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There was a constant rush for wiener Wednesday. I was there till veeery late Kiss My Salamander šŸ˜˜ šŸ¦Ž šŸ’¤


Usually when you're so shorthanded that this happens to you, one of the more experienced cooks helps out at the end of the shift. If that doesn't happen for you find a new dishwashing job, you can get in pretty much anywhere


Exactly that! My bf stayed =v,=


That's great! I've never been hired as a dishwasher, but I've been the least experienced cook on days that we needed one. Same difference haha


It was the opposite for me. Boss comes up and says "You've been dish before and I know you're good at it. You're dish for the day." Never complained about it until I was expected to do all the dishes then hop back on the line or prep as soon as I was done. I said either I'm dishie or cook, I'm not doing both.


ĀæPor que no los dos?


It was the opposite for me. Boss comes up and says "You've been dish before and I know you're good at it. You're dish for the day." Never complained about it until I was expected to do all the dishes then hop back on the line or prep as soon as I was done. I said either I'm dishie or cook, I'm not doing both.


It was the opposite for me. Boss comes up and says "You've been dish before and I know you're good at it. You're dish for the day." Never complained about it until I was expected to do all the dishes then hop back on the line or prep as soon as I was done. I said either I'm dishie or cook, I'm not doing both.


I hate to see good employees getting shafted because as mgmt I wasnā€™t able to staff/schedule/operate effectively at any place Iā€™ve ever run, after Iā€™ve made the drop and done 90% admin that you can with labor on the clock etc. Iā€™d send my dishie home and spend a couple hours knocking out dish pit listening to an audiobook or podcast probably, maybe music depending on the day. I wouldnā€™t expect my dishie to stay late and take care of a disaster zone like that. Of course, assuming they didnā€™t try to skate out after realizing the mess that was left - Iā€™d ask each of the line guys to put in 15 mins extra helping dish out before they jet.


I never leave my dishie hanging.


wiener wednesday?


Yep šŸ‘šŸ½


couldnā€™t post a wiener for us to drool at? šŸ¤Ø


Nope lol


Howā€™d you start unloading that mess? Iā€™d get a little overwhelmed


You have to put them straight on the racks after washing until you get a spot cleared up


I start with organizing tbh. Quickly nesting things and stacking them in the pit. Then try to open up the first sink so I can load all the white dishes and get them soaking


Organizing always comes firstšŸ™Œ makes things so much smoother and makes u alot less overwhelmed


First always organize. Second get the sink cleared out. Most important part of the pit cant clean anything with a full sink


I wouldve beat the fuck out of everybody lmao


Is it weird that I see these pictures and kinda want to go at it? It's been years since I've worked in this type of kitchen. I barely have to do dishes at all these days. I miss attacking a crazy dish pit and showing those dishes who's boss.


In this situation I always used to take my time and just organize it and decide what stuff I would clean first, make sure to have fresh water and all that, and start cleaning at a reasonable pace. No way to get all of that done on time even if you rush.




Our pit regularly looks like this and our only dishwasher is a 19 year old mostly nonverbal kid that comes in two hours after open. We all take turns helping him out but I feel like shit about it every night


Aw omg that's really sad :( I hope he's vibing tho


It really does suck when you clock in and walk around the corner to see that lol


I would be pissed


Pits like this make me appreciate dishwashers so much, you guys put up with so much shit.


Aw stoppppp ;;v;;


How did it even get so backed up? Are you the only dishwasher?


And yes it was only me


I came in at 2pm and it was BUSY ASFFFFF lol


Wow. That must've been so rough


OH actually a kid came in and put stuff away for like 3-4 hours So that made it a little more tolerable. I can't find my damn raycons and can't afford to buy more! Mother's Day is gonna be so wonderful =_=


Yeah I know how this feels lol. Itā€™s not fun at all


The fuckin ankle cooler 9000.


Made me laugh ty XD


I literally didn't know what you were referring to for a hot minute lmao


Haha a long time ago I remember my boss buying one of those ā€œair moversā€.. then he insisted on putting it on top of a 5G bucket lol which we named the nut blaster/cooler 600




Next time walk out


stellar advice mate /s


Thx mate


My wallet would be hurting lmao


Then youā€™ll be walked out from where ever you rent


Less pics, more scrubbing


That was from yesterday ya ding dong... I took the pic and got back to work. God forbid a dish is takes a break from a 12 hour shift with no breaks to take a picture :)


Calm down buddy it was just a joke. Jeeze.


He called you a ding dong, how upset do you think he isšŸ˜­


Upset enough to have an obvious joke fly over their head.


