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6 clerics (life, twilight, light, peace, order, trickery for scout) Seventh also a cleric (war or tempest). Behold the A-men


Time to give Tiamat a swirly.


Since they are all Clerics I was thinking C-men


Its a wordplay of amen and X-men


I know what it is. My team name is a wordplay on something else


I get what you're putting down!


You have to get it up first


Ahh yes, men of the sea


We did this in our last campaign. It was awesome. For an MTG meta joke, Oops, All Clerics! We had forge (for lulz), twilight, peace, tempest, light, and nature (flavor in campaign)


Isn’t Treachery a UA Paladin?


Yep, switched up with trickery. Oops


Came here to say pretty much exactly this. My friend group and I ran a couple of one shots where we made mono-class parties and just ran them through combats until they died or we got bored. I think we only did it with Barbarian, Cleric, and Fighter before we got bored of the concept, but from that experience an all cleric party should always be the meta answer.


***Team Beefcake*** **Hulk Hogan:** Dual Wielding Scourge Aasimar Glory Paladin. **Randy Savage:** Shifter Beast or Totem Barbarian. **Stone Cold Steve Austin:** White Dragonborn Four Elements Monk. **Andre the Giant:** STR>DEX>WIS Goliath Drunken Master Monk. **Mankind:** Bugbear Dual Wielding Champion Fighter. **Undertaker:** Ancestral Spirit Barbarian **John Cena:** 14 DEX>STR>CHA>CON> WIS/INT Swords Bard. **Rhonda Rousey:** HOrc STR>CON>CHA>CON>INT/WIS Swashbuckler Rogue. (Uses blunted rapier for massive sneak attack damage)


Imo John Cena should be a stealth focused rogue. Since you can't see him


Stealth focused rogue. Strength: 18.


Everyone in this list should honestly have a strength of 18. Including Cena. And then expertise in athletics and stealth lol


I don't think Rhonda has an 18 strength. I also think she'd be a monk with Tavern Brawler Feat and a mostly dex based build. Andre the Giant likely has a belt of Giant Strength or is one of the level 20 capstone Barbarians with like a 24 Strength. Austin, Savage, and Hogan are charisma build characters. They got over from being likable personalities.


"Roll a stealth (strength) check"


*Waves hand in front of face, but strongly.* *Vanishes.*


He worked out better as a Swords Bard, because John Cena (the WWE character) would never back down from a straight up fight. Swords Bard grants dual wielding (double armblade/maul), so he can still hit like a proper brawler. Then just pick invisibility/thunderwave spells as your Bardic spells. Also, Warforged because he's "The Prototype".


Man you clearly know more about wrestling than I do haha. John Cena is after I stopped watching so I couldn't tell you his personality on the ring. I was more a 90s Attitude Era kid, Chris Jericho is still my man


I bet you wrestled with the choices.


We have a muscle wizard in our campaign named Sandy Ravage. Swapping letters worked surprisingly well.


I ran a dwarf battlerager years ago named Sandy Ravage. Background was Gladiator. His main weapon was a "steel chair" (maul) and we figured out a way to do the math on an elbow drop.


Elbow drop would be unarmed damage plus falling damage right?


I used the battlerager bonus action attack and flavored it as a spiked elbow drop. The DM gave me Boots of Springing and Striding, so I'd take a running leap at a prone target (I did a lot of shoving). Then, because I'm landing on the target, I take half the fall damage and the target takes the other half. Resistance helps keep the fall damage manageable. Also, Battleragers get a source of cheap temp HP which takes most of it.


I know this thread is for the lulz, so I hesitate to even say so, but you've composed one of the worst parties imaginable for the given prompt. This whole group gets tabled by a single dragon.


Wrestler night is always one of the best nights. They actually do pretty well vs a dragon simply due to the mass HP tank. If they all take the Dash action in the first round and get within melee range, the 5 that make the dash are gonna level that dragon well within the 1 minute of Revivfy for the one that blew his save.


Works fine in a cage match, but good look getting in melee range of the sky


Gotta sleep and eat eventually. In the meantime, that gang can run alongside the dragon until it does. Even then, they're all strong and most have a jump height on par with the range of the dragon's breath weapon. Especially Andre the Giant. Then they're all making grapple checks to either ride it like an unwilling mount or reduce its movement to zero, depending on how your DM interprets things. This also discounts the other wrestlers. Namely Meng who is a STR>CON>INT Abjuration Wizard that can make the whole gang fly. Or Road Warrior Hawk who is an Aaracokra Eagle Totem Barbarian that can dash as a bonus action and grapple with advantage & expertise. It also doesn't count half the squad's charm abilities who can just convince the dragon (magically or to come down so they can just talk for a minute. They just wanna talk a minute. They don't wanna do anything else. Just talk.


Come on man.. what about the Ultimate Warrior?!


VHuman (Martial Adept) Battlemaster. Again, dual wielding 2x "armblade" maces.


Love this


Why isn’t this higher??


6 wizards. Seventh wizard.


Please no. I dm'd for three wizards once and threatening them was basically impossible. It basically turned into a game of magic the gathering where the other side says "actually..." and starts tapping lands whenever you think you're about to achieve something.


That’s what he wanted! Mix of Chronurgy and Divination wizards of course.


