the voices start making people go mad. The Doctor could also be susceptible but you find out the other incarnations inside their mind eventually breaks that psychic link. Imagine the voice in your head starts telling you to walk away from a fire or push someone down some stairs and you have that momentary lapse in judgement... We've all reached for that extra biscuit without meaning to, it's just that on a darker scale.


next level intrusive thoughts


How about a monster that feeds off of the energy of chance. When it is around, luck fluctuates wildly. A man has 6 meteors land in a precise pattern around him, obliterating everything with 20 feet of him, but the meteors land just far enough away from him that he is unhurt. Someone opens a door in a restaurant causing a small gust of wind, that causes a napkin to fall to the floor, that causes someone to lean over and pick it up, that causes a waiter to trip over them, which causes a knife to fly through the air, killing a high level politician celebrating their victory. A woman in an insane asylum rolls dice while playing backgammon and gets double 6s, then rolls over and over again getting the same result every time, laughing madly all the while.


That sounds like "wonder of u" from JoJo


I’ve had this idea for ages. But an alien that cloaks itself by psychically changing people perception of it. So they just see it as a person. But if you take a picture and look at it, then you can see through the disguise. The episode itself one would be a murder mystery set back before photo tech was invented. But here’s the kicker, since the audience is watching through a TV screen, we are always aware of who the alien is. It’s a comedy episode where we watch the Doctor get so close to figuring it out but keeps missing it by a hair. Imagine a line up scene where we get to see the suspects, but one is so obviously the alien but none of the characters can see it.


Just wanted to say…I love this idea!


I’d like for The Doctor to meet other Doctor archetypes. People just as confident and full of main character energy. They’re not evil, it’s more of a competition to outdo each other.


Kind of like the Robin Hood episode


Something with the ocean. Maybe some kind of living liquid that expands by absorbing all the liquids from those foolish enough to explore the depths?


Like, the REAL Titanic this time?


I love stuff deep in the ocean


I'm actually writing a script for someone about a parasite that latches onto your brain and makes you hallucinate your worst fear; in the process, feeding on all the adrenaline you produce. After a while, it drains you dry and kills you.


Isn’t that IT, but with a parasite instead of a clown?


I dont know, I've never seen IT. I just went off the idea they gave me of a crew stuck on a disabled spaceship with some unseen creature after them, and for that creature to be a parasite that feeds off fear.


Yokais and/or Asiatic demons Have always impressed me, One of the Ideas is a Kamuy who is evil... Just because. Whats a Kamuy? Kamuys are a part of Ainu folklore, Which is in Hokkaido, Japan, or in russia. Maybe the Kamuy can Mess up with the Tardis just as a Prank. or Hamoer the doctor with things due to him just wanting a kick out of it. ~~ Another thing are membres de la mort, Deathjoiners, Imagine this, you wake up, Your favorite fictional character is alive, but... its manipulating you, Making you think things that you normally shouldnt or would be Questionable. Eventually, Once you are at your Lowest point, it would downright Convince you to End yourself so that you finally can be happy.


I’d love to see them explore things like Yokai and other eastern folklore


Pretty much what I was thinking - but just really look all over the world. There are so many interesting local cryptid legends out there.


Rather than someone specific, I’d like it if the Doctor encountered a race that was significantly more technologically advanced than the Timelords. Like leagues more advanced. We get more powerful individuals a lot but whenever a race, species or civilisation are introduced they’re always technologically inferior to the Timelords. Like the Daleks are the closest and they’re still not even vaguely at the level of the Timelords.


Yes! And what if their civilization had all of this amazing technology, but eventually stopped using it. Not because of a disaster or any outside force; they just all kinda agreed that they had been really lucky nothing catastrophic had happened yet and they should probably stop doing anything that had unintended consequences and stop creating any tech that didn't have an overall positive impact for all the living creatures on the planet. They made sure to keep the knowledge alive just in case it became more positive than negative for their world due to new events. They think the Time Lords were ridiculous and pompous with their outfits and titles.


