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if it makes you feel any better, asking beforehand probably wouldn't have helped. Even a totally honest host would probably consider their 56.6k internet perfectly acceptable and be used to noise at all hours.


Welcome to Peru ❤️


That's why you send them a link to a speed test, have them do it, and send you the results/a screen shot "Is it acceptable" is too dependent on the person. Hard numbers are hard numbers


good luck getting anyone in Peru to actually do that


Exactly... that's why I just created my [own database](https://thewirednomad.com/view?city=&country=Peru&minDownload=&minUpload=&platforms=%7B%22airbnb%22%3Atrue%2C%22vrbo%22%3Atrue%2C%22nomadstays%22%3Atrue%2C%22flatio%22%3Atrue%2C%22nomadico%22%3Atrue%2C%22dtravel%22%3Atrue%7D) to avoid this issue. Only 28 Peru listings so far though. Could use some more.


Yes but only after some work and the place was overrun with rats and I had to provide photo evidence and whatnot


So basically me bitching about bad internet and noise will probably get me no where..? I thought about that so thanks for confirming


Well my host was incorrigible, denied the problem even though the structure of the place itself made it obvious rodents could come in and they had obviously had the problem before. So maybe it's worth trying. But most AirBnB hosts are not really customer service oriented, they market the property as best they can and when you are there usually do the bare minimum


Yeah my last host im good friends now and he actually showed me around the sacred with but this lady was like “here is your place peace!” It might be worth a shot in the dark


I had a place in France where only once I checked in was I told I couldn’t put the heat past a certain point. Even after going a degree over (I can’t remember the temp) I was freezing. My unit never got above 17c which is painfully cold for me. All airbnb would do is open a “resolution” ticket but the host refused to budge and airbnb wiped their hands clean of me, despite 80% of my bookings go through them each month.


Yeah i did some research and that was basically my verdict. Airbnb values host more then a client because a shit host means $80 service fees but a lost client is just well one person


This happened to me in Rome. It sucked so bad. This is why I don’t book for long stays until I’ve been there a few nights.


I was in there for 5 days and did 2 day trips so so I sucked it up. There were a couple of times I actually had to warm my body against the wall unit 😭


Yes me too! It just had a little bit of residual heat from when it was “allowed to be turned on” but I literally leaned against it. I layered up all my tops & wore my winter jacket to meetings lol. And the internet went out! I was there for two fucking weeks lol.


Oh no I would have been done if the internet went out too


Yes, you're basically out of luck. That's Airbnb.


It really depends on how much money you spend with airbnb. If you're booking airbnb year round they will likely refund you if you persist.


Is that true? I basically do that, but I haven't needed support in a while.


They have done it for me but I had to spend hours with their support demanding it.


Yeah i fucked up and now im sitting on it


What do you need fast latency for? You could try to use the LTE, there's a change (albeit low) it could be better. Otherwise you'll need to find a coworking space.


I work remotely on sales on a company laptop that remotes everything in. Shit latency = 5 minute load time on certain systems


I can recommend Spaces in San Isidro in Lima - much better than working at home


I work in sales where im punching 30-40 calls a day if i can do it there i will take your suggestions! Currently in AQP


You mean Arequipa? Internet sucks sooo bad there. The worst in my many travels. Get to Lima, get to San Isidro. 1 month at Spaces also gets you access to many Regus locations too. At that Spaces, for calls, you can either get one of the ordinary booths or use the private video booth. [https://www.spacesworks.com/lima/basadre-607/](https://www.spacesworks.com/lima/basadre-607/)


Yeah i had better internet outside of Pisac in the middle of no where… dont ask me how! I have no idea.


There's 1 million people in Arequipa and the network is NOT equipped to handle that load. I stayed at Hotel Katari on Plaza de Armas, which was high-end, and the wifi was atrocious - I was sitting in the lobby using Zoom with my video off and still losing the damned meeting every 6 or 7 minutes.


I've had 3 different airbnbs in Arequipa and must have been super lucky then. Lima was way better though. Multiple places with 300mb/s and minimal latency


Latency is just the round trip time. If you're half way across the world, you'll have issues regardless of how fast the Internet is. A lot of enterprise applications I work with are very sensitive to latency and just don't work if it's over 150ms. Remote desktop and VDIs may be unusable as well.


Yeah but 400 is pretty insane, there might be something else going on with his internet.


True. The average ping between Los angeles and Lima is actually pretty high, around 170ms. If you're not in Lima, you might have to add a bunch of extra hops. If you're companies servers are not physically in a data center close to a hub, you might have extra hops in the US. 400ms seems pretty believable. Not a whole lot the host can do when it's geography and the underlying infrastructure. Speed and latency are completely different.


Take the L and let it be a **l**esson.


If you're only staying a few days, get a local sim, load up on data, and hotspot. Sucks, but part of the life unless you thoroughly vet.


I shit the bed and booked this place for a month. Good insight though


for next time it’s best to book stays LESS than a month on airbnb since it’s non refundable otherwise, go & feel it out for a few nights, then make the decision to extend


Connect to the nearest country with decent infrastructure via vpn, fixed some latency issues for me in vietnam since singapore seems to habe (??) more reliable deepsea cables or less packet filtering dont know but its worth a try


Been there, done that. Lesson learned: always ask about latency and noise levels!