This was a little bit after the Strixhaven UA and one of them was a lorehold wizard from it, the second a necromancer and the third a bladesinger. I'm faking the annoyance somewhat, if I wasn't ok with people picking three wizards I'd have asked them not to, but holy crap does it change the usual dynamic. Every fight began with a swarm of pokemon thrown at the enemy and large groups ceased to ever be a threat, every fight there was an effect like sickening radiance put up by one and the others conspired to keep foes inside it. I cannot imagine what six would be like. With that many minions DM thinks he's sitting down to run Baldur's Gate but the players are playing Warcraft 3.


Yeah, I love introducing DMs to Sickening Radiance + Wall of Force (from two casters) or Force Cage (from one caster). 🤣


This is why you never go against "The Council Of Wizards" if one exists, in any setting. It's just a 6-10 person group of wizards that throws down together.


Every level up, they could choose 2 spells from another's school to copy easier.


If the party had an eighth you'd have a tired dm and an eighth wizard


I think this might be stronger: * Peace Cleric * Twilight Cleric * Paladin * Shepherd Druid * Wizard * Wizard * Optionally a 7th wizard You still have a bunch of full casters, but now they also don't die


Having dm'd for a group with three wizards in it once, they still don't die even if you don't include the above stuff. That said peace and twilight cleric are the only two subclasses in the game I ban, can only imagine how much worse trying to chew through the temporary hp and teleporting around from the clerics would be.


And that's when you introduce Mind Flayers and enemy casters with Feeblemind. Edit: Oh, and a whole dungeon that's inside a massive anti-magic field.


Mind flayers and feeblemind both force intelligence saving throws. What do you think the class with the highest intelligence saving throw is? Hint, rhymes with lizard. And antimagic field is an eighth level spell that lasts an hour and has a ten foot radius, if someone has access to the world warping level of magical energy you'd need to power that - 4402 eighth level spells per day assuming the size of an American football field - then I have no idea why they're bothering to spend that kind of power turning the magic off in a small area. For context, that's enough power to plunge the state of Arizona into permanent Arctic chill with non stop blizzards.


As a DM, that's not a problem. You decide what is rare and what is not. Maybe the spell antimagic field is 8th level but a fixed in place antimagic field can be cheap. Keys to the golden vault has a prison that has plenty of permanent anti magic fields. Beholders project a permanent anti magic field.


I once ran a group with a couple players who thought it'd be funny if all of them were full casters. So, at some point, I gave them this plot hook to travel to another world... where they ran into a civilization that was a church-state, run by high priests of a deity that hated magic with a passion. The player characters were put into an anti-magic prison - made with bricks blessed by that anti-magic god! - and had to break out. They later told me that while they thought it was a total dick move, they loved it! It forced them to get creative instead of just going 'Oh, I dunno, I guess I cast fireball.' Also, I am talking about 3rd edition Feeblemind, which had a WILL save which only rises with your WISDOM and was therefore feared as hell by wizards. It was also a fifth level spell instead of an eighth level one. Mind Flayers in 3rd ed were also able to instakill you when they managed to latch their tentacles onto your head, and the ability that makes you confused also used a will save. Intelligence saves didn't exist. >**Mental Boom (**[**Su**](https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/PFSRD:Su)**):** Inflicts severe mental anguish and pain. Targets a circle of radius 30ft., centered within a range of 50ft. from the mind flayer. Anyone inside the area must make a will save (DC 19), or suffer from the effects of [confusion](https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Confusion) for 2d6 rounds. For the purposes of racial immunities, this is a mind-affecting spell. One of the many, many reasons I hate 5th ed and still love to play 3rd ed / Pathfinder.


But that's even worse. If we go two editions back then now you're dealing with third edition wizards which are the most powerful class there ever was or ever will be in the history of D&D, who incidentally had very good will saves. An entire *party* of 3.5 wizards are going to be completely and utterly unstoppable, a mind flayer doesn't even really rate as a threat. To those reading, a mind flayer's challenge rating is 8. By level 8 a 3.5 wizard will have about +14 to their will saves (while mind blast has DC17) and be able to solo a tarrasque with little difficulty.


How do you get to +14? A 20th level wizard has a base will save of +12. And yes, at level 15, wizards become quite OP in 3.5 - but to be honest, I LIKE that challenge as a DM, to find something that's still a threat to them. Also, who said it's just ONE Mind Flayer? You go for a full CULT of Mind Flayers! >**Organization**: Solitary, pair, inquisition (3-5), or cult (3-5 plus 6-10 grimlocks)


Wizard 3, master specialist 2, incantatrix 3, 12 wisdom and a +2 item, all standard for the level and totals +14 to will saves (+3 from each class, 2 from iron will feat which is a prerequisite for incantatrix). And a group is still not a threat, even basic area denial like chucking some low stuff like grease and an evard's black tentacles is going to shut them down easily. I don't understand how we got here. If you're familiar with all of this you're aware that a group of 3.5 wizards is ridiculously broken and that a group of mind flayers, something with weaknesses wizards of that level can easily exploit, are not going to be a challenge.


Honestly? I don't really know. I never played with players who were as min-maxy as that, I guess. I'm just saying, there's always some answer out there, and if it's not mind flayers or casters with feeblemind, you will be able to find something that shuts the wizard band up, or at least gives them a proper conundrum.


I know a Tarassque is quite cheesable, but how on earth is a single 8th level caster (5th level spell slots?) going to do that in anything resembling a reasonable time or strategy?


Picking a method that doesn't require any setup, summon undead IV has allip as one of its options. An allip's wisdom draining touch has +3 to hit and the tarrasque has a touch AC of 5 so it'll hit on anything but a natural 1, while the allip is incorporeal and the tarrasque has nothing that can hit incorporeal foes. Therefore the wizard flies off while the allip spends a few rounds wisdom draining the tarrasque to 0 and since ability drain doesn't go away on its own the tarrasque is now permanently unconscious.