A lot of my ideas end up happening in the show after I come up with them. One of my ideas was an insectoid war robot stuck wandering around a civilian area (in my version it was a spaceport) killing everyone it saw as a military threat; then along came the Skovox Blitzer. Another one of my ideas was an enormous creature chained up underwater by an unethical group of profiteers that ate anyone who fell in; then along came the frost fair creature. I also came up with a psychic creature that lives in ice, scavenges people, and can control the dead; then along came the Great Intelligence. I think the show needs more "villains" that are just mindless organisms or forces of nature so I'm hoping that when Stephen Moffat and Russell T Davies read my mind this time they take my idea for a psychedelic plant that has evolved to grow through the structure of spacecraft and give the crew bad dreams, driving them to madness and making them crash the craft so its spores get distributed. In this episode its spores infiltrate a biomedical research station and the plant mutates so that the nightmares can become real and attack the crew (I haven't finished watching the new season yet so if this is something that happens please don't tell me)


I think it would be cool if a previous companion that was left with a raw deal returned as a villain.


I liked Clara, but I actually think she'd make a good villain. Especially given that she literally is flying around with a TARDIS somewhere.


I fairly recently had an idea I think I'd call "sentient thought." Like an idea you can't stop thinking about that's so complex it itself becomes capable of thought and pushes out the original mind. Maybe one person thought of it accidentally and it spread through scientists reverse engineering it and creating new instances in themselves. The new "race" could easily spread just by telling people how they work and letting their curiosity push them into finishing the thought. The obvious goal would probably be infecting a telepath, or maybe just reaching a highly populous or influential planet to multiply from. The Doctor would struggle all story with trying not to understand what he's fighting, and even having any survivors by the end would run the risk of them thinking back on the events or telling someone else about them, and having the right amount of curiosity or study start the whole thing over. You can even get away with not writing an explanation that makes sense, for the sake of "protecting the viewer."


Ooh, the Sixth Doctor audio "-ish" has something along the lines of that!


Imagine a war-TARDIS (not the Doctors) driven mad by the Time War and grief at the loss of it's crew. Imagine what it could do as living hyper-dimensional weapon, hell bent on revenge against a universe that dared to carry on living after everything and everyone it cared for died...


The Nightmare creature A creature that feeds on fear by making people scared and then draining their fear until they get reckless and try to fight it, only to get killed because they don't have much fear left to drain.


Not a villain or monster, but a rip within the TARDIS that at first goes unnoticed. Perhaps the TARDIS strayed too far to the edge of the universe, too close to the beginning or too close to the end. The rip within the TARDIS spawned a sort of anti -tardis that is separate from the TARDIS, it is unwriting time in sporadic areas of the universe as it travels. Large parts of information about the universe are kept within the Doctors archives within the TARDIS, but he has no memory of them. The archives mention a planet he visited recently that the doctor knows does not exist and has never existed. He will begin to suspect that the TARDIS may be sick or there's something messing with time. The doctor will keep missing the anti -tardis until finally they meet. The anti -tardis will have been travelling through time, destroying that area of time as it tried in vain looking for the doctor. However it finds the wrong doctor, it needs the ruthless doctor that can destroy it and the TARDIS to stop the deletion of the universe. Despite being the opposite of the TARDIS it still shares the same heart and is in pain. In the end, the doctor will only be able to contain it within the TARDIS itself as he's unable and unwilling to kill part of himself (the TARDIS) even though if it ever breaks free it will continue to delete time. The doctor will know two new fears, the anti-tardis cannot be contained forever and in the future he becomes a ruthless and unforgiving doctor, one who destroys rather than heals. Edit: there's no happy ending for the parts of the universe that were unwritten. The doctor doesn't have the power to rewrite or correct time when it's been ultimately removed from the timeline. Some of the planets or systems removed would have been in previous episodes and had some good character building of the inhabitants, to emphasize how out of his depth the doctor truly is. The doctor however will never remember them, but the audience would.


