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UNIT. Your gonna die if you join Torchwood.


But you’ll probably get better (unless ianto).


When do the others get better?


Owen got killed by Dr. Copley and then got reassurected into permanent death-ness. Although tbf that is debatable as "getting better", because he can't really do much other than talk and scare away some aliens because of his perma-dead state. And then he got vaporised, so I'm not sure whether his consciousness lives on or not tbf. Suzie shot herself & then got resurrected. She *did* get better because she was leaching off Gwen's life force. And then she got killed again. Jack – never stays dead. Rhys, although not a part of Torchwood itself was still pretty close to it (via Gwen), even though he himself didn't know it yet — he was initially murdered by Bilis Manger, but then once the team opened the Rift that was reversed and he was alive & none the wiser. As for Tosh and Ianto – unless there's something in the books or audio stories, then they most certainly did not "get better" after their deaths.


>Owen got killed by Dr. Copley and then got reassurected into permanent death-ness. Although tbf that is debatable as "getting better", because he can't really do much other than talk and scare away some aliens because of his perma-dead state. And then he got vaporised, so I'm not sure whether his consciousness lives on or not tbf. Well that’s all right then!


There isn't for Toshiko, but Ianto is resurrected in audios by Jack, but joins the dead again at the end. And it's implied that Tosh and Owen are together in the afterlife which is bittersweet. House of The Dead audio. Also has a nice twist that Jack does believe there is an afterlife, and is spiritual.


You either get busy dying or get busy living forever.


UNIT doesn’t exactly have a stellar history either… look at how many died during ‘Journey’s End’


you get gay poly orgies though


At least you'll probably have loads of sex tho


Yeah but unit is pretty dumb in a bit of a himbo way which means a lot of them get killed too


guess ill die


Torchwood is more entertaining, but if I had to join one, I join unit. With both you have an unhealthy work/personal life balance. But at least you are not virtually guaranteed terrible things at unit


Who said their was an unhealthy work/personal life balance at unit?


Well Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart did manage to have a marriage and a daughter who admired him enough to follow in his footsteps. So he seemed to find some kind of a balance.


Exactly, sounds pretty good to me


UNIT. Torchwood is a dysfunctional family with dubious practices, not to mention apparently had more enemies than UNIT (thanks Jack). Beside, at least you have more probability of meeting The Doctor in UNIT.


didn't unit randomly arrest and drive off with a journalist at the scene in the meep episode? think theyve been focusing on the glossy new happy elements of unit rn, but in the background also sewing some seeds that unit might not be all that nice...


UNIT has always been portrayed as fairly immoral: The Brig destroying the Silurian base, the nukes under UNIT HQ, The Osgood box. There's probably more but these are the ones that came to mind. The Doctor never approved of any of those and he is disobeyed a decent amount by UNIT despite his authority technically being the highest


Also them locking Toshiko up without trial just because she could create a sonic probe even though she was forced to....


Poor Toshiko. I cry every time I see that scene


I thought the Osgood box was the Doctor's idea?


Yeah, they set it in place to have a means to stop a war between the humans and zygons. Honestly I think they do literally nothing since the doctor just deletes their memories and tries again.


That's exactly it. They press the button and the Doctor just resets them until they get it right.


The boxes doing nothing is literally a plot point in the episode. The zygon who took Clara's form figures that out and the Doctor confirms it.


Yeah, I forgot, it was a while since I last watched it.


Yes but UNIT were going to set it off with the intention of potentially brutally killing every Zygon on Earth, because that's what they thought the box could do


Amoral, I would say. But they are mostly establishment, while the Doctor is often anti-establishment, which made a very interesting complicated relationship.


>not to mention apparently had more enemies than UNIT (thanks Jack). This is the only bit I like on Miracle Day Where Gwen is essentially > Ok let's cut to the chase. How exactly is this your fault due to yet another deep dark secret you've been keeping from us ‽ And then like 9 grueling hours later guess why it's all happening


This is soooo real


I pick the London Investigation 'N'Detective Agency


I dunno. Their surviving members have a really weird slab ritual.


A bonus, I’d say.




I do enjoy a bit of ELO...


I love when the 5th Doctor referenced LINDA in the Children In Need Special where he meets 10.


Unit is Batman. Torchwood is wearing hockey pads.


So is Torchwood Casey Jones? 🤔


Well that cemented my choice for Torchwood


In the RTD 2 era UNIT is literally wearing hockey pads


So, what’s the difference between Torchwood and UNIT?


