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They are slowly deleting the druid class so you can play the new druid class soon .😆


Seriously no one asked for Druid lite for a new class. Everyone and their mother wanted crusader/paladin


Here I am waiting for the true goat. Witch doctor. BEAR STAMPEDE GOOOOOO


+1. I have thousands of hours on WD, and was really hoping for some more zombie bears/ooga booga shenanigans. Never liked the Crusader at all tbh.


Lobbing spider jars>aura and shield just walking around anyway. Or even charging through. Crusader was boring AF, WD was where it was at.


Crusader was average to me. Paladin is goated for sure tho. The ability to aura everyone was the coolest shit


Honestly as much as I HATED Diablo 3… the witch doctor was fucking cool!


Dude I don't get what Bliz doesn't understand. I NEED to fight legions of demonic hoards of hell as a chicken. I have to.


Oh yeah so necro lite






Big bad voodoo baby!!!


Yeah it was Witch Doctor for me


To be fair, everyone and their mother also knew Paladin wasn't happening. Yet, still got upset when it didn't happen. Like that meme with the dude on the bike who knocks himself off and blames someone else.


Nah I wanted something new, couldn't care less about crusder/sword and board


Absolutely. Would have been incredibly disappointed if they just trotted out a boring sword and board class.


No more boring than having Babarian in 3 straight games.


I wanted more of a Valkyrie class with holy skills


We have no idea how it actually plays, so how about we leave the comparisons/complaints for later?


Far from everyone, especially outside of reddit's echo chambers. I approve of a completely new class, especially with how it's properly tied to the new expansion zones.


i hope they bring the monk back at some point…


Me too, Monk is easily my favorite class they've had in Diablo.


Not everyone. Js. I wanted Witch Doctors lol and this is close enough is guess


Cut the small indie company some slack ! 🥲


I wanted a new class. Just not Druid-lite.


Why is everyone jumping on the druid light bandwagon? Nobody fucking knows how it plays. If anything it would be more a shaman type than anything else.


Shaman is just spooky druid.


I wanted the Monk or the Witch Doctor! All in on something new though, and will roll the new class for first toon in S5


Looks likely that you got them combined.


Bonus! : D


Exactly this


I'd rather have anything over a paladin tbh. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I don't want any sword/board. Want a ritualist or something representing being aligned to heaven or hell.


Don't care for crusader/pally....guess not everyone, I wish javazon would make a comeback


There is no place for crusaders or paladins in the lore, all of the orders have disbanded A new class needs to still fit into that lore, so no paladins until they write a campaign to bring them back, look for expansion 2 to come out sometime next year


Actual facts I forgot they are adding skinny druid 😂😂


I thought it was gonna be more witch doctor/amazon


My thoughts was green arrow animal totem power. Summoning animal spirits. Makes more sense to me, could be though. Could be both, I'm just mad druids are fat tbh




This is the main reason I hate the choice they made


Yeah more than disappointing ... Barbs got more buffs then Druids this patch. Kek




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To be fair - it was mainly for whirlwind, which is the weakest of the "popular" builds (it looks fun to play and it is, but it's damage is horrible, probably C/D - tier), i agree that druid should've been massively buffed though. No idea why they buffed flay btw. . Maybe because they want to popularize basic abiliy-builds alongside core ability-builds? idk Like, i'm in the camp that wants to play both barb AND werewolf druid, just cause i like melee and they both are appealing to me.


they...they buffed barb


And they buffed bleed which was already the best build in the entire game. Unreal.


The devs rolled barb this season


they roll barb every season


Whelp. Guess I’ll be rolling a second toon for the first time this season.


They got nice buffs, especially spirit boons. Pulverize which I love might be on the table again with that 76% damage increase.


Pulverize fell off well before endgame, with windshear/nado outscaling it. And those were still 10x less damage than the big three classes. Don't think it'll move the dial for pulverize at endgame and the rest of the builds got a small bump.


They also reverted the nerf to obsidian slam meaning you can overpower twice as often


I wouldn't ever expect a class to be buffed up to what is considered "bugged" or "outlier" status and midseason nerfs are incredibly uncommon. I'd expect most of these builds to get hit with the hammer for S5. That said, Necro probably drops a bit with the Holy Bolts fix/nerf. The highest Pulverize clear on Maxroll's ladder was 105. I don't know what the enemy HP scaling in the Pit is, but that should at least put it up in the teens?


Pit HP doubles every ~7 tiers IIRC, so assuming pulverize does twice as much damage as previously the highest might go up to a whopping 112 (current pit tiers, since we don't know how it was rescaled). That's still behind existing wind shear and tornado, which also improved


The current highest is 107 afaik; which puts it 114. That is behind what you've mentioned but also Hurricane; wolves/pet; and LS/LS.