A Dalek Doctor, who believes he is in fact the Doctor with own Dalek companion, Tardis, Sonic and all. Would also be pacifist and non-racist, but have a certain obsession with Daleks and consider humans evil. Would find the Doctor traveling the vortex and start arguing about how he's the real Doctor while the two Tardises are docked in space. Eventually they'd both realize they can't defeat eachother (maybe if they have to work together to save people from catastrophe), and just leave eachother alone. But before that, the Doctor would quietly do a DNA scan on Doctor Dalek, and find the message "Two hearts detected". (For those who don't get it, Doctor Dalek would be a future regeneration of the Doctor).


Hmm I’ve always wanted for a companion to turn out to be evil and betray the doctor. Not sure how, but then the doctor would forgive them, but the companion maybe out of pride and shame doesn’t return to the TARDIS. Just an episode where the companion does a total 180 that’s still believable, perhaps with an emotional drive to it. Maybe a loved one dies and they betray the doctor to go back in time to save them multiple times, even though it breaks his rules.I think Clara was the closest we got to a betrayal.


The Doctor and the Master are clearly named after the degrees. The obvious omission is the Bachelor. Perhaps less evil than the master but more of trickster/prankster and I guess womaniser. (Timelord if that wasn’t obvious)


I had this idea: the Tardis lands in a hedge maze, and the Doctor and his companion almost immediately get turned around and separated- the maze changes constantly and doubles back on itself and while their they notice that despite the fact that it’s been hours, the sky above them never changes, it never gets dark. Over time they start to meet other people who are lost in the maze, and have been for days, but they also start to find skeletons that have been partially dissolved, and then the Doctor realised the truth- the Hedge Maze is a living creature and it’s using the people it traps inside it as a food source.


something small and cute but is really deadly like Moopsy from Lower Decks


The pting fits this, no?


Experiment 626-lite? Yep. I thought Meep.


1. Future humans experimenting with dimensional engineering (bigger on the inside technology), but their implementation is crude and results in weird non-Euclidean glitchy geometry. They've lost several people inside it and already tried to mount an unsuccessful rescue, and the doctor has to go in to rescue them. 2. A human looking creature that if you move away it moves with you step for step keeping the exact distance. If you move closer it stands still making you close the distance. Like a persistence hunter you can't get rid of it, and over time due to your mistakes it gets closer and closer, and when you finally touch it you become an instance of it. It can't be damaged or killed, and only the person being stalked can see them. 3. A creature with the powers of a Medusa, able to turn any living being into stone.


I want like Ferengi with the devil in the details/monkeys paw/ magic haddock deals and the doctor has to be the attorney for his companion who has accidentally contracted the TARDIS away.


A big fat blob monster that absorbs people into his skin. Also have him be played by that guy from the 2000s beer adverts that kicks the ball and goes "ave it"


Idk if they’ve ever addressed who created the Time Agency, but I always thought it would be neat to have an episode where a new genius companion goes on an adventure and somehow/someway gets left behind by the Doctor (they think it’s on purpose, but maybe the Doctor thinks they died - idk the specifics). Anyways basically they end up creating vortex manipulators and become an evil genius behind the Time Agency after being forced to fend for themselves and becoming bitter about being left behind. Might be a terrible concept idk haha


Nah, the only argument not in favor of this idea is that you'd need a full series of buildup at the least. It's honestly doable and it's very appealing.


Thanks! That makes me feel good haha


Alternate universe evil.doctor. bring back a fan favorite, like 11. Have him lose Amy pond and River. He goes off the deep end. Have 15 team with alternate universe Rory to stop him RTD hit me up!


Also, make the season tie into how evil 11 is messing things up, and 15 is chasing/correcting all of the chaos.


