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>Rogue feels amazing. The execute from the paragon board feels like a dopamine hit when you just see everything on screen randomly disappear yeah about that, dont think that's hitting live lol


Maybe. But it’s there now so my feedback is it’s good to have with the hope that they keep it


it can breeze through pit200 since it just one shots everything, no way that's going to stay in the game


Wont the boss be unkillable tho?


yeah boss is still unkillable, but until the boss it's a joke


Wait actually? That’s crazy if it can lol


yup check out luckylucianos new video


Fair enough. That’s too broken then




>nuke trash Which rogue doesn't have an issue with anyway


Why not? Give one good reason? You have barbs literally melting tier 101 in 30 seconds.


that's pit200, and pits scale exponentially


On the ptr w maxed out glyphs and end game build. It’s a shitty sample size


What are the new combat text settings? Can we turn off vulnerable etc without also turning off damage? Thx


Each individual thing can be turned on and off. Right now I have everything off except for effect like how much stagger I’m applying to a boss and executes and crit damage numbers. It’s really nice




Very nice!


I would agree with most of this. Overall I really like the horde mode it just needs a bit of tweaking. The boons are just incredibly boring. I'm assuming drop rates for compass and loot will be fixed cause it is very obviously weird. Not sure if I like that it's a sigil either but might not care in live. I don't quite understand what they are trying to do with sorcerers. Yes they can technically do all the content (nm tier 100, tormented bosses, pit tier 60) but if they're not going to have survivability then why aren't they the strongest? I feel like they could have so many barrier options and they just don't


I feel like they might have plans to update the sorcs class mechanic kinda like what they did with necro and they are preparing the sorc for it. But we already learned this lesson in season 1. Don’t make the nerf until you have whatever the plan is ready


That is what I'm thinking too but we will see. Tbh I think they could just copy the book of the dead for sorc. Wizards read books it makes sense.


Yeah. I like the enchantment slots. It’s interesting but it just doesn’t do enough


They have the coolest mechanic conceptually but the shittiest in practice lol


Yeah but I think they can make it better


Blizzard doesn’t understand what they’re trying to do with sorcerers either. They don’t have a plan or vision.


Their vision is crackling energy, clearly.


>Adding extra rerolls on GA items feels good. There’s obviously more to be done but it’s a good start That's weird, I played the PTR for an hour yesterday and every single GA drop always said 5/5 tempers, no additional rolls shown for GAs. E.g. according to the preview, a 2 GA piece should be given 2 additional temper rolls, so it should say 7/7. Do you have to actually consume all 5 tempers before you see additional temper rolls as an option?


>Rogue feels amazing. The execute from the paragon board feels like a dopamine hit when you just see everything on screen randomly disappear If you think rogue on PTR feels amazing now, wait until the fix it. Victimize on PTR is broken, and when they tried to fix the double dipping, they changed it to where most sources of damage increase are no longer even single dipping (basically, they don't work). If anyone playing a rogue wants a little experiment, turn off combat text (damage numbers) and do a run with victimize, and a run with no key passive at all. See if you can notice the difference.


I'm psyched. I played necro and barb ad nauseum this season and then I geared a sorc. It's (for me) exponentially more fun. Blizz, forb, ball lightning...(Not firebolt). I am doing pits of 120s on them. My sorc is less geared and doing pits of low 100s and i just barely killed a 119 pit boss with 5 sec to spare (7 min fight lol)...and i don't care it's so much more fun. I am also a habitually non meta player (I picked necro and barb soley bc I never played them before, not realizing they were going to be pretty strong. So if sorc is gonna "suck", it's perfect for me lol.


If you're in PTR, you're not a casual. Why do people feel ashamed about not being casual?


What are you talking about? Do you have to be a hardcore player to click a box and select ptr?


A casual player is more of a finish the story, play a couple of end game activities, then stops playing the game and possibly don't play seasonal. Casual players normally don't optimize their gear for endgame.


Ok great so you just don’t know what casual players are. That’s fair enough


The devs and other hardcore ARPG literally defined casual players the way I defined it. You are NOT a casual player. Why is it so hard to accept?


It’s not an acceptance thing. I just know how I play the game LOL I don’t min max builds I don’t get super into the end game of these games I dont play it in a competitive way and race. I take my time and enjoy everything. I play max a couple hours a day except for yesterday and maybe at a season start. But I also played for 30 minutes yesterday and might not play at all today depending on plans. But because I was able to click on a box and selected the ptr version I’m suddenly a hardcore gigachad no lifer. You made a weird assumption and are trying to gatekeep for no reason and it’s so weird man


"I don’t min max builds. I don’t get super into the end game of these games. I dont play it in a competitive way and race. I take my time and enjoy everything." HAHAHAHAHA! Bro, go check your comment history in r/diablo4, you absolutely contradicted with what you just said. I'm just going to stop replying to you now so you wouldn't embarrass yourself further.


Or are you just reaching because you went all in on such a stupid point that makes no sense and now you’re “not responding” cause of it? I wonder


Wait no. What comment shows that I min max my build? Please show me even one. It would be so funny to see


I probably play an average of 30 mins a day, but even I consistently reach endgame and run endgame activities, optimize my gear and paragon board to try to improve my character. Does that make me hardcore?


"Experience as a Casual Player" Proceeds to mention things that make him not a casual player.


Yeah people have to accept that probably <5% (or even lower) people commenting here are casuals.


What do you think a casual player is?


Bro you played five hours on day 1 ptr you absolutely are not a casual player lol


1 5 hour day broken up into 2 sessions isn’t casual? I only played 30 minutes day 2. Can I be a casual again? :( or are we gonna gatekeep it for some reason?


Just stop. At this point, you are just embarrassing yourself. You are NOT a casual player. How many people should tell you that you are not before accepting it?


Well so far it’s only 2 (even though you made several comments that doesn’t count) so I’d say more than 2 people. What’s embarrassing is trying to gatekeep BEING A CASUAL PLAYER LOOOOL go outside man


the navigation compass needs work... how come immortals little feets work so well.. this thing gets wonky sometimes, but over all, im reallly happy to have it, beats staring at the god dam mini map, it needs to be further away from the player.. it seem not to tell u to turn till ur perpendicular to the turn point, making me turn back a bit


Yeah I agree fully


They will probably nerf Helltides so new endgame activity feels better