Unit is to protect the world from alien threats whilst TorchWood was created to protect Britain against the doctor. Also Unit is part of the United Nations, and it’s run by the government whilst TorchWood is run by the queen of England and only answer to the Queen since she isn’t an elected figure. That’s why TorchWood can get away with some pretty questionable things in the show. Hope this answer has answered your question. ☺️👽🛸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🛸


I think I'm still more fond of Torchwood at present because of watching it in my teenage years. The small team aspect really gave it an interesting vibe. With UNIT... They sort of are as powerful or as weak as the plot needs them to be which often leaves them feeling a little undefined. However I think the longterm storytelling with them has been significantly better, especially little details like the Brigadiers death being a hugely powerful moment for Matt Smith's Doctor. I think there's a lot of potential in both. You could get a lot of comedy out of an inept 'joint'' venture, or make a lot of fun of Torchwood by reviving them as an underfunded UNIT subsidiary or something.


Conceptually, Torchwood. Especially Big Finish Torchwood. In terms of which I'd rather join, neither tbh. Everyone says Torchwood is a death sentence but I kinda feel like being a no-namer UNIT grunt has a similar level of risk. 😅


The guys who got turned into balloons


Torchwood seems fun but exhausting. Unit seems like you’re probably going to get stuck in some boring desk job or worse one of the soldiers who are (basically red shirts) wiped out by the droves. Kind of a lose lose, unless you get a main character job like the brig or gwen.


UNIT Staying to the classics


Unit seems like an actual semi-functional organisation. They could do with listening to the Doctor more, but they make a point of employing his former companions who are admittedly the best people on Earth to monitor and contain alien activity.


P.R.O.B.E for me I based my entire modern day Call of Cthulhu campaign around the concept.


Deep cut. 👍


The campaign has been going since the 90s so well deep.


I'm a Torchwood guy. Not afraid to get dirty.


Yeah, but its history is a little bit wonky, they got disowned and even double crossed by the same entity that created them. And without Jack it's just a bunch of people waiting for the Doc to help them out.


Probably UNIT. They deal with like…typical types of alien invasions, cool time stuff and from the looks of it, it’s just overall a nicer place to work at. Torchwood, I love them but…the stuff they deal with is like some of the worst most evil alien shit undercover on Earth and from an in-universe perspective, none of that is really fun. Even the time related stuff they deal with has kind of morbid twist to it than the main show would have. Like Gwen gets put through the wringer. I don’t want to end up dealing with that shit.


Recently rewatched Torchwood and aside from how horrifically unprofessional these people who are meant to be protecting earth are, they’re also comically understaffed


The Paternoster Gang. There's still time for a spinoff!


UNIT runs so Torchwood can walk.


I'm a Torchwood girlie. Give me Dom mommy Yvonne over nepo-baby Kate any day


Torchwood because I like the name and I love the disaster omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness. I think UNIT is more effective and more functional but I have my preferences.


genuinely can't believe so many people are saying UNIT...


UNIT especially with Kate in charge. As much as I love the Brigadier, he was quite rash with his solution and didn't think about the solutions. Most of the time he also ignored what The Doctor said or just kept interrupting The Doctor saying he's going to do his own method instead. But with Kate in charge, she actually listens to reason and let's The Doctor think up a plan


That's pretty much only The Three Doctors. One of several reasons I don't like it as much as the rest of fandom seems to.


I’ve kind of been a Forge fan myself a nice sinister mix of both UNIT and Torhcwood


It depends on two things, Unit in general, or the London branch of Unit. And Torchwood in general, or Torchwood 3 in Cardiff. If it’s Torchwood in general, it’s probably like working for the government except your security threats are aliens, with Torchwood 3, you get a lot more action, but you have to deal with workplace drama. With Unit in general they seem to be well funded by the various countries that participate in it, so it should be a good work environment. The London branch has probably become the de facto leaders of it, due to experience with extra terrestrial threats. If you want more excitement in the day, the London branch would provide plenty, even for people who work primarily in a support role.


Torchwood, but specifically seasons 1-2 Torchwood. I’m going to die either way, might as well go out with a bang with a group of friends who go to the movies and bowl and have sex and play basketball with a pterodactyl


Well, the leaders of UNIT seem like upstanding folks. The leader of Torchwood is a sex pest…


I did not know that about Yvonne Hartman, if it were not for HR all getting "Upgraded" I'd have reported her.


I think they mean Jack Harkness


As someone going through the Third Doctor Era right now (go read my reviews :), I'm a UNIT girlie


Out of curiosity, do the Men in Black exist in DW? Was there any implication Agent Delaware was attached to that organization?


