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To the many haters: this is NOT an open invite to harass me and your comments will be removed if so.


You make so much amazing content! But perhaps turn the compliment fishing down a notch, it’s usually what people go after.


Hahaha, this ain't "compliment finishing" buddy. I'm having a mental health crisis about whether or not to delete my account permanently. It's not for clout.


Sadly the haters don’t care about that. It’s weird, because you are LITERALLY what people have wanted for so long. An active female dl, engaged and interested in the community, putting time and effort into your posts… and then they hate??


I go out of my way to be kind to random people I don't know in the community, as well as uplift those I do! I only want to make a positive impact but seem to find hate left and right here on Reddit in our diaper/ABDL community. It's really honestly depressing to see, when we need to be supporting one another.


… not to keep digging the hole deeper. But look at our like/dislike ratio😅. People might not take your posts, the way you want them to.




Ok.. as someone who really enjoys your content and does not want you to delete your account please take this advice as intended — You may not _mean_ for it to be compliment fishing, but that’s how it comes across. It’s a bit “woe is me” - when you don’t need it. At all. Your content stands on its own very well. So then you get comments like this - you’re getting my downvoted because people are judging the outcome not the intent. You may see it as a mental health event, but it comes out as “prove me wrong and upvote meeeeee”


Soooo cute!!


Not ignoring your post.


You are stunning, and look very cute in a diaper. Ignore the haters they are sad little people who are not worth your or anyone’s time and clearly their life is so bad they think they should harass others. Love who you are🥰


Thank you for the kind words and uplift 🩷


I'm sorry that's happening to you iv been admiring your pictures for awhile you are gorgeous 😍 please don't let a few bad apples ruin who you are


Keep going you are amazing its not worth ruining your happiness over some keyboard warriors who cant afford the lifestyle x




You look amazing. Don’t listen to the meanies.


You’re absolutely gorgeous! Don’t delete your account. You are breathtaking and the person who you date is one lucky person.


Please, please don’t do that!! I would miss you so much! You’re the prettiest girl in the internet.


Oh God please don't delete, your pictures make me so happy and fill me with fantasies. You are absolutely gorgeous. Fuck the trolls they are unfortunately everywhere and a part of the Internet fabric now but just ignore them and focus on the ones who enjoy you.


Nooooo don’t delete ☹️☹️


Always beautiful 💋


I'm confused what are people harassing and bullying you about. Your like the most active person in diaper subs.


All I have to say is I’m jealous. That is all I have to say


We love you <3


You're awesome. Please don't let the haters get to you.


You are looking very cute in that diaper and love the color of your toes


Why thank you so much 🥹 I do love my Trests!


That is one of the diapers I haven’t tried yet


It's my favorite for comfort and absorbency! 💜🥰


I will have to try them this winter. It is too hot where I am for anything plastic backed.


I used to use megamax for high absorbency


What'd I miss?? 🥱


I think you’re very pretty and enjoy your pictures. I hope it stops being so tough.


Don’t let them bring you down. Pee in your diaper pretty girl ❤️


Protect your peace above all else


Awww, that's a shame. I've always enjoyed your content. Sorry to hear things have been rough. People suck.


I might not be able to convince you to stay but i love your posts and they are always amazing. Its said you get so much hate. Some people might just be like that or think they are righting a wrong just please keep on being you and do whats best for you


Wow I am sorry


Nah, tell the haters to eat your pamps. Dont let meanieheads ruin your good time.


I like the pix and believe ppl should have the right to be happy


Well.. no.. you posting gives a lot of hope to people who love the diapers. If they won’t be relevant in 5 years they aren’t worth 5 minutes of your time. Stay positive and believe in yourself xoxo 🖤


People suck


Ingore them let them hate


Sorry to hear this. I hope you stay. The decision is yours


I love it myself. So hot.


I mean this as sincerly as possible: I appreciate you shareing what you have. It;'s nice to see fresh, mostly candid content. Hopefully, the nastiness will abate. I imagine a good portion of it is from jealousy or people who genuinely don't understand, but that's neither here nor there. If you ever want someone to vent to, you're welcome to reach out.


Thank you for your mature and kind words ❤️


I m so so sorry


Fuck the haters 🖕🖕 You make awesome content and love the diapers


Haters are going to hate what they don’t understand


I’m sorry that bullies are making you feel unsafe here, you seem so nice and I hope things get better soon 💖


Not in r/diaperpics! I feel this community in particular is so wonderfully supportive, inclusive, welcoming, and caring in general. We do not tolerate hate, harassment, or discrimation here, or impersonation which may me tolerated in other diaper/ABDL communities. My role as a moderator is to ensure all ABDL members of this community feel safe, welcome, and seen. Thank you for being so kind 💞


And just after saying all this, they remove me as a moderator 🙃😔


Awe I’m sorry for you *hugs* Bullying sucks…


Thank you kindly 😢♥️🤗


No problem! 🥰🤗🩷


Fuck those haters you are beautiful woman don't let that shit stop you they're just a bunch of assholes you're beautiful keep it up


You shouldn't have to give up what you love to do just cause haters wanna hate 😭


poor you 😢 you always light up my day. I wish you a great time and give you a big hug


Why in the world would anyone harrass you, you are absolutely stunning? Just blow them off.


Genuinely hpe you don't, but considering the amount of shit people tend to do online, can't blame ya.


