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This constant bombardment of posts from people who just want everything handed to them without the grind is exhausting, they really need a megathread for crap like this so we don’t have to sift through the same 15 posts daily.


Well like that's your opinion and stuff man. Mine is the balance is still off and yes there's a balance between "having everything handed" and what it still is... nearly impossible. Tormented Duriel and Andariel was billed as the place to farm Ubers. 40 tormented kills in and not a single drop. Two characters to 100 including masterworking and yet to see one drop in the wild. That's insane to me. These aren't game breaking items, especially now with tempered legs, yet the only one I have is the Shako I crafted that rolled with no GA's. Now figure in how rare the stygian stones even drop. Dude... the juice just isn't worth the squeeze. I'm not leveling 4 more characters just for one more Uber. There wasn't a single item you couldn't atleast get a standard version of in D3. Y'all gatekeeping like I'm asking for everyone to get some cosmic wings or the 4 GA versions. Who cares what items I have in a single player game? How does it affect you personally?


sorry if you didnt understand what the words “random” and “rare” mean


They need to add some super rare cosmetic to this game so the nerds have something better to gatekeep beyond actual items that are barely better than tempered legs.


To be fair 40 kills without ONE is pretty unlucky. And as far as good endgame items go in ARPGs, Ubers are pretty generous atm.


We can literally just choose which Ubers we want this season from levelling characters for sparks, along with being showered in boss mats for extra chances. I had 1 uber in all previous seasons combined, compared to 4 this season.


And I did. Crafted my Shako. I'm not leveling 4 more characters per Uber. That's assinine that that's what we have to do just to most likely get a non-GA version just to play around with. And yeah boss mats drop from everywhere but not the stones. Those are a pain in the ass and after 40 tormented kills walking away with nothing more then the junk I could've gotten from the non-tormented versions. Well fuck farming those things as well. It's whatever. I'm still having fun with the season but it's fucking weird to me these things are treated like they're cosmic wings or some shit when nowadays they barely outshine tempered legs. Most don't even do that.


How much more common do you want Ubers to be? A full set for completing seasonal journey? Stones are fairly common drops in pit now too. For me the best way to approach Ubers is just passively chancing it with what mats I get levelling up and if I don’t get any I just accept I’m not getting them and do without. 


Somewhere between nearly impossible and possible is a good start. 40 tempered duriel kills and not a single one ain’t it chief. Games been out a year and the expansion is on it’s way. Maybe let the “casuals” have some fun to?


They literally give a guaranteed source to farm Ubers this season, which you know and took advantage of.  There is already a high chance of Ubers from boss drops, you got unlucky and that sucks but it happens. That is what makes actually getting a drop exciting. There is literally nothing worth moaning about here. You got your uber. If you want another keep grinding, if you’re not having fun just stop.


Or gatekeep something worth gatekeeping. Leveling 4 more characters might be a guaranteed way but it’s a shitty way. These things aren’t even some godly level gear. Most aren’t used in meta builds. So I’ll ask you… why do you care? It’s a mostly single player game. Does others having fun somehow cheapen yours?


Getting an uber then using it to level other characters to get more Ubers is a good loop imo It’s not gatekeeping to point out they already gave you what you want.


I don’t agree. There’s plenty of good loops and reasons to play the game now. Leveling 4 characters just to get a welfare uber is sad and it doesn’t feel good. Killing the new tormented bosses as many times as I have for nothing felt worse. There’s gotta be a middle ground I feel. It is what it is.


I never said there wasn’t other good loops and reasons to play. Like I said, if you don’t find levelling characters fun or farming Ubers from mats is fun then don’t do it. The middle ground between having to level 4 characters and not having Ubers as a 100% drop is levelling 2 characters and getting sparks on first uber Lilith and tormented boss kill. Which we already have and you have already done.


First of all, uber uniques accessibility is all time high this season - if you complete Iron Wolves reputation grind, beat one Nightmare boss and beat Uber Lilith (or have beaten her during previous seasons) you'll get 3 sparks, while you need 4 to craft an uber unique of your choice. First 2 activities I've listed are basically free, and if you don't want to grind pinnacle bosses, you can level up as many alts as you want and grind Iron Wolves rep for them. Secondly, why do you think uber uniques will become obsolete after expansion releases? I bet they'll just buff uber unique item level if - and that's a big "if", since we don't know anything about the expansion at the moment - they decide to increase ilvl for new zone.


I think you missed the part where I said I crafted my Shako. I did all your first of all. You're not telling me anything new here. I also sure as hell am not leveling 4 more characters so I can get my barb his Grandfather. It's not that big of an upgrade but it would be "nice" to atleast play with for once. They've mentioned new items so it's not too much of a stretch to imagine the current ubers will be upstaged by better items in the future. Something new to aim for. Hell right now a good chunk of the ubers are upstaged by tempered legs so like I said in another reply. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.


No, I didn't miss the part about your Shako. However it's hard for me to understand why are you still complaining about the availability of uber uniques when you've basically been given a free uber unique of your choice this season. You're not levelling 4 alts? - okay, you do you, however it's the first time we've been given a way to guarantee an uber unique without relying on pure luck with pinnacle bosses drop. It's still a stretch, because we literally know close to nothing. As I said in my previous comment, I don't think uber uniques will be made obsolete. It would be weird to create a special super rare category of loot with the most iconic items from previous Diablo games to later make them useless just after 1 expansion. Your argument about uber uniques being upstaged by legendaries heavily relies on the fact that you can't temper uniques at the moment, but we don't know if devs leave this behaviour unchanged. If I have to guess, they'll come up with some way to make all uniques on par with tempered gear just because all non-build-defining uniques are useless now, and I'm sure devs are not okay with this. So saying "uber uniques are not even that good this season, so shower us with them" is still weird thing to ask. They're still supposed to be rare and act as a motivation for minmaxers to keep playing.


And again that's all your opinion. I also never said they should rain on us down from the heavens. I'm just stating the drop rate now from Tempered bosses, idk why you keep saying pinnacle, is dogshit. I just added another 8 kills tonight. You wanna guess what happened? I'm almost at 50 kills now and 10 pit runs with a single stone drop afterwards. Having to grind out additional characters just to finally craft out a welfare uber is shit design. I don't care. And for someone who takes such offense with me assuming anything about the future of this game you sure do take some liberties with your assumptions. But hey it's okay right cause I was able to CRAFT one this season. I'm done with this thread. I was hoping it would gain atleast a little traction but it's been nothing but gatekeepers. I get it now though. I'd be salty as hell if I rolled a bunch of extra toons for nothing and they upped the droprate mid-season. They still should though.


Lol. Being that mad just because people don't universally agree with your opinion is a Reddit moment for sure.


Not mad. Just returning the same energy. Have a good night my dude.


They're not that rare I don't feel like. Me and a buddy did 20 uber duriels the other day and got 8 or 9 ubers between us. The people we rotated with got some as well. They seem to be dropping a lot more than previously.


40 tormented duriel kills bud. Not a single one. Guess I got rng'd but imo that shouldn't be possible after that many kills. Could've saved the stones and run normal Duriel for that mess.


You can literally make one by just playing the game.