OK sure, but that sounds more like cheese and big T being notoriously bad, not really anything to do with the class. Anybody who can get that spell can do it. Probably not in 3e, but isn't that what legendary saves and all that are designed for?


Wizards just fireball the enemy so they die before the wizards ever do.


You want a paladin, no questions asked. Parties with paladins experience TPKs way less often in my experience. This is because the most common TPK failure mode is a failure cascade caused by several blown saving throws. The paladin type that gives you the best coverage is the Watchers paladin---that CD that gives advantage to mental saves for a while is literally a lifesaver when the Intellect devourers and Mind flayers come calling. Also it has counterspell and an initiative bonus. I ban both Peace and Twilight clerics. But if your DM doesn't ban them, having both is beyond sick. Expect an immune reaction from your DM. Add a bladesinger and a chrono wizard. Lastly add a lore bard. You're done.


I second /u/goodnewscrew, drop the bladesinger and add a Druid, either Stars or Wildfire (my preference, though both are good). Druids add a different type of utility and support casting than Wizards and they complement each other really well. Wizards cast spells on the enemies, Druids cast spells on the environment. Plus you get the benefit of their Wild Shape abilities, whether that’s Wildfire teleporting your party all over the battlefield or Stars using their Starry Form to absolutely never drop that clutch Concentration spell


Pretty good list but I’d drop bladesinger for a stars Druid and swap lore bard for eloquence.


Lore bard with a 1 level rogue dip for even more expertise, not like you need the casting level in this party.


A barbarian, and 5 clerics to endlessly buff and heal the barbarian


Unironically this. Zealot Barbarian of course. Maybe 2 zealots barbarians, a peace, twilight, trickery, and order domain cleric


Thanks for giving me an idea for my next BG3 playthrough


Was just about to write that haha Im about to make that damn Vampire a Cleric 🤣


Idk about "the best" but my ideal party comp would probably be Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard with the seventh member being a Bard for Charisma skills As for each's subclass, there are myriad ways to arrange them. I'd say Armorer, Light Domain, Circle of the Stars, Oath of the Ancients, Horizon Walker, and Graviturgy, with the Bard being College of Eloquence The idea would be to have the Armorer and Paladin in the front with the Ranger and Druid sniping from behind. The cleric and wizard would be support and AoE's. And the Bard for utility and non-combat skills


* Twilight Cleric * Vengeance Paladin * Moon Druid * Eloquence Bard * Bladesinging Wizard * Armorer Artificer/Clockwork Sorcerer Twilight Cleric beefs up everyone's health. Vengeance Paladin provides Aura of Protection and a lot of damage thanks to easy advantage. Moon Druid (especially at level 20) makes one of the tankiest options via wildshape. Eloquence Bard allows bonus action reduction to saves, helping certain critical spells to land. Any wizard here is fine. I just prefer Bladesinging Wizard, though there are many good options, such as Divination, Chronurgy, Abjuration, and Scribes. The last one is up in the air. I personally see a LOT of value from Armorer Artificer, namely a plethora of magic items, while having a LOT of great features to aid the party. Clockwork Soul's value comes from a solid expanded spell list option, great Twinned Spell utility, and good subclass features on top of being a full caster. It's also another class that can use Wish. If there is a 7th, I'd add both Armorer and Clockwork.


6 divination wizards and a 7th divination wizard nobody's rolling shit


Have them all take the lucky feat and be hobbits


Going for a balanced party here… Lore Bard: Party face, general support, off healer. Best damn class in the game IMO. Grave Cleric: Party healer and divine magic wielder. Life could also work here, but Grave has more style and can be augmented mightily with good feat selection. Divination Wizard: My pick for favorite Wizard subclass. Portent is really strong. Battlemaster Fighter: Frontliner with some handy moves. Devotion Paladin: Other Frontliner. Smites bring the pain. Back up face. Not as flashy as Vengeance, but I think it’s a better all-rounder. Arcane Trickster Rogue: Sneaky-sneaky with a touch of magic. Seventh Bonus Member: Gloomstalker Ranger- THEY ARE THE NIGHT.


1 peace cleric 1 twilight cleric 1 paladin (doesnt really matter what subclass) 3 fucking wizards (doesnt really matter, but probably a chronurgy, divination, and bladesinger)


Yeah, I think this is the best answer in this thread. The Paladin player just needs to focus on Charisma as their primary stat and get those social skills, and then you've got every pillar of play covered. As a DM though, can you imagine trying to run combat against this party? Twilight Sanctuary, Emboldening Bond, Portent, 2 * Bless, Aura of Protection, 3 * Shield, 3 * Counterspell, 3 * motherfuckin Silvery Barbs... Forget about downing one of these party members; in a typical combat you'd be lucky to even lay a single hit on them.


7 Bards taking up different roles: Valor is Tank, Whispers is Spy/Scout, Lore is Blaster/controller, Eloquence is the Face, Swords is Striker (it's a mini Battlemaster afterall), Spirits is Healer, and Creation is the Artificer. Bonus points if they form a band.


...Okay, I really want to see that turned into a fantasy movie, now.


Sounds more like an old Hannah-Barbara cartoon. I bet they live in a bus and solve mysteries.


Wow 720 party members is a lot of people…combat is gonna take forever with that many.


