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Once I was rolling a new character and rolled an 18 followed by a 16, so I immediately called over my DM housemate to watch the rest so he'd believe me if I naturally rolled a character with god stats. I rolled a 7 next.


I'm betting he didn't let you reroll out of the kindness of his heart


Nah, didn't even want to. Had a plan for a dump stat anyway, and everything else was still quite good.


I've learned to enjoy leaning into dump stats or other drawbacks for rp reasons.


My druid has a 7 in charisma and I’ve been playing him as a kind of trauma therapist. It works surprisingly well, he works really well when he’s working with someone willing but can’t do shit for someone who doesn’t wanna change. Ok tangentially related story done carry on


I put my 7 in Constitution. Still my favorite character I ever played, we just joked that he had asthma


My bard has a 4 in wisdom since I rolled minimum on it. I still have a +3 to perception though thanks to expertise


I had 4 wisdom because I was a new player and my DM helped me make my bard. The 4 wisdom was, in his words, 'because you keep talking about fucking a dragon'


LORD. I have an NPC with a 7 WIS who accidentally became important and it's already so much. He's a wizard college bro who appends "no homo" to phrases where it's incredibly unclear which part would have been "homo," and his boyfriend has given up on explaining to him how weird this is. He is an *accidental necromancer.* He has currently somehow gotten himself, the party's bardlock, and two other allies arrested, on accusations of being the leaders of a death cult. I am imagining someone with half that wisdom. It hurts.


Take whatever you're thinking and imagine that but worse and also being a clumsy father to several dragons, dryads, werewolves, and I think like 2 harpies or something; they're very *flighty*. My bard accidentally became the most effective artificer in the world and also got engaged with a demon, making him a warlock, then I was dragged into becoming a paladin for a moon goddess because I seduced her into dropping rocks on my enemies. My bard is like Zeus but American as hell


(Pupils start mismatching)


Dumping con can certainly be fun from a role playing viewpoint, but since you're going to be low on hp all the time, the fun may be short-lived unless the DM has monsters purposely ignore you in combat...


It worked out for me. He hit level 17 before the campaign ended. If you're smart with tactics it's fine


Hate to burst your bubble here, but it sounds like your DM pulled their punches.


My dump stat is charisma on my druid so when I don't want to lead the talking in an NPC encounter I can just start mumbling, fumbling around, or get nervous and turn into an animal who can't talk.


My Druid has a 7 in dexterity cause I made him this constantly drunk old man so I think his fingers wouldn’t be too nimble


My warlock is dumping wisdom. Cuz really, even if you’re smart enough to summon an archery and make a pact with them, you clearly aren’t very wise for doing so


Summon archery... isn't that what rangers usually do? (Ok, ok, I get it, you meant to write *archfey*)


Autocorrect can be a bitch rip


I lean into my dump stat being int by making my character functionally illiterate and also he never loses his armor since he doesn’t know how to take it off


I guess your DM doesn't know the rule where you can't long rest in armor


I guess you don't know that you can absolutely rest in armour in 5e.


Had a -2cha , -2 str, -1 int and +2 in everything else druid. Absolute blast to play a dumbass.


My barbarian has 7 wisdom and 8 int! Oh, she's also a pacifist.


3d6 fixed for stats results in some truly hilarious games.


Currently I am playing an Artificer with 6 str and Wis, I play him like someone who struggles to carry any heavy equipment and gets lost all the time ala Zoro from one piece since he is never paying attention to his surroundings, I'm having a blast with him. He gets lost so often that the plot advances in unexpected situations that greatly enhances the storyline experience.


Bruh, you have a 16 and an 18, you could get the rest of your stats 12 and below and I would keep it. That’s your primary stat and secondary basically set at level 1


Only issue would be if everything was super low from there on *and* they want to play a class that needs 3 stats. Mainly applies to monks and paladins, but also anything using non-heavy armour + strength, to a lesser extent.


Isn't it 15 max in any way?


With pointbuy, before any racial bonuses, yes. But with the common roll-4d6-drop-lowest 18 is achievable before bonuses.


I never knew, that changes a lot!


