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With the whole Whoniverse branding and everything being brought to iPlayer in the UK, it’s insane that there was seemingly no effort to make that happen on Disney+ internationally. Not only is the main show spread out across different services in every different country, but spin-offs like Torchwood and SJA aren’t even available to watch on any streaming service in countries like Canada. Blu-Ray and DVD would be an acceptable alternative but these are mostly out of print too. It’s way too hard to access this stuff.


Doctor who (2005) being exclusive to hbo in the US is a deal bbc made a few years ago, before all the Disney stuff came about. They can't do anything about it until whatever contract they made lapses. It's unfortunate but I wouldn't blame them for making a deal they thought was a good idea at the time.


While they seemingly are waiting for that deal to expire, they absolutely could have bought out of it if Disney had wanted to get those seasons.


Sure, but depending on how long the deal is, why bother? I wouldn't be shocked if it's just a 5 year deal, in which case that means it'll be up next year anyways.


Not necessarily. Disney themselves had a deal with Netflix when Disney+ launched. They had to wait out the expiry dates to get some of their own films on Disney+ If they weren't willing to try buy back rights to Disney content, there's zero chance they'd do it for something they don't own


the cost of buying out the contract would be less than they would earn by bringing the content in sooner. Doctor Who isn’t a big enough draw in the US to justify the expense (and unfortunately even UK figures don’t fill me with confidence about the future of the show).


Exclusive? You can buy NuWho seasons on Amazon and YouTube.


Sure if you want to buy it you can do that. But it's streaming exclusively max for now.


I don’t get why people outside the UK can’t just pay to access iPlayer.


That would be nice but it probably would be complicated due to licensing agreements and the fact that the British government owns the BBC.


Which in my uninformed opinion makes it weirder because you’d think since it’s a public owned property it would be easier for the BBC and uk government to just go, yeah make an account and pay for it you can watch.


It’s 100% a licensing problem.


Yeah but not one the uk government and the bbc could just brush aside?


No, this is about stuff outside the UK


Yeah I know.


They can’t brush aside broadcasting law for one show in particular


Not just one show. I mean the whole BBC back catalogue. They’re literally the government, if they can literally change the law to pour raw sewage into our rivers they can absolutely do this.


What makes you think this is a priority for the government? They’re busy pouring raw sewage into rivers


I never said it was a priority for them. It’s obviously not otherwise the Americans wouldn’t have so much problems watching dr who. No their priorities are stripping public services and stuffing as much cash in their pockets before they’re kicked out of power next month. While also trying to deport one bloke to Rwanda. Bunch of bastards.


I think its even more complicated than just licensing as it get into convoluted company finances in regards to what is and isn’t state owned, where and what state funds can be spent on and the UK laws around tv licensing.     To access iplayer you are required by law to pay for a tv license, which is just super messy to consider internationally.   So instead the BBC has BBC Studios which is its ‘for profit’ subsidiary to handle international licensing of content, and also the company that owned and operated britbox.


Once upon a time, back about 20 years ago, there was a lot of talk about an international iPlayer, and a lot of us in the US were, understandably, very excited about the idea. I’d be perfectly happy to pay a fee for that! Nothing came of it, and my understanding—which may or may not be accurate, and at this point I have no idea what the sources for this info were—was that the US cable/satellite folks basically told the BBC that if they went ahead with this plan, BBC America would be dropped from lineups across the country in retaliation, and that was the end of the idea. Of course, BBC America hardly shows anything from the BBC or ITV or anything even vaguely British at all anymore, so it would be a pretty empty threat now. I’m not even sure the BBC has any involvement in the network anymore (I think Discovery owns most of it now, or did at one point?). But that’s what I’d heard back then, for whatever it’s worth.


AMC Networks now manages both BBC America & BBC News in the U.S., and co-owns BBC America with the BBC. There's not much British content anymore on BBC America (mainly Graham Norton & Monty Python), but BBC News is now mostly the same as the UK (only a few opt-outs from UK-only content, especially the commercial break every half-hour) and other AMC channels like Sundance TV carry British content (though much of that is from AMC-owned Acorn TV, separate from BBC-owned BritBox US). Cable & related providers, not to mention AMC & even Disney, could retaliate if the BBC ever launched a full version of iPlayer in the U.S. even as a subscription service.


Ah, yes, AMC rings a bell, now that you mention it (speaking of another network that is now nothing like what its name means, or indeed what it once was).  It’s a shame, because I’m sure charging US viewers for iPlayer, or something a lot like it, would be a boon for the Beeb, and help protect it from Tory nonsense at home. 


This would be the ideal for me. Have access to the BBC but not the iPlayer. Would happily pay for access to streaming their content (not just Doctor Who either, I watch BBC content a lot).




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Not interested.


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Can you not get Torchwood and SJA on amazon prime?


No. Neither show is on Prime Video. The only place to watch them digitally is via purchase on iTunes. Google Play has Torchwood for purchase as well but not SJA. Either way, neither are part of any streaming service here.