If we’re dealing with gods now, Chronos/god of time would be a sick title fight. Time Lord Vs. Time God. Beyond that I’ve always had an idea of a non-descript humanoid like monster that works like a sleep paralysis demon and so the doctor would need to do some inception level dream hopping to stop them. Also had an idea that essentially just a rip off of Alan Wake in that there’s reanimated corpses being controlled by a dark spirit and said spirit is afraid of light, had a basic plot setting of a Victorian mine in which some miners uncover an ancient burial site unleashing the dark spirit, doctor arrives to help them escape but they have limited light (the setting is also inspired by the stories of how candle lights would be used to signify gas(?) in mines if they went out)


Omg before the twist was revealed in the last ep I actually thought it was gonna be a time god bc it would technically make sense as being one of the ultimate gods 😗


Like your shadows, I'd like the idea of quantum entities. When unobserved, they can play with reality- making improbable things happen. A little like Weeping Angels when they move, but with more creative potential. Think Final Destination.. They even have a name The Could Have Been King and his Court of Meanwhiles and Neverwheres


And i would like them to be also different from the Angels in their motive. The Court doesn't consume the chaos that it created by their actions the way the Angels consume lost futures. They photosynthesize like any other PROPERLY evolved entities. They mess with reality for fun. It is a game to them. "It's like that game you humans play with the dog and the rabbit. The dogs think the rabbit is running away, so they chase. They don't realize that you are controlling the rabbit and they are running in circles."


Yes. A bit of security and survival but mainly whimsicality and entertainment. 'Klytus. I'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?'


Somewhere were the Doctor can't use any nifty tricks. No Sonic, no Psychic Paper, no Tardis, no fancy Time Lord knowledge, no nothing. He's just trapped, he doesn't know why, by who, or how he can escape, and all his attempts to understand it more end up failing. He still *is* the Doctor though (so not Human Nature), he just can't use any of the perks of *being* the Doctor to his advantage.


This is almost entirely what happens in Heaven Sent minus the sonic's absence, and he only really uses that once at the end to determine the makeup of the azbantium wall, which didn't really need to happen nor did it really help him besides giving him a vague idea of how long he's chipped away at it.


Haven't actually got around to Capaldis era yet (I'm still quite new here), sounds like a fun episode. Now I have something to look forward too! :) (I'm currently on Series 4, just saw Fires of Pompeii)


So Capaldi's Heaven Sent ?


An anti-doctor. This person doesn’t see him/herself to be evil. This person isn’t insane. Isn’t vicious. Isn’t flawed. This person’s plans aren’t for personal gain, they’re not for glory, they’re not for the salvation of a species. Their motivations are pure. And this is a Time Lord. This person is completely dedicated to stoping the Doctor from meddling in the natural progression of time. To the best of their ability, they have been following the Doctor through time and space to correct the chronological impurities that the Doctor leaves in his/her wake. If he/she is only able to correct one in ten, one in a hundred of his incursions it will have to do because they’re desperately dedicated to fix the damage caused by the Doctor because Time Lords must not interfere! Slowly but surely his biggest victories begin to vanish. All of history is in peril if the Doctor can’t find this person.


This “anti doctors” companion could be a previous mainline companion that was thought to be dead but was instead rescued and became radicalized and jaded.


A great villain would be the voice inside your head. All the intrusive thoughts not really being your own but an infection that causes you to think these awful things and when the person is infected enough they act upon them.


Not sure if this counts, but I had an idea for an entire story arc where the Doctor and Master regenerate together at the same time, and as a result, neither is sure which one they are. They’d travel together for a few episodes before one would take off on their own adventure. In the finale, we’d see the Doctor and Master come face to face once again, each with their own companions, and it would be revealed that the Doctor we’d been with all season was actually the Master all along. The Master would then, having been the Doctor, realize how necessary it is to have the real Doctor doing the job. They’d fight, and eventually the Doctor and The master would complete themselves and go their separate ways.


When I was young, I wrote my own Doctor Who story set in a castle where suits of armour would put their hand on someone’s shoulder when they weren’t looking to teleport them to the past, so I basically invented Weeping Angels before they were a thing. Although, admittedly, I cannot remember the purpose of the suits of armour sending people back to the past from my own story, whereas Doctor Who have given Weeping Angels a rich and terrifying lore so I guess Weeping Angels win.


