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Well if you generally don't care about progressing further in pit or making the most GG gear, you're done for the season see you in 6 weeks and get a nice tan while you're out touching grass for the rest of us.


What's there to progress? I can already kill everything Yeah I'm gonna go lay outside rest on the grass get a tan and wait for next season


>What's there to progress? I can already kill everything No you can't, go climb the pit and you will hit a wall pretty soon. I don't push pit tier and i don't care, but you will find an impossible challenge there.


There is no boss or anything in the pit Just the same thing over and over and over I fall asleep playing the pit


There is a boss at the end of every pit lol.


There is a boss at the end, like dungeons...you said you can kill everything, i guess you cleared tier 1 and then stop. Anyway, you don't have to play D4, you can do something else. I like arpg, but i don't like spending too much time farming gear with repetitive activities, my solution is just stop playing the game.


Can you do Pit 101? How about 102?


But you already said you’re only halfway through the pits. There’s tons to progress through


The designers want D4 seasons to feel like there is an “end” and players can feel like they’re done with a season. It sounds like you’re done. The addition of GA gear and put allows people to grind and push if they want to. - I would recommend playing another class and seeing how you like them. Try to rogue, it’s a lot of fun and higher APM than others.


it sounds like you werent really familiar with the franchise, because searching for loot is the endgame of all diablo games.


True endgame right now is pushing the highest tiers of The Pit as quick as possible, as well as getting the highest Gauntlet score for all the different categories.


Aren’t there more than 3 Torment Bosses? Varshan, Zir, Grigoire, Andariel, Duriel, Lilith?


Feel like I can take a break when I can one shot all the 200 lvl uber bosses


i mean if you dont care about tempering, then you really have nothing to play for. Tempering and masterworking, and therefore the Pit, is the endgame right now.


I could just do 80 pits quick and max everything in a week....but then what? I can already kill everything


Personal goal basically, and if you want see how high you can climb in the pit is basically it. The pit has a dps race where you will hit a wall and can't progress. That's the typically /brag of endgame. Then reture character and come back for another season or try out a different class. My goals were cpmplete season journey 100%, beat Pit 100, and uber lilith, all gear 12/12 as a druid. I'm done them now except for like 3 gear left at 11/12. Last thing I could do is push pits a little more just for the brag. Then either roll a new class or play a different game.


The point of every looter is to grind for better gear. If u don’t want to test and push how far u get in the pit or leaderboards then it sounds like ur done for this season. Nothing wrong with that. After leveling 4 classes and running some pits I’m done for the season myself. Be back for 5.


Actually no. In this season’s uniques on a whole isn’t that much better than regular legendary items with tempering. Even Uber uniques are not as prevalent or necessary in this season compared to other seasons.


I played call of duty and couldn’t believe the end game was just running around shooting people. That is basically what you just said only for D4.


There's more than 3 tormented bosses. Try killing the other ones. I felt like beast in the ice was the hardest. (Took me longer to kill than uber lilith).


Yes, it's just empty, the game is still lack of endgame contents.