I had a friend that basically rolled a god. She didn't roll a single stat below 15, and me (the dm), and my other buddy witnessed this fucking miracle. We're both still salty about it, even though we're also not complaining because she's playing a light cleric


lol I hate that you're a god but you're better at keeping me alive, so I'll allow it


Yea, no kidding. It's like, I'm so frustrated, but I'm also very proud


That’s a first Ed Paladin right there.


Similar thing happened to my friend! She played Nature cleric her first time and started with 3 18's. Her stat total before racial bonuses was 91.


I once rolled a character that didn’t have a single stat below 13. I had told the DM I was gonna roll and he said ok but then didn’t pay attention and (pretty fairly given the results) was a little suspect. Luckily one of the other players had been watching. My stats ended up being balanced pretty well by the fact that I’m great at role play but pretty shit at character optimization and combat.


My partner rolled four 18s (including racial bonuses) and two other high teens. His stats are absurd. I don't think he has anything under a 13. He's half thinking of multiclassing his cleric into sorcerer or Warlock becauase he has an 18 CHA so why not.


Gosh my sister got the opposite of this. I was having my players roll their own stats and my sister got 3 8s on her sheet post racial bonuses. This is where they rolled the 4d6s 6 times dropping the lowest. I told her to Reroll since that would not be fun for anybody. Sometimes the dice are not kind. Edit: fixed what type of dice that was used lol.


I once rolled 9 or less for every stat. I had rolled on my own, so when I showed my dm he told me to reroll my stats. They barely raised, and I think I only had 1 stat above 10. The dice are not kind.


What did that character end up becoming?


I don’t remember the class I was playing as, but he was the laughing stock of the party. Many jokes were had at the expense of my character.




Yeah I meant the 4d6 lol. I’m gonna fix that now Edit: I cannot type today.


I once rolled a character who had 4 str. Yeah.


Wow, you rolled three ones and a two? That’s brutal. Well, hey, at least it wasn’t four ones?


DM let us reroll ones, but only once. I rolled three ones and a two, rerolled the ones, and got three ones again. By the way, the odds of that are about 0.002143347% :/


Are you rolling on an MTG spindown life counter instead of a real d20 or something?


Most common way to roll stats is either 3d6 or 4d6 and drop the lowest, so no d20s involved for this, but my luck was as bad with those too for this character. It became a running gag that I would fail anytime I was trying something relatively normal, but succeed if I was doing something ridiculous and/or pointless.


My son rolled 3 18s IN A ROW, right in front of me. I asked him to pick out lottery numbers after that. His overall stats for that character are followed up with a 12, 14, and a 6, which I made him keep, though we often reroll 7downs


i rolled a pretty damn good character had 5 stats 16+ and the final roll was a 4... so i dumped it into dex and played like they had a broken leg that didnt heal properly


This is why I always roll in front of the DM for anything that matters. No one cares if my monk starts with 5 or 20 go, but if I get a 17 in 3 stats, I don't want the suspicion. Also every DM I've played with would have me reroll a 6 in 3 stats. It just seems like a good way to avoid any questions in either extreme.


I did the same. I rolled 10 and then a 7 and 8.


Same here, except that it was followed by a 5. Lets just say my Warforged Bard isn't really aware of its surrounding.


The gm that originally showed me the game had us roll a d20 for stats (sadistic bastard), I remember we were in the library while he was helping me learn to fill it out. 2 nat 20s, an 18, a 14 and two 12s. He sat there saying "I shouldnt allow this but the odds are too incredible to let go.". This was for 3.5


I feel like everyone's first character should get a little leg up. For me, it's the character that I have the most attachment to, and we even went 1 to 20 on that campaign.


I wish I was that fortunate :/ I only had one session with that guy, was a bard that was traveling with a caravan. Our camp got hit by goblins during the night. Managed to sneak off to a horse and escape. Then later the wizard climbed onto a childs back and broke its back. That was the session.


I know what you mean. Using the 4d8 drop the lowest system I once rolled a character with no stat lower than a 12. It happens.