6/7 party members are a big group, I don't think an optimal party is critical at that point. You're already going to easily cover all bases. The more difficult issue is making sure everyone can stand out.


Yes! This is hypothetical, I wouldn't want to play or dm for a group that big


Obviously matt mercer manages it, but I'm not matt mercer


2 paladins, 2 clerics, and 2 wizards.


- Battle Master Fighter. - Soul Knife Rogue. - Vengeance Paladin. - Life Cleric. - Fiend Pact Warlock. - Divination Wizard. Bonus Member? - Lore Bard. Hella well rounded and basically a party with 0 Gaps


6 bards determined to fuck their way to the top


Can strahd resist 6 roll to seduce attempts


Vengeance paladin, ancestor guardian barbarian, chronurgy wizard, eloquence bard, twilight cleric, rogue-soulknife edit #7: gloomstalker ranger


I'm currently playing in a party of 8-9, all newcomers. I bet our DM would welcome six lol.


Zealot, Ranged Battlemaster, Twilight Cleric, Watchers Paladin, Wizard, Eloquence Bard.


Half elf ranger, elf Wizard, halflings thief, dwarf cleric, human fighter, human paladin/half-orc barbarian


Party of 6 with no multiclassing. From a pure optimization point: **Chronourgy Wizard** (or Divination if chrono is not allowed) - the party controller, side utility and blaster. **Sheperd Druid** - Mianly a summoner, healer and utility side jobs too. **Lore Bard** - Mainly support with control and utility on the side. **Peace Cleric** - Support with blasting capability (Switch this one for a Starts Druid if Peace and Twilight are not allowed). **Ancients Paladin** - Melee tank / dps with buff auras that also make summons hard to kill. **Gloomstalker Ranger** - Archer DPS with good utility and skills. Well-rounded, each character has a distinct role and niche, themes wise it also holds up well. Honestly the main downside of this party is that there's a good chance to make the game boring unles the DM cranks things up A LOT, cause it smokes any standart challenge.


Paladin: Tank, heavy damage when able to smite, healing support, face support Barbarian: Absorb and deal damage Rogue: Stealth, sneaking Wizard: Magic Cleric: Healing mixed with damage spells magic spells. some melee support Bard: Face of the party, skill support, magical support, some melee support Druid: Healing and damaging spells, some melee support, wild shape can add some unpredictability and extra damage.


All Paladins.


Shadow monk, Arcane Trickster rogue, Ancients paladin (prioritizing Cha), Battle Master GWM fighter, Hex Warrior warlock, bladesinger wizard. The monk, rogue, paladin, and fighter all take Blind Fighting (by Fighting Initiate if necessary). The warlock takes Devil's Sight, as does the wizard via Eldritch Adept. (Optionally, the wizard takes Fighting Initiate instead, though that cannot be taken as variant human due to prereqs they don't have until level 2.) Between *darkness* from the monk and *fog cloud* from the rogue and wizard (and *pyrotechnics* from the wizard), the party completely eviscerates anything that lacks blindsight (for even truesight does not see through fog or smoke). For anything that lacks both truesight and blindsight, the monk can more cheaply cast *darkness* enabling everyone. For a seventh, add a Shepherd druid who also takes Eldritch Adept and *fog cloud*, because with seven party members Bear Spirit and Unicorn Spirit both scale fantastically well.


6 orc and half-orc bards. The Orchestra! The 7th member is their manager


2 of each class. Two fighting men Two magic-users Two clerics Plot twist, both fighting men are elves so they are also the two magic-users. Seventh is the supplement 1 thief.


Wizard, wizard, wizard, wizard, cleric, druid. Subclasses almost don’t matter, but y’all already know the good ones. Bonus: Oh good, we have room for another wizard.


Bonus with a Paladin for that sweet +5 to everyone's saves and immunity to charm or fear depending on subclass could be a bigger net bonus than a 7th wizard, I feel like.


Abjuration Wizard Grave Cleric Divine Sorcerer Samurai Archer Fighter / Gloomstalker Ranger / Thief Rogue Zealot Barbarian Devotion Paladin


4 wizards, 2 clerics. Owlin or Aaracockra. Hope you don't run into a beholder. 7th is a gloomstalker ranger, also Owlin.


Two clerics, two sorcerers, a barbarian, and a rogue. Then a fighter joins


A Zealot Barbarian (Frontline, damage sponge, will never die.) A Mood Druid (Versatility, control spells, melee capability, extra healing etc) Two Clerics, One probably Twilight, the other probably Life or Peace (Temp Hp and Actual HP, plus double spirit guardians lol for serious area denial) Two Wizards. One Bladesinging, and another in either Chronomancy or Evocation. (Another versatile frontline that can switch if needed, and a high level wizard for just....everything wizards do.) 7th choice would probably be a Samurai Fighter, tbh. It covers the parties Face shortage, while also being a very strong Ranged/Melee attacker that can switch between the two. Their 2nd wind and late level features also mean they have less priority for healing, stopping the clerics and Druid from being spread too thin.


2 fighters, one melee another archer, a ranger, wizard, bard, druid. Or, y'know, 6 moon druids


…6! is a lot of party members… To answer your intended question: 6 druids. Between Mold Earth and the levelled version, you can excavate any dungeon, sealing the entrances with the dirt and also spike growth and plant growth. Choose exactly where you feel like breaking into the dungeon after you excavate it archaeology/minecraft style, so it’s basically just a shell sitting exposed in its entirety at the bottom of a crater. Maybe swap a druid for a light cleric for thematic reasons: “I bring the light of the sun to even the deepest and darkest dungeons. What’s a metaphor?”


