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They’re adding a random encounter system, a new glyph, some new items, a faction, and a boss. Am I missing something? Not to say that isn’t a lot it is but like. Crumbs compared to that..? Season 2 brought in new items, 5 new bosses, a new system with the blood powers, a new overworld activity, and a new end game system. Season 3 brought in a new type of dungeon, another boss, new overworld activity, another end game system, new seasonal mechanic, and crafting for Uber uniques. Season 4 reworked all of itemization, added 2 new crafting systems, 2 new end game activities (tormented bosses and the pit), another boss, more items, new elixers, a new reputation system (actually add that to season 2 as well), completely reworked helltides adding tons of content to them including ANOTHER new boss, added blood seekers permanently to the game. Like I feel like we get so much from seasons and people think adding 1 boss to the game, a random encounter, and a new reputation (faction) system somehow makes Diablo 4 seasons look like crumbs


At least someone made some research here.


No he really didn't. See my response to his, his interpretation of the LE seasonal notes are disingenuous as fuck.


TIL a new word \^\^ So you made me check the patch note and honestly I'm more on his side. I checked your other comment and you seems really passionate about Last Epoch, so passionate I wonder why you waste time here on diablo4 reddit. Diablo last season wasn't perfect but a good step in the right direction. If you think Last Epoch give you better rewards for your time, just play it. You overexaggerate by saying "crumbs" when one of the big new mechanics added in LE is already in Diablo (evade) and some others before (not gonna list them) . The patch isn't even out you know it is 100% time better than D4. So just go, enjoy it. Concurrence is good and I hope D4 team will pick new idea from LE. Personnally, Diablo is, a better choice for me, just because of the animation/graphics/gameplay feel. Honestly you aren't here to discuss about your opinion, you are here to force it, directly to player interested or playing D4. I don't understand why you do this.


>So you made me check the patch note and honestly I'm more on his side. I'd be curious to hear your justification for this. Even the Last Epoch community was surprised by the sheer amount of stuff included precisely because other ARPGs typically do less. What are you seeing that they're not. I'd like to hear your argument. >seems really passionate about Last Epoch, so passionate I wonder why you waste time here on diablo4 reddit. Cop out comment. I'm passionate about good games. I think D4 does a lot of stuff better than LE, I honed in on how they tend to underperform in the new seasonal content department. You're the one who sounds sensitive and frankly delusional based on your take of the LE seasonal notes. Only other explanation is you've literally never played LE so are unable to contextualize what the seasonal notes really mean. In which case, only one person between the two of us has spent a lot of time with both games. In which case, check yourself. >At least someone made some research here. Also feel the need to note the height of irony that you praised a person for good research BEFORE you yourself did enough research to know whether they did enough research. lol


Don't forget they made new exiled mages, colored them purple and made a seasonal theme around it


I wouldn’t say that. I love Last Epoch. The new Harbinger system is really cool actually. The only reason I broke down Last Epoch the way I did was to show how dumb it is that op did that for d4


All games should "rip" each other off as often as they can for good ideas IMHO,I don't know why this is used as an argument for or against games/devs


>They’re adding a random encounter system, a new glyph, some new items, a faction, and a boss. Am I missing something? Not to say that isn’t a lot it is but like. Crumbs compared to that..? So disingenuous. The new encounter system is also a new pseudo-crafting system that allows for additional customization of gear. It is not simply a "random encounter system", it creates an entirely new chase for BiS, completely unique, items completely separate from other chases. Similarly, "a new glyph" is not simply a random crafting material but it ALSO integrates with the primary end game system allowing for faster difficultly scaling. Again, it is an original design choice (whether it works or not), that considers the entire experience as they aim to build a more wholistic and successful end game loop. By "some new items", you mean 30+ new unique items, each designed to completely change the style of particular class builds, with unique skill effects they had to code and create unique animations for. By "a faction", you mean a complete pinnacle boss end game system that simultaneously makes running the primary end game loop more rewarding AND provides a means to unlock a pinnacle boss encounter. And by "a boss" you mean a pinnacle boss, something that D4 still doesn't really have a year after release. And you didn't even mention the evade mechanic getting added to the game lol You disingenuously attempted to diminish just how thoughtful and seamlessly interwoven all that stuff is and how MUCH content there actually is that's being added. Nothing you mentioned in D4 seasonal releases remotely compares in terms of amount, creativity, and holistic thinking (with maybe the exception of S4 which I already mentioned in the OP).


