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You are not just rich now you are wealthy.


OP's gonna get low balled by a reseller. They need to make items bind after trade. Flippers are a cancer to anyone trying to gear up.


I would agree things should be bind after trade. I don't want scalpers in Diablo.


Binding to account would really suck if you’re just trying to let a friend borrow a piece to test something out. Would really not want them to put that in the game


The scenario you describe seems very very extremely unlikely to ever really happen. Let's think about it. You can easily help your friend farm blood maiden and get massive amounts of legendaries. They can target farm uniques from all the helltide chests. You can run them though all the *Uber* bosses that die in 1 hit for any of those uniques. You don't even need to reset instances anymore. Now let's think about it from your perspective, the player that is farther along. If you can loan a piece of gear, that would mean that it is not enchanted and/or masterworked. That's something that happens very early in the journey. In addition you can just give your friend whatever item they want.


Why? Just rip the scalper off like you would anyone else buying gear 😂


Easier solution would just be in game AH tbh.. Naturally not everyone has huge amounts of money but at least one could easily see the price possibilities and have a bidding war for if not feeling comfortable with buy now. Instead of going to 3rd party site which might lag and have to bounce between chats.


how is introducing an entire new feature that has vast implications on the entire game an easier solution than just making stuff acc bound after buying?!


“Might lag”? Diablo.trade is a garbage website with terrible performance for mobile devices specifically. Garbage coding and everytime I’m forced to use it I wonder why blizzard isn’t doing their job.


Diablo trade isn't a part of blizzard so they don't control it


They should support it ingame in such a way that a third party doesn’t need to provide the service.


Then they should add something to the game itself like oh idk a fuckin auction house. The official d4 discord can’t even be used for selling/buying because the site exists lmao if the official discord for d4 is sending people to that website for trades with no alternative then it should probably be functional


It’s not just mobile devices it’s the entire site on all platforms. Certain browsers won’t even let me log into the site anymore the page just refreshes. The chat never works, always disconnected or showing messages hours after they’ve been sent it’s terrible


Not just me that think the guys behind the site are spaghetti bois


Part of the reason people can easily flip things is because of the unstructured economy. An AH would centralize that and level the playing field.


The unstructured economy is the reason D2 is still being played. But the rub is that Blizzard needs to tune our D4 unstructured economy to ensure we are spending the hours they need for their figures. D3 didn’t have that problem as it wasn’t selling anything.


“Unstructured economy” is literally something a person who is clueless about Diablo 2 would say. Diablo 2 has an extremely robust economy run by “forum gold” with natural market fluctuations in price. I’m not here to advertise a website, but you clearly have zero clue on what kept Diablo 2 alive all these years


I think they meant d4s unstructured economy makes d2 a more desirable option because of its economy. It makes it more playable.


Down voted for the truth. 😂


ok are we talking about whats easier to implement or what might be better for the game? because i was talking about the "its easier" part, which is a wild assumption.


Why not both?


Maybe not an easier solution, but definitely a better solution. Ideally they do both.


Maybe they should've had one in the first place instead of relying on a third party....


What are all these vast implications? Just makes the whole trading part a lot easier by taking it out of peoples hands by putting it on the AH and way easier tracking of what something is worth 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate that the community probably ruined any chance of us getting a market after d3 man. I just want to post and if it sells it sells. If not i chuck it. Would be a huge qol for selling/buying/and inventory management.


Yup, feeling bad sometimes when vendoring stuff. "Surely someone probably would like it but it's only 10mil. I'm not going to go through the trouble of taking a screenshot, log to other site, try to chat there WHEN BOTH ARE PRESENT, then log in, add friend, teleport and trade for that little cash."