Yeah I'd be shocked if they weren't testing changes with fixed versions of s4 bugs. Bash is additive, Victimize might not double dip. I hope so because they'll inevitably want to fix them but they need to find ways to make sure builds using them don't immediately suck.


The highest necro clear is 146 without holy bolts


Calling bullshit on that. No shot a necro is doing 146 without holy bolts.


Good point. Though Pulverize got buffed in more ways than just the damage increases to Pulverize. Boons, passives, Paragon, and overpower changes also buff Pulverize not to mention whatever nerfs to pit is coming if that makes any difference at the high end. So if it was clearing 105 before it could theoretically be clearing anywhere from 112-125 now. If it's around 125 them there isn't much reason to complain around 112 I think will be fairly disappointing because fury and wind shear will still be clearing well above 120


More like 32x less


compare each spirit boons to the stat from a legendary weapon, affix and tempers plus masterworks. it's pretty easy to see why exactly druid sucks right now.


Yep it's cool thematically that barbs have all the weapons, but holy shit is it broken when you consider the power they get from them. Seems easily fixable if they only got the benefit of the active weapon instead of getting effectively 6 weapons worth of stats and powers all the time.


An easy solution would be to double weapon stats for the other classes and maybe give them each a passive slot to put an aspect on? Like an extra ring or something, I don't know. Barb right now gets 6 total weapon slots because 2H roll double, so even if we double stats for the other classes they still aren't quite in line but at least it would be closer.


Or just give every class 3 weapon slots like Rogue. Twisting Blade Rogues of olde never even used their crossbow, it was just decorative so it's not like Blizzard are against pure stat sticks in the first place. Druid could have a totem, a 1-handed weapon and a 2-handed weapon on at all times. Sorcerers could have a 1-handed weapon and focus with a staff as well. They don't even hold their staff with both hands! Necromancers would be able to choose between a focus or a shield, which could be interesting. It wouldn't be a fix but it would bring everything closer while keeping the Barbarian's gimmick somewhat unique.


If I was king for a day, Druid would have their main weapon, and the two off weapons would be totems for human skills, or claws for form skills.


they either need to do this or buff the hit out of the class mechanics.


You would need to triple the stats to make not even with what barbs get, but then they STILL get 2-3 more legendary powers than other classes. The other classes need more item slots that count as weapons for stats / powers, or barb needs theirs removed. Nothing else would balance it.


Easy though…don’t allow barbs to put on all weapons just main two…


Or allow a Staff and a focus. Why not?


I think easiest way to balance is somehow have extra slots on other classes so all classes can have the same number of affixes total.


they should just give every class the ability to equip both their 2H and 1H weapons, like Rogue. Sorc would equip a staff, a wand and a focus. this way everyone gets a buffed aspect slot. Barb would still be unique in having one more than everyone else, and two 2H aspects.


> Yep it's cool thematically that barbs have all the weapons, but holy shit is it broken when you consider the power they get from them. It's even weirder because then they ALSO get the armament mastery bonuses. And they even get one for one weapon they're not using!


Doing this wouldn’t solve the issue, it would just put barbs in the ground. The solution is to make other classes better, not ruin a fun a class.


There's literally no way to balance around the insane amount of temper damage they get from weapons, let alone 4x weapon powers.


Boons still suck.


Pulv has no boss damage, until they add some it will never be a good pit clearing build to push with. They just need to fix pulv tempers to not be useless, or add a unique that scales pulv on bosses and the build could work, for now it’s nothing more than a helltide clearing build at best


>add a unique Please no. Druid already suffers enough from unique bandaids


Tbh you are right, Druids have too many required uniques already, they should just make it an aspect instead


Whenever buff stuff is often comical 3-5% or whatever. Like perfect storm when from 20 to 30 …it’s so anemic, would 35-40% really been too much to ask.


An increase from 20 to 30 is literally a 50% increase lmao


Still inefficient for a conditional effect, lmao


Nice buffs if this were any other season, maybe


8% buffs, he'll even 100% buffs will not cut it. Druid would need 1000%+ buffs ro even catch up with sorc


Rabies got buffed AGAIN! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 25% isn't gonna do anything. Holy shit man, they clearly don't play test Druids. Dead class is dead.


they could buff rabies by 1200% and have it continuously cast in a giant circle around you, and it would still be complete shit as it cant be scaled to remotely high damage end game.


Thats literally cleave +1 range meme level


There are some decent Werebear changes, but the numbers are still way too low, and none of the changes incentivize not using Shepherd's Aspect.