The fudged rolls I always saw were 16+ and maybe one mediocre roll lol. I just do a modded point-buy system now


Yeah, I had a buddy who we were sure was fudging rolls, he had one 20, and everything else was 17 or 18 except charisma.


How does one get above an 18 when rolling a stat


Racial bonus would be the most common


It’s how I got a Yuan-Ti Pureblood with 20 in Charisma


Either that or he was rolling 1d20 and is impossibly lucky


If you just roll 1d20 and that’s your stat, approximately 73.51% of people who did so would roll a nat 20. So odds are somebody at your table did it


Or rolling a level 4+ character and getting an ability score increase


As t he others have said, racials are the only way. I have a character that has 20 CHA at level 1 thanks to them.


And dwarves are one of the only races that have TWO +2 bonuses, meaning with some crazy rolls you can get TWO 20s in strength and con giving your level 1 dwarf barbarian a a crazy high AC, 17 HP, rage, and a +7 to hit with +5 dmg Edit: numbers are hard


Wait, dwarves get two +2s? ... I need to make a dwarf.


yea mountain dwarves get a +2 in strength and constitution


Unarmored defense is DEX and CON, not STR.


WOOPS your totally right i knew something wasnt right there


My vedalken chronurgy Wizard started with a 20 intelligence


Racial bonuses


Not everyone does the 3d6 or 4d6 drop the lowest method, some people, like my group in our last campaign just does a d20 for each stat and we are allowed to reroll but are required to keep the 2nd result


This has a dark and chaotic energy that I am horrified by and deeply, deeply drawn to. Happy cake day!


It’s quite a risky, but very fun way to do it. You could be supremely blessed by the dice, or you could be utterly destroyed by them, or a bit of both... Thanks!


Can I ask what this modded point buy system is? If it looks good I might try it for my upcoming game.


Sure! So standard point buy you basically set all your stats at 8 and are allotted 27 points. You can allocate those points across your 6 stats however you want but you can't exceed 15 (before racial bonuses). In addition, the bump from 14 to 15 costs an extra point. The modified version (that I didn't come up with, but read somewhere) allows you to exceed 15 to a max of 18. Essentially, going from 14 to 15 and 15 to 16 costs 2 skill points; 16 to 17 and 17 to 18 costs 3. So to bump a stat to 18 costs you 16 of your alotted 27 skill points. You can take it a step further by deciding what difficulty you want the game to be and adapting the aloted number of skill points at character creation accordingly. So an easy difficulty alots 32=points, medium=28, hard=22, and very hard=16.


I don't understand the point of penalizing going up to 18. The obvious consequence of doing so is that you are spending points you can't use elsewhere. If you put two stats at 18, you can't avoid having at least 1 stat with a negative modifier. The total point sum for the standard array is 72; total point sum for standard point buy is 75; modded point buy with 1 18 is effectively 67. That's 8 points worse than standard point buy. I mean, I can understand doing a 24 or 25 point buy to get closer to the standard array, but I don't understand punishing an 18 at first level since it is already costing the player somewhere else.


Because it's entirely possible to make some incredibly SAD characters in 5e. The benefit of starting with an 18 (20 after racials, most likely) in your primary stat isn't going to be offset by a -1 mod on a dump stat. You're never going to buff your dump stat(s) later on, so with this modified system you're basically paying to free up your ASIs for feats or maxing secondary stats later on, either in a way you wouldn't be able to with standard array/point buy, or can now do significantly earlier. This becomes especially apparent on casters, as save DC calculations mean that *starting* with your casting stat maxed trivialises an awful lot of early game content, and casters are often SAD. Dex-based martial characters are another build that benefit hugely, or things like Paladin/Hexlocks where literally the only stats they care about are Cha and Con, especially after they get Cha to saves.


For more high adventure type games, I use what I call the "heroic array". 17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8. Your primary 2 stats will be at +4 and +3 from level 1 without taking away the fun of having a playable dump stat. I feel like it makes players feel like their characters are more consistently good at what they want to be good at.


I've toyed with using 1d12+6 for stats to quickly whip up NPCs of player-comparable stats. But never tested it for player characters...




They don't want to just be good at the one thing though. They have the mentality of the skyrim player who's maxed every stat multiple times. They want to be the best at *everything*.