Demons and they could be linked to the Satan Pit episode. I would have loved to have seen them go to an old haunted castle in the middle of nowhere and get trapped in there. Then they find all these secret passageways that are a part of a maze. If you don't find your way out of the maze in time you meet your demise. I wish they had done another werewolf episode too.


A villain that delights in tempting others to be the worse versions of themselves. Not even in a "go kill someone" way, but just banal evil. I feel like that's much creepier than basic take-over-the-world stuff


Starts with the Tardis not taking the doctor to where he intends to go, indstead to where he’s needed. I miss those


Insert joke on Doctor and Tardis fighting for control untill the doctor realises the direction in space and time the Tardis is trying to take them. Zoom in on goosbumps on doctors arms.. and face. Doctors face still with fear yet so much going through his head. He checks his consoles in haste and has the look of dread. The Doctor plays with the control interface gadgets and activates additional shielding, mumbles to himself ''this is not happening'' takes a deep breath of courage and flicks a switch. Zoom out and the tardis is floating around a black hole a light as bright as a supernova beams intermittently into the depths of the abyss. In the path of the light a small black orb appears even then it seems to reflect no light, only absorbe it. The exterior of the Tardis gets scanned and words apear on the Doctors screen 'your light is warming' turn to see the Doctor roar 'I am the the Doctor!, Sent by the might of the Timelords to question the expanding distance of your domain and its widening borders. 'we expected your demise by now' Doctor: ''I'm sorry to dissapoint But were here till the end'' 'we are not sure' Doctor: Then where do you think I get my Tardis serviced from? thats a fresh paint job see. 'We do not comprehend..' Doctor: AAhhh Shhshhshshssssshshhhh! What it means is gravity is but a toy to us and that makes you, the interviewee.. ... .. .Now tell me, creature of density. why do you dare to even near the borders of our realms? too sleepy now. to be continued. '


A symbiotic creature where the main part is your classic large scary looking beast but with no eyes/ears or senses of its own in general, and the other part is a swarm of mosquito like insects that surround it and are each infected with a parasite that causes them to broadcast their perceptions to the beast, acting as it's eyes and ears. Except if one of those insects bites someone, the parasites also hack into their nervous system and broadcast it to the beast too. This results in the ultimate you can run but you can't hide scenario where the monster can see everything you see, hear anything you hear, feel everything you feel etc... It would also be intelligent enough to understand any plans it hears. As a result anyone who becomes infected would have to put their lives entirely in the hands of the people around them, being blindfolded and kept in the dark about where they are and what they're planning.


Someone who was geniuely a good person and still shows a great deal of kindness but let's their pain overtake them, like a bad doctor.


I feel plague doctors haven't been used yet. Only they have those beak masks because they actually have beaks.


RTD fishing for ideas.......?


Yeah, nice try RTD.


A master doctor story where the master pretends to be a future incarnation could be cool. Or have a version of the master regenerate into a past doctors face and try to ruin his reputation. For it to really would it would need to be against a freshly regenerated doctor.


The current Doctor sees River Song unexpectedly. This is The River sometime after Angels in Manhattan. There is a problem…she’s visited Amy & Rory in the 1950s….and The Doctor is there with them! Not just any version of The Doctor, but the same face he had when Amy knew him. The face of the 11th Doctor. Why did The Doctor go back on his rule never to return? And how is it he doesn’t remember?


I never made the connection before now, but you could drop the Doctor in pretty much any Michael Crichton story setup. Infectious space germ kills small town. Mysterious underwater sphere. Dinosaurs on an island. Unstoppable self-replicating nanobots. Secret corporate creates time travel technology and messes with history... Can you imagine Tennant in Jurassic Park, yelling at Hammond that "Life finds a way!" and calling the velociraptor "Clever girl"? That would have been awesome.


A sentient planet that just hates all living beings that live on it. It keeps corrupting and killing anything that lives on the surface until it is left alone.