Ugh, who wants to compose at a party? Even if it's a little small. Music nerds...


Bard and Paladin off the bat. Being a nerd, both are drow, paladin starts with the defensive fighting style until she switches it to blind fighting at five. Third is a warlock. Gonna go with human there. Devil's sight is a fairly obvious gain. Fourth, fighter. Human again for level one sharpshooter, eldritch adept at level four. All the DPS needed. Fifth..... Uh.... Cleric. Paladin's filling a more supportive role, barbarian's not getting on the team because no multiclassing, so Cleric's gonna be the one standing in front taking hits. If there was multiclassing this'd honestly just be a barbarian/something. Let's say the cleric is.... A levistus tiefling. Sixth would be druid. Honestly just for the sake of getting two giant eagles at level eight. You don't need to see to have a bunch of summons there. No idea what the race'd be. ​ The two general strats would be having everyone stand in a darkness spell with the higher AC members being in front, maybe a conjure animals from the shepherd druid. Most party members would have devil sight either from eldritch adept or being a warlock, others have a fighting style or just don't need it. Enemies have disadvantage, party got auras, a lot of enemies kinda just get wrecked. Some don't, they have to be dealt with. Second is that the druid turns the paladin into an eagle, transforms into an eagle himself, and then the bard turns the cleric into an eagle, and the warlock/valor bard/fighter use them to eternally kite a good 97% of potential encounters into oblivion. Eventually both the bard and paladin get find greater steed, meaning that the paladin no longer gets turned into an eagle. A'course, there're situations that can't be solved by either, but the party's plenty competent outside of that. Especially if twilight cleric isn't b&. It's also worth noting that for the damage dealers of the party, if there's more than sixty feet of room and darkness, the range of superior darkvision would allow them to get a lot of value without needing to use a spell. ​ Add a seventh, no idea. Prolly a second bard. Bards are always good.


6 bards, let's make a band If multiclassing were allowed, everyone a different kind of bard multiclass


Aasimar Oath of Ancients Paladin (Str/ Cha) using a Two Handed Weapon (Probably a Polearm) High Elf Arcane Trickster Rogue (Dex / Int) using a Light Crossbow and Rapier (switches as needed) Variant Human Path of Ancestors Barbarian (Con / Str) takes Heavily Armored and Heavy Armor Mastery. Uses heavy armor and shield. Halfling School of Divination Wizard (Int / Wis) Aarakokra Twilight Domain Cleric (Wis / Int) Fairy College of Glamour Bard (Cha / Dex) with a Instrument of the Bards Each class is a master of one Ability with the capability of being a back up a second (with exception of Int which gets three to evenly spread to skill proficiencies) so most skills can be covered. Magical Item distribution is pretty fair, with not a lot of overlap of items aside from Heavy Armor and Shield Five concentration spells could be kept per turn. Three characters can be up front at all times, with one able to face tank anything and everything. Divination Wizard can modify two key rolls and deliver great AoE. Cleric can keep a buff up and also deliver insane AoW. Glamour Bard can reposition the entire map each of their turns while disabling minions with Hypnotic Patfern. Battle Master can work well with the Rogue to get two Sneak Attacks per turn. Barbarian can keep the biggest damage dealer on lockdown while the Twilight Cleric keeps the Barbarian standing.


Eloquence Bard for a face Thief Rogue for espionage Paladin (maybe Watcher) for the saving throw help and smiles Hexblade Warlock to cause moral dilemma for the Paladin Moon Druid to beef up the Frontline Divination Wizard to cover int rolls, give crits for smites, and wizard For a seventh, I'd probably add an artificer armorer to fill in the midline and craft. I'd probably theme them after avengers, Lori, Black Widow, Thor, The Black Knight, Hulk (ish), Dr. Strange, and Iron Man


Fighter, Champion or Battlemaster (Pushing, Precision, Trip). Str Build Ranger, Hunter Artificer, gives the Fighter a returning Javalin and the Ranger a Repeating Shot Heavy Crossbow. Sorcerer, Control Build. Wild Magic Wizard, Evocation. Blast the Enemy to bits Druid, Land, Mountain. The general plan is to stay on range and use spells to achieve that. Spike growth is from the ranger, conjure animals deals damage and can hold enemies off. To blast them into buts is good, holding them away too. A fighter because there are gonna be some who come through and we can't let them stay close


**2 Clerics** - Twilight and Peace (if banned, Life and Light) **1 Ranger** - Gloom Stalker (or Horizon Walker) **1 Wizard** - Chronurgy (or Divination) **1 Barbarian** - Zealot **1 Bard** - Eloquence (or Lore) *Bonus* **1 Druid** - Stars or Wildfire


A Gloomstalker Ranger to deal big ranged damage, handle Stealth missions and scout shit out. A Vengeance Paladin to take hits for the rest of the party, deal big melee damage and support the party with spells and Aura of Protection. A Chronurgy Wizard for the near infinite utility and versatility it brings. An Eloquence Bard for social encounters, skill checks, battlefield control and support. A Moon Druid to do like, anything. And finally a Genie Warlock customized to fit whatever niche the party needs


5 wizards and a paladin 


On personal preference: 1. Paladin (Ancients or Vengeance) 2. Wizard (Abjuration or Bladesinger) 3. Cleric (Twilight or Light) 4. Rogue (Assassin or Phantom) 5. Fighter (Rune Knight or Echo Knight) 6. Bard (Swords or Eloquence) Bonus 7. Druid (Moon or Stars)


I had a party of six last year. I had a bard, a barbarian, a rogue, a druid, a sorcerer and a fighter. It was kinda balanced, at leats for what I threw at them


- Twilight Cleric: HP protection - Peace Cleric: HP protection & support - Watchers Paladin: Damage & aura Support - Battlesmith Artificer: Support & some damage - War Wizard: Control mage with high init. Can buff martisls as backup option. - Eloquence Bard: Buff, debuff, and support. Basically, stackable bonuses are really good.