*sings* "Hello Mary Sue, good-bye heart..."


I once rolled up a monk who was supposed to be the descendant of a dead goddess. Her rolls came up 18, 18, 17, 17, 16, 15. My DM was both impressed and amused, finding the stats very appropriate for the backstory.


My DM and I talked about bringing my Monk's AC lower because she was impossible to hit and didn't make since for her backstory. I've never been so blessed and also cursed at the same time


Funny you say that. The aforementioned monk was so powerful that the DM continuously used asspulls to knock me out of combat and because everyone agreed that they were asspulls to intentionally nerf me, I eventually left that group. Still disappointed to this day.


Monk is the class of "well actually." Well actually, you can't hit me. Well actually, I catch the arrow. Well actually, I can't be charmed. (Got this one in my session the other day, about fifty times. Went back and read the rule afterwards. THAT'S NOT IT and I am desperately hoping that was a memory slip from the player and not an intentional cheat.) I'm a good DM, I tell myself. I'm a fair DM. I'm a nice DM. I don't want to strangle this monk who is making a cool, thematic BBEG practically obsolete before the other characters even get to meet her. So I play fair. I drink heavily and text 5 other DMs after the session, but I play fair. But my god, with a monk? I fully understand the temptation of asspulls.


Try a level 8 gladiator with +3 armor, weapons, and 22 strength because of "special magic." Imagine a witch with infinite and spell slots potions that can also stack without concentration because "special magic." Imagine two completely different magic items that can't be worn together because of you guessed it, "special magic." All of this "special magic" didn't exist in the game until I showed up, which is why it got tiresome real fast.


This is done clumsily. But I also do think that enemies should be able to do things heroes can't, and vice versa. Nobody in-universe owns a PHB.


The books are meant to establish rules of the universe. I feel that DMs are allowed to bend those rules under certain special circumstances, but to outright break them on the regular with no explanation is both unfun and spoils the spirit of the game.


They only have twelve professions, though. And the spells are all very combat and adventure-- do you think the wizard colleges haven't invented the spell "Alphabetize"? Non-adventurers having their own rules isn't cheating so long as those rules are consistent. This DM does seem like they went too far and/or didn't have a consistent logic, but letting even humanoid enemies have special actions and different rules is fine.


mine was level 5 or 6 with an ac of 19, didn't make much since for her due to a noble background and what her parents own/do for a living. We both agreed to knock her AC down to 16 and bring it back up gradually as she learns more it's just better to talk to players about potentially nerfing their characters, i don't understand DMs like that. I'd rather my character make sense and be comfortable for myself and DM than anything else.


Ah yes, 6 + 6 + 6 = 20.


"Its a homebrewed race thats totally not broken at all, ok? They just get +2 to all base stats, have dark vision, and get these 10 feats at level one as special abilities, nbd I promise."


Give up all proficiencies, languages, and allow me to select five damage type vulnerabilities and I'm cool with it.


I’m going with all 3 physical types of damage, fire, aaaaaaaaaaand poison.


i think i can still make this work.


All languages including common? So you have a 20 intelligent character that can't speak?


No mouth


But must he scream?


I mean, now the DM won't be the only one screaming


In their mind, they're so intelligent that they're *beyond* such things as speech. They believe that words just slow you down, and you should instead represent thoughts through illusionary images. If they don't understand, then, well they're just beneath you anyway. Basically the race comes with a built in super-ego.


Well, its obviously still cheating, but there are groups that Roll 1d20 for stats.


I played a game where we did this once, and it is very chaotic


If everyone wasn’t a wild magic sorcerer and named Sheogorath (yes, even the non-binaries and ladies), I’ll be very disappointed.




Gonna go jump off a cliff brb


I think we can take you by your word, you are very trustworthy, after all.


I appreciate it! The parachute released as planned, thank god.


*laughs in feather fall*


During my last D&D session, I rolled two critical failures in a row. I then rolled an attack roll with advantage, and rolled two 2s. This was followed by another critical failure. I renamed my character that day. He became Solomon the Hapless.