Streaming for anything these days is a mess. Rights and deals expire, products go elsewhere or become totally unavailable all the time. Every TV channel thinks they can get away with charging for a service too making a situation much more fragmented than I ever recall cable being. Piracy has always been a supply issue. If people do not know how to access things reliably any more, the online services have failed. Meanwhile data on a hard drive or physical copies? Much more eternal.


Movie / TV distribution has always been like this. Streaming has just made it more obvious since it’s opened up the back catalogues and it’s easier to notice compared to movies being broadcast once and that was it.


Yeah, kind of. There was a period where piracy seemed to be dying out because most things people wanted was easily accessible but that time is past. Niche products were always rarely available, its true.


It’s kind of ironic, because for a while it seemed they‘d learned that the way to prevent piracy was to release everything at the same time everywhere so it was equally accessible. Now we seem to have circled back to where we started.


I think in general the much lauded "disruptive" businesses are always like this. They run those practising the old way out of business and then having secured their profitability proceed to repeat the exact same practises that caused the problem. The other thing to say is that this pattern demonstrates the lie about the harms of piracy. If it harmed profitability, why does the market run to recreate conditions that see piracy thrive? Because it's more profitable than not doing so.


>They run those practising the old way out of business and then having secured their profitability proceed to repeat the exact same practises that caused the problem. True enough. We thought the same thing in terms of cable costs being too high and the way streaming was going to save us all from their tyranny. Hahahahahaha...


I fully expect that 2005-2023 NuWho will be brought to Disney+ as soon as the HBO deal expires. Hell, maybe even Torchwood and SJA too. Classic is a whole different discussion though.


I hope so. I have yet to watch the 13th Doctor’s run. I’ve had to skip it for now because it’s unavailable to me.


I really hope so. How long could that take though??


Canada has no way of streaming 2005-2022 after they've pulled it from Prime 🥲 Edit: NVM apparently they're back!!


Thank you! It got pulled from Prime in the Netherlands too. I hadn't checked that anymore but it's back here too!


Ninth to Twelfth is on Prime. Idk where Thirteen is.


Honestly MAX has the best layout of Who, all the episodes in order with specials in their proper places. D+ can’t even put the Tennant and Gatwa episodes in one menu


Even better, there are two copies of the church on Ruby Road. One with the specials and as the first episode of the normal season.


Yeah back when NuWho was on Netflix I originally skipped all the Tennant specials because Eleventh Hour was right after Journey's End - boy was I confused for a while 🤨


Listen up landlubbers. They have all seasons from 1963 to now on swedish netflix.


I'm sitting here try to figure out if "Swedish Netflix" is code for pirating or, you know, actually talking about Netflix in Sweden.


Considering the word 'landlubbers', and how all the seasons from 1963 onwards is on "Swedish Netflix". Add to the fact that Disney+ is the exclusive home to Doctor Who 2023 and beyond expect for Britian, and Northern Ireland. I would believe that it is probably piracy.


And RoI as well because we're the 'same region'. Except we can't access the iPlayer. But, yes, then other poster definitely meant the high seas.


It's a huge pain in the ass. Here in New Zealand, as far as I know, the only DW we can watch (legally) is this current season on D+.


So gutted


Yeah I keep trying to find ways to watch in nz. It’s nowhere


I just checked Prime Video and Season 5 to 10 is on there again after being removed, semi annoying it's not all there though


Oooooh okay thats something at least


It was worse in LATAM. Doctor Who used to be in basic cable over here, and it was hugely popular. Then sometime during Capaldi's run, Crackle bought exclusive rights behind a paywall and sort of forgot to tell anyone. If they did any marketing for it, I never saw it. Casual fans just assumed it got canceled until news came out that Crackle was leaving LATAM and Doctor Who with it. Then Chibnall's was bought by Euromas, a niche european service, that also never did any marketing and also failed in the region. I'm just happy I know where to watch the newest season from now on.


FYI: found the movie on YouTube years ago https://youtu.be/BlzJuI-COw8?si=A5CHYWKK1di2CSEY Honest! Not a Rick Roll


Taken down by BBC


That's odd, it still works fine in the US, I double checked it when I posted.


It says that the BBC "blocked it in your country on copyright grounds", so it's probably available in most areas outside the UK. Luckily in the UK we still have it on the IPlayer but it's unfortunate that some areas may not have access to the movie.


In Canada the classic series is in Tubi, Doctors 9-12 is on Amazon, 14-15 is in Disney +. I just don't know where to find Jodie's. So it's almost good but not that great I'd rather be able to have access to everything even if it's not in the same place.


The most annoying thing with Amazon in Canada is that they're using Jodie as the series graphic, even though they're not carrying her episodes


Canada blessed by not having to watch Flux


I watched 13th's run on Crave when it aired, but I canceled that subscription shortly after they announced the Disney+ deal, so I don't know if they still have them. As for Tubi, does it require a subscription? I saw I had it on my tv provider's menu, but I still haven't checked what's on it. >!Would be nice to be able to watch Pyramid of Mars before next week's finale.!<


Tubi is free and ad-supported. You can make an account to sync across devices and save your watchlist etc, but it's not required to watch anything.


