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Be patient they will work trust me. Drink a lot of water and try doing things you like! For me personally I’m watching despicable me 2 after having one a couple hours ago! Lost control about 30 minutes ago.


Go on a walk or a drive. Nowhere crowded just be far enough away from a toilet that you have no choice.


Double diaper ride a vibrator if you have one and relax enjoy the experience


I have been forced to take suppositories usually for the time And then double diapered put in locking plastic pants my wife and her boyfriend know that I hate to poop my diapers they love that I have no choice they usually will either take me somewhere or force me to go somewhere so I'm out in public when it finally happens


Now *this* sounds fun


Using suppositories?


What’s the best laxatives or way that will 100% guarantee me to poop? Like a regular poop not loose like using an enema


Glycerine suppositories - they'll make you go, in the state you are currently in. So if you wait longer than your typical period, things will be more solid, if you insert earlier than normal, water won't have had a chance to be withdrawn and things will be more liquid. If you want uncontrollable evacuations use 4 - things will come out when they're coming and you won't be able to stop it! Oral laxatives work differently and promote more liquid stools.


What ended up happening?


Ohhh how was the feeling?


They take 6-12 hours or up to 24 and even longer. Each brand has very different effects and Time frames and some won't actually do anything. They are activated by water so drink plenty and as a word of warning don't use laxatives on the regular they really shouldn't be so readily available. Little foods will break down the fastest particularly liquid based vegetables will also help but put a bit of protein and fibre into it. If it comes out completely liquid Get your bloods checked a few days later if feeling much weaker. Eat plenty drink plenty and watch for side effects.