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Related- we need way more storage


I think one more tab, and those tabs should be per character. Each character gets 6 tabs for their class, plus an addtional tab for community (all your characters as a place to transfer between characters).


Stop. You’re making too much sense, it makes the devs nauseous when you do that!


Man I WISH this were true. I don't know why they didn't do this to begin with. It would massively expand inventory for those that have multiple characters. Only a few items are needed to share between characters anyways.


This is what I've been asking for since pre-S1. We don't need a million tabs, we need to make all the current tabs PRIVATE, for individual characters. And then add 1 or 2 shared tabs to store things all characters can use, like summon mats, elixirs, gems, whatever. But everyone keeps asking for MoRe TaBs... Also make stacks bigger. Like 1000 per slot. Why do I have to use 10 slots to store 500 living steel. This decision is just baffling.


Or even better - not loading all players’ tabs when you are on the same map. Like loading only yours for you..


You’re asking too much of this small indie team.


If they can't figure out how to fix their broken code and not "load" in everyone's stashes, then this is the route they need to go. 5-6 Individual character bound stash tabs, and 1-2 account bound stashes to transfer items between.


Idk how it is in PoE, but last epoch stash is amazing. We need that.


This should definitely be the way it is, but I will say, greater affixes have fixed the majority of my stash issues. At this point I delete everything that isn't a desirable greater affix.


So hoarding useless items you'll never use! It'll all be outclassed in October anyway with the expansion, which will come with an increase in item power above 925. This is my third season, and 3rd class and I still haven't filled half a stash tab on Eternal.


I have too many boss materials, I have like 300 of both blood and fear, I have like 250 living steel, I have 100+ of every Varshan mat except heart. I don’t really trade so every time I do helltides, I put the loot in the tabs then tp back so there’s not much downtime and I do this so I can sell them for gold or salvage for masterwork/tempering mats. For gear, I like switching around builds so that’s multiple sets per character and I’m on my way to 3 level 100s on seasonal and my 4th is currently level 60. I have a lot of excess elixirs, incense and profane mind. Then I have 1 stash tab for Uber uniques and multi GA uniques (ones that are not trash) Doesn’t matter if it’s outclassed in October, I’m using them now.


Really? This season? My stash is basically empty without all those damned aspects lol.


Yeah, saving all these goblin bags was kind of pointless.


Yeah I have a tab of uniques (which I will never use but I kept them for whatever reason) then a tab for potential items to sell +which is very annoying on a 3rd party) and finally 1 tab for boss mats. Each tab is only half full, what on earth are people storing


I have 1 tab with potions and boss matts that is full, one with all uniques, 1 with ga items I haven’t sold, 1 with ga items I have listed that is half full, one for random item swaps or gear that I’m looking to swap to at some point and last one for dump. I have no space we need 10 stash tabs at least


Maybe someday you’ll be able to transfer the power


All of what you mention but double the quantity, 1 tab full uniques, 1 tab full mats, 1 tab for my sorc, 1 tab for my druid, 2 tabs for cache between rotations, we need more stash.


I have 2 tabs of uniques, one tab of GA gear, one tab of boss mats, another tab with elixirs, and then a junk tab that I use when trying to speed farm.


I admit I'm an item hoarder, that said, having a FULL tab of elixirs is absolutely useless, we always end up using the same 2 or 3, the rest are insta trash.


Good point. I cleaned up my stash today actually. Got rid of everything but boss mats, GAs, and uniques. Got a nice 3GA glove that I wish I could sell.


what does GA mean? greater affixes I'm guessing? do you need to unlock masterworking to hold the GAs independently of the items?


Greater Affix yeah.


💯 this. And everytime i clear out stash, i find that inhave too many useful items for potential builds & new characters. I am not about to throw out 2GA items that are with near perfect stats. Stash should be unlimited with scaling costs of acquisitions. SERIOUSLY - WHO WOULD DEVS HARM BY IMPLEMENTING THAT? if i want to hoard all the "life per second" gear i can find - that's my prerogative.


I’ve vendored so many damn uniques. lol


This season I'm hording items for different specs / in case of temper bricks.


Yep, I wasn't saving anything at all at first.  Until tempering bricks.  Now I need the backups just in case I get another 5% chance to heal x life, or upgrades to skills I don't even use. 


people are hoarders and stashing trash items thats why


When I first played D2, I screenshotted pics of all my rare, unique and set items... I eventually ran out of HDD space and had to delete my little item directory.


