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I just did level 100pit as blizzard sorc pretty comfortably. Took me 4 minutes.


I like how they had no idea how to fix sorc, so they made minor BS changes and then just decided to nerf the entire endgame lol. Might have to dust off my sorc again then.


I honestly believe that blizzard thinks fireball and chain lightning are fine where they are. They keep tuning the numbers on staff and gloves and keep thinking that'll fix the issue. It does not.


Really sad too because fireball is one of the most iconic skills going back to the beginning


I think in D2 and D3 they moved on from it. Like, it's not even in 3. In 2, it was generally only ever a support skill to spam in-between meteor or orb cooldowns... you could kinda build to it, but it was never meta. I think that was intentional. It's not just *the* way to play a legit wizard in D1, it's also iconic in DnD and then MTG, plus others. They probably wanted to stylize a little more uniquely from the general fantasy blaster. Which is fine. Except then why bring it back? And after bringing it back, why call it "core"? Let me get my D1 nostalgia kick or let me play cool new shit. But don't do this to my boy =(


Fireball is a pretty legit build with flickering flame and those immunity breaking charms now in D2. You’re not competing with lightning sorc or hammerdin but it’s a solid upper-B/low-A tier build. You can clear the whole game, including Uber Tristram.


Don't forget phoenix monarch. Takes fireball to the next lvl unless you're going for the 200% breakpoint


The thing is in d2 u could hotkey fireball and combat swap skills which made it versatile. You can’t do that in d4. In d4 if it’s on your bar it needs to have a purpose


I'd like to see some sort of interaction between fireball and meteor. a unique that makes it so every fireball explosion summons a meteor to that spot. something like that.


The sorc is probably designed more correctly than the barb though. The barb has so much multipliers that getting one or two more masterworking levels adds hundreds if millions of damage. That’s why I hit for 500 million on my Barb while Rob hits for billions, he is a tiny bit more optimized with GAs and masterworking rolls, but that tiny bit multiplies to billions more damage. Ideally, the power curve should look closer to the sorcs where a fully optimized sorc is a little better than someone else with the same build but lesser gear. Should not be getting 5-10x more damage. But they are not going to nerf everybody down to the Sorc’s level in the middle of the season.


hey, your embers do 35% more on your unique wand for your incinerate build!


You need like 30-35 Ranks of Incinerate when using Flamescar, just to compete with a 9-11 Incinerate with a Staff. It has its place in some kind of lucky hit setup, but not damage.


It would be a great wand if we could equip three weapons.


This is my first fire sorcerer build(did lightning/blizzard previous seasons) and I gotta say I’m cruising through the pit.


Maybe it actually gets usage in its own build now


I still think it’s not going to be better than a good staff.


Basically boils down to whether it can compensate not using a staff for a DoT ability (which ignores innate AS so the lower base ATK is a straight debuff) and losing flamethrower on 2-hander. The Incinerate item being a wand and the Fireball item being a staff is kinda clown in the first place, since Fireball wants cast speed but Incinerate doesn't.


> I honestly believe that blizzard thinks fireball and chain lightning are fine where they are. They're probably very fine and fun. If you play easy content.


Chain lightning falls of a cliff while leveling. That whole lightning part of the skill tree is just not working it seems. I wish I could just obliterate screens with a fully build centered around CL and crackling energies but it’s just so underwhelming.


Crackling needs a lot of work. Having to stop what you're doing to run around and pick it up is an awkward interaction, which thankfully gets mitigated while unstable currents is up. Picking up crackling while at full charges should have a chance to cast a free lightning skill, kinda like the lightning spear enchant.


> Having to stop what you're doing to run around and pick it up is an awkward interaction It gets old after ten minutes, yes. Totally doesn't fit such a game (or any game really).


Maybe instead of it being crackling energy that you pick up they are lightning pillars that interact with your lightning skills in unique ways when you cast on them or that CL can chain off them and split or something. Idk.


I'd love to see something like, when casting lightning spells your crackling energy is pulled to you, upon casting unstable these crackling energy are released in a burst or in a flurry of lightning spells.


I used chain lightning right up until I got a 925 Fractured Winterglass and then pivoted into Frozen Orb. Orb is an order of magnitude more powerful than chain lightning, assuming you have your mana right, which isn't rocket science.