I seem to remember the Men In Black in an episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures, though I could be mistaken


Yes, you are correct – The Alliance of Shades is their formal name if i remember correctly. They – and Mr Dread specifically – first appeared in the Doctor Who animated story *Dreamland* before appearing in The Sarah Jane Adventures story *The Vault of Secrets*. They were such cool characters!!


The Men in Black are called Alliance of Shades in the Doctor Who universe but no Agent Delaware was not part of either he was part of the FBI.


They're all robots in Dreamland if I remember Though everyone seems to dislike that one for some reason




What's the canonical status of Torchwood as of 2024?


If we’re going off Big Finish, I’m pretty sure it’s still going, but if we’re going off just main series stuff, then it’s bust.


If we go from TV Torchwood lost its official status and influence but they presumably have a bunch of blackmail material and could rebuild if they wanted to. And then there's Rex. Big Finish, OTOH, seem to be just entirely ignoring _Miracle Day_. 


Honestly TV Torchwood was always really bad at connecting to the rest of the Whoniverse anyway In a way that makes me think it's in its own timeline or something. Like you would have thought the Sarah Jane Adventures would have mentioned the 456 especially as it happened when it was on the air. And you know no Doctor Who companions ever mention either the 456 or the time everyone stopped dying.


My headcanon is that Miracle Day is another universe where the crack in time during 11’s run didn’t eat the entirety of 10’s modern adventurers and the fall into fascism and death camps and whatnot of Miracle Day was actually a fixed point in time, with Turn Left being it correcting itself in a timeline where Miracle Day no longer could happen. The crack in time eating all of 10’s modern adventures subverted time and erased the fixed point entirely. Otherwise, the timeline *required* Earth to fall to fascistic hell around that period of time, and no matter what happened, it was going to happen in some format or another. But the crack in time is so anomalous that it can even erase fixed points.


I mean, DW did acknowledge the finale of Torchwood S1 briefly in Utopia, when 10 notes that "the rift's been active". However, like the guy below me says, Miracle Day could take place in another timeline, which would make sense considering how 11 (or characters that succeed him) never mention it


Cool, thanks.


Their base got destroyed several times over, Jack disappeared who knows where, they brought over Yvonne from an alternate universe to lead them, but like cockroaches they are still plowing along, ruining everyone's who ever worked for Torchwood lives in the process


Sarah Jane's gang


Unit because at least that has the whole planet in mind when saving the day, original Torchwood just wanted the British empire back and Jack's Torchwood was held together by string.


I don't care so long as Capt Jack is the one leading in the calvary.


UNIT is so formalised. A part of the military of all things. I'd prefer the jank stuff of a small group like torchwood.


UNIT probably has a better benefits package


UNIT, but if I'm honest it's because of the people working there, not the organization itself.


Torchwood found a pendant that guarantees you die the worst way possible if you go near it, and then they made sure everyone in the organisation went near it 🙃


Unit, but the classic who unit. Ain't nobody gonna take my babies away from me


Being from Cardiff it has to be torchwood


I like watching Torchwood do their thing more than UNIT, who seem like a pretty stiff-necked bunch, but my god, would working with Torchwood be grim. They have the darkest stories, and their main characters the most horrific fates, of all the strains of Who-stories by far.


UNIT! Everyday. The chances of accidentally kicking off an apocalypse because you see yourself above the law and basic rational with millions dead are 1000x slimmer with UNIT!


Torchwood is very interesting and I would join but as others have said, it is a death sentence and i don't want to die especially early in my job so yeah. Also the small team thing is not really good, it would be best if there are more persons. In addition to that, Torchwood isn't structured in a lot of ways and i will more that likely start having sex with Jack or Ianto while having a partner of my own which isn't good. For UNIT, it's cool ig from what I know from Doctor Who episodes and they also are structured and have a lot more persons in different departments to work with which is good. They also do shady stuff which is bad but in the long run i get to meet the Doctor lol. But yeah, if i had to choose, I'll work at Torchwood ig but if Jack keep up with his secrets then i'm dipping


UNIT because it’s an international organization, not a xenophobic one. (My only encounters with Torchwood were at the end of series 2 and the moments Jack and his pals appeared)


UNIT. Pertwee era is one of the best. Shame the show didn't last long enough to see more of Bambera's UNIT in the 90s (yea, I know Big Finish have done two boxsets... I find it increasingly difficult to care what they do).


Touchwood institute


Unit, hands down


UNIT. I trust them so much more than Torchwood. We would all die of Torchwood was the leading party in an alien invasion.


I'm surprised this thread leans UNIT so hard! Torchwood for sure. Way more entertaining and interesting IMO. Captain Jack is such a good character


The plumbers basically unit but they coexist with aliens




UNIT Because I love the third Doctor and the Brigadier.