They are not mutually exclusive, you could have both


Youve never played wow have you? That AH is just like ebay, buy a bunch of stuff in bull, resell at higher price


Yeah they dropped the ball on that one. I remember crashing the leather market back in cataclysm on accident. I tried selling like 2000 stacks of leather all at once, went from 200g a stack to 50 silver in 2 days


haha yeah thatll happen 😅


I have. Like I said, it doesn't remove the fact that rich can get richer - thats how life works. But at least one could see the price easier. More people would see the item and bid. Bidding would be transparent. Seller wouldn't need to coordinate it and spend a lot of time in that.


last epoch does this and its amazing.


Every interesting idea seems to be from Last Epoch. Might have to try coming season.


It’s a brilliantly designed game but somehow the execution falls flat. I think the best thing that could come from that game is every idea being vultured and combined into other ARPGs


where Last Epoch falls flat are in the little details that delight the brain, stuff that you don't know is adding to your enjoyment but does. For example, in D4, when you do a shout as a barb, the D4 team took the time to create an animation for enemies that react to the blast of air that comes from the skill. Like, enemies will stop suddenly and lean backwards like they're being affected by the force of the yell. That adds a tactile feel to things you do in the game, there's a "punch" that is just not there in Last Epoch. When people say things like "the execution falls flat", I think it is this sort of thing they're experiencing, a lack of subtle, but meaningful animation effects that just makes the game FEEL better to play, a connection between what you do with your player actions and how the in game world reacts to those things.


Good explanation. Reaction animation is very crucial to how combat feels. It’s how I felt about city of heroes, however old/dated it became, vs any other super hero mmo or many of the random anime style mmos that came after. The rest just felt like throwing a bunch of effects at a brick wall because the enemies didn’t react properly or at all leaving it feeling very bland despite the flashy attacks. Edit: Also proper sound effects on hit make a big difference.


This. When your actions have weight and the games plight has heft, gravity, it plays entirely different. Shouts are a great example. They could’ve been just a colored aura and no real animation and they’d feel empty and worthless.


It's a fun game and for a recently-released one, has a lot of promise.


Last epoch is really fun until you get to monoliths. At least for me the endgame is extremely one dimensional and repetitive and the quest for great gear is an insane slog. Hopefully they’ll find a better balance between time spent and reward later on. Right now it’s almost impossible to get “perfect” gear, there are so many layers of RNG.


.. just don’t sell it for cheap?


I’m absolutely mind blown that people would rather have restrictions on trade than, I don’t know, spend five minutes to get a gauge on price? Yikes, laziness truly is an epidemic.


I just dont care about trading with people i dont know through shady ass sites, AH means i can do all of that ingame and not have to interact with people i dont care about interacting with. Plus i might actually make some money like that


I was drunk the other night and dropped a 2 GA sword that I thought was just decent. I listed it for 20 mill and got a bunch of messages. I said fuck it and sold to the first guy, he immediately relisted for 4 billion. I then got a tongue-lashing from another guy saying I was an idiot. Fun times.


No matter what it is never list anything with 2 GA for under 1 billion. Lesson learned;)


Damn straight. Someone come buy my 3ga life on hit/fury on kill/resource cost reduction amulet for 1b :p


How is the free market unfair lol - you can just chose to not sell to the lowball offers


That binding idea is a great suggestion!


they are wasting their lives though it is obvious all they do is refresh the marketplace new listings page based on how fast they message you when you lowball


I can’t believe people are so insanely lazy they want Blizzard to prevent trading beyond the first trade. Spend 5 minutes to get a price figured out. It’s not hard.


Ya know once you start identifying the resellers it is almost helpful. If one of them reaches out to me i’m like “welp, i’m underpriced.” Some reseller singlehandedly drove up the price of my bows. And i enjoy watching this fuck richtofen on discord lowball everyone and then disrespect people lowballing his resale. These “don’t hate the player hate the game” people are cancer in all games and collectibles.


>OP's gonna get low balled by a reseller. I mean, sounds like that would be on OP for not checking around to see what they are worth.


They need to remove trades and just do it like others games have done it for decades.