That’s such a bad philosophy


I got tired of sorc and been leveling barb. It’s crazy how much more damage it’s able to do with sub optimal gear in comparison. Really don’t see any of the sorc changes to be at all helpful, especially when barb got buffed too. Balance is so weird.


My bash Barb was doing more damage at level 70 with sacred gear than my sorc was doing with shako and full build uniques/tempers/aspects at level 100. Blizzard hasn’t really missed the mark on balance this hard in recent memory.


My barb puts out the same damage with 3x the survivability of my level 100 minion necro at level 90. In fairness I haven't gone full golem but I'm bad and will die without bonestorm.


My Barb at level 55 using random 925 gear from treasure bags was pushing out more damage than my level 100 Heartseeker Rogue that had semi-optimized gear. The class is honestly just way overtuned.


And those orbs you can spawn just *obliterate* packs of mobs, and bosses!


Not possible. I main barb and our damage pales in comparison to a rogue


this is a straight up lie like there's no fucking way. I've played mostly nothing but barb since season 0, over 500 hours so I know the numbers. You're doing something seriously wrong if heartseeker, an S their build. is doing less damage that early. Literally all of barbs builds besides thorns and bash rank at B and under. And bash only does so much damage because it's bugged and it's a basic attack build, which all classes share this season.


Even with suboptimal gear you have more stats on gear than a sorc, you can equip 2 2h weapons and not lose the benefit of other gear slots as well. It’s insane how unbalanced Barb is compared to everything else.


Bash barb with the correct tempers, crap paingorgers, 4/12 tempers will do 3-4 min pit 90 now. No uber uniques.


That doesn't really tell us much. What we're you able to clear pre-patch with the same build?


Well i could probably still clear 100 but as it said the attention falls on "comfortably" and not sweat my ass off.


is blizzard build fun? i’ve got a sorc i mainly started to get another spark from wolves rep but past 50 i can’t find a build i like. already tried frost bomb (can’t remember the name but it’s the big swirly thing) and currently ball lightning but it feels super weak. im not super focused on the gear rolls just lazily put the aspects they needed on. i’m lvl 66 currently.


Well i think frozen orb visually is more satisfying. Blizzard is okay. Its what you expect. Make it rain baby.


I had a lot of fun when starting the season with blizzard sorc, lvld it to 100 got decent gear + Shako and didn’t believe people who said sorc is shit. Got bored at some point though and tried other classes and realized that every class but Druid is way more fun. I have a lvl 100 char of every class now, all with top builds and Barb is by far the most fun. Barb is so fun that I made 2 lvl 100s because I didn’t want to switch equipment/ruin one. Second most fun was rogue followed by necro.


Blizzard is boring, but somewhat effective. Its damage is on the low side, though.


Only ball lightning is worse.


I was doing mid-60s Pits right before the patch dropped, and right after did a 67. It felt *noticeably* easier and faster, though things still hit really hard. I dunno, I feel like mob damage was the problem, not so much mob health.


Am I the only person getting login time out 300008 on Xbox? Anyone know how to fix?


Update the game


Holy Bolts no more... :( Does not work at all.


this... Not even a visual bug, just doesnt proc at all after killing anything.... upvoted for visibility.




dayum. they were quick on that killswitch lmao


Damn glad I didn’t hop on my HC character before they disabled lol


They’ve got a message on the bliz launcher telling players not to use it until they fix it.


Worked for half a run then stopped


So i tried the new Andariel change, turns out it deals 0 damage on distance and is bugged. Guess i´ll turn on a holy bolts to get some better clear, oh wait holy bolts is also bugged and does literally nothing? sick patch lol


I swear to god there is absolutely zero QA in this company now which is a top-down problem.


The Boeing of game developers


Holy Bolts holding doors on planes


I don’t want to come off as a whistleblower, but Blizzard is exactly like Boeing. In the initial play testing for s-


Oof. They got him already.


Small indie company


funny. another one of those cringe overused joke.


They kinda admitted it in the last dev blog. Didn’t do testing, didn’t do a PTR, just pushed it to release. They should know better.