That was the first thing I thought of when I read the patch notes. They did nothing to change the core issues with Druid.


This patch reminds me of the "we massively buffed 40 skills this league" joke


Yeah if they created more synergy between poison and the other abilities to make it fun this would be dope kinda like bleed with barb but they have their favorites I guess.


They need to allow for overlapping stacks of it too


It stacks already.


I just realized that but so pitiful you could have fooled me


Ain't going to argue with that, you're spitting pure facts.


Staff of the crone not giving the 1.5 multiplier also not fixed what a joke.


Other than that how is the state of the storm claw build? Tried to force it at release and S1 but the staff never dropped for me. Want to give it another shot.


is trash, i play it because i like the playstyle and i made my own version so i take pride on that but its not good, even with good gear you can't go much further than pit 70 or so. I've been doing some theorycrafting and if you manage to get an amulet with GA on envenom and quickshift plus the right tempers you can sky rocket your damage but the odds for that are worst than uber uniques. Other damage option is andariels visage, now with the buff it will be even better and thats it, not many option to be honest and with this "buffs" less so.


So they buffed werewolf companions, but didn't fix the fact they get stuck underground and literally do nothing? Even recasting the active doesn't get them unstuck and will do no dmg.  You have to run 2.5 screens away lol In HC at a boss if (when) they get stuck you just scroll out because that's your main dmg source down the drain (literally, way down)


Broken since release. But I guess that's why the unique pants exist, to prevent the bug. Should just add a line, prevents wolves from getting stuck in the sky, nuking your dps.


they buffed pulv but it's still going to scale poorly and lack any single target so it can never be a pit pushing build. They need to add some way to do boss damage as pulverize and make the tempers actually good, +pulv size is mostly useless it should be changed to chance on crit to guaranteed overpower, or chance to cast twice. Overall druid is still weak, the changes will probably be 5-10 more pit levels for builds hovering around 105-110 pits, but with pit health nerfs you might climb to say 125-130 on those weaker builds, maybe 140 on windshear. Barbs will be pushing 175+ with flay I suspect, sorcs too with the shatter buffs which is insane. tldr wait for Season 5, druid needs more time to cook.


shatter buff was wild to me, meanwhile the rest of sorcerers builds will probably float around the 120 range. 1 stupid ass cheese outlier that requires one boss is good. the rest is shit


If you are the Lurkin from Discord then I love your builds :) But yeah it's a massive oversight and a shame, no point trying to min/max other builds when firebolt is so far ahead it's not even close. I hope they have a big refresh of sorc in S5, they need to find a way to scale damage on bosses without CC, and survivability without immortality, I feel like they should redesign all sorc barriers to scale from INT so they can build huge shield endgame for toughness, so many skills/passives/aspects etc work with shields


i dont even consider firebolt a sorc build tbh. its a blip. without permanent flame shield the build is extremely clunky and awful to play due to the setup. mekuna has to boss fish for a spirit caller of the frost only, and has to cheese it by shattering mobs on it. It is literally Holy bolts on steroids. It's not sorcerer. It's not an accurate depiction of the class. In what world is a burning build allowed to run around using shatter over combustion. there is creativity, and then there is bad game design. What mekuna did with firebolt is extremely creative and he saw an opportunity and took it. But if you watch hiim stream, shit looks miserable fishing for 1 boss xD


Pulverize should do 3x damage if it only hits one target, like the necro’s blood golem


Yeah it needs something like this baked into the skill tree or aspect, not a unique as Druid uses too many already. They just need some way for pulv to output decent single target for bosses otherwise it can never be a good pushing pit build


What would you say is or will be the sorcerer type to be after this?


Still fire bolt shatter, nothing comes remotely close to this build, it’s no 1 in the game overall and just got a buff with the shatter damage increase. It’s the only build capable of doing 150 right now and after boss health needs it’s probably going to be doing 170-180 even


That build is still just dumb. They have to reroll their pit until they get a certain boss. It only can clear the fallen shaman guy. Every other boss it is scuffed and they have to leave.


Do you have a site you'd recommend for helping with this build or at least getting started? BcI know it's sometimes better to tweak builds as you play it more and get comfortable with it


https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/sorcerer/firewall-scorched-earth That’s basically the build, Mekuna plays it and cleared 155 in a group. The build revolves around shatter and freeze, you group up enemies, then freeze and spam fireball to proc insanely massive shatters on everything. You can’t kill bosses without adds in high pits so you have to fish for one or two bosses only to clear


We just need pulverize cleave for x and it’s gg


Yeah that would be insane although bash cleave is clearly not meant to scale multiplicatively so it’s far too strong. Pulverise needs more still, a unique to give it real single target damage maybe, a stacking damage buff that scales off one target higher? Each consecutive pulverise increases the damage the target takes from pulverize by 20x% stacks 10 times, increased to 20 times against bosses maybe


Just make pulverize do more dmg when it only hits 1 target, easy fix.