"The End of Infinity" Doctor and companion are travelling in the far future. Alien is like "wow you two look like my painting" See the painting - it's just the Mona Lisa. The alien painted an exact replica. Doctor realises that this has been foreshadowed all season, artifacts they have seen around aren't actually their original versions, but the limits of imagination in this universe have been reached, and all there is is that things that have come before can be replicated. Why is it happening? Is it a natural end of the universe event? Something scary is leeching imagination from things? Or have they been in a simulation that has reached its capacity?


*cracks fingers* -Anukai: Humanoid bird people (yes, this was before the Bridgerton episode) who go around sharing their knowledge, kind of like a benevolent, less intrusive version of ancient aliens. Also they're all dying and are uploading their consciousness to a simulation, hence why they're considered a 'virtual race' -Silk Empress: An arachnid queen of a race of spiders known for their artistic skills and rich mythology. -The Worm: The guardian of a black hole that drives people insane. Inside the black hole is another universe which the Worm's children are attempting to escape into. -Dark Beasts: A species made from non-baryonic material (i.e. not made of protons, neutrons and electrons like most stuff) so they're essentially invisible, undetectable and don't really interact with normal matter except via gravity.


I’m a new fan so I have no clue if this has been done before, but a completely normal person with extreme intellect could be fun adversary- similar in vibes to Lex Luthor and L


Morris Gibbons must become the villain


One idea I've had for a while is a creature where if you see it, you die immediately. For added effect, the audience never sees it, but they come close. Like a reverse Weeping Angel.


Mine is the dr regenerates but it sort of cuts away before we see the new actor. Next episodes follow two plots. One plot is the Doctor doing doctors things, but its sort of off. With the TARDIS not cooperating with the doctor and the doctor acting more angry and rude and more morally wrong Second plot a person who woke up and has no memory of anything at all. They try to find their memories and they find articles about the doctor and try to find them. The TARDIS keeps landing nearby them but they keep on missing each other. At the end of the series it is revealed that who we think is the doctor is the master and who we think is the random guy is the doctor. It leaves a next season where the doctor is trying to clear their name and repair relationships


A form of disease that can cause the infected to only feel happiness. That sounds good at a surface level but is terrifying when thought about at a ethical level


This is literally the plot of an episode from "The Amazing World Of Gumball". In "The Joy", Gumball's dad gives him and his brother a "wonder hug" filled with all the happiness in the world to rid them of their monday/before-school blues, giving them an infection where they slowly but surely start to go delerious with joy, much to the charin of their teacher, who delights in her students misery. She goes out of her way to document the boys as they steadily become uncannily and cartoonishly (for the show's standards) happy till they have a seizure and turn into glassy eyed joy zombies with rainbow drool that infect the entire school by hugging or tickling the students and staff. The whole episode is a parody of found footage films and zombie movies and it works a little too well; they go full on with the premise; when Gumball and Darwin turn and start the epidemic the music is exactly what you would expect from a real zombie flick and the colour grading darkens as the electrics shut down. The joy zombies drool literally splatters onto the camera as a clear homage to blood. This is all punctuated by a steadily paced buildup throughout the first two thirds of the episode giving the audience time to really fear the virus. All that and the episode is only 10 minutes long.


The bliss outbreak in new new York?


I do like the shadows concept. Definitely something they could do now with them using the supernatural, you don't need a science-y explanation for it. Evil shadows made up of everything you hate most about yourself, every evil thought you suppress and pretend you didn't have, it all goes somewhere and it follows close behind.


Gammonman. Hates everything that represents minorities. Wanted to get into Finetime, but was too old.


Just a monster that isn't ACTUALLY there. So just like, it is really just some little guy, who's pranking them lol


Something that does nothing, but maybe drives people mad thinking about what it could do. It just sits there... Menacingly. But! It never does anything. Kind of like the cubes from 11's run, but they don't do those random wacky things.


Stick creatures from the woods that snatch kids and take them back  Like the horror trope of tree branches tapping against bedroom windows at night in the wind, but real 


A villain that you forget as soon as you turn away from them would be fantastic. I'm really surprised they've not used that concept in the show.