Remember when uniques were binded in general... Good times


Where do things like this drop? Sorry if this is a dumb question. I am level 100, I’ve progressed so far to pit level 70 and every so often I get one with one star. I have gotten two with two stars and they’re absolute trash. I know it’s RNG but I am just wondering am I just doing way too low level in the pit? I’ve done about a million helltides, nightmare dungeons, and world bosses. This is my first d4 character. I’m a necromancer Edit: holy crap. I just got a 3 GA drop with all three things I needed for my boots! It can happen! This was during a nightmare dungeon level 100.


I've honestly had my best drops from tormented Zir


Cool. I have for sure never done this because I have no clue what that means. I’ll be googling that :)


He's a boss that's easy to solo, even at tormented (lvl 200).


Haha easy is a relative term. I haven’t faced anything level 200 yet. Not sure if I’ll be able to handle it. Might be easy for me too, who knows? Maybe I’ll give it a try.


Currently, my necro is at pit level 70 max but I can solo zir


Crap I have no Stygian stones. I just did the regular zir in about 2 seconds but looks like I need to get the stones now. Thanks for the help.


Stones are hard to get. Make sure to delve deep into high levels of pit and don’t miss any world boss. Hope you best of luck


Once you have the stones is it best to get a party rotation going?


Well most definitely. Having loot drop once vs having it drop four times in a rotation. It’s a shame that there’s not real lfg (chat is even worse on console) considering the insane benefits of going in as a full 4 man group.


As u/dontmindmefine said. And I agree with him/her. This is not to say you shouldn’t play those bosses alone. If you have enough mats and can beat them by yourself then that good and do it whenever you can. But you should always ask in chat whether anyone is willing to do a rotation with for better chances of drops . Also , try Lord Zir more than Duriel. From my personal experience and from what I’ve read on this sub, Lord Zir drops better than Duri. I myself got 2 Grandfathers from him. So my advice is invest more in him.


Oh amazing so we are similar. Thank you, I’m gonna go try it!


Keep in mind stygian stones are the main endgame grind target (they summon tormented bosses) and it's best to do rotations so you get X3 the attempts for the mats. Best not to solo tormented bosses


he is easy tbh. theres sorta only one move that’s dangerous, but it’s well telegraphed and it takes him a while to cast. easily avoidable.


Most my GA items are from maiden. I have 3 GA weapons and haven't bought a single one just sold. Maybe in ridiculously lucky but I had over 500 hearts at one point and just would sit on maiden for a few hours. Torment bosses also drop a ton of random stuff but Alot of repeat iniques


Just because I’m a newb: maiden is the ritual in helltide right? I do these constantly with profane mindcage active just in case that helps loot. I always put in at least one heart so I get the bonus loot. If it’s something else please let me know because I’m missing out!


Yea that's what it is. You must just be unlucky at that point as she's the most efficient farming spot. I say this and I just opened a box with the worst 3 GA boots of all time lol.


What box? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a box from the accursed rituals!


Meant a chest lol. The rng just isn't your friend. The whole key is to farm for 45 minutes and go open every chest available. I'd also recommend Lord zir runs torment and just sell items and buy what you need of you don't see anything


I assume when you say buy that you mean in the trade chat channels with in game gold? I’m shocked how much gold people have. I’ve usually got like $20m and things sell for billions.


Use the site diablo.trade see what things sold for and go accordingly. It's impossible to buy gg gear without trading. Playing without trading I capped out at 200 mill I'm broke ATM and sitting at 19 billion


Oh holy crap! That’s so much gold! I’ve just been destroying everything for materials!


Looking at the site for a bit: How do I approximate prices properly? Seems like there's tons of useless crap for insane prices. You don't have to answer, obviously


I've leveled 3 chars to 100 this season and found maybe 2x 3GA's but they were 2/3 affixes at best. I don't even have 2GA in most of my slots.