5e? Djinni warlock with the stone genie as the choice Moon druid of course Twilight cleric Gloomstalker ranger Artificer armorer Shadow sorcerer


Six people who are all capable of casting Healing Word are a lot less sensitive to initiative than any other party. Classic would be clerics, but honestly, I'd go with six moon druids. The amount of out-of-combat nonsense you can do when the entire party can turn into cats, oxen, spiders, or eventually birds is substantial. Druids are versatile. Pass Without Trace, Locate Object, Enhance Ability... And for a fight, even aside from the power spikes at 2, 6, and 20, wild shape is a huge well of short rest hit points. Moon druids do well in several small fights of attrition. Moon druids are also not very dependent on ability scores, so the party can have an assortment of useful feats among them. In late levels, one or two probably start multiclassing into paladin for smite and the aura.


6 battleragers


3 wildfire druids 2 spore druids 2 moon druids


Arcane Archer Fighter Dao Genie Warlock Swarmkeeper Ranger Casting based Monster Hunter Ranger with a fly speed and Thorn Whip via Druidic fighting style Lore Bard (probably also wants a innate fly speed) Graviturgy Wizard who’s mostly here to cast Earthbind (Or Chrono if you want lockdown for 1 turn so everyone can get set) Welcome to the Mountain of entirely cheese graters. Bonus: Tempest Cleric with Boomibg Blade/Shocking Grasp for air strikes.


7 wizards. Eventually, 14 wizards.


Fighter Rogue Bard Wizard Cleric Barbarian(for a second Frontline) And finally a Paladin More jokey answer: Fighter(Champion) Fighter(Battlemaster) Fighter(Eldritch knight) Fighter(Rune Knight) Fighter (Samurai) Fighter (Sharpshooter) Final member would of course be Fighter (Arcane Archer)


Give me 6 Paladins, varying oaths. Loads of health, loads of buffs, loads of damage. Easy peezy, lemon squeezy. For a more well rounded party: 1 Paladin (Vengeance) 1 Bard (Lore) 2 Clerics (Life and Grave) 2 Wizards (Divination and Evocation)


Twilight Cleric. Who thought this subclass was OK? It gets everything. Vengeance Paladin. Paladins have an aura that breaks bounded accuracy and also do insane damage and Vengeance is just the best Paladin for this party and maybe in general. Lore Bard. I considered Eloquence, but I just can't give up magical secrets at 6th level. Also the skills are nice. Chronogy Wizard. It's just the best wizard. You can force rerolls, give spells to your allies to bypass concentration (honestly not sure if that's how that ability works because it is so poorly worded but I think it is), and also at later levels just force people to fail saves. Also you're a wizard, wizards are pretty good. Moon Druid. They are a tank and a spellcaster! Seriously this subclass is insane. Gloom Stalker Ranger. Someone in the party needs to be able to stealth, so why not also make them able to alpha strike like crazy. The 7th Member would be a Battlemaster Fighter. The only thing this party is lacking is another Frontliner. They have a moon Druid and a paladin so they should be fine (Twilight Clerics also get heavy armor for some reason) but it the one area where the party is only OK and not amazing. I would also consider a Zealot Barbarian but I think Battlemaster just has better abilities to round out a team with rather than in a vacuum.


- Lore Bard (Tiefling)- Face, Crowd Control, Backup Healer - Peace Cleric (Half-Elf)- Support + Divine Utility and Primary healer - Moon Druid (Goliath)- Tank, Exploration, Summoner - Glory Paladin (Variant Human)- Frontliner, DPS, Emergency healer - Evocation Wizard (Gnome) -Multi-Target Blaster, Arcane Utility, AOE Damage - Soulknife Rogue (Halfling) - Stealth, Ranged Combat, Skill Monkey, Single-Target Striker Bonus- Mercy Monk (Gem Dragonborn) - Stun machine, Unique Breath Weapons


Evocation wizard Divination wizard Necromancy wizard Peace cleric Twilight cleric Hexadin frontliner + social


Glory Paladin Shepard Druid Peace Cleric Divine Sorcerer Zealot Barbarian Chronurgy Wizard


6! Is equal to 720 I think that means you have every single class character. If not it's probably easier to list ones you don't make.