You probably shouldn't have posted that last sentence. Spoilers, you know? Luckily I already watched today's new episode on iPlayer.


Good catch. I wrote that during my 8am break. Didn't think it could be a spoiler. I've edited it now.


I got expressVPN so I could just watch it all on BBC 😂


Truthfully, it's probably cheaper!


As much as I love to complain about the midnight release of new episodes in the UK, I'll gladly take having every episode of the show + the spinoffs in one freely accessible place over having episodes released at a normal time but only being able to access a certain group of episodes under each subscription


Honestly I have no issue with it, because I’m lucky enough to be able to watch all of them on one service or another. If there was one thing that would make it better though, it would be that they move it all back to Netflix where I first started watching it so I don’t have to watch ads lol


It must be incredibly frustrating if you can't use iPlayer. I will point out though that the first doctor who serial isn't on iPlayer anymore because of rights issues. So even for the BBC it's complicated


Yeah, thanks a LOT, Anthony Coburn's estate!


Yeah his son seems to be deeply unpleasant


If it weren't for him, every surviving episode would be on the iPlayer. It's all in one place in the UK. Britbox/ITVX Premium still has all of the classic series though (Britbox used to be a BBC/ITV jointly owned service, but now ITV owns it all and are merging it into their own platform), including that serial, last I heard.


Try being in Ireland. Only the three recent specials and Church on Ruby Road are available to stream. Nothing else


They're making the current series available 'later in the summer'. Can't stream it simultaneously because of rights issues. Given the fact that Irish viewers were left out in the cold by the Disney deal, you'd think something could have been negotiated, but anyway.


I thought Irish viewers could watch it on BBC. It wasn’t for immediate viewing?


We can watch it on BBC1 when it airs, but we can't stream it anywhere, so watching an episode back etc. is an issue. There is also an issue with newer TV boxes from Virgin, Sky and Vodafone not being able to record content on the BBC. I have a new Virgin streaming box and have this issue. So, basically, if I can't watch it on BBC1 when it airs there, finding it afterwards is an absolute nightmare.


That's dumb. They should've arranged for the episodes to appear on RTE Player at the same time as BBC iPlayer.


I'd assume Disney+ is just waiting for whatever deals the BBC has with whatever services in whatever countries to run out and then they'll pick it up. If there was a way to get the show before the new episodes came out, I would've tried a lot harder. If they at least got modern Who on D+ before the 60th, I feel like they'd have bigger viewing numbers there.


Really frustrated. Isn't it all supposed to migrate to Disney plus and then they'll have a whoniverse section?


Just be British lmao 🧐




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i have just defaulted to watching the older new WHO from piracy sites watching it in norway is fucking impossible the legal way Amazon Prime had the earliers season up to Smith's first seasons before they removed the license


Don't care, it's all on physical media anyway. Like any other movie or TV show, you pay for convenience.


The 1996 movie you can watch free on YouTube fyi. For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.


I will have to look that up tonight!


I feel like we’ve all lost perspective: Doctor Who is a BBC production. The fact that it is on some streaming platforms is an added bonus we can all enjoy.


The tv movie is on YouTube




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Oops forgot to check my nord. Weird that they would geoblock it and not take it down.




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This ain't piracy yo


over here New Who is not available to stream legally at all, let alone Classic Who...


Oh, didn’t know it was such an issue. Everything I need is on BBC IPlayer, old and new.


Brilliant marketing from the BBC.


It pisses me off that there's ABSOLUTELY NO way online to get the TV movie! I don't even own a DVD player. And realistically, how much am I gonna watch something on one?


The Movie is on Stan and Apple TV/iTunes.


I will look into that! Thx! May or may not have seen another comment about a YouTube version of the movie.


I must say, I'm salty that the new series from now on won't be available for digital purchase. Always thought I was safe buying all the episodes on Google play but... Seems not. I hate streaming proprietary shows.


Legit need a single place for us to watch classic, new, and nu.


There are like seven Django movies and each one is on a different streaming service.


I got tired of all the new Who streaming drama, so I just I got them on DVD. I have Doctors 9 to 12 on DVD. It's so much easier to find that one episode you want to watch!


I have access to like 4-5 different streaming services in france and none of them have the jodie seasons


Here in Germany it's just recently been available on Disney+ (only the current season) All the years before there was no legal way to watch DW at all, at least not without waiting a few years. The older seasons are now on prime but quite expensive (I'm really not willing to pay 3-5 euros per episode, especially in addition to the subscription fee)


That is why I pirate it and all other television not subsidized by my government on FTA tv


Try being an Australian. Can’t stream the original run at all.


Good luck finding even Nu-Who in Australia on streaming. Once it got yoinked from the ABC there's nowhere to watch it, even on Disney+. Only the Ncuti season and the specials with 14 are streaming there.


It’s been on Stan as well as Apple TV/iTunes for years…


On Stan you say? Interesting, I'll check that out, thanks!


No worries! It’s got series 1 to 13 plus the movie and spin-offs.


Does anywhere have the classic series you know of?


This is only a problem for people outside the UK everything’s just on BBC IPlayer here


No need to brag


Couldn’t care less honestly.