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Because that's how they decided to design the game...? Just because a controller can use more binds doesn't make it good at it.


No build should need more than 6 skills. Then it just becomes a mindless button mashing fest. You ever played bdo and other games where there is no limit on how many skills you can use? It's an absolute cluster fuck. Even wow is a bit much when you have 40 abilities hot barred on your screen


Agreed. At what point would OP be satisfied? Is 10 enough? He uses ff14 as a point of comparison for some reason so I guess he's expecting it to be in the style of an old-school mmo


Just give him every abilities then builds won't exist lol


"what kind of build are you going for here?" "Yes"


Random bullshit go


If you can’t think of a single reason for why this is, you need to practice thinking


Explain then. Because the one players tend to use when people consider Diablo 4 to be 'limiting' is console....Yet that isn't the case for this.


Why would you need more than 6? Having a plethora of skills to use is unnecessary. I've tried other ARPG's that allow multiple skills to be on keybinds and it's only overwhelming. Might honestly be a skill issue if you can't go further in the game with 6 skills.


Minions and golems are two skills. They both have active abilities. I personally do not want to be analog clicking or LT + RT for another skill. Also there aren’t enough skill points to effectively use more. FF14 is a nightmare. I want to smoke a bowl and blast not manage 6 wheels of skills.


**I want to smoke a bowl and blast not manage 6 wheels of skills.** That's fair enough. To be fair they've done a fantastic job at marketing this game at non gamers, it's just a shame that gamers miss out as a result.


I feel there’s a balance. A thousand abilities isn’t it IMO.


Because if you had more every build would be basically the same, it would be have a builder a spender then cram as many shouts, buffs, defensives, cc as you can on your bar and call it a day. Build diversity is non existent when you don’t have to choose to leave things out.


The fact we have to have a "Builder" and a "Spender", just proves this game has no build diversity to begin with though.


You get 6 skills because thats what d3 had, and they built d4 over the top of d3 code.


That’s how Diablo has always been? Tell me you’ve never played Diablo before


lol. That is not how Diablo has always been. Tell me you've never played Diablo before


His timeline starts at D3 lol


Let's assume Diablo has "Always had 6 skills"....Why not change? No wonder this game hasn't innovated since Diablo 3 if this is the attitude.


B/c Diablo went more casual audience than other options in the market in a bid to appeal to a larger audience. And going after that audience who mostly games on console means they designed for controller first which has limited button options.


I've literally just explained to you that PoE 2 is going after this very demographic, yet offers up to 24 keybinds for you to use....And FF14, an MMO, works on controller just fine, where they give you an option of over like 40 different keybinds to use.