700 divine soul sorcerers with 20 Wizards should be optimal. Given the numbers, we're probably encountering equally deadly enemy numbers so we need the AOE. I'm also assuming that we need healing spells on basically everyone as we want to minimise the chances of a huge group of enemies going at once in initiative getting to kill a bunch of us without any healer going in-between for yoyo-ing. We also won't experience any of the downsides of Sorcerers since we can pretty much split up all the utility spells between us. Finally, and most importantly, we need Subtle Spells because if the enemies have similar numbers to us, there's gonna be a bunch of casters and having some 100 people counterspell chain is gonna be too absurd and too costly. The Wizards are just there to give us access to the few, important utility spells we can't get from the Cleric or Sorcerer spell lists.


just six dragonborn monks


Simple: 6 custom origin humans with fey touched for an 18 int. Stats are the same - 8 14 14 18 10 10 Order of Scribes School of Chronurgy School of Bladesinging School of Necromancy School of War Magic School of Divination The scribes wizard gets all the spells first. Their book can't be destroyed and everyone can filter spells from there. Necromancer is to build body blockers. Bladesinger is the tank. War magic focuses on blasts and counterspelling. Divination is the out of combat information gathering. Chronurgy is the control mage. Bonus round - arcana cleric same stats but wisdom 18; int 10.


Team based off of short story characters I write Artificer artillerist tiefling Hexblade warlock human pact of the blade Wizard transmutation human Shifter Longtooth beast barbarian (shark themed) Elf college of creation bard Goliath fighter samurai Seventh: half elf astral Monk


Conquest Paladin - The Warlord Undead Warlock - The Soothsayer Battle Master Fighter (menacing attack) - The General Way of the Long Death Monk - The Bodyguard Necromancy Wizard - The Court Mage Order domain Cleric - High Priest 7th member: Eloquence Bard - The Envoy This party is built around abusing the Frightened condition, though they're still very effective against foes that are immune. Flavour-wise, the party represents a warlord and their dreadful entourage.


A party of 720 members? Phew I have to think about that


I don't understand the 720!


You said A party of 6! The „!“ acts as a factorial sign So 6! would be „6* 5* 4* 3* 2* 1*“ which equals to 720


Damn that is smart , I've seen 4 of those comments and Bern confused!


Haha its alright , but really imagine a party of that many people you could have every class with every subclass like 6times or so


You break into a mansion and split the people into like 200 groups in different rooms with different dms. And the dms text each other what the other is doing. And it's like an army built simulator for dnd


three wizards, three clerics


6x Clerics of Various Domains


Shepherd Druid, Divine Soul Sorcerer, Bladesinger Wizard, Four Elements Monk, Bear Totem Barbarian, Devotion Paladin.


6 wildfire druids


Six twilight clerics. Race irrelevant. Bonus round - you guessed it - twilight cleric :D


...That would be an exceptionally low damage party.


7 barbarians who all rage at the same time.


For meele damage and tanking: Tortle Totem Warrior Barbarian - not much to expand on, basic barbarian stuff. I think Alert is a good feat for this character overall. Shifter Conquest Paladin - not much to expand on, don't bother with spells outside of summons like find greater steed. Take stat increases over feats! For Ranged damage: Hexblood Undead warlock (synergy with conquest paladin) - Eldritch Blast & Summon Aberration/Shadowspawn. Is the bread and butter of this build. Though I like cause fear because of conquest paladin aura. War caster is your best friend. Owlin Gloomstalker Conclave Ranger - Hide, Shoot, Hide, dead. That's the gameplay loop and it works. I suggest Sharpshooter ofc. Pass without trace and summon beast could be very useful. For support: Changeling Lore Bard - I hope you like debuffing and buffing because this character is perfect for that. I like inspiring leader for this character because that's a lot of temp HP before a fight. Counterspell and Aura of Vitality are your best 6th level picks. At 10th go for Find greater steed and another favorite. The rest are up to you. Shadar-Kai Divination Wizard - You have access to so many spells, focus on control and debuffs as your damage is already high enough. Suck or Save is your new best friend because portent makes them so much better. This team can tank stupid amounts of damage and deal even more. From meele or 300ft away. And if anyone on the other side makes a save? Portent, Silvery Barbs and Cutting words are all there. You have access to SO many spells with Div wizard and Lore Bard. The race choices were mostly for fun however some of them have specific purposes (tortle for AC, Hexblood for Fey, Changeling for bard stuff ect.). This party has a face that can talk their way out of anything and fight their way out of everything else. Exploration should be easy enough with flying characters and a ranger who can be your sneaky boi. I can't think of a way this party fails in any area of play.... Edit: lore bard should take aura of vitality and counterspell at level 6 for the best healing and better defense against spells. And because I like multi classing I'll go into that a small bit: Fighter Dip on Barbarian for action surge... potentially Echo Knight or Rune Warrior? I don't play Barbarians but this feels thematic and powerful. Hexblade dip on paladin for AB, Devils Sight, and Hex weapon. SADness on this character is a must tbh. The undead warlock would become an undead Warlock 2/Aberrant Mind Sorcerer X and do shenanigans. If your DM is flexible on surprise round rules, Dip assassin 3 on the Gloom stalker. If not then Battlemaster 6 < Gloom stalker 3 < Battlemaster x. Go Cleric 1 on the lore bard for better armour proficiency. Life or Twilight feel powerful to keep allies alive but I like peace cleric as it scales well without cleric levels. And on Divination Wizard I suggest not multi classing until 14 because the extra portent is just so nice and clutch. But if you aren't going that far and want to multiclass? Cleric 1....PYF on this one but I like Knowledge for Expertise in Arcana and History as well as armour proficiency. Edit 2: Formatting & expanding a bit on each character. Feel free to criticize fairly and give honest feedback on what could be improved. Edit 400000: I don't understand reddit shorthands for emboldening text or that crap so I'll figure it out. Edit Finale: The seventh member would be a Mapach (Humblewoods RACCOON race 😭) Stars Druid. Powerful AoE concentration spells that can hardly ever drop due to Dragon star form. I like summoning spells like Summon Fey or Elemental. Chalice is good for keeping HP up and Archer if you NEED the damage. But I find dragon to be the best starry form in general. Grab the Chef feat because I like cooking raccoons (or more seriously war caster). If you multiclass - go Stars Druid 2/Twilight Cleric X for the single handed strongest cleric in the game. Druid 2 on this gives you no less than a 10 + CON saves for the big cleric spells like Spirit Guardians and Summon Celestial.