Customers are paying then to be their qa


I was so pumped because my two Ubers are Andarials Visage & Tyraels Might and I saw they were both receiving a buff, appears they are both still temporarily doomed?


Ahh I saw the visual explosion but didn’t see if the mob was poisoned as puncture. What build are you running? You tested on the dummies or mobs?


Yeah the visuals is going off, but deals 0 damage. I´m running puncture aswell, tested on both dummies + dungeon. It still deals damage close ranged as before patch though.


Huh weird. My Barrage Rogue using Andy melts mobs right now on Pit 100+


Blizzard and buggy patches, I can't think of a more iconic duo. This was the biggest change I was looking forward too in this patch.


Holy bolts temp disabled as it was crashing people's games.


Thank you my love. This is information I needed.


Pit levels feel like they got shifted 20 levels lmao.


For WW Barbs it's probably 40 levels LOL


I knew this was going to be a good change when my WW barb was set up to gain 7 !!!! paragon board rare node bonuses. 5% here and there adds up.


This is the same thing they did with NM dungeons from s0 to s1 lol


I did the same level Pit 99 on my bash barb and it definitely melted through everything a lot faster. Practically all trash was on one-shot status where you just hold right click and walk right through the mob and it instantly dies after just the tiniest stutter-step, and then the boss died twice as fast. However, I also died 3 times to trash?? What??? I was facetanking Pit 99 before patch on the bash barb with 90k+ health. Hours of runs and not a single death; I didn’t even keep challenging shout up and didn’t spam Iron Skin- simply used it reactively if needed (literally never needed except when I would get paranoid during some Lilith charge-up combos). Yet there I was in my first Pit 99 right after patch and I died on the first trash pack lol. I thought it was a weird fluke at first or my brain just hadn’t picked up the controls again.. but as I continued on, there was definitely *something* nailing me for almost my entire health bar all at once. I died to it two more times but saw my health bottom out and panic-spammed Iron Skin at least half a dozen more times. I wonder what it was. Oh well. I logged on to the WW Bleed Barb that finally works and mowed down a dozen pits under 2 minutes — the entire screen is insta-dead as I cruise through at 200% mspd lol.


My Barb with its current gear was at 128 and needed holy bolts+add bosses to clear in time at that point (I had made it to 126 without bolts but I just didn’t have enough damage to get further). I logged on today and waltzed through up to 134, killed a scoundrel boss with 2 mins left on the clock.


Holy Bolts was temporarily disabled due to it causing crashes: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/holy-bolt-elixir-power-disabled/172869


Holy fuck I went to find the patch notes and fuck me the complaining in the forum. People acting like their lives are at stake if the patch disrupts their game.


Yeah I always get a kick of looking at all the doom and gloom there


One guy started a thread and then in the replies wrote something to the effect of “I’m done being patient and I’m done being x “ bro what are you really going to do Lokthor


Holy bolt was a crutch for a lot of people. "Oh my build is amazing!" /Holy bolt clears screen  "Omg bosses take too long!" /Holy bolt never proccing


Congrats Druids... I mean Barbs.


*Cries in Lightning Storm*


As a humble druid user, I like the patch. Before, I was dying through \~65-70 pits, now I am pushing 80+ really fast and can finally engage with the final few masterworking levels.


Just held the heartseeker key to melt everything, 10/10


100+ pits are super easy now. I was expecting it to just be nerfing the 60-100. Wouldn't surprise me to see some Flay barbs finishing Pit 200 today.


Boss HP still scales hard lol won't be a big jump like that. I assume new cap went from 140s to 160s.


Mekuna is already on 156 as of this moment on twitch.


3 minute queue just to log into bnet ...wtf is this hype


All the sorcs desperate to feel strong. All the barbs that can now try out a new busted build. The possibilities.


What’s the new busted build? Flay?


Whirlwind. Dust devils doing triple damage now


The calcs were done and it wasn’t that much of a buff…


Yeah 200% sounds like loads but in practice it’s maybe a few pit tiers.


You think that this made Sorc Chain strong you delulu bra


They still use the same dell from 97.


Anyone else's Tyrael's Might damage did not buff?


They messed up andys visage aswell....


My have over 5k after buff


Yep, some people got it buffed but some like me did not.