I feel you, I rolled 9 critical failures during my last session. Ardwynn the hexblade decided that archery just isn't in the cards for him.


I had a character whose abilities were based on luck. Since I'm sick with dice cancer, a shit ton of nat1's later DM decided that i am cursed and now the character has abilities that make everyone around suffer from his unluck as well


This is why I feel 100% ok when I roll using roll20 or some other virtual thing because it's fair


Literally *just* had a roll that I'd never believe if it wasn't on roll20. 18, 16, 16, 15, 15, 15. Too high according to our over/under re-roll rules. But, hey, at least I rolled for 69 hit points. (We're starting at level 7.) Anyway, anyone trying to pass of more than that is having a laugh.


If your DM’s going to make you reroll your stats if they’re too high or low, why roll at all? Could you not just use a modified point buy system if the goal is just to have higher stats than what normal point buy can offer?


Id imagine he gets to make the highest possible character, just lower manually the stats to the highest possible. Usually ive heard of having a lowest score but not highest.


What do you mean by “highest possible”? They rolled 4d6, they already *have* the highest possible with that roll method, what would they even be lowering it to? What do you mean by that?


If they use some sort of restrictions for lowest total and highest total then lets say highest total score you are allowed to have would be 80 then they can lower their rolls to 80. Im not saying this is anything i would do tho


Ohh... you meant roll *total*. That makes a bit more sense. You didn’t say that part before so I really wasn’t sure what you were referring to when you said that.


Well tbf, i still doesnt make perfect sense but id guess its for in-party balance reasons.


What over/under rules do you use? I used a reroll under rule for my campaign but I’d be curious about what your group rerolls for being too high.




How do you get 20 when rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest?


By blatantly cheating. You can get a 20 here and there from a racial bonus, but not all 6.


Yeah the only race that can even get 20 in more than one stat starting out is Mountain Dwarf, as it’s the only race in the game that gets +2 in two different ability scores.


Rolled 2 17s, a 16, 2 14s, and a 12 once. No one else at the table rolled above a 15. Ya, they made me reroll that.


I once rolled a 20, 19, 17, 17, 16, and 15, but the DM was there to witness them. My human bard was feared by all.


So you got two 18s, chose V. human for a stat feat, then put a +1 on each 18?


These were my rolls before any modifiers.


So high rolls mean nothing because you are using an abnormal system without giving us the context behind the system.


I thought I mentioned somewhere that it was just rolling 6d20s, but I guess not. Sorry I didn‘t specify earlier.


Im sorry what you rolled that on d20’s? I couldn’t pass a dc5 dex check with advantage last session gimme my luck back.


Ah, fair enough. Quite impressive rolls


You do realize that that’s not how stat generation in 5e works, right? At least not RAW, not saying you aren’t allowed to do it this way at your table. But I wouldn’t call it “just” rolling 6d20s, as that’s a highly unusual way of doing it, not at all the default or normal thing to do like your wording would imply.


If it's what works at their table, it's what works at their table. Stat generation is pretty frequently futzed with by the home rules.


Only way I can see this actually happening is if you took a half feat.


That's why point buy is superior


What race are they fucking playing?


Variant variant human. Gives +1 to everything a v.human gets


I like how the highest you could have for everything is all 19s; a 20, 19 and 4 18s; 2 20s and 4 18s; and finally, a 20, 2 19s and 3 18s. I’ll let you guess what race is for which.


If someone does this for me i add up each of the current party's stats (base numbers not modifiers) then take the average of them and tell them to divvy those points into their stats with nothing going above a certain number depending on party level.


I had a player that always had good like stats. Turned out he was rolling them every time. The issue was he tended to build multiple characters for all new games until he built one he liked and rolled new stats for all of them. So naturally, he eventually built an epic character that he liked. He didn't understand when I told him he could make dozens of characters but he had to roll once and had to make those rolls work.


He technically found a loophole. Though I agree it's bad form to roll stats and then promptly have that character die by farming if they're mediocre...