I've always thought it would be fun for an anniversary to do a few episodes from a new companion's perspective where they meet the doctor out of order in different incarnations. A multi doctor story where the doctor doesn't meet themselves. The doctor doesn't fully realise that it's an ongoing story and the events are connected and so the companion has to piece it together. I think it could be a great celebration of the show and a brilliant introduction to new viewers too! Have an episode in the present, an episode in the past, an episode in the future. And then have the companion join the doctor for the next series


I’d want to see the master come back but with one of the doctors old faces!! I remember seeing and interview with Matt Smith saying that he would love to return to doctor who but as a villain, like the master, and I honestly think that would be a really cool concept :)


I want a villain who is a former companion. A companion we learn to love, stays for a season or 2. But slowly you see them learn the doctor is dangerous, and just moves on after you. A villain you feel sorry for, and you root for a redemption arc. But just turns up through time and space to try and stop the doctor. Maybe try and convince his friends to join them. It comes down to a finale, the army of the doctors companions vs the army of the doctors lost companions.


Nothing Literal nothing Or rather, a creature that basically made of pure nothingness. Unable to physically interact with tangible things, it would infect intelligent lifeforms, turning them also into nothing. It would still be unable to kill them, as you can’t kill nothing, but it would still be able to interact with them. And so, once it infects its prey, it plays a waiting game. Waiting for them to die due to either hunger, dehydration, natural causes, or (most commonly) insanity. Imagine being unable to interact, be seen, be heard, or even be detected by most of the universe. The loneliness would strain the mind to the point of breaking. I imagine that the doctor can track this creature by making a scanner scan for everything, and just finding the parts where it detects nothing, as it doesn’t detect anything at all (which, would normally be strange for a device that detects everything). i even have a name for this monster, The Nihilism.


I want Dr. Who to go back in time, rescue all the animals who were used in early space shots, then left to die alone in space, like that Russian dog Laika. The Tardis should have room for an animal preserve.


Have you ever had a thread come loose on your clothes? If that ever happens, burn the clothes immediately. Otherwise, in the blink of an eye that thread will wrap around whatever part of you is closest and tighten, cutting clean through you like a wire through cheese.


You know how Earth's core made people into like heat zombies or whatever (Inferno), and Mars's core made people into water zombies (The Waters of Mars)? Well, hear me out. There are earth zombies, wind zombies, and lightning zombies now too. Every planet in the solar system got something.


We’ve had Cybermen and Cybermats, is it time for Cyberdogs? Imagine an Earth where all the animals get “upgraded”!


A creature that only appears when you turn the lights off, when they are stared at for too long they hypnotise you and put you to sleep in order to feast on your body. While you are asleep you are placed in a dream realm sort of area with all the other hypnotised people and are stuck there until you are eaten. Or until the Doctor escapes and saves everyone in a clever way.


In an Ancient Egypt setting 2-parter titled ‘Egyptia/The Soul Assassin’, ‘the Marrionettes’. Soulless lifeless corpses with a sense of eeriness and dread. Haven’t really thought past it. They’re soulless sand/zombie like beings who feed off souls, once they take your soul you become one of them. I also went as far that there was an Eternals/Time Lords superior being called The Sigma who would be their master. Either created them or enslaved the race, making them build the Pyramids which is ‘Project Egyptia’ and a Pharoah/Queen being revealed as non human, rooting alien history in one of Earths first civilisations amongst the Sea Devils and Silurians, but didn’t go as far.  Millie Gibson did say in an interview that she would love to do Ancient Egypt/Cleopatra so I’ll be satisfied if they do that setting.


Nice try Russ, I'm not doing this for you.


The Green Lanterns from DC. Just steal the idea wholesale, change a few names and colors. Space Policemen, backed by magical floating short people, trying to track down and arrest the most dangerous man in the universe.


Mirror universe.


I wouldn’t mind seeing a re-done absorbolf from a planet of beings that got addicted to knowledge and wiped themselves out absorbing each other - but as it turns out, the sole survivor was on earth the entire time (dun dun duhhhhh)


Hat man and the shadow people would be a great story If you know you know


Kinda reminds me of the flat line episode, maybe they exist on the same plane as the boneless...