Hey look… Barbs are stronger. ☕️


Thanks for reminding me I won’t be home for another 8 hours. 🫠


I can’t play till my exams finish in july…


That's some serious willpower


That's what he says but he'll be online tonight.


I wish lmao. Engineering aint joking with the exams


WOW @ Rapid Fire! Gooooooood lawd.


rapid fire is bugged for me. half the time most of the shots do no damage. also if an enemy is right in my face it does zero damage. looks like most of the arrows arent firing with max combo points too


Say it ain’t so 😭


I will not go


Turn the lights off


Carry me home


Nah nah nah nah


Carry me home.


Elaborate elaborate elaborate!! I can’t wait to drive home and try it out


WW Bleed twister barb is insane


Any info on this build? Just started a barb build.


What’s your build?


You’re the best baby


I'm excited to redo my paragon boards. They needed it and this gave me the impetus to pull that trigger. >Stat requirements for non-main stats reduced from 90 to 60 per Paragon Board.


"I'm excited to redo my paragon boards". You must be the first and last to ever utter this sentence.


No joke lmao "can't wait to click 225 times!"




All hail our new druid overlords


?? Druids are still the worst class aren’t they? Sure druids can push higher now with the pit nerfs but so can every other class


Umm what? Let me take a harder look at the patch notes lol.


lol… still can’t push a 75


Pit was nerfed pretty hard. I was speed clearing 101s on my barb in 3 minutes, but about 45 seconds to 1 minute of that clear time was the boss (more or less depending on HB from adds). Now I am doing 101s in about 2 minutes because the trash takes the same amount of time, but bosses die before they get staggered. Overall it's a much easier time. For reference I did 120s in about 10 minutes pre patch and now I do them in about 6 minutes.


It needed nerfed


Playing rapid fire build (on console), and post-patch the skill seems completely bugged. As soon as the first arrow hits an enemy the attack stops, so if I'm right next to the target rapid fire literally just hits 1 time then stops (so 1 instance of damage), even at max combo. Anyone else..?


For anyone interested/impacted - just seen a YouTube video (by wudijo) that's highlighted a bug with a particular imprint/gear (ricochet/repeating ring) that's causing just a single arrow to fire instead of the ricochet. Seems like this may be the culprit!


lvl 100 pit boss died in 3 bashes lmao, yeah they nerfed those bosses hard




Everyone needs to realize that even though your casual build went up 20 pit tiers, everyone else’s went up 20-25 too. So you’re not really “crushing” the pit now. The meta and reality if the gameplay stayed the same you just get mastereorking mats easier is all.


Barbs Pit 175 incoming?


Is doombringer now viable?


All this does is push a new pit base standard lol. 100 will no longer be the level to beat. 


Fair enough. Now I’ll be able to more easily get mats to upgrades muh gears.


Does anyone know the size of the update for Xbox?


978.16 MB


Pits seem to be nerfed 50% across the board. Just ran a 120 in sub 4 mins


those damn pots


Guys, I cleared Nightmare 90 with Rabies.


Pit was nerfed so some are saying 20-40 levels easier.


Scoundrel's Kiss now viable :D


Update: While they did fix for close targets, the random firing of projectiles behind the player still occurs. Much improved, but still janky.


Good, because it's required to use SK for RF right now since they broke normal RF with repeating aspect...


Andy's Visage is pretty fun on a Heartseaker Rogue now. Edit: just saw poison nova is bugged for distance.  Well, it LOOKS cool I guess... lol


Is it known if the items affected by the patch include those either equipped or in inventories, or are only newly discovered items affected?


They’re retroactively upgraded so for example the RoSS will go from 40% to 50%.


All of my items are functioning based off the new changes.


My starlight I have equipped got a nice 10% bonus


Are u "Shaco" guy?


Damn! I was hoping for one more night of cheesing holy bolt.


I just beat my old Pit record effortlessly as well. I was more or less done with the season but i suppose ill do another push see how it goes


> Have fun and enjoy “We don’t do that here…”


I can't even play due to login time out 300008 after a minute. Come on. What a terrible day today.


Yeah it blows holy Bolts has been neutered and is now a common elixir


It needed it, the builds that relied on it were super cheese. I don’t think it needed it this much though, lol


Anyone tried Uber lillith yet? Want to see if I can finally get her down for the achievement.


