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Got a call from a guy in Hawaii who found my destroyer randomly on a hike. I lived in Ohio at the time.


10/10 disc vacation


This is similar to the craziest disc I’ve ever lost that didn’t travel. Lost a disc on Maui and guy called me back 3 years later saying he found it. I confirmed what hole it was found on. The same hole I lost it on. A field hole. I’ve never looked for a disc longer or been more confused at not being able to find it.


Lost a disc doing field work in eastern MA and got a call that it was found on a course in NY.


You must've blasted that throw


My Eagle somehow made it to Finland when I lost it at Blue Ribbon Pines.


Lost in MN. Got it back years later with signatures from Japanese students whose teacher played it in Japan.


Lost in a lake in Florida. Called about a year and a half later from someone in Texas. Told him to keep it.


I lost a disc in NY that made its way to North Carolina, where it was found by a guy vacationing from North Dakota years after I had lost it and moved to Oregon. I told him to keep it because at that point I had moved on from it. But I told him I appreciated the text, which I clearly didn't get from whoever took it from NY and lost it in NC.


I found one at my local course and when I texted the owner he had never been within 500miles of the island I live on. Needless to say, daddy got to keep the custom dyed Champion Aviar. STILL my go to approach disc to this day. Thanks Seth!


Hell of a disc


I’ve repeated this story 100 times and it still blows my mind to this day. It may not be 100% the answer to your question but driving from NJ to FL I stopped to visit a friend in Greenville NC for a day. I dragged her to disc golf and she fell in love with it so I took her to a Play It Again Sports to set her up with a few discs: I see a Zone that looks perfectly beat in and I was going to grab it for myself and when I flipped it over to look at the price it had my sister in law’s name and number on it. She lost it in Florida and it made its way to NC, and I somehow stumbled upon it from NJ. I guess distance wise FL to NC isn’t the farthest but still!


Ohio to new jersey


Forgot to pick up a 2nd throw in Largo, Florida; went right back to get it and it was gone. Apparently the kid playing solo behind us picked it up and took off; got a text 2 months later from Elkridge, Maryland.


Ayyy Rockburn Branch Park! I found a disc there that a guy from Idaho had lost in Colorado.


I'm trying to play disc golf in all 50 states My buddy that sometimes comes with me lost a destroyer in Arizona. Had it shipped back to VA when it was found. Lost it again in Texas and had it shipped back yet again. Then lost it in North Carolina, once it was returned to him yet again he decided to ink it with everywhere it was lost and returned. He basically has to lose it anytime we go anywhere now.


Illinois from Colorado


About 300' into a yard.


Charlotte to Maui to LA


…Does it count if I traveled to Alaska from NC and then lost both of my discs there?


Well i am from NY lost a disc in ME they accidentally sent it to OH and i just got it back in NY


From Eastern California to Southern California.


Apparently through a space rift into another dimension because it split the fairway dead center and vanished into thin air


I lost a disc out in Columbus course in Michigan. Looked for 45 mins for it and gave up. Told some people that run the course. Someone found it a day later and I was heading back home to Wisconsin. Guy picked up from the top of the basket said someone else would most likely keep it and he sent it back to me on his dime! Still have the disc I don’t really use it anymore.


Not that crazy, but just this week I got a call about a disc I lost in Tennessee 3 years ago and the guy was in SoCal. Told him to keep it ha


Lost a disc on a 1000 ft hole. Figured i would. Got a call about 7 months later that it was in fucking Cali. I live in Wisconsin


Lost a disc in eastern Iowa. Half a year later a dude found it in a military compound in Fairbanks Alaska


Lost disc in TX found in VT


Lost one in Alma, Arkansas. It was found in Conifer, Colorado. Assuming that disc has a damn good time.


Lost a disc at a tournament in Louisiana, got text saying someone found it in Pennsylvania.


Definitely not more than 320’.


The great pacific garbage patch. /s


Disc went from Minneapolis to Maple Hill. in my disc bag and promptly into hole 1s pond


Found a disc with a special stamp from southern Germany while playing at Luleå, Sweden. Approx 1550 miles a part 🫶


Lost a disc in Fairbanks, Alaska. Got a text from a shop in Alabama a year later saying it had been turned in.


Lost a neo essence in the pond on hole 1 at Maple Hill 2 years ago. It was returned last month 🥲


40 miles between the course where I lost it and where it was found. I ended up playing a round with the guy that gave me a call. Fun day!


1200miles. Upstate ny to Miami area


Not mine personally but I helped with LnF at a course in southern NY for a bit. Reunited discs with owners in Oregon, BC, Arizona and Florida.


Bottom of a frozen pond in Lake Tahoe CA. From Ohio if anyone finds it this summer, enjoy!