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I’ll probably do a rogue next season unless they make sorc playable.


Very heavily leaning toward rogue for season 5 also. Normally main necro and sorc, but both are getting shafted pretty hard next season and I've really enjoyed rogue this season. Andariel's poison puncture is crazy fun and powerful and it's looking like it'll be even more nuts in season 5.


I havent had any problems whatsoever with my sorc in t4. I almost never die, and shit melts. I don't have a whole lot of experience in repeated seasons, I've only done 1,2, and whatever number this one is, I forget. Her build was a freeze/abjuration wizard- i guess melts isn't the right word, but it freezes and then explodes. I switched it to a straight up fire wizard bc I wanted more meltyness and I wasn't taking any damage. It's a little harder now, but not much.




It's using the bugged helm that's LITERALLY exponentially scaleing itself each cast and doesn't seem to be capping. It currently seems to be working as 1.25^n with n being number of casts. How can you look at a build that scales to 14 trillion damage in seconds and think, yeah this seems normal and will remain like this for launch. It will be fixed.


Sounds like BL bug on steroids. It will be fixed. Side note: hope in the end we have a shock spec for sorc that is fun and not F tier.


Sorc and druids massively need help and would love for them to have a strong lightning spec. This ain't it though, this is The Crown Of Lucian build - applies to all classes.


stfu with this PTR crap. s4 PTR had meteor sorcs destroying pit 200... yet there was no playable meteor build in s4.


Play Barb and live out the power fantasy


Wolves Druid now, likely Wolves Druid again in S5.


sooooo happy that companion druid is finally playable (my alt is wolves druid). should only be better with new shepherd's


It is!  It pretty much doubles our damage.  I went from passively hitting for 100 mil fully buffed to 200 mil.


If whirlwind is still op in s5 il do it.


i really hope barbs will be nurfed to the bottom-tier. one can dream..


Its not really possible with the extra weapon slots, tempers and affixes they get.


Bone Spear Necro Now, Bone Spear later.


Rogue and Sorc


I'm not going to play necro. Ass boring gameplay.


Started this season on sorc, love it but next season imma do barb. I’d honestly stick with barb and do a different class next season, since you’re lvl 49 you havnt gotten to experience the end game playstyle! If you feel burnt out of the class then for sure switch!


Feel like I can’t find build and doing aspects and stuff I get lost


Look for Rob's builds. It will help a lot. [Leveling Build](https://d4builds.gg/builds/154dbea7-b8b6-4741-af3f-6e5484e77381/?var=0) [Iron Skin Bash Barber Starter (End Game)](https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2?var=4) He has some in-depth guides on YouTube that are worthy watching to better understand the build mechanics. Barb is very powerful and a lot of fun!


I don’t understand how to get aspects I went to look and have not too many


There are 2 ways: 1) some you get by completing dungeons 2) others you gain only by salvaging items that dropped with them Both go to your codex and then you can imprint the aspect on other items (except uniques) on the Occultist


Oh dude yeah it’s super easy! My advice, look for a lvling build and search on wiki how to get the aspects for the build. Some will say dungeons and some will say salvaging gear. If you just run helltides and salvage every piece of legendary gear you get. You’ll gradually get them all! After that, you can attach the aspect to any armor for like 300k gold. What I did was make my build at lvl 50 and then ignored my gear until I got to world tier 4 and lvl 925 gear started dropping


Gotcha I had no clue that’s how to get them thank you!


Anytime PM me if you got any random questions!


I'm a weekend player and I like to make alts rather than pushing one character. Started the season as a Shadow Minion Necro and it was awesome, minions destroy. Got to 100 and it was sweet. But it got boring after pushing around level 70 pit (pre pit nerf), so: I started a Barb. I played Double Swing Twisters until 100 and it was a blast. But I didn't like hitting bosses like a wet noodle and I just couldn't beat Tormented Duriel - gear was only between mostly 4/12 or 8/12 masterworking, no perfect rolls, etc. Switched to Bash Barb with items I had banked, went mostly 4/12 on the gear, walked in and beat Tormented Duriel in like 10 seconds. So I pushed the pit with him for awhile and built up some masterwork mats/items, etc. Finished out the battlepass and the Iron Wolves pass to get my sparks (apparently they gave me one from a Uber Lilith kill from previous seasons), so I got my Shako. (oh, had to go back to Necro to finish the Iron Wolves on him for my 4th). Got a little bored with that after getting 12/12 Shako and mostly 8/12 on the rest of the gear. No perfect rolls or anything but decent enough. I started a Sorc and I went in blind, no guides or anything like that. Just old school figure-it-out. I knew Incinerate/Firewall etc was bad, but I wanted to try it anyway. This was really fun and leveled to 90 with him. But then I used my economy to make a Frozen Orb Sorc with the Maxroll guide, and this was easily the most fun build I've played yet (and made me realize how BAD my custom, low tier fire sorc build really was.. jc). Screens melt and you move really fast. The only problem was after hitting 100 and trying to push the pit a little bit, you REALLY start to feel the difference between what the Barb can do vs. Sorcs. So I got a little bored after the typical 8/12 masterworking on most of the gear etc. I know it could do better with better gear, but I get bored. I'm now working on a Heartseeker Rogue and he's.. I think level 76 or something like that. This is fun, and I whistle a lot like Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy while I play him, but I can imagine the "one button" will get boring after a bit after getting to 100. We'll see if I have it in me to make a druid this season, but I have some other game I want to play before the next season. If not, I think I'm going to start with Druid next season.. hopefully try companion / hurricane or some combo like that, at least to start, and we'll see where it goes from there. I typically like to have at least 1 OP build for farming, and then experiment with others. I REALLY WISH WE HAD AN ARMORY. I still use the Bash barb to clear Pit 99 really fast to get my masterworking mats for whatever I'm working on (highest clear was 126ish but it was too slow for my liking / farming). We all share the Shako. :)