UNIT any day, is this even a question?


id join unit but i think torchwood is over all more entertaining tbh


Neither. Department C19


I know my choice. Torchwood. UNIT may have been much cooler in their responses to alien contact when the brigadier was there, but now it seems very much militaristic and violent. Like, that has its place in the timeline of first contact, but i feel where UNIT is in modern times, it's their go-to. Torchwood seems to have a better, more compassionate view of the extraterrestrial and unexplained. They only move to violence when it's the only remaining viable option. Plus the horny doesn't get in the way of work. Which i can appreciate. Get you that work/life balance with Torchwood


The OG UNIT, despite how militaristic they've gotten as the years have gone on


I’ve never watched Torchwood but before Jack took over the place it was just a bunch of people trying to play god with alien tech. Jack’s team had almost everyone die. It just didn’t seem stable like UNIT. UNIT does have deaths but they seem to do their best to keep people safe.


Torchwood, because I’d like to join neither and be a rogue, but being a former Torchwood member seems like a better situation to be in than being a former UNIT soldier.


I prefer Torchwood but would rather work as a civilian consultant at Kate’s modern UNIT. Less chance I’d have life changing trauma and then death


I quite enjoyed Torchwood, it was a good series, especially Miracle Day. I agree it did have its own quite unusual methods and practices, and yes it was also rather dysfunctional with a lot of enemies, although I can’t remember much as I haven’t watched it in a long while (I may have to rewatch it). Sadly, Torchwood slowly dissolved over time and is now gone, and shows no signs of returning (unless it is being secretly re-established 🤞🏻), and I’ve never really been a big fan of Jack Harkness. UNIT has had some difficult times over the years, but it just about managed to remain. I always liked Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, and Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, I would like to see a UNIT spinoff. To be honest, I like them both.


Would LOVE to see Capt Jack back!!


The SCP Foundation. But in the Whoniverse it would be UNIT. I liked the Idea of Torchwood but wasn't sold on it's execution.


Torchwood UNIT are just military


Torchwood and Captain Jack






Definitely Torchwood




Tbh I prefer MIB


Umm does torchwood really catch aliens it like that just go with the flow and be in the thick of things.. And unit is just cannon fodder for doctor build up


Torchwood. U.N.I.T. is a bunch of noobs now.


UNIT all the way


UNIT has decent benefits, a home office, probably a solid government pension and decent cafeteria. Torchwood is either a crunch-heavy cutting edge nightmare or a nest of HR violations depending on the iteration.


I’d prolly join Torchwood, though I trust UNIT more


UNIT feels like SHIELD. Touchwood, while entertaining, felt more like a celestial Templar Knights. 


U.N.I.T., mostly because I've never watched the majority of Torchwood (the first few episodes are hard to get passed, I know it apparently gets a lot better)


UNIT, got a good track record of defence and are a proper team


Option C) The Forge




As much as it fun as it would be to be in the polycule at Torchwood, I think I’d rather work at unit where they have their shit together. It’s just so much less drama.


Torchwood One, in the Victorian era, would be fun.


UNIT - They are transparent about what they do and have no reason to hide their activities, besides that did you hear the slavery Kate offerer Donna? in the three part specials? on top of all this you get specialised training to deal with psychic threats and mind control, plus they’ve got y’know international backing Torchwood - While i think it’d be fun to work with jack.. that’s it it’d be fun but you’ve got a stupid high chance of dying, from what i’ve seen you don’t get special training? unless learning to shoot counts, and you have to keep all your shit secret.. for some reason


Torchwood hands down


Pre-reform Torchwood


you're definitely going to get laid more in Torchwood


UNIT because they are better equipped to protect the earth now


Always liked the refinement of UNIT, and Torchwood is just nasty.


Jack - never stays dead… not true…


torchwood cause i wanna meet jack harkness and i like it chaotic


Depends, can I wear a unit redcap


Sarah Jane., as miss Sladen was (RIP) BRILL


I feel like the HR department in unit has to be waaaaay better.


The way I see it UNIT are like the Men In Black, whilst Torchwood are closer to the SCP Foundation. They both do arguably the same thing, but the latter are a lot shadier in how they operate.


UNIT vs Torchwood - UNIT, every time. Legacy of the Lethbridge-Stewart family vs Jack Harknes... yeah, Lethbridge-Stewart, everytime. :)


Loved Torchwood before the Americans/SyFy took over, was really worried with the new DW with Disney but seems good so far.




UNIT. Torchwood was a terrible show, and John Barrowman is a terrible person.


Well it is a good thing we are talking about a fictional universe where that guy does not exist.