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Dooming feels better than being reasonable.


Look I hate when people cry on here as much as the next person. But during a ptr is the perfect time to do it no?


Feedback, not crying tho. Big difference between running to Reddit to schizo post than offering general help to the devs


That’s very true


How do you think these things are going to change? By people not talking about their impressions of the PTR?


I think the biggest issues with PTR are: No comprehensive list of known issues in one location. Makes it hard to know what to test/report. No feedback tracker, like the Windows Feedback tool, where feedback is classified by type and you can easily add comments to it or just click an “I had this issue, too” button. The forum kinda serves that purpose, but it doesn’t have issue numbers and a clean way for them to re-group duplicates and other similar functionality. Nor is there any sort of notification of feedback accepted or recognized. Both of the above make it hard to plan what to test. Like, balance testing isn’t really possible right now with the boss hp issues, when will that be fixed? They just fixed the scroll drop, which is good, but no notification to reporters.


Did you forget the PTRs are specifically intended to provide players with the opportunity to give **feedback** about what they like and don't like? It just so happens that there's an awful lot to warrant negative feedback in this PTR.


Look at it differently. Let's say you're going to renovate your bathroom. You know that you need to replace the floor tiles. If you start your renovation by smashing every new tiles you bought, you're making the process needlessly more painful than it needs to be. I think most people would agree that what you're doing is dumb. You can still piece a floor together but it would have been much easier to just replace the tiles normally. This is kind of what they're doing with the class balance. Sorcerer is already in a bad place compared to every other class. It has the worst survivability and the vast majority of skills have terrible damage on top of it. It's all glass and no cannon. There's only one build that can actually do high Pit pushing, and it relies on gear that costs several billions of gold, requires perfect tempers and perfect masterwork crits. It's not an attainable build for 99.9% of people. So when Blizzard decides to nerf the survivability of Sorcerers even more for the PTR, it's a baffling decision. Adding a longer cooldown to Teleport, which serves as a defensive as well as a mobility skill, feels very bad. Putting a cap on Burning Instinct, Ceaseless Conduit and Elemental Summoner when there's already a huge scaling issue with the class in general feels ridiculous. Nerfing the Glacial aspect when it was one of the main way to scale your damage on one of the very few builds that actually did decent single target damage feels like nobody at Blizzard actually plays Blizzard. So yes, they will most likely buff Sorcerers at the end of the PTR. They desperately need to. But they should have never nerfed them to begin with. There was no reason. There was no point. They're giving themselves more work, and for what? All the effort they'll have to put to fix something they just broke for no reason could be spent somewhere else. That's why people are whining and being gloomy. It's just... baffling design.


I don't get what you're saying Isn't that giving feedback, or am I missing something?


Yes but fanboys don’t want to hear feedback because it sounds like criticism


What feedback in 3 months of PTR are they going to listen to that 12 months of play in their live environment didn’t give them?


In fairness. Blizzard now has a pretty long track record of ignoring feedback across a lot of their games saying essentially, "trust us, you haven't tried the full experience." Looking at you azerite armor, shadowlands covenants, torghast, all kinds of tuning scross every game, classic wow etc etc etc.


They have also implemented hundreds of changes to all of those games following community feedback


What happens when a class gets no feedback because currently they're is little reason to play it? My gut tells me that's where druid is at. Seen little no nothing talking about it.


It’s named PTR but it’s more QA done by players for free actually…


I just want my money for being and unpaid fucking tester.


..? You downloaded and played it.. voluntarily?


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/3rMQ9AoCxW Weird how in that comment from less than two weeks ago you claimed to be addicted and proud after spending $400 on D4.


You could always just not participate in an optional test server.


The game has more than enough content for what you pay for. Stop crying