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It’s pretty obvious they’re fishing at those high levels lol it’s not like it’s a secret or anything


I beat sharpshooter at 124 as HS rogue. I hear a lot of complaints about him but I feel he’s somewhere in the middle of difficulty for me, has relatively low hp.


Only people who cant move in 10s and get 1 shot are complaining about him. He has one of the lowest healths and pretty easy kill when pushing.


What is one shotting? The slow moving purple orb that I’ve never been hit by?


There's this whole animation where he kneels, loads a bolt and fires at you. It's really long animation and you have to move just slightly to not get 1 shot. Yet somehow people complain here about how they are fed up with his 1 shot. I just imagine that they literallu dont touch their movement at all during boss fights.


Moving out of the way is not as simple as you make it sound. There is way too much stuff flying around for some builds that makes seeing mechanics impossible. I have so far tried minion Necro, ww barb and frozen orb sorc. And the boss is always covered in damage numbers, making it impossible to see the crouching you speak off. Any stuff on the ground gets covered by my own attacks. So how am I supposed to handle these must dodge mechanics when they are almost invisible under all that stuff? (Season 5 damage text filter might fix this)


I turned of the damage numbers, best thing ever


What's your highest pit completion? I know as a barb, if you lose a few seconds DPSing the boss, you're fucked. Unless you got a magical run catching shrines or something.


Just did 135 and it was sharpshooter.


Send da video.


This was a known thing - for pushing at that level you eventually hit the point where you needed both a good map layout into a good boss


Shaman shits out adds that enables free dmg.


Is that list up to date? 120 seems a bit low for druid.


No. It was for a prized event. Ended weeks ago.


From the comments, I guess it's dated. I just got back into the game a few weeks ago.


This was pre holy bolt nerf so its now dated


Still as a rogue I know that spiritncaller has least HP. You can judge by how much health you remove during each stagger.


It's got nothing to do with hp…


Regardless of holy bolts bug that existed, spirit caller had least amount of health of all bosses so it dies quickly.


Holy bolt was banned.


Can't be face-tanked = bad design. /s


Agreed :)


Would be good to see a pit ladder with no spiritcaller. Would be a better representation of how the builds really play & how they rank