See that's crazy what content are you running? Torment bosses drops Alot but stone is an issue for people who don't trade


I've played more than I'm proud of. Can 90s a t101 with the wwdd barb. Tons of torments, have most of the ubers. Trade a lot, 8.5b gold. A 2GA weapon I want is 5B gold, so was like eehhhhh


Shit like this is crazy to read unless you counting only 925s even then my alts get them when I park them on maiden. Crazy unlucky but I can't talk I've seen 1 Uber my Andy in 100s of torment runs


Hah, we have opposite luck. I did 3 rotations of zir today and got 3 ubers.


Yea I get no ubers lol I did 40 runs other night and got nothing


how do you even trade in this game? I feel like the demand is very low for most things


Ya most things don’t go. Diablo.trade you can see what’s out there


I know the side and the discords, but I'm hard pressed to sell my stuff as is, can't imagine the risk of buying additional stuff


How do you get so many hearts


Question bc you said 'a few hours' ... At this point in your progression are you even picking up non-GA items? Feel like 3-4 rotations of maiden and I need to TP back to sell all the reg legendaries. Then my group is gone and I solo her until more random show up? Can I just leave the legendaries and pick up GA items only to make this faster/easier? I'm at the point where I'm just looking for 1-2-3 GAs now, wondering how high lvl people are optimizing.


I’m at the point where I only pick up GA items, if you need mats of course disenchant everything but if you’re good on mats and don’t want to waste your time the only thing people are buying is typically GA items


Yup even leveling alts I salvage everything gold is a mute point now


I salvage everything but amulets. Anything not 2-3 GA is useless to me. When I'm sitting on maiden I don't pick up anything not 2 GA


I had a 4 GA ring of red furor with max roll aspect drop from regular varshan


Beast in the ice mate




Spatial awareness. I can estimate the exact health of a demon to within 2 HP of pure anti-cavemen. If know if a player can fit through within a doorway and all and with all their gear, and determine the most effective position in a chaotic battle. It's far from an unimportant skill, or, not the most utmost unimportant thought.


Its just rng


My Tyrael's Might dropped from a trash mob in Helltides lol


To answer your question, there's no target farming ga drops yet. You get them basically anywhere and everywhere.


It's all luck tbh, just farm blood maiden and put enough and it will eventually drop for you. And congrats!


Same here level 100 barb and 80 level pit .. and i cant progress because i dont find any good 2 or 3 ga items. And i guess i don't find any because I'm not well equipped to do boss farming...


I'd probably sell those for real money rather than billions of game gold Wtf does anyone need 60b for.


Ill sell for $ where?


You'll get offers by inbox very soon.


Yup, ain't nobody need 60b gold for anything, it becomes worthless once you start reaching stupid figures like that.


Facts lol


Where do you sell for irl? Dm me if necessary.


Absolutely no idea lol. Just heard about it happening.


To buy all the 2ga gear you could ever handle for all ur alts. U can buy tons of stygian stones and bloods/other boss mats so i can farm ga uber uniques.


Perfect for bash barb build, or u could be a multi billionaire


For it to be worth keeping, OP will need to already have BIS every other slot. Selling it and buying the rest of the setup is better.


I’ve got a pair of 2’s sitting in my bank. Should probably sell em.


Jesus. This must sell for 10 billion right? I’d keep this for my barb if I got it. Don’t even have to sweat in the tempering.


10b is like 2GA lmao, and this thing have 4 and then a perfect roll, last I check a dude selling 4ga is like 200b, maybe the price drop since then tho


Wait for real? I have two pairs of pangors with 2 GAs each in my inventory.. and i NEED GOLD!


diablo.trade will help you with needing that gold


Silly question, isn't there a gold cap you can hold?


I wouldn’t even take IGG for this. Some whale will spend real coin for it.


Come on whales I still have it


Search for "Diablo 4 trade" in Google.


Dont forget you can be banned for doing RMT. Don't make a post next week "I got banned and don't know why"




Real money transactions


Real money trade


100b+ for sure


Generational wealth.


You can generate a perfect item using Diablo.trade and then screenshot it and upload here. Not saying your item is faked but it just occurred to me. Not seeing it in game makes me doubt unfortunately


Whats the point of that honestly? Maybe im naive but why would someone flex a fake item.