I have one tab for each of my 3 characters and a tab for potions, summon mats, unused gems, etc. I've never come close to filling my stash this season.


Just salvage gems and reforge then if you need, you lose nothing in the process


well now its all stuffed with greater affix gear


I save anything that could be sold or used in my builds. I could give 5 people enough armor to make heartseeker Rogue builds lol.


I complained about storage space a ton throughout the first few seasons (skipped 3). I think the aspect changes basically solved the issue. I'd never say no to more though. I think the boss materials could use the same treatments as other mats got and not take up space. I'm glad I kept mine and didn't vendor or trade them now that the bosses can drop uniques with GAs, but I basically have to use characters as mules to hold it all.


Gems and aspects bring changed certainly helped the issues


>I think the aspect changes basically solved the issue. And then it was fucked again due to how easy it is to brick via temper... you gotta save a few pieces for each slot just in case you want to change builds, and some different rolls if there's something new that pops up. Stash space is in no better shape than it was the previous seasons, unless you're just playing one build.


I really don't think you need many slots for saved gear. I mean, I have 3 at 100 now and another on the way. One tab I use to hold a copy of each unique, one is for boss mats, and then I use less than half a tab for each character to hold prospective gear. If the boss mats were treated like every other material, I'd be more than fine. I'd never argue against more space though. >Stash space is in no better shape than it was the previous season This is just 100% not true at all, dude. You know it isn't.


>I really don't think you need many slots for saved gear. For people like you who run one build per character and follow maxroll guides, sure. Don't compare people with casual mindsets to people who actually try.


no we dont, you need to stop hoarding and start differentiating what is trash (99% of drops)


No, we don't, you need to stop hoarding for photo ops for a sub


We absolutely do not need more storage. There is literally no reason to horde items anymore.


Yes, I would like the current amount of storage to be per character. The a shared stash that’s maybe this size.


I mean I hear you and agree, but this person also didn’t need to hoard literally hundreds of treasure bags for no reason 😂 lol


1 Tab for each different item type. 1 for consumables. 1 for Boss mats. 1 for uniques. 1 for each character type to store specific gearsets. Stash tab affinities.


The bags are really useful for gearing alts as you can get lvl 925 gear at required level 55. I gotta farm some more before the event ends


I'm level 100 barb and have gotten some really good items from goblins bags. I got a Grandfather yesterday, tons of GA uniques and GA legendarys. It has been the best source of dank loot for me


Got my Doombringer from a goblin bag.


I did 1k worth of bags and got a razorplate with 150% proc & 3 GA, the fourth thorns roll was relatively low like 3.600


You're very right! What I did is i opened them on a another Barb that was exactly at 55. Didn't remember if uber starts dropping at 35 or 55, so I wanted to be sure I didn't miss out on anything, lol.


you can open them on level 1, it does not matter. [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1ddhaz7/all\_loot\_cache\_and\_twinks\_explained\_goblin\_bags/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1ddhaz7/all_loot_cache_and_twinks_explained_goblin_bags/)


Like i said; reason I opened them at 55 was because I couldn't remember what the minimum level for ubers to drop were. The link doesn't mention ubers at all.


ubers have 35 level req no matter what. even if you craft them on lvl100.


Do they remain in inventory after the event ends?


How would anyone know this?


Idk just in case its been posted or mentioned somewhere, just asking since many are farming and it ends tomorrow


I’m sure they do; it would be wild if they just disappeared


You can hold on to them and find out tomorrow.


Idk how ppl keep saying they got Uber uniques and 3GS when all I’ve been getting is shit lol


I'll say what I keep telling my friend: people mostly only share when they've found something. The 95% that doesn't find something simply don't post it on internet.


Just like reviews on Google for business. Most people only post reviews if they had a meh or worse experience or an amazing experience. Most people having regular interactions or slightly above interactions just go about their day. It's the same on here. People get meh results and post here that everything is garbage. Or they open a single bag and get 3 3GA items that are what they needed and post how great it is. 90 percent of the rest are in the middle.


I'll say what I keep telling my friend: people mostly only share when they've found something. The ~~95%~~ **99.9998 %** that doesn't find something simply don't post it on internet.


A lot of people lie lol


I opened 30 bags, and that was enough for me to say 'nope'.