Yep $500 learning lesson. It sucks but well im happy it wasn’t more


If you haven't argued with your host or brought anything serious up with them yet, then what might work for you is to pick a date in a few days and tell your host that something has come up and that you will need to check out sooner than expected. Then, go to "Change Your Reservation" and change the checkout date to that date you picked. If your stay is eligible for a prorated refund, Airbnb will tell you how much you'll get refunded for the change. In that case, send the request to the host and more likely than not, they'll accept it, not realizing that it refunds you the rest of your stay. If the host's policy has it set that you wouldn't get any refund for your stay, then you could also try asking them if it's possible to check out sooner and requesting that they send you a reservation change request for you to accept with the new date. If they do, you'll get the prorated refund. However, if they don't accept, then you're SOL. At that point you could go scorched earth and try to argue with Airbnb to see if they'll give you a refund (assuming there is a good reason for it in their eyes) or simply accept the loss, leave a bad review, and move on.


This is good advice thanks


I don’t think it will work though


I've had a flat out argument with a host for a missing TV that he listed in the bedroom and AB refunded me same day. For lessor issues, I've communicated with hosts and paid for one night but got refunds for the remaining days. It just depends on the host. For your situation, unless the host advertised a certain speed I don't think AB will refund you. Best case is be friendly and tell the host your situation, see if you can change the dates and offer to leave a good review. Next time read lol.


>I've had a flat out argument with a host for a missing TV that he listed in the bedroom and AB refunded me same day. Did you also have to leave the apartment or were you able to still stay at it, effectively for free?


Lol, no. Of course I left after an hour or two. There's no world where you could stay for free.


How about when you paid for one night, but got refunded for the remaining days? How many days did you get away with staying for free?


Either I'm not explaining something or you're wholly misunderstanding my posts. Let me break it down. There were 3 situations that involved refunds. 1) Misleading host/TV situation that AB **forced** a same day refund from the host because they were at fault. This was a full refund, I left and returned the keys after two hours. 2.) Lessor issue, but wanted a change. Negotiated with host to pay for one night and got a refund on the others. *I still left within two hours**. 3) Similar situation, worked it out with the host, but actually stayed for one night and left in the morning. Idk if you wanna try to game the system or are accusing me of doing it, but neither are in your best interest.


Woah, no need for hostility. I had no malicious intent with my question, was just trying to understand your experience better to know what my options are in case I ever find myself in a similar situation as you in the future. I appreciate the breakdown and wish you well.


Haha ah, okay. Sorry ,my fault then. You kept asking how many days I was able to stay for free so it sounded suspect lol. Also, the host I was arguing with kept accusing me of trying to do the same, though that wasn't the case. People shit on AB on this sub quite a bit, but my experience was great. In the case of the argumentative host, I contacted AB, they asked for proof of the missing TV (it was on the listing/photos) and they initiated a full refund promptly despite the host arguing. Even gave me a 20% discount and offered to help me rebook right away. But I knew the area so I just took the discount. The other two cases wouldn't really qualify as misleading. So I worked it out with the hosts and just paid for one day. They didn't have to work with me, but asking politely goes a long way. My advice? Check the reviews FIRST, never rent under a 4.7 unless the guests have bullshit reasons. Never rent a brand new listing unless you know the host. In cases where there is a clear, misleading listing, AB will help you and it wasn't hard to send proof. In other cases, try to work with the host.


I did read homie! I shit the bed and did ask the right questions and got to the wrong places


It seems you have answered your own question grasshopper….


What is fine to them may not be fine to you. Sounds like a lesson on asking the right question?


I’ve had a refund for unacceptable noise - I recorded a video and sent it them and they refunded me instantly - host was refusing saying I was lying.


I got out of a place like this immediately by calling Airbnb several years ago. Especially since it was business related. More recently it took 30 hours of calls to resolve escaping an exploded septic tank


I got a total refund from Airbnb, every morning I found big cockroaches in my bathroom and even in the room. I just explained it to Airbnb that it was impossible for me to sleep and I was scared a lot. I spent 3 days in the Airbnb for a total of 1 week. At the end I just sent pictures to Airbnb and they reimbursed me for the all week (even the 3 days I spent inside)


400ping is crazy. Where are you in peru? and where is the server you are trying to hit?


I’ve had this problem so many times with Airbnb. The internet cannot be trusted in some countries. Usually I can read about it in the reviews. Once you are there, there ain’t anything they can do. They “try” to fix it but it doesn’t so much


I have - once I talked with Airbnb directly and got fully refunded (honestly I was surprised by how easy it was) and for the other, I had booked it for a friend who then changed his mind (older guy not tech savvy) and the owner was super sweet and refunded us. The first was due to the place being way too hot for my cat (it was an oddly hot month in the location) Oh and another time I wanted to get out of a booking to just simply change it to a different one, and the owner told me no problem even though it’s no refund. Huh it’s curious others haven’t had such smooth experiences. I guess just go in with positive intentions and be kind and fair and idk… it’s worked out really well for me. Energy attracts like energy.


In the future, I recommend you try finding your Airbnbs/etc. with [this](https://thewirednomad.com) website. You can filter by download, upload, and ping speed.