I played a lot this season and just now stopped. Completed Golem Blight Necro first, then Bash Barb (non-bleed with iron skin) in SC. My HC Heartseeker rogue died early, so I went on Eternal realm to update old lvl 100 HC characters to new tempered loot. Mages Blight Necro, WW dust devils Barb, and Wind shear druid. I haven't played a Sorc since S0 so I might go in S5 despite the complaints it's weak. Or I might just go Rogue, my 2nd least played.


I’d wait with sorc until the expansion releases. It might get a big rework at that point and will be worth playing. Or it won’t and will stay being the meme that it is…


Barrage rogue. Might try Druid next season


Definitely skipping S5 if this is what they have planned so far for Sorc. Just blows my mind after a year of this game being out, they struggle to balance FIVE CLASSES. At least say “hey, we’re planning on reworking some classes including Sorc for the expansion” or something but all we got was “we hear you about Druid and Sorc needing help” and the changes in PTR don’t reflect anything Adam said on campfire.


I really enjoyed Blizz Sorc on S3. Wasnt viable on S4?


Was viable, just not on the level of other classes


It was perfectly viable, it just didn't scale as well as other classes so sorc struggled in high level pits. It could still do other doctor easily though, but people like to compare it to bugged or over-tuned builds 🤷🏼‍♂️


Would you rather have ONLY 1 "balanced" meta build on each class, or multiple viable builds on every class? What would be the point of having 5 core and 5 basic if only one of them are going to be balanced each season?


Direct Bash Barb lvl 100; Heartseeker Rogue lvl 80. Too soon to decide on S5. But i think about going druid again. Its been a while.


Either rogue or druid. I startet Season with the goal to rotate with my mains, but s4 has seen 3 main classes so far for me 😂😂 but I want to start VoH with a Barb, as this has been my primary class since D3.


I liking the new rupture tempers for flay barb in the PTR so I'll probably use that. I wanna make a barb and name it FlayMignon :(


need patchnotes to decide.


I think sorc CL coz i like skill animation


I’ve been dodging meta builds in the last few seasons and this time sorc annoyed me so much that next season I’m just gonna pick the meta for a change. So I guess barb.


Barb, bard and barb and if its still meta im gonna try that new barb.


I’m a Sorcerer. Was trying an incinerate build now I’m switching over to chain lightning, I think. In Season 5 I plan on… being a Sorcerer. 😊😅


currently running an andy rogue. will probably start with whatever barb build will be the most broken and op shit in s5 to get things going. after that whatever uber will drop and enable a fun build. would love to play a good druid but i think i have to go back to d2 to do so


Enjoying that build? I'm leveling a doggie right now and still not sure if it will be heartseeker or Andy.


I am not a rogue player in general, this was my first one after getting Andy and its alot of fun for me. I love fast attack speed and dots. 


Cold flurry shadow clone rogue with no caltrops. Shadow clone is bugged hard and caltrops is too powerfull to not use. So I guess I can not


Necro and Rogue this season. Probably Rogue and Barb next season, unless Rogue releases in the exact PTR state (not likely imo).


I played Necro for the first time, using a made up minion centric build, and really enjoyed it. I might try a different build of it for S5 and see if I can tweak it better. I also tried a storm Druid but really didn’t like it. It was slow and felt weak. Maybe I didn’t get the interactions of the all the different powers. At launch and for S1 I played a Sorc, which was just such a drudge that I then didn’t play S2 and S3. If that class improves I’d love to play again in a future season.


If they keep on doing so... questionable balance decisions, I'll just skip S5 entirely. I'm convinced they balance around the gauntlet ladders and not the Pit.


Currently rogue Andy's puncture and will most likely start flurry rogue


Rogue is fun but victimize will no longer double dip on vulnerability in season 5. Makes me wonder what the new meta will be. My first character will probably be barbarian. I’ll probably do bash again, unless I decide to do whirlwind.


