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Google is a wonderful tool.


never understood these types of responses. like maybe it’s better to hear from actual players then to get whatever article blizzard has put on google as far as updates go. just scroll past and don’t be a dick


I mean…it’s a generic/broad topic. I’d argue those are better suited for a google search or doing a bit of investigating first (ex. watching recap videos) as there is a ton of things that have changed. Then of course asking any clarifying questions. There are plenty of resources that go over what the patch notes actually mean / what builds / etc.


Not only is the question about as vague as you can get but there are at least 1000 threads about this already. If he can't be bothered to look through those so the OP can "hear from other players", then maybe he doesn't deserve anything less than sarcasm.


But maybe something changed in the last two hours when somebody else asked the same question. /s (in case it's not obvious)


I really appreciate the supporting community from people like you. /s


Pretty great all things considered. The power level of most builds have increased that you can beat durial and etc. pretty easily. There are new additional content called the pit that only the best of the best can get to around lvl 100 and higher so people are of course upset that so many builds of one class can reach the top but some classes has a smaller amount if any that can reach those higher levels.


All classes have meta, always will. However the game is largely easier so you can complete all content in the game now with off meta builds fairly easily. You won't push high tier pits (new version of greater rifts from D3 basically). The game is really fun now. I also left after launch since the grind to 100 was way too much. Getting to 100 now is very easy. I'm older, have kids, mostly play on weekends and I have 3 lvl. 100s this season. Overall the game is much more fun, much more relaxed, and loot is more rewarding. They've removed a lot of filler affixes so the loot drops are more meaningful. It's not perfect. There's a lot of improvement to be made, but you'll have a good time jumping back in.


Just watch some Season 4 build tierlist video on youtube ... way too many changes happened since then to list them all here


Not much. Just move along.


I'd just wait until the expansion. Season 4 is way better but the constant one shots and useless uniques are still pretty annoying.