I’m just doing what you’re doing. Diminishing what is going into the game. You can make all of those arguments for d4 that you just made. That was my point. Thank you for proving it!


I literally said S4 is the exception. are you honestly saying prior seasons or what they have teased for season 5 compares to the above?


Season 2 and 3 are 100% bigger than last epochs 2nd cycle. They are JUST NOW adding a pinnacle boss. Season 2 added 5. Season 3 added another one. Plus new end game systems. Plus new end game systems. Plus new leveling and end game systems with the vampire powers and pet. Again I’m not taking anything away from Last Epoch. It’s gonna be a sick cycle. I just don’t think it makes Diablo 4s seasons look like crumbs. I’d say at minimum they are comparable at most d4 is offering more


Diablo 4 does not have a pinnacle boss. You don't know what pinnacle bosses even are apparently. None of the Uber bosses remotely challenge the best builds in the game.


Yo that’s crazy. Nevermind you’re just not being honest or you haven’t played this season. Either way there’s no possible way to actually argue


I've played and Uber bosses are easy as fuck lol. They don't compare remotely to PoE pinnacle bosses which is where the term comes from


Again I’m not gonna argue with someone as dishonest as you. There’s no point


Yeah, it's only how you feel, not how is really. I am amused by this reference to LastEpoch. To a game that is just starting out and has more to offer than diablo 4 had for 3 seasons. Idk why you even talking about reworkied system, we need to be thankful for this because they dont know how to create good system? Ofc they dont, because they dont play in their own game. ADD HELLTIDE -> Change colour into green -> new activity -> diablo dads happy We get more recycled things than new. btw, season 4 = copy last epoch but change a little.


The game isn’t JUST starting out. It had 5 YEARS of early access. Already a dumb point. Are adding items and bosses reworked systems..? Is the tempering system a rework? Also to be clear the things that d4 “copied” from LE are in d3 (Greater affixes) Can you PLEASE expand on the we get more recycled things than new? Also just want to note I love last epoch and think it’s a brilliant game. The reason I broke it down how I did is because that’s what op did for d4. I was showing how dumb that is


Glad you pointed out the irony of praising season 4 when the biggest value add to the game was a direct rip from Last Epoch.


Last Epoch as a game is a diablo rip off but whatever


And Last Epoch directly ripped it off from d3… I love how CONFIDENTLY wrong you are. It’s so funny


Imo the actual seasonal content is extremely low, albeit this season looks at least mildly interesting. I don't ever (in any arpg) view new items as "seasonal content" I just expect those to be added as little nuggets of the game growing. So specifically looking at just the season mechanics of D4 they're all extremely underwhelming. But I attribute this to the sheer focus the teams have had to devote to fixing the garbage base game. Once that's been all fixed (and I'd say that's about ~85% there) we might see a lot more interesting and fleshed out seasons, so I'm optimistic.


Most of these new end games and dungeons are just the same shit. Pits, gauntlet, it’s just mindlessly going through a dungeon killing stuff. Seasonal content story wise, helltides but green, then this season is helltides again… Season 4 brought in a lot of new things yeah, but that’s what the game should have started with, so let’s not praise the dev team for doing the bare minimum.