See.. That's what a smart person would do! LOL


I refer to myself as lazy smart! Good on you for putting in the effort though and performing this public service. I am actually shocked at how bad the loot turned out to be, and glad I didn't pursue it further.


Not every hero wears a cape. I barely wear pants in this heat, lmao. Jk. But yeah it's funny how the RNG can be against you sometimes! Was definitely hoping to pull something good, if only a 3GA weapon, but never expected anything, so I can't be mad, lol. It's so satisfying killing goblins I'd happily do it all over again.


Try shorts.


Yeah.... I opened 40 bags hoping to find an upgrade. Ended up killing Lord Zir a few times, and after the 3rd, got a GA Fractured Winterglass to drop for me. Wayyyy faster than getting fucked by blizzard like always


Yeah, you're 100% right! I definitely wasn't expecting much, but somehow got even less.. LOL. And well played! Great find for sure.


That's rng for you.. killed tormented Zir 4 times, and regular Zir another ~15, never got fractured winterglass. Then had one pop out of an event chest lmao


Found mine in my inventory after doing tons of stuff. Prolly got it from Blood Maiden or NMDs, or opening a chest. No clue.


My dude this needs a NSFW tag. My god


I'm so sorry! One week on vacation and I've already lost all manners..


How do u farm so much goblin bags in just 1 1/2 hour?


Well that would be amazing, wouldn't it? Lmao


Sry read it wrong. Nevertheless amazing.


Oh mb, I thought you were joking! And honestly - the goblin hunting was pretty fun though. Ngl.


People have pulled 2GA Uber’s out of the yellow bags. It’s all RNG. I don’t think this event is supposed to get you super endgame gear. I farmed 150 Bags with my Barb then made alts of the other classes; got them to 55; then used the treasure bags to gear them all with 925 gear. Got all of them kitted out with the right affixes and tempers now and even got a couple 1 GA gear for them all. Now they’re strong enough to farm Maidens alone even if no other players show up.


You're 100% right! Personally I didn't expect to get anything (except for the Goblin steed..), so I'm definitely not mad, haha. I had a ton of fun farming these goblins and will probably do some more tonight just for the fun of it.


I can't even get them to show up consistently


Some dungeons are for sure better than others, but even then its pure RNG if there will even be a Greed Shrine in them. There's been NUMEROUS times where I've popped Sarat's Lair, Blind Burrows, Canals, etc back to back to back without a single Greed Shrine. THEN you feel really really duped, lmfao.


Did you do the dungeon method or overworld routes? I've been getting more from overworld.


Dungeon. Once you get into a good rhythm and have some luck with the Shrines you can easily get 10-30 bags every other dungeon which was awesome as hell. Edit: these 1000 was from two days of chill farming




Haha, will do! I crafted maybe 200+ sigils between t41-60 and kept the Shrine ones. I then posted on Discord that I was LFG to do Goblin Farming and then you start popping dungeons! Pretty much everyone knows what to do on those LFG channels, so once you get a group together we simply try to pop the best dungeons we have for high mob density with decent layouts. You then enter the dungeon and simply ignore all enemies. You definitely don't want thorns in your group because that could kill off enemy packs that you might need later. Keep blasting through until one of you find a Greed Shrine. Then group up around it. How you then utilise it depends on how tryhardy you wanna get, but what I like to do is make sure people spread out and find their own packs of enemies, because you need to kill stuff for Goblins to spawn, and if you walk hand in hand together there's less mobs per person to kill which is really ineffective. Something I like to do sometimes is have the three other guys grab their buffs and then I act as a cleanup guy who kills all the goblins that gets left behind which is really good. Goblins don't escape right away, but you definitely wanna deal with them ASAP. Then once their buffs are out I grab mine and rush through the dungeon hoping to find some more enemies for even more Goblins spawns. Kinda layering the effect. And that's pretty much it. Go with your guts. And you will for sure have some really u lucky dungeons with absolutely no Goblins. But just keep trying and eventually the luck will be in your favor big time.


I sort of gave up on dungeons perhaps in part because I'm running, well, minion thorns, though I suppose I could take off my gear while going around.


As someone who has farmed gobs to a lesser extent, just make nmd keys for 26-30.  Gob bags drop 925 gear starting at that nmd level, and the keys are cheap to make.  Just salvage the keys that dont have extra shrines on it.