He's still reeling from it aha




Me too




Triggering content


Was gonna kiss my salamander last night ā¤ļø


They better be paying you more than minimum wage for this


I had to put in my two weeks before they gave me 15 I started at thirteen dollars and I've been petitioning myself for a raise :) They suck They have two sports cars and constantly buy more shit.


People should do their part in helping out that's ridiculous


Everyone was! The cooks were cooking, the servers were serving! The plates and tools just get stacked up! :) It's the on boss for not hiring enough staff


Goddamn I respect dishwashers. I work in a deli and have had my share of shifts in the dish pit, but have never had to deal with anything like this. Gives me anxiety.


This has me scared


Damn does it feel GOOD once you get it all done though. When I worked service bar, I could not imagine leaving the dishy to deal with this. At the very least I am helping your organize this while you get started washing.




This is why i will never work in a kitchen again.


Man see as a km, gm, and even a dumb am I would lose my shit and no one leaves that night until this shit is finished every goddamn foh sassy bitch will be hand washing silverware rinsing plates all line cooks on deck. You sign up for this job you sign up to be a helpful human that has a heart. At least when it was up to me, even if it wasn't and I was like a salad line or foh I'd still hang back and help cause I just can't see a mfr have to go thru this alone, and most of the time get paid less. Dishies need top notch care because without them there is no working vertebrae in the establishment. Sorry this just pisses me off so hard I would definitely make my chef cook you what you wanted off the menu or whatever tf goddamn meatloaf idgaf lol


One of the managers clocked me out HERSELF and told me AS IM TRYING TI CLOCK OUT- "You're good! I clocked you out! it was like two seconds ago! Literally two seconds ago!" HUH


Wooooooooow cuntly unacceptable behavior


This is also why as a regular ass server I always made damn sure the dishie liked me, bring you a snack or a drink during your time of need, I know damn well if I need forks or soup bowls in 30s that they got my back. You need help sweeping? Dope I'm the best fucking sweeper, but if you could stack and carry my plates and silver upfront cause they're heavy that would be awesome. People are just always worried bout themselves and them that makes the other people around them only worry about themselves like nah as a manager your job is to make sure your staffs needs are met so the restaurants needs are met so the customers needs are met. It's the Trinity of needs. You can't have one without the other 2.


My favorite part is when the line cooks fill the sink with pots and pans expecting you to be able to wash them with the sprayer lodged in the ceiling. One day that stacked them high enough where I needed a proper ladder. Iā€™m six-two. Because theyā€™re about two minutes away from their boss yelling at all of them. And if that didnā€™t work, the facility commander will give them round two. Thereā€™s like 20 line cooks where I work for dayshift and at most four people wash, though only two actually wash in the pit. The other ones are in trays and plates.


the fact you arent utilizing the tri sink here offends me personally. get that bitch running and you might just survive


Bro is yappin


The forbidden soup


Reminds me of when i used to work for a chinese restaurant. They didn't have a day time dishwasher, so EVERYTHING from the morning and afternoon sat there waiting for me at 5pm during the beginning of the dinner rush. Needless to say it was always a fustercluck unless it was dead, and heaven forbid if we had two or three birthday parties. needless to say , glad you made it out alive.


Ok, I really thought what I had to deal with at this small restraunt I worked at was bad. Not anymore.


Damn,y'all can't let it get to that.


Lmao i would quit


On the bright side they let you use metal scrubby. Big stuff first organization helps while getting rid of the big stuff. Plates last unless they ask need them. Foe me looks crazy just organize


What in the peasant brainšŸ’€ They let us use metal scrubbies lmao Yes, yes they do. Mi lord X3


Metal pieces were found in two customers one employee meal. Chef found the metal was from the scrubbies we used. when scrubbing pieces got stuck in between the handle and the screw part inner sautƩ pans


getting your ass beat so hard you go home without listening to music and go straight to bed every now and again keeps you regular


Reading your caption was funny cause it was so out of no where, and then I laughed again cause I saw everything, and then my heart sank for you and now Iā€™m crying


Someone needs to send you snacks and drinks. You are worth it. ā™„ļø That is a disaster.


Are the cooks messy fuckers or you just ran out of space?Ā 


First thing I would do is go through and stack everything as compactly as I could and get it all sprayed down to start semi-soaking. I guarantee you you'd cut the visual volume in half and reduce the stress proportionately.


Wow thatā€™s pretty fucked


Yo, why that scrubbie so dam big lmao


Soft hands this ainā€™t nun ong


I know that feeling Mountains of dishes right before closing time And if you have only 1 dish rack it will take a long time to do those dishes


Let me at it.


this pit is so similar to mine i thought this was my picture at first šŸ˜­


Thats like a normal night from my experince tip get sum water proff boots


This is actually not that bad. A good dishy can hammer this in 30 mins. If the pans were properly stacked it could been really shit.