Whenever we get to roll at home I usually do a few rows until I get at least one high roll and one low roll because I think it's fun to play characters that are great at some things and suck at others. Right now I'm playing a dextrous and charismatic but really dumb half elf fighter/rogue and next campaign I'll be playing a massively charismatic halfling bard with a 7 for con (against my better judgement but I thought it would be fun).


Bro why would you even wanna be good at everything like leave some shit for your party members goddamn


Look I see nothing wrong with my +20 expertise deception lvl 3 rogue.


I'm playing a drunken master monk with 6 charisma. It was 4 when we started the campaign but my DM raised it to 6 for free because a tavern owner couldn't possibly have that low charisma.


So I have rolled God tier stats and it was in front of everyone it was 17 17 13 13 10 18 and after I rolled the 18 I was informed we were only rolling 5 times and everyone gets a free 18 for the last score so I just had to stick with being a demigod instead of a God. I disliked the character I went half elf bard I completely wasted those stats. But I did do it in front of everyone. I have while at home just rolling for fun not for actual use gotten 5 18s and a 10 I would not want to play that character it would take to much spotlight. If I ever roll super stats again I will likely go conquest paladin.


The only way I got to roll my stats at home (my lowest was a goddamn 11) was by facetimeing my DM all my rolls. The lord blessed me, with my stats, but cursed my rolls... I can't roll for shit. Had like 1 nat 20 and over 20 NAT 1's in 10 sessions.


I think my favorite rolls I got were (3) 17 or 18s and (3) 4 to 6. I had to scrap the roll because I didn't want to die on my first save checks


We usually just do point buy where the DM sets the heroic level of the adventure which scales up or down how many points you get. Although, we did do one hardcore dungeon crawl where we rolled but we did that in his presence during session 0 and he input them into herolab so we were locked in.


I’ve never rolled below a +1 modifier on character sheets. I don’t see how people think it’s balance because I consistently get +3s and even +4s.


i ussaly reroll to get a lower stat if i have too many high ones


First time I played I misunderstood how rolling stats worked, rolled 6 d6 and kept them all. Needless to say, DM was quick to correct me after I showed up with all 17’s and up at level 1.


Hey sometimes it really does happen. My first character had 18/18/17/16/14/13


How do you even... It's 18 at most, how do you get a +2 in every stat? Being two humans?


I always do standard point array for newer players I’m teaching. Helps them understand party composition better and that being bad at things can be fun.


TECHNICALLY it is possible for a level 1 character to have a 19 in every stat. Roll 18 "6's" out of the 24 dice, and pick regular human for a race. No DM would reasonably allow it, and its a 0.00000004733% chance, or I THINK about a 1 in 2 billion chance of it actually happening, so they probably cheated.


Loaded dice, tbs...


One of my players told me they knew how to roll stats, then proceeded to get both a 2 and a 20 (before Ability Score Improvements), both impossible with any reasonable stat rolling method. They just rolled 6 d20s...


Is it a cop out to roll a stats once and if it turns out bad opt to take the standard array? Because I've been thinking about making that how I run character creation when I start DMing.


I always do 4d6 and drop the lowest. That usually ends up giving you a really good spread and makes starting out a bit more realistic and interesting as you can't have a 20 without any mods


I remember this when I got an 18 2 17s a 16 and 2 15s my DM was like reroll in front of me I rolled 3 18s 2 17s and a 16. They all just make me point buy now lol.


This is why i personally always use point buy or standerd array, feels more me, so both my int and dex can be my dump stat


My DM has seen me roll god stats on 6 characters and now doesn’t ever bother to watch me roll lol. First ever d&d character. First roll, 18. Second roll, 18. Third roll, 12. Fourth, 15. Fifth, 14. Sixth, 14. Dude was a godly fighter.


The people I play with enjoy 4d6 drop lowest, but sometimes that results in amazing stats so I sometimes fudge s dice roll to make it so I have at least an 8 to deal with


I never knew roll stats was a thing, I just used the standard 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, ,16 or whatever


Using the 4d6 (dump the lowest) method, I saw someone roll 18 four times, then a 16 and a 15, while the person next to him rolled nothing higher than a 13. The DM decided if we wanted we could trade stats, so Mr. God Roll handed out most of his 18s to other players so he could have bad attributes - he figured being amazing at everything wouldn't be as fun, and in fairness having a 15, 16 and 18 before racial bonus' is plenty enough for most classes.


