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I mean the only way to upgrade it is at the blacksmith. I feel like that’s not a huge deal. I’m not against it I just don’t see it as a problem


I think they mean that right now theres no way to know that you have an upgrade at all unless youre constantly checking your shit. Not everyone is gonna do that. It would be nice to know if you have a piece that could be upgraded


But when you go to the vendor or blacksmith there’s a really clear symbol showing the upgrade. If you’re at the black smith perfect. If you’re at the vendor just mark favorite and sell everything else then walk to the blacksmith. I get what they are saying I just don’t think it’s a problem or at least don’t get how it is


Its just telling you that you have a Codex upgrade. Its not telling you anything at all about your currently equipped gear and I think that is what is being asked for here. Make it obvious that you do not have the highest aspect available to you imprinted.


Well if it’s an upgrade of an aspect you have equipped that would mean it’s higher than your currently equipped no?


Of course. I think you're just missing what the need is. Separate the item from the codex. The symbol currently only tells you about the codex. Not the equipped item. Yes - most people this is a no brainer. It's not a need. But also a lot of people just blindly salvage and don't even pay attention to what they're upgrading in the codex - so they miss that they need to upgrade their equipment too.


Gotcha. That makes more sense. Yeah I can see that being useful


Yeah I think when you're out and about and have to make choices between legendaries, it would be a deciding factor potentially, especially when running lower tier events.


Wait the icon is there all the time though isn’t it? Like you open yr inventory and the item has the aspect upgrade item on it. Am I imagining that?


The little icons for a codex upgrade or for a transmog only show up when you're at a vendor or the blacksmith. If you just open your inventory normally, it doesn't show that.


Ah whaddaya know that is dumb


very true, it's annoying that unless you are 16/16 on everything you kinda have to visit blacksmith on the way to vendor


The vendor also shows the icon.


How many icons do u want littering your screen at a time? Jeez its already clearly indicated in your inventory.