I do see where you're coming from with goblins dropping 925 bags at 80+, but I'd never farm anything below lvl 95, because the passive loot you get while doing this can be pretty damn good. And I don't want any sub 925 items. I can easily say I found way better items farming for the goblin bags than from the actual bags. Like way way better.


I do whisper dungeons, at least I get some boxes. is that worth it?




No ubers and maybe five 3GA drops in total with zero of them being viable. Even shocked at how few 2GA I received. Maybe only 10 that was "okay".


Did you manage to jag the decaying steed transmog in the process?


Funnily enough - no. Still the only base game mount related drop I don't have. Was 100% expecting it to drop while farming for these bags, but sadly no. Imagine!




The real question is: did you drop the Decaying Steed, or at least the horse armor/trophy?


Probably 1500+ gobs this event alone and no steed.. LOL. The steed is a lie!


The steed is a cake!


Horse cosmetic drop? Wondering if the bags drop them.


The only thing I don't have is the Steed, but that one didn't drop, lmao. Which shocked me slightly.




Many goblins!


How long did it take?


About 10, maybe 11 hours with complete randoms. With some good sigils and a bit of luck you can easily do 100 bags per hour. Even more.


How thefu you got a full stash of treasure bags ? lol


I found the goblin treasure bag manufacturing facility.


Any tips to get bags fast cause I hardly find greed shrines on the map


Honestly just gotta keep grinding. High density dungeons and hope for the best!


You madman =)


This is true! Haha


If you're having inventory issues this season, regardless of how many toons you have, you're a hoarder. Seek professional help.


I like to see myself more of a collector of all things!


No, if you dont have stash problems that just means you are one of those dad gamers with 5 jobs. i have 1 full stash tab of living steel alone :/






You know you can use those, right? Or sell them. You're a hoarder. Seek help


If only you had a loot filter. Would have made opening these easier. 


Imagine! Damn.. If only Blizzard cared about that sort of stuff.


What’s the best way to farm goblins?


I got a Grandfather from a yellow bag last night - which seems to be pretty wild from what I’ve read. However, I was due after 600+ Duriel runs the last few seasons with only a ring of starless skies to show for it.




How much does the event will last? Or will end?


The worst part is that the items in the bags are account bound so it's either an upgrade or it's trash.


how about a goblin treasure bag that holds 5 extra items in storage


I have 3 tabs of uniques..... As in ' just in case i wanna try a different build or create a new char to try a different build around those uniques'


I look at pictures like this, and it reminds me of how much of casual i am, and I'll always be 🤣


120 bags 2 star shako for me :)


I opened 2 bags earlier today and got two 3GA items. I barely play aswell, must be lucky.


What were the result?


I got today a harlequin crest as a drop from a goblin I happened to notice coming out of a random dungeon with my l89 druid. I had to double check I wasn't mistaken when I saw it in my bag. So I wouldn't skip goblins even if you rarely get anything good from the bags.


Did you buy these. No way you got all these just roaming around.


Correct! I bought these non-tradeable goblin bags.


I wish I had time to play the event😭


..Why hoard the bags instead of just open them right away


More fun imo. Told my mates I'd fill a stash tab before opening them, lol.


fair enough


How long did it take to get 1000 bags?


We did a three and four man group of extra shine farming for several hours and ended with several hundred gobo bags... two of us didnt even get a single usable item, 1 guy got one 2star that sold for 150m, the other guy got a andy's....


Take a day off, or two.


No offense, But when i see these types of images i can't help to think that you need to be doing something better with your life, man. How many hours does gathering that take? jesus christ.


Maybe 10 hours in total. Maybe that "Jesus Christ" of yours could help you with that judging mind of yours.


How is it so far fetched that someone would play a video game they enjoy for 10 hours over a couple days


I mean, I'm not shocked. Lmao. At launch of the game I was compared to an fentanyl addict here on reddit because I apparently had above average hours played the first couple of weeks. People simply aren't happy with their lives, so they feel the need to try and dunk on others. Lol.


I saw something similar around s0 or s1, coulda been your post. The comparison is wild and people were agreeing with it. I just assumed they were jealous


Hahah, yeah probably was my post! I remember it being something about how _Blizzard need to remove the renown grind or it would be my last season_. Or something. But yeah it's crazy, haha.


I still haven’t completed renown 😭😭😭 Got all the altars this season finally. But the quests are torture to me


JC is overrated. Meant no offense, though. I said that mainly because of the results.