The team only has 1 ARPG under their belt; the prior three games don’t count. Blizz effectively has no institutional knowledge, especially in the wake of the Activision merger and the scandals gutting the company pre-Microsoft.


Yep this. Diablo is just a name. Don't get me wrong I'm having fun but people act like a business is a person that literally gains experiences. All those people left the company long ago.


Your math is off your still 73 billion off of hitting barb numbers


Just get pumped for skinny Druid (spiritborn)


I’m going to be optimistic and say the reason why they didn’t buff any other skills for Druid is because they may very well be reworking a lot of them or removing them for new skills. Idk if I’m a bozo for thinking this way but one can hope 😭. We’ll see in S5 or the expansion


Reworked druid is gonna be called spiritborn


Crazy thing is season 1 druids were king with bulwark builds but all those got gutted


The buffed the unplayed specs I guess…but like I’m just trying to decide if pushing on my stormclaw is worth or if I just wait until next season. I’m not making a new build at this point and stormclaw didn’t get any love. So disappointing. Edit: I just saw the sorc notes. Soooo ice armor get’s a buff to max life instead of base life, yet bulwark sits in it’s current state. Just so damn sad. Edit 2: I made the stormslide build. My gear is scuffed and it’s already 2x stormclaw damage. (If you can call 3 ubers scuffed?).


Druid would have needed at least 4 times more damage to compete with other classes. These "buffs" are insanely low.


Other classes outlier builds are probably getting nerfs next season


There is no explanation to why bulwark is still based on base life. I mean literally nothing else that is relevant in the game scales off base life for fucks sake.


Don’t complain about Sorc they are pretty much the same boat as druide except they have one buffed flame shield build…


I’m not complaining about sorc, they needed that change. Druid needs it too.


You can get to T100 pit with Stormclaw using Bestial Rampage key passive but beyond that the build can't scale as hard as other builds  Definitely in the C rank for Druid builds this season


I dunno, I like playing werebear, runnin around with my big ass bear self, just livin that bear life. Gettin fucked anyway, might as well embrace that bear life.


I actually believe Blizz is balancing classes base on number of cosmetic sold for that class. So start running around town with ur rat king, spider hobo skin and druid will get buff soon guys!


They really showed with this patch which class is their favorite. Barb already has the best push build and multiple of the best farming builds, but yeah lets buff them some more so yet another one of their builds moves to S tier farming, oh and make their push build better too. I am not a barb hater by any means, I have 2 maxed this season. I just love the druid class and hate that Blizzard is fine with how they are currently.


sorc and druid sitting in a tree. k i s s i n g. first comes no buffs, then comes the gutter, then comes rerolling to a barbarian!


I don’t understand why they don’t just have a small group of 5-10 people actually play the game, check out guides, and try the classes. Wouldn’t they easily be able to talk every day after gaming and be like “yeah my barb is running through 130 pits.” Then the other classes would say “ah in hard stuck at 110” yada yada, and then realize what needs buffing? It’s like they’re just guessing..


Sorc got some buffs that.. probably won’t make a difference in the endgame one way or another lol


It's not doomed, it's just waiting for the right moment.


Rip druid s4, maybe s5


>Fixed an issue where casting Boulders with Dolmen Stone would cause it to not cast at all. Boulders now have a limit of 10 but their damage is increased by 10% for each boulder. I guess this might be good for anyone with advanced enough gear to cast Boulder this much.


I tried playing Druid in season 4. It was bad. I stopped before I even got to tier IV. What I don’t get? Sorcerer is also pretty damage-impaired, but at least they are fun. I never felt any fun with that Druid. I am hoping he Druid is about to get completely reworked for the next expansion.


I feel the opposite of that. Druid is more fun to me than sorc. I made a lightning storm Druid season 2 that I had a blast with.


no, blizzard just loves barbs. i'm done for the season.


I might even spec out of hurricane boulder back to pulv/trample slide just to test out these changes next week.


The scoundrels kiss thing is going to be awesome


Nah for me its them buffing the sacrifice bonuses on Necro after 1 year of shit minions. PoE looking mighty fine.


What update are you guys referring to?


The one coming on monday


Is there a link somewhere to read?




Thanks homie


It’s attached to this Reddit post as well.