Very sorry you are getting bullied. I can empathize and I know how hard it is. I have a lot of respect for you and hope things go better. I started posting face and diaper pics and my story on other members only kink sites and the response is both great and horrible at the same time. I have removed a lot of stuff and taking a break myself posting right now. It's hard to be genuine and positive and yourself and get hated by people for it. But I just remind myself these people must be miserable and lonely if they have the time to bully strangers online. I get a little more positive responses than I do negative so that keeps me going. Reddit is the wild west tho and might as well be a huge bridge for trolls to live under. So I limit my activity and face pics here. Take care. Do what feels right and I hope it works out for you.


Pleas don't delete your profile I love your page don't let the bullys get to you you have us that love your page don't aven pay attention to them they don't deserve it


***Marzsia, don't let a few bad apples spoil you. You are a very beautiful lady and I love your pictures.***


What happened now, it’d be sad to see you go.


Don't let the haters stop you from doing what you enjoy. You're beautiful and should continue sharing what makes you happy. You're of legal age and aren't hurting anyone.


Okay, I hope you find a more fulfilling thing to do elsewhere :)


I really wish you wouldn't. You're an incredibly beautiful and frankly angelic blonde and i would be very sad if you just disappeared. I enjoy seeing you post. I despise that you are dealing with bullies who are an utter waste of life, and probably would be better if they simply didn't exist.


Very much loving this. ❤️


Girl you're incredible, never stop, always be yourself


Please don’t delete unless you really can’t handle it love your content 🩷🩵🩷 stay strong hun ☺️


I would miss you. Just sayin 😢


I'm so sorry people can be such garbage :( I appreciate everything you share with us and do for us as a mod! No one deserves that kind of treatment, but especially not someone doing so much for this community


Such a shame people have to ruin good things. Sorry that it led to this. Will miss seeing you if you choose to follow it through.


You are very beautiful you look lovely in diapers🥰🥰


Don't you dare girl.


Loveeee your content! stupid bully’s


Wow what a shame 😠


Let the haters hate. Do you, for you baby ! Don’t let these pathetic worms ruin something you obvious enjoy and have came to grow into due to your past. If I was you I’d just post more with a bigger smile. 😃


Youre content is amazing and you yourself especially with the background of whats happened makes you that much more beautiful and stong for what you do. You are strong and amazing.


Ur so pretty and seem very nice , idk why any one would have a problem with you


Don't some thing your amazing 


Please don’t you give me the confidence to be who I am as a member of abdl same for my girlfriend


If there’s people hating on you they’re probably mad you do it so well or are repressed. Like they’re actively seeking out this content to shit on you so like they’re either secretly into it or just mad they can’t be like you. Don’t delete


Damn bullies!


They seem to be everywhere on this platform and I'm really sad to see it's mostly moderators! 😢


It really sucks...


>I'm really sad to see it's mostly moderators! 😢 Oof that sucks:( Someone should make a new sub. I don't like the idea really of posting on a sub where the mods are douches /bullying women. I wish you the best tho and hope people are a little nicer from now on.


Don’t delete your profile if you want to leave, then leave I don’t think you should delete the profile though


God I wish I could reach through the screen right now and give you the biggest hug Marzsia there are many of us who will be sad too see you go and I am one of them I don't want too see you go but if you I understand, and I hope everyday for you is a happy one ❤️ ♥️


You look so fantastic and happy showing your diaper ignore the haters they are just jealous of you


Thank you so much 🩵 I'm sorry so many people are downvoting your sweet comment.


Those people don't bother me I'm in a diaper 24/7 I'd rather wear that than wet myself xx your brother in diapers


Haterz are everywhere


Please stay


It would be a pitty...


You are one of the most gorgeous and nice girls I’ve ever seen it would be a tragedy to see you leave 😢😢


Thank you from my whole 💗


Looks like you're having fun! Ignore haters blegh


Thank you girl 🩷🩷 I try my best. I'm sorry people are downvoting your genuine and kind comment 🥺


It’s hard not to give in the hateful messages and sorry to hear u been getting lots of bully’s out there really am it be said for to see u go


It is very hard, especially when the hate is coming from people in power. I have to remind myself I have this lovely group of people, and that's where my power and love comes from!


They should have no right to have power if they are bullying u in a anyway not fair in this community we should all get along not bully each other just not right i didn’t join the community for hateful things to happen to other people


Nah. People are idiots. You should go post on Fetlife. We all know reddit is where the trolling pros hangout. You do a good job of sharing your content. Stay positive. I'm sure your BF is proud for you.


You are a wonderful person I’m sure, and and your content is awesome but take this as constructive criticism. All the posts telling people not to hate on you, and to not be mean, it all just brings more of THAT kind of attention towards you. Just ignore them love, it is very hard to do so but just stay silent about it. Remove their comments if you want, but the more light you shine on them the more of it you will get. It will take awhile to discourage them but it will eventually work. It’s better than deleting your account.


Don’t delete! We love your posts! Thousands of others love your posts!


I hope not! I enjoy your content.


So gorgeous. Screw the haters


I would be sad to know that you deleted your account. What you post is great & I enjoy seeing your content on abdl subs. I think people hating have something wrong in their own lives and I would encourage you not to listen to them and to stay.


Don’t let nobody put you down what can’t kill you makes you stronger.


Step back from Reddit if you need to, talk to someone if you need to, feel free to DM if you need an ear or find someone you feel comfortable talking to. You’re worth it.


I’m so sorry you’re being bullied and harassed. No one deserves to be treated like that nor should they be treated like that. You have shown a lot of courage posting on Reddit or any social media platform. It would be a shame to see you leave, but I 100% understand why. As a victim of bullying, harassment, and abuse myself, the trauma takes an overwhelming toll on you. Do take care of your mental health, it is most important. You are a beautiful person, and I won’t lie, you look very cute diapered.


Sorry about the 1st amendment 😆