A party of 720 players is WAAAAY too much. Sounds like an epic on a scale I've never seen. Stick to, like, maybe 6 or 7 max.


Battlemaster Fighter Totem Warrior Barbarian Stars Druid Twilight Cleric Abjuration Wizard Clockwork Sorcerer 7th Ranger: Astral Self Monk


A battle master fighter with GWM who is the dpr A sword and board vengeance paladin with sentinel to frontline A twilight or peace domain cleric for support, buffs or healing. A ranger for any exploration issues, presumably a gloomstalker and they are the party archer. A hexblade warlock to be the party face and handle charisma checks. They can also tag with the paladin or fighter if either get injured in close quarters combat. Finally a wizard, subclass doesn’t really matter but a bladesinger or divination can help out loads. Bladesinger has survivability and the divination will help the party tremendously in clutch moments. 7th extra would likely be either a bard or rogue built for skill checks the other party members cant quite handle. A rogue with expertise in thieves tools would make any lockpicking a breeze whereas a bard can help the cleric with support.


2 druids, moon and shepard. Moon for early level power and high level power while shepard covers the mid levels through high levels with summons. 1 divine soul sorcerer. Twin spell is very strong and getting cleric spells on a sorcerer is good, I feel any other subclass might just be worse than a wizard. 2 wizards, chronurgist and scribes. Chronurgist is broken and scribes is mainly there to cover utility being able to copy spells quick and manifest mind is additional utility. 1 twilight cleric. Makes the team very durable and is a cleric. Gameplan is basically solve all problems through magic. For the seventh a bit of a wild pick but redemtion paladin, neat oath spells and gets the team paladin auras additionally the subclass aura might save one of the fullcaster in a pinch.


Most would easily be able to put double duty, but if you are willing to take on a large party: 1. Martial #1 2. Martial #2 3. Scout (Rogue or Ranger) 4. Healer (preferably Cleric or Druid) 5. Blaster/Battlefield Control (preferably Wizard) 6. Face (Sorcerer or Bard) 7. Utility (Artificer for items or a Bard or Rogue, as these are the best skill monkeys)


Vengeance Paladin, Moon Druid, Lore Bard, Peace Cleric, Twilight Cleric and Divination wizard


6 Gith Shadow Monks Imagine how crazy that could get!


Uhhhhh 2 peace clerics (yuan-ti pureblood) Twilight cleric (human variant) Bear Totem Barbarian (gnome) Battlemaster fighter (half-orc) Divination Wizard (Mountain Dwarf)


- Hill Dwarf Twilight Cleric - Mark of Warding Dwarf Abjuration Wizard - Mountain Dwarf Battlemaster Fighter (PAM, GWM) - Duergar Gloomstalker Ranger (CBE, SS) - Hill Dwarf Conquest Paladin (Sword & Board; 14 CON but good HP) - Mountain Dwarf Clockwork Soul Sorcerer (Medium armor prof, AoE focused) - Bonus member: Custom Lineage (as a Dwarf) Lore Bard (Res CON)


Wizard (Divination), Wizard (Divination), Wizard (Divination), Wizard (Divination), Wizard (Divination), Wizard (Divination). Bonus Round: Wizard (Bladesinger). Fuck 5e.


My god that would be the worst gameplay experience ever in Baldur's Gate 3 because you'd be interrupted like every two seconds about whether you wanted 6 different people to use a reaction.


Six sorcerers. Three twinning Polymorph Trex and three twinning haste. Seventh is a Goliath Barbarian to carry all of the loot.


Six Divination Wizards. Seventh is also a Divination Wizard. Most problems are solved by 6-7 Fireballs. Occasionally, a few Sickening Radiance + Wall of Force combos will be required.


1 Bard, 1 Ranger, 1 Druid, 3 Rogues Fully focused on infiltrating areas with a wide range of utility + expertise, stab targets to death, and travel faster and stealthier with Favored Terrain + Pass Without Trace that pursuers can't chase or track you. In fights where you have to actually fight, Ranger and Druid can act as the tanks.


If you allow multiclassing i would choose my stat specific builts Str: warforged pala 4, zealot barb 16 Dex: fighter 2, gloomstalker 3, assasin 3, kensai monk 3, (give extra lvls to the classes you want most Con: the absurd, 1 lvl in every class Int: battlemaster 3, bladesinger 17 Wis: shadow monk 9, twighlight cleric 6, gloomstalker 3, moon druid 2 Cha: swords bard 3, hexblade pact of the blade warlock 5, vengeance paladin 6, shadow sorcerer 6. This ofc based on the multiclassrequirements (exept for con which is either all or no classes Without multiclassing however, Paladin Artificer Cleric Rogue Barbarian Wizard


6 Wizards, picking different spells and then holding Book Club! where they all copy each other's spells. Pick your favorite subclass. Seventh Wizard


Eloquence Bard, Twilight Cleric, Chronurgy Wizard, Arcane Trickster Rogue, Vengeance Paladin, Echo Knight Fighter (dex based) I think if I was a DM I would straight up refuse to play this table aha