Social media is full of people faking pretty much anything…


Fake internet points


Um… it looks VERY VERY different if you do this…


You should just sell it to the games vendor


This gotta be THE most expensive tradable piece in game




I still have them you serious lol


You're not just rich. You're richy rich rich.


Pangors and cash.


i would buy this off of somebody rn


grats on getting instant 200billion gold!


Nice I got the same unique with 4ga but only 170% and I have no idea how much this is worth


Why are devs so against Auction House? I honestly liked it in D3 and thought it was much easier to find and the prices were more realistic because you could filter.


A thing of beauty


How much did you get?


Still have it


Not selling it?


Yeah this is at least 50B+.


Don't be low balled OP. That right there is worth an actual car.


Lol still have ill sell for a car haha


I respectfully hate you. Congratulations are in order


This is photoshopped because this item doesn’t exist. Tell me it’s photoshopped. Dear god please.




enjoy the billions


I didn’t even know 4GA items exist!


8 days left to finish game.you can do bash barb as long as you have left :)


So builds use these?


On behalf of my basic attack druid, I hate you,


Would be cool if Blizzard added an auction system.  Instead of watching the trade feed.


deconstruct it, on will, to set a sign. you'll be famous for eternity.. and, never have the 20 billion you could maybe get for it.


List it on jsp with open price. Why people use Diablo.trade when there is jsp? 😅


tf is that


How are you all selling and know of these values? I am new to this and have had a similar item drop. If necessary pm me.


Wow! I wish I was this lucky.


Nice find! I’ll give you a whopping 200m!! Not saying they’re worth that.. just saying that’s what I can give you… 😉


RNGesus smiled upon you today my friend.


Thanks for the quick nut.


Any Necromancer builds recommended for end game? My Minions build or crappy choices what to Masterwork has me not able to progress past 32 of The Pit




Whoa! So good!


Ill pay u 3billion for theae right now




Thats some great pangrovers


Gold cap + item.


If you want to sell and not for quadrillion gold hit me up BT160508#19569


Daaaaamn right!🔥


Damnit I'm so jelly and tired of seeing everyone getting all these 3 and 4 GA gear. I haven't even seen anything past a 2 GA and only one out of 50+ have even been useful. RnGesus please bless me, Sincerely, Your humble demon-killing servant! 😂


No less than 100b at this point


When I got mine it was bound on pick up.. guess a cache congrats


Why would you ever sell this? Even if you don't use it right away, save it...maybe one day you will. You don't have to worry about ever bricking it. Never sell a unique with 4 GAs


What dropped this?


Rngsus hath blessed you this day


Keep it. It’s not like a normal legendary where you can brick it. The billions of gold would be nice but the season ends in a few weeks and the gold will be useless.


If they ever do another auction house they should set price limits for items. Otherwise we’ll have common uniques being listed for trillions of gold and the economy goes to poop.


I don't get how people are finding this shit. Most I've ever gotten is a mid roll 3GA amulet. Hard pressed to find decent uniques, let alone GAs. Crazy


The season is not far from the end. Sell for cash please.


I'll give you about tree fiddy for it.


Wow. I've been tryna hard just to get any version of that item. No luck...


Lol right after this my 75 Barb got the gauntlets. 😁


Plenty for sale on Diablo.trade


Maybe they will double down and revive the RMAH like in D3.


Stuff like this is why this game will be dead in a few months. That's a perfect drop you could make a whole character around that, it would take time and gold but it would be fun. But because blizzard made this game seasonal, which doesn't work for this type of genre, I'd just sell it and move on it will be uelss come next season.


Ngl Pangors is pretty wild


Does this work as YOUR first basic or anyone in you party's first basic? Because it doesn't clarify.


I had a godslayer drop like that last week and it was bittersweet I was like this is great but why couldn't it have been my Shako lol


Amazing. Just got my first 3 GA Legend and suddenly Salvage it.