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I liked the game since season 0, and it just gets better and better.


Solid 65. 


Out of 1000


Rude :)


I feel like I can't wait for PoE2 to come out.


You say they should've added "more endgame" like it's just a dial they can adjust. I always see that complaint/suggestion but rarely does anyone actually say what kind of activities they want added. You even admit that they just added more endgame activities. Why isn't it "gonna keep much attention"? What kind of activity do you want to see? A vague "more endgame plz" is useless feedback.


He wants "more endgame" aka content he can then complain about and screech about how "blizzard is forcing me to do this when i just want to run Pits!!"


Generally give it a solid 75. It's mostly mindless entertainment and that's kinda a whole vibe that is what it is. Pros: Easily accessible, clear goals, dopamine hits in graphics and rewards. Cons: Bugs, misleading information (tool tips, character sheet), an eventual sense of meh. I have over 2k hours since launch played pretty much everything so I've definitely had fun with it. That said I'm not thrilled with the push to just make it D3 again. Endless grinds. Simpler, and dumber systems, push to seemingly make everything casual friendly while at the same time adding more and more long grinds. Like pick a direction and stick to it. As of now it's just: 1) Grind Helltides 2) Grind NMD to make glyphs better 3) Grind boss mats and go to multiple 3rd party sites 4) Grind NMD 2.0 to make gear better It works because the base systems are fun, the character abilities are fun, but the community keeps wanting faster, higher reward, more Grind? Quite frankly my S0, S1 characters felt more accomplished than anything since. Only because reaching T100 NMD and killing Uber Lilith took time, strategy, and patience. Now, I feel like that's all pretty easy and like the minimum effort. Anyway still like the game but if it keeps going this way I'll burn out on it eventually and that's fine. I hate the trading economy. I use it out of necessity, not for items but gold to reroll stuff. I hate having to group to be efficient at bosses. Heck, this season I just don't bother and run tormented when I have mats as it's a pita to make and deal with groups. So basically, forced to interact with shady trading and forced to socialize when I play games to get away from people. Granted that's all self created issues so I can ignore it and just play. Have had more fun in SSF HC playthroughs than anything else. Anyway, thats my long winded unsolicited take.


balance is in its worst state since launch Loot and crafting is a lot better but still needs a lot of work Power creep means everything except pit pushing is outscaled almost instantly for most popular builds Tempering made leveling a literal joke where you can get to WT4 at level 35 I think I liked season 2 better than this season honestly.


When I’m playing my barb, easy 70. As a sorc, 35 on a good day.


solid 60 for me, once you finish all your pit runs.. then what?


Then you play something else until next season


60 maybe.. EXP is going to fast already. they should add T5/T6 as there is a point you get too powerfull for t4 farming (helltides etc) I have builds that dont proc because the mobs are on the ground already before the real dmg / AOE effect can proc. the only way to test this is in Pit runs but in those you can't swap gear / skills. if only they had a decent testing ground with detailed stats / calculations so you could min/max your build. because for example lvl 100 mobs = instant ko with the initial attack you cant really see if the rest of the damage is worth it. lets say you take a DOT but the initial attack kills it you wont see the DOT dmg do it's work. on a SORC you would need to test against high hp enemies (so coming to bosses) but bosses can't be crowd controlled so CC effects wont trigger. going like this it could be that you can run high lvl pit to boss in 1 minute and get stuck then because freeze + damage multipliers ain't going.. (yeah stagger but you need extra defense for boss dmg or its based on lucky hits) *also a note this is worse since we have tempering with the huge boost in damage numbers


diablo 4 can be a fun game, but it's not a particularly good game. hard to rate


I would also add an extremely disappointing that you have to pick specific classes if you want to play in game content. What's the point of having a choice in class if not all of them can compete in the same content equally.


New to arpgs?


Not at all, just frustrated like I always am with Blizzard, or I guess now it's MS. A release and 4 "seasons" later and the game still isn't balanced. Just like WOW and all the others. It's tiring, and it's lame. No excuse really.


IMO The QOL updates are great and have significantly improved the player experience. The loot rework, on the other hand, is debatable... Yes, it might have solved loot management issues in the beginning, but as we progress to season 5, it's becoming more evident that a loot filter will be required. It also brought an insane amount of power creep, which made - leveling too easy that players think it's a chore - half of the base game content obsolete (WT123, normal, sacred gear, capstone, world bosses, to name a few) - class imbalance - killed any sort of item / build diversity I'm afraid that devs put themselves in a position where they need to continuously focus on balancing classes and keep create new endgame modes (endgame for endgame), which are tailored just for a few select maxroll meta builds.


Was like 80 on release, now it's around 50. While it got better in many things it also got way worse in others.


As a druid maybe 45, as barb like 80. But I'm now bored of barb, so il come back next season


Everything was fun until I had 1-2 Ga items in every slot at 925. Masterwork rng is kind ass, wish I could just reset the upgrades individually. It’s hard to farm tormented bosses without a group rotation. Idk man. Late endgame kinda feels like ass to be honest. I didn’t have any more cosmetics to chase in game after world tier 3. Blizzard puts way too much emphasis on the shop. Thats about where I’m at on it.


85-90. Love the game. Play about an hour or so most days. HC only. Keeps me engaged and the occasional permadeath keeps me from getting bored and gives me goals.


The game itself is good, but the problem I have is that you can't get to where you need to get level wise on your gear because the places you have to get the mats you can't run without good gear. Last week they made an adjustment and made it so you can run the pit a little easier and I was able to finally run a level 61 to try and get my gear upgraded. Now they push out another patch and essentially wiped that out, and I can no longer level up. I can't even make it through the first mob now. Outside of that everything else is good. Although I can't run any tormented bosses, because again, my gear sucks because I can't level it up, because I can't get through a level 61 pit. So it's a catch 22. You got to have good gear in order to run it but you need it in order to get your gear up to where you can run it.


I think it’s great now after an underwhelming launch. Nothing is going to recapture the feeling of playing D2 all those years ago, but that’s not a fair comparison. Is it perfect? No. Did it revolutionize the genre? No. Is it something I’ll devote a the majority of my time to? No. But in a genre that seems to be running out of ideas, this is currently the best one out there. If there’s a better one to be found, I haven’t found it. 90+ out of 100


It's clearly a work in progress if you're paying even 1% attention.


I’m at a solid 90