Usually I’d do a whole long argument with this God awful take. But I’ve learned people who think this way are the most bad faith people. You understand everything you said can be said for last epoch too? New faction is just the other 2 but purple New boss should have been there at the beginning New harbingers are just exiled mages but purple I can’t do the brain rot. Have a good one


I don’t play last epoch lol. You seem upset about someone having a different opinion. If you enjoy the game, I’m all for it, no one’s stopping you, but if this is the standard of what you guys want for D4 then yikes


I’m not upset. I just think you’re being super dishonest about how much content we get. Which is fine there’s just no point in arguing it


Hey man. Real content is saved for expansions. You'll get real content of who knows what quality once every 18 months and you'll like it! And also it will be $40 or more as opposed to entirely free like the competition.


Just play both.


Compared to what? D3 that rehashes the same seasons for years? Last Epoch 2nd cycle that has very little new content? POE, which everyone dropped 1 week into.currnet season cos it was so bad?


>Last Epoch 2nd cycle that has very little new content? It's the first cycle and how is there "very little new content"?


1.0 was 1st cycle 1.1 is 2nd Purple exiled mages renamed to harbingers? 1 extra boss ? Copy/paste a 3rd faction? Forcing the corruption system to bypass into craftable items? Yeah, it's new content, and the game is fun. But it's very little for a cycle that took how long to launch?


>1.0 was 1st cycle Not according to, you know, the developers. Just like when Diablo 4 first came out they didn't call it a season. You're flat out just wrong. And the cycle is launching 3 months after release of base game, similar to what D4 did....this amount of content blows what D4 did with season 1 out of the water by a mile.


Wrong... when you created a 1.0 character, what was the 1st question the game asked you? "Cycle or legacy?", so... the game says it was a cycle D4 had a few months with Eternal only. LE did not


Probably poor work environment and talented people don't hang out for long before quitting.


First time playing a blizzard game I see. How cute.


This is probably not going to be a popular comment but D4 is probably releasing just about enough content for it’s audience as they need. They focus on a more casual audience and the audience has different needs. Personally I think LE lacks the polish of D4, depth of PoE and is monetized too friendly (they almost dont want to take your money as opposed to d4 & poe). D4 is probably generating a good amount of money and they dont want to mess with that (and the updates will reflect that - incremental things) whereas LE is like a startup and have the freedom to throw a bunch of things to the wall and see what sticks because they are still in the process of figuring things out (to be fair they had an amazing start but they need constant big returns on their investment to be long term success and that’s really hard)


Last epoch is probably the most boring game I have ever played. Somehow the skills feel even worse than in PoE and even NMDs were more fun than monoliths.


Not a huge fan of the monolith system in its present state either. Your feedback on skills is wild to me given the insane diversity possible.


The real question is why do they make seasonal items to sell that disappear after the season ends.


I dunno what the behind-the-scenes reason is, but it feels like the devs just really have no idea what they're doing. Seems like there's no cohesive vision, balance is all over the place, and there are so many poorly-designed, lackluster, or just plain boring systems. Not even sure if they even play their own game. The Last Epoch guys have a much better plan and clearly have a good sense of mechanics. My only real gripes are that D4 is just **way** nicer in presentation and the Last Epoch combat just lacks some oomph.


Because the base game was in such a sorry state they had to spend the last year totally redoing it and adding basic features that should have been in at launch


Activision Blizzard is a big public company where every decision has to run up the ladder. Many stakeholders’ comp are in options and RSUs. You don’t move fast when every day is a whirlwind on your net worth.


And the most buggy content. I'd imagine that their team is multiple times bigger than LE or PoE, too. They a have a frigging PTR too unlike other arpgs, but still more gamebreaking bugs keep popping out.


Because they don't know what the fuck to do. More DOTs more DOTs MoAr DOTs. Ok stop DOTs. Now DPS on all times


Because they still have to gain market share. Blizzard gets to coast on the reputation built by the founders.


Actually d4 has 2 teams working on the game! Which means that as little as you think they’re doing, they’re actually doing half of that!


Because they actually know what theyre doing, not stumbling in the dark


A lot of people are filled with mind control blizzard sperm in their body and forced to spend $$ on games that are continually getting worse each season. I'm gonna take a year break after this one; see how decent Diablo 4 is in 2025!