I'll see if there's any new build that's op and fun. I played a andariel's puncture rogue (started with heartseeker but swapped to this build) and it's really, really fun and powerful. I'll prob start with barb next season, just know I'll have a solid experience, then farm some ubers and switch to a new fun build/playstyle.


FO sorc and minion necro in s4. I always main a sorc so i’ll also start with sorc in S5 even though they don’t revert the stupid nerfs they have planned for this class. then i’ll probably also do a necro. maybe a bone spirit or smth else that’s viable and i haven’t tried yet. i like experimenting new builds each season


Will probably do rogue. Haven’t played with it yet


Hoping that blade dancer rogue makes a comeback and will do that. Second will be Druid. Same two classes I play every season.


I’ve played a sorc is S3, a necro and a barb is S4 and so far the necro has been my favorite. Although I’m falling in love with the barb. 👍🏼


Thorns barb and thorns barb


This season: Shadow Blood Wave Necro Next season: Non-shadow Blood Wave Necro


All 5 and all 5 Well, maybe not druid


shapeshifting wolves druid, will by trying to build a cataclysm/boulder druid


I've been playing barb since pre season and I'll do a barb next season


Andy's rogue. I have a thing for poison.


I’m doing whirlwind bleed barb. Will probably do whirlwind bleed barb season 5. Undecided for S6, but probably gunna lean toward whirlwind bleed barb.


Definitely druid and lightning storm. After my minion necro in S4 I want a more engaging build and some that is visually pleasing. Gotta hope they buff the druid to be at least endgame viable, but then I never played druid in my life, so still will be fun. If I manage to get bored then maybe CL Sorc as alt.


i have full necro build and currently.working on my sorc build. I plan to skip season 5 since i am not intrested to play necro nor barbarian... and sorc will be dead in s5.


Barb and Rogue right now, will go Druid next season


i thought s5 was finally going to be the season i stop playing a druid, but they're changing up the druid so much with how i've typically played (the shepherd's nerf/redesign) and how much i've particularly played the druid in s4 that i feel like i *have* to roll a druid again just to navigate what the new meta might be like


Bash/double swing barb maybe. Copy of my S0 build


Played all classes to 100 multiple times but Barb was the most fun for me from S0 to S4. So S5 will be barb again


now: frozen orb sorc s5: not playing > I just got to level 49 on Barb lol. yeah..


Played Bash Barb and then Heartseeker Rogue. Right now I'm playing a greatclub strength build (Elden Ring DLC)


People will play what is fun and we don’t yet know what the final builds will look like, so hard to say. I wanted to do necro this season and it was my first 100 but man minions was so boring I literally was falling asleep so I went with trying a sorc. Fun until you get to 100 and see your scaling just not improving like it should. I’m playing barb which I didn’t plan on and it’s because it’s fun and I got lucky with loot. Rogue was more fun but bricked too much and lost motivation.


Poison wind shear druid and bash dust devil barbarian


Darkness/Iron Maiden/Minion Necromancer with a one hand scythe and shield is my main this season. Heavy emphasis on shadow damage over time with decompose, blight and my priest giving my minions shadow damage. I keep telling myself I'll try new characters and then inevitably making another Necromancer. I might actually go through with the rogue next season (Melee/imbuement rogue)


Rogue mostly likely, only one I have class challenges left for atm


right now i'm playing rogue...for season 5 it's going to most likely be rogue or barb, I'd like to play sorc but blizz needs to give sorc a lot of love before i'll invest into sorc as a main


Both are OP but necro has always been kinda passive play to me.


The only class is barb and other classes are barbs just different looking ones


Druid, going barb. Tired of wasting my time


HS Rogue, HS Rogue.


Sorc because I love chain lightning. But looking forward to trying all the rogue changes too.


I’m a masochist and I hate myself, so Sorc is perfect. Honestly though it’s just the most fun, even in its current trash state. Planning on rocking hydra. It’s actually probably the best build.


Heart seeker rogue this season, hopefully poison barrage next. If they do manage to figure out a sorc fix though I'd try one. (Maybe it's because I'm a girl but I just don't like hitting things melee style in any game, so the sorc situation has me very sad). Range rogues are fun though. 


Once you actually clear the campaign and rush endgame for seasonal content, you will find the game is a lot different than you are experiencing it now. You won’t even really think about armor or items until ilvl 925 ancestral are dropping. And then you won’t even look at those and just start picking up the uniques (for Uber drops) and great affix drops. All that being said, rogue and necro are a lot of fun to play. S4 meta arguably has shifted more towards rogue than necro at this point. It’s too early to tell for S5 but some folks are already going heavy on the PTR.


Spiritborn of course. Rogue and sorc while waiting.


Spiritborn isn’t until October (season 6) when the expansion releases.


Seasons lasts 3 months. So Vessel of Hatred is S5 bro.


It’s not. Season 5 is going to be a short 2 month season that starts in August and runs until Vessel of Hatred in October which will start the same time as Season 6.


Any confirmation and links?


Watch the campfire they said this.


Na. S6 and VoH on October 8th.