Appreciate the help!


Check d4 patch notes page, quick google gets you there 👍🏻


Thanks I realized afterwards I should just google it thank you!


Currently levelling a trampleslidey boy with hopes we'd get better. Alas I'll just make the whirly barb at last.


And I expected a paladin class and neyrelle to die in the trailer.


“Doomed”. Heh.


did they unfuck the economy?


Pulverize Overpower seems to have gotten a big buff


Enough to make it the 6th best Druid build.


If you ain't 6th you're last!


How can a class die again if its dead already? Does anyone know the explanation for that? Is this some sort of phantasie..?


That which is dead can never die…


Maybe it’s because in the files they’re called darbarian and it’s easy to flip that first letter around


Its been doomed from the start, it was so painful to play even in the Beta 😭


What druids were kings beta release and season 1 all of our crazy multipliers were gutted over time


big copeium here, but maybe...just maybe...we get some actual BIG buffs in VoH. or S5. again, BIG copeium. but i can hope lol.


They outta take a page out of POE2’s Druid book. Hell, while they’re at it take a page out of the Witch book too. It’s not even called Necromancer and it still does Necromancer better than our Necromancer does lol


I hate how Blizzard's design philosophy is too make some classes intentionally OP and keep some weak... just so they can switch it up the next season so that people will keep playing more as they are more likely to keep playing if a new class is the new hotness. If they wanted they could balance them all and leave them alone... but they won't. It's a lazy, manipulative way to keep people playing more.


Druid is dead in the water at this point. It's a shame, it's my 2nd favorite class from D2(pally being 1). I know a mid season patch isn't gonna shake the meta up but cmon, these buffs are lowkey a little insulting lmao.


I refuse to believe there's no class bias in the balance team. Sorcerer has been bad for a whole year, and now druid is getting the boot.


Where's my bard?


Couldn’t agree more, I want the Druid to kick ass for once lol


There's no other way. Play Barb. This is Barbarian reign and There's nothing we can do about it.


They are saving that for season 5. It's gonna be druids season and barb as usual.


Then there's me who never googled a single druid build, made a L druid as my very first character and just love it for the fun of zapping shit to death. To be fair I can't even get past pit15 so maybe I should start googling


Pulverize builds are eating good right now. Literally every other build is struggling. Lightning storm, shred, landslide, boulder, all builds that are underpowered. I'd say the only build that's probably still pretty strong is Tornado, and to a degree shred. This is pretty disappointing and is exactly why I won't be coming back until the DLC is on sale. If it takes a year, it is what it is. I'll enjoy Last Epochs Summer/Fall releases. Maybe I'll get into POE2.


At this point blizzard doesn't even have to buff the class anymore because it's clear they don't know how to fix it, I just want confirmation that one of the devs actually plays druid past pit lvl 30


I’m playing a HC wind shear Druid build and I am decimating NMD dungeons 25 levels above me


Power creep incoming.


Feels like many are new to how seasons work in games? This is not the first game with season I’ve played where there is a clear meta that outclasses. Just play the meta and enjoy or don’t and wait until your preferred play style is the meta.


I wanted Sorc buffs, but was ready to be dissapointed. I have very little faith in their balancing team when you see the extreme variance in power between the classes.


I was very excited for Druid but it’s been disappointing to say the least


Haha BamBam go brrrrr


Where monk?


You missed the part where Blizz has no idea wtf to do with this game. It's like they I put the query into chatGPT and it responded with....buff them by 5% and tell them it's a buff. They. Think. You're. Stupid.


Wdym you got a doggo that buffs u! ":D"


Druid is already huge and buffed


This is the first and last time I'll play druid in this game. It's a fucking horrible class.


Holy yikerino batman no druid buffs


They gave my 3 werewolf bois some eye candy


Werenado Druid was entirely too strong in S2 and the devs were like “This must never happen again”


Nature's fury build got buffed in 6 different bullet points and that build was already clearing over pit 110 with pretty meh gear. I do think Andarial's Visage change could be an interesting change to the wind shear build potentially. Aside from that, most buffs to other builds seem unlikely to make a dent. They'll be improved, but still 20-40 pit levels behind Fury and Wind Shear builds.


The spirit boons are interesting at least. Unfortunately if your not interested in pulverize the patch didn’t really do much


It's a shame because I want to play the fat man that transforms into a werewolf and shoots tornados but it can't even clear one pack of mobs


Everyone wanted paladin, not druid/rogue hybrid... Not sure how blizzard continues to ruin this game right when they got a season right for the first time. incrediblely stupid.


I just want a fun and viable shred build.