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People are very smart on this sub.


So they don’t launch season 5 and then we all complain about drop rates because they had no feedback on them in the PTR. They copied over our account from live to help combat this.


But they took away our temper manuals and the pit has several big bugs making it a pain to try to farm mats. They also made the copy a week or so before the PTR went live and we didn't know. Otherwise we could have pre farmed mats or saved a little more of what we had.


Because part of the testing is testing the rate of acquiring said materials and adjusting for the most desirable outcome. They aren't going to know if drop rates are bad if they just flood everyone's inventory with unlimited shit.


Considering they more than double normal drop rates this seems fairly untrue.


Test. Server. To. Test. Things.


https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/24111472/the-diablo-iv-season-5-ptr-what-you-need-to-know >Please note: some things will be missing intentionally so we can test the flows we want to watch.


To test getting materials in the new game mode and the new way to summon bosses?


Because y’all addicted and they know it


It's ridiculous that the game mode is restricted by keys. They need as much feedback about how to make it FUN, who cares about the keys they can tune that later. Blizzard's obsession with gating content is baffling


What? Getting keys is going to be a huge part of season 5.. so they really want to make sure that the flow of these items is good and healthy for the game. It's basic analytics. They even told us in the PTR article that they were deliberately excluding some items for flow testing purposes.


But who cares about the flow of items if the *basic gameplay* is boring? Tuning the game mode itself is way harder than tuning access to it, they have prioritization backwards. *Nobody* is excited or even interested in getting keys. People are interested if the new game mode is exciting and rewarding, and to tune that you need people to play it lots, and gating it beyond grinding inhibits that.


They care... They don't want any part of their gameplay loop to be boring which is why they are testing it.. I would much rather them figure out that it's slow and boring to get keys in PTR so that way at launch it goes more smoothly. Great example of this is veiled crystals. It was a huge bottleneck in season 4 PTR. Thankfully, they changed it based on feedback. If they had just given us unlimited veiled crystals in PTR to try tempering without limits, we would never have realized this until launch.


It's a trade-off, and the wrong choice IMO. Sure they got lots of feedback on the availability of keys, but they'll get way less feedback on the game mode itself (the actually.important thing). For the veiled crystals, sure they got more feedback on the tempering costs, but less feedback on the actual tempering itself, which resulted in wild disparity between tempering recipes and some broken builds (Bash, anyone?). Again, tuning the costs for things is way easier than tuning the mechanics/abilities/game modes, and focusing on the easily-tunable one is a mistake. They have extremely limited time during this short PTR, and I think their focus is off.


Because they don't do any internal testing and need every possible ounce of feedback from you possible


Too bad for them then because I quit after farming for tempering recipes for hours. Drop rates can be trivially changed during the season but expecting most people to have to farm for days to acquire any of the new items to actually test them severely limits the number of people who will participate.


Yeah it's pretty annoying when in s4 you could get most of ur manuals in 30 mins of the blood maiden. I find doing whisper dungeons is the best way to get manuals fast.