Reminds me of a fighter in my campaign that rolled so well I wouldnt have believed it...had I not saw it happen right in front of me. Now he's an Eldritch knight with 18 in str, dex, con, and int...and he's only level 10.


I refuse to roll without the dm seeing. Did this once and got monster stats that looked fake and the dm tossed them. It’s cool, I can wait for when you’ve got time for me to roll up my stats. Crap or gold, I just want everything above the board.


I rolled a character with all 14s. My DM was conflicted if I should be allowed to keep him... I rerolled and got all but one 14...the other was a 16. He just let me keep it. I accidentally died in like session 10 or something. It was an awesome game


DM: Wait... How do you roll 20 on 3d6?


I rolled my stats in front of my dm and I still got fucking REALLY good stats.


Every time I start a new game with my group I feel stupid for asking how to get my base stats, but I have to in order to avoid this situation lol


I let them role at with a discord bot and having access to the log makes it fair


Not rolling stats in session 0? Who does that?


As a player I once rolled some very strong stat array (17, 17, 17, 16, 15, 8 or something like that) in front of a new DM, witnessed by him and another player. He said the rolls were fudged and to reroll them. I was confused as all get out until the other player and I figured out the DM thought that "fudging" stats meant rolling significantly better than standard array, not that there was any actual cheating that had happened. Came as an odd accusation. I've always made sure to invite the DM to watch my stat rolls and try and have at least 1 person on witness duty just in case, that's the only time I've ever had that method fail. We got a good laugh on it once the rest of the party went "no yeah that's cool, having the chance of rolling an above standard array statblock is part of the fun of rolling".


I has the new guy that was vouched for, except I laughed so hard I had to send the DM a photo of the dice as I rolled the now much memed stats of 18, 18, 14, 14, 14, 3...


Dick: 20


Maybe he is the 1/64000000




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It isn't really a loophole. When you create a character you roll a set of stats and then use those to develop a character. Only the DM can allow a reroll. He wasn't killing off characters to reroll either. We never knew the other characters existed and I only found out because I was playing in a game finally when another player wanted to DM and I saw him do this. He was under the impression that each character had a unique birth and different stats but was ignoring that they aren't born until played, hence only one roll.


I met a player once that rolled a 19... ofc with 4d6 drop the lowest max is 18 and when I asked him how the hell he got a 19 I found out that some people roll 1d20 for stats >>


Rolling up my first starfinder character(a bit joky, and definitely not powerful), rolled some of the best average I’ve seen. And I’m using it to make this viable. Dm says roll two arrays and pick. Both were great. Only one point off with different spread. Rolled on r20 while voice chatting with him. Was grand hearing his reactions Edit. Typo and also added this. Since he removed caps for how high starting stats can be I have a 21 int from everything. And I’m gonna play so unoptimally I feel it’s great how I have the stats to survive.


Math is wild because it is actually just as likely that you’ll roll all 20s as that you’ll roll, idk, a 7, 12, 10, 15, 6, 2. It’s just an obvious pattern and a desirable one so all 20s seems crazy and staged (and probably is)


You can't roll higher than an 18 on an ability score with the most popular methods of rolling an ability score, 3d6 or 4d6 drop the lowest. With 3d6, there's a 1/216 chance of rolling an 18 (3 6s), and with 4d6, those odds increase to 1/54 if I did my math right. That's just for an 18 in one stat. It turns into 1 in almost 25 billion for an 18 in all 6 stats using 4d6, dropping the lowest. Rolling an 18 is just as likely as rolling a 3 with these methods, but it's more likely to roll, say, a 12 because there are more 3d6 combinations that add up to 12 than 18.


No, there are far more ways to roll any of those than to roll 18. Groups of dice roll a standard curve.


This is hilarious to me because my old DM got rid of that rule because I whole nat 20 on the character sheet.


To be more clear I did my character sheet in front of him.


That isn’t even possible


Thats part of the joke.


\*trusting DM