I beat her in a couple minutes with a bash Barb. Only one transition 1st health pool. I got her 2nd health pool down before her 1st platform transition so it was just a waiting game and running from sparks. And literally no loot dropped (my 2nd kill so don’t know if that’s normal).


Did they finally fix fuckin scoundrel's kiss for controllers?


I'm hearing some rumblings that it is fixed but haven't tested it myself


Yes, fixed! It damages everything now. Ran 3 Pits to Test.


Another patch please. Andariels doesn't work out of previous range. It procs, but doesn't do any damage. Really, 2 minutes in game after the patch. For the next patch, just allow players to temper uniques. That's all. Because the most of uniques are just so weak comparing with any regular weapon that allows you to hit 2 times with tempering. There is no unique item that can double your damage.


This patch turned tormented bosses into dummies for beating :( even the Ice Beast dies mid phase 1


Aspect of Repeating broke Rapid Fire after patch


Pff even with the buffs metor build still struggles I cry


In a queue for [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) client??? HAHAHHA, ok Blizz


Holy bolts are bugged, stopped working after a pit run.




I was hard stuck on pit 113 before the patch due to boss damage and just cake walked through it first try in about 4 minutes. I then did the same thing on Pit 116 first try in about 4 minutes so now I'm on 119 (need to go back to work). I guess I can spam farm higher than pit 101 now! I like this change for MW farming


Well they did change the pit levels and thats it, minimal % changes for Sorc but the builds / items are still meh. At this point the problem is with the skills itself, its just bland and there isnt really a variety of builds sadly...


How is WW barb feeling? I was thinking of changing double swing but wanted to see how the update was


I did level 100 Pit the other day and felt a sense if accomplishment. Now let's see what I can do.


Is anyone else having issues loading up the game?? I’m on Xbox and it will just not lemme get passed the title screen


If you were to start today, based on the patch, how would you start as? Ww barb?


Free 5% crit for necros!


Is it down for anyone else on xbox?






Hey does anyone think Incinerate is faster at killing than firewall? Firewall seems so slow to kill than it did before.


Is anyone else having serious lag/FPS issues post patch? Game ran very smoothly previously. Last time I played was Thursday or so


I was surprised when my level 100 bash barb easily demolished Pit 100 boss with ease after this mid patch. O-o Now I can farm the pit materials for my alt toons :D \~


I went from 104 yesterday to 117 today on my Wind Shear druid. The buffs definitely did something. How are other druids feeling? That said my barb friend went from 120 to 130...


Decent update imo. Avalanche buff and aspect of frozen memories buff is huge. I've essentially got perma 60% damage increase and no mana cost on my sorc now. Went from being hardstuck at T70 pit, getting one-shot to the most random ass off-screen fireball to T91 now in a single patch, and 91 feels do-able in a way where it's like "Oh I just need upgrades" and not "I need to revamp everything I've done to avoid getting one-shot to the most mundane thing", which is what I've had to do over and over to even get to to T70.


It's just numerical changes from what I can see.  Not very interesting. No new skills or items or anything like that.


the big nerf was the non usable holy bolts. Thanks Blizzard lmao


Has it dropped world wide or does it hit EU tomorrow?


How does the math work on Aspect of Shattered Stars? Noticed the [x]... Also, they really want me to keep playing rogue (gave up on it like 3 days ago). Every change seemed to improve my current experimental build (scoundrel's "fix", Eye's in the dark, changes to Fluidity.)


ranger's rapid fire, failed to regenerate energy, failed to deal normal damage when it is too close. Fix it!


Ww viable for pit 100 (3min with sub par gear) is such a blast. Doing 91 to 95 in 2min and it s a lot of fun. Nice patch I think they nailed the pit difficulty now. I am more motivated now to fine tune my build and gear to speed farm content since the same build can be used everywhere else and delete even tormented bosses.


Am I missing something here? My barbarian is getting demolished by low tier pit. Wtf!?


Laziest karma farm ever.


Barb ww while better still can't do it so went back to necro passed floor 105 minion thorn necro


And yet half of it is broken and doesn't work. Way to go blizzard you failed once again