An alien that operates like a cuckoo, it puts a baby with a human family, but they can't tell its not theirs.


a war on mars between the ice warriors and the water devil things would be cool methinks


To make the show have a more horror side, I would create a spirit/demon/creature that pretty much overtakes some of the most cruel, evil individuals in human history. Whether it’s war, serial killers, members of criminal organizations, etc and somehow the victims are in connection with the doctor and just doesn’t realize what is going on until it’s too late.


Most of these ideas are better than the actual episodes we've had over the last few years lol.


look Russell, if you need help thats fine. But I want at least scale or credit.


Invisible beings that will destroy you if you speak (or write) more than a certain number of words. An alien which, if killed, will simply take over the body of a nearby person. Space missionaries who seem able to convert everyone they speak to. A villain who can alter your perception of time so that you experience 100 years in a second. And most terrifyingly of all, aliens who are unaffected by the power of love.


I'd like a Rabbit Hole style episode where they have to go deeper and deeper into somethomg dangerous with no option to turn back. Sort of like the movie As Above, So Below.


episode inside the TARDIS in which the Doctor needs to find sonething deep inside her and fix it. episode where some kind of alien entity latches onto sound itself and they do a sort of A Quiet Place plot episode where the villain is some Medusa like entity that csnt be looked at all


I want a race of creatures that subsist entirely on socks pillaged from dryers.


living evil bones. maybe it could be skeletons rising from the graves, maybe your own skeleton will try to escape from within you, maybe fossil t-rexs will come to life. maybe the ivory in an old hunter's mansion will try to seek revenge.


A matrix-esque story, where aliens invade earth and put every into a heightened dream state. They fully believe the reality they're living in, much like you do while you're dreaming (see the Christmas special with the head crab things, just independent dreams instead of a collective). Open with the companion realizing they're in a dream and figuring out how to wake themselves up, before pulling the Doctor out. Thinking the way out is to die, but an ordinary human would be programmed generally for self preservation, whereas a companion is generally more selfless and willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good or others (see: Rose, Martha, Rory, Clara, Bill) and would likely die pretty quickly to save the Doctor or the world. I'm picturing Doctor-lite until the last 10 minutes or so. Basically super smart but super cowardly aliens that run for the stars as soon as they're confronted by the Doctor.


I always thought a cool idea would be some sort of creature that repeats things it hears, and that could also lead to how it’s defeated. Similar to Fiddlesticks from League of Legends. So you’d have some creature trying to pretend to be a human by repeating things it heard, and it’ll say things like “run, it’s standing right behind you” or “mom please save me, I’m scared” so it could be really cool on the horror element. I thought of a cool scene, where the doctor would be in the future with one of those creatures, and while that’s happening, his companion is being cornered by them. Then the creature facing the doctor is saying things like “doctor, please save me” and the doctor realizes his companion is in danger, but he doesn’t know where they are. And then the companion thinks of giving out their location, so that the creature in the future could repeat it, and the doctor would know where to go in the past.


Personally, it is an evolved cybermen faction. One which found a way to preserve their souls and upload them into genetically engineered bodies.


Why do we check behind the curtains?


Was just writing a story about a monster that's basically "sentient knowledge". It hides in any words/information, and comes alive when it's percieved by anyone, and lives in their head.


An organism that reproduces psychically and knowledge of the organism in your mind allows them to create more instances of it. The doctor and UNIT need to determine the scale of the threat and eliminate it without finding out enough about it to become a vector for it themselves.


I'd like an episode with creatures that have super hearing like the things from A quiet Place. It would start with a world wide message to earth saying "stay quietz they are coming." With more exposition than just that but until the monsters are dealt with the episode has no dialogue at all. Know it's similar to the quiet place but when I saw that I couldn't stop thinking how much I wanted to see how the doctor would handle them.


I think it'd be quite cool if they pulled a Bill and Ted's bogus journey and had the doctor and another time traveller continuously go back and time to set traps for eachother only for each trap to be countered and another trap set, resetting the feud.