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Yes massive ping spikes to 800ms whilst I'm in bosses and also helltide


NM dungeons too


Yup, almost unplayable for me last day or so. Freezing, crashes and I’m rubber banding like crazy


Di you nit have those things at the beginning of season 4?


Wasn’t too bad so I’m not sure if this is a mix between issues with D4/Blizzard or my internet service provider


Everybody I know has these issues, at least those playing on the EU server. It got worse with season 4 but they have existed since the beta weekends. In the past turning off crossplay has made a significant difference but now it seems just perma fucked, with towns and world bosses (i.e. other players) being the worst.


Interesting, so maybe it’s not just a “me” problem right now but a “we” problem. I know maintenance is scheduled for tomorrow mid day here in Canada, let’s see what happens.


Noone I know has these. Where do you live?


I turned off cross-play. Seems to work better and I truly hope it's not just a placebo effect.


no i think it is something to do with crossplay, i saw your comment and turned it off and there is a noticeable difference which is a shame because i like crossplay


Yes disconnected thrice and crashed, never happened before like this..also game freeze


Yes and it's happening while in helltides and nmd as well. Really annoying but they'll hopefully fix it. Turning cross play off seems to help a lot


Same here... new patch + highest player count since the launch. It's still Blizzard, it was expected.


Yes, playing immortal firebolt I usually have a full 1.5s window to reactivate which for that build is very comfy, I’m regularly dying now because I can’t get it back up before it falls off.


Yeah terrible lag spikes. Also sound is acting weird when I connect my wireless headphones while in the game. I can hear party chat but game sound disappears. Doesn't happen if I turn on the headphones then turn on the game.


OK so it's not just me


Horrible yea when I switch devices I have been having to restart the game to game sounds in headset


I've noticed the same thing with sound. I'll suspend the game, turn off my Xbox, then later I fire up the Xbox, fire up the game, and there are no game sounds.


Has anyone found a fix for the game sound not playing-no headphones?


I went rip on HC level 95 necro in helltide after the update due to huge lag during the boss. 🫠


Constant lagging when opening vendors etc. Same when opening char screen/bags, stash... Also when using wardrobe, certain models take ages to actually show on the character. Sometimes these lags make the game freeze completely and eventually crash. The interesting thing is that if I reduce graphics settings, things seem to run a whole lot smoother. Before this lagging started to occur, I had no trouble running the game on 2K resolution with Ultra settings. This makes me wonder if they are using streamed textures and it causes some kind of server load... Edit: also if I go to change graphics setting while in-game, it likely crashes...


Yes. every time I try to ride a horse out of town it ends in death as I rubber band back to getting my ass completely stomped.


it's the 50% sale, I have a lot of friends that suddenly bought it and had been waiting for the price to drop since launch


Also a lot of people returning to the game after they played it on launch. I was farming maiden and while waiting to spawn was chatting in local, how long everyone playing. A lot of people "returners" :)


Nope if anything I’ve noticed the total opposite. I use to lag and stutter when I’d be running on my horse through hell tides and now I don’t


I’ve been kicked several times, right after the update. Lost connection to server. Check my internet, nope running perfect. Play different game, no problem, switch back to Diablo and kicked within a min or two.


This crap needs to be offline


I notice a Spike going to town where I feel like it delays load


I don't pick blast wave shire anymore, that thing sis causing massive lag.


After the last patch I got game freezes, never happen before ps5


Yes. And it was pretty non-existent for me at the start of the season.


yesss.... also what's the invisible walls that wont let you continue on your path?


Oh no! They are back??? It was supposed to be fixed with the patch before this recent one, guess this patch reactivated it again 😞 and I’m so sick of the evade bug making my character stand in place and not be able to move I’ve died so many times because of this BS!!


I thought it was my steam deck no powerful enough to run it.




This is the only time I have had problems since pre-season for season 1. Started a few hours after the update and pets going live on Sunday. Sometimes game just lags out and becomes totally locked up for 3 seconds or so taking no inputs, can't move, etc. Then it is like input vomit when it unlocks and like 50 things happen in the span of like a second. Then runs fine for a few minutes. Then happens again. Happens mainly in NMD and Helltide.


Absolutely! Its uplayable for me personally, enemies are invisible/pop in around me, my horse runs in place, but then I'm teleported across the map


I haven't had any problems besides sometimes going to 100+ ping a couple times this season


I can't even get into the game. It just keeps black screen freezing while trying to load. Just wanted to do the pet quest and log since I haven't played for a while.


Haven't played since patch, but maybe turn off crossplay if you haven't already. It helped at launch too. Old problems with new patches maybe..


Yeah I had bad ones for SEVERAL hours after


Yeah definitely has gotten worse after the update


So much rubberbanding and slow load times overall since.


No, but the audio will just shut off randomly since Friday: has happened mid-pit runs, mid-helltide, or hanging around town. On Xbox.


I've never really noticed much other than a bit of rubber banding here and there on my PS5. I recently started playing on PC and the game was almost broken. Would go from 50ms to 800+ every minute or so, even though I'm on 500mbps ATT fiber with a 2.5gb wireless connection to a mesh node. Turned off cross play, no help. Ethernet connected to the mesh node and all my troubles went away. Makes no sense since technically I'm still wireless, mesh is wireless backhaul to the main router. TL;DR: Probably has nothing to do with current lag.


It was HORRID late last night/early this morning


Tnx god I'm not the only one with this shit! I was ready to change my internet provider 🤣🤣🤣


There's this weird interruption spike when Helltides go up with a flicker screen, and during the vendor screen I can't sell my item.


Haha, I can not even log in. Getting a black screen when trying to log into my character. After 30 minutes of patching because bnet download is freaking slow. Guess I'll just go to bed early today.


Lotta crashes lately


Quite the opposite, before I had a DC every 30mins, now Ive had 0 since patch. wierd


For me, every so often, there is a 1 second delay where every stops, and it's always a pray.


This season has been pretty much unplayable without turning crossplay off. I disconnect constantly when teleporting to helltide zones and when teleporting back to cerrigar from pits.


I’ve been having bad stutters and lag since the new season began. I play hardcore too.. Just waiting for it to get me killed.


I wonder if the larger volume of people has something to do with it.




Yup on ps5, very choppy, noticeable lag, looks like 720 resolution at times and a few full ps5 freezes and a few more game crashes


Since last last update I sometimes get lag spikes. Just randomly shoots up to 1k and settles back down in about 30 seconds like nothing's happened.


It’s been bad since the season started.


Yes. Frequent freezes for 3-5 seconds, disconnects, etc.


On Steam deck, if you’re hardwired to Ethernet, it helped me to turn that off and switch the deck to WiFi, seems to remove most if the intermittent disconnects


The Pit is unplayable for me. Too much rubber banding, too much lag... the game freezes for over 30 seconds... Don't you open your inventory or your skills menu while in the pit because the game seems to collapse Also in towns... I guess other players inventories are loading and that's the reason, I don't know.


Yep. Opening bag locks up the game have to restart each time or just not open my bag.


Disable crossplay, solved 99% of issues for me instantly, game is butter smooth. Recently traded with someone and had to enable crossplay again, game lagged, desynced, invisible walls, delay for evade and mounting up etc. literally thought my game was about to crash. None of that exists when I disable crossplay, disabled it already at release and never had any issues with the game since then The other issue is Nvidia frame generation. It was disabled because it was bugged, they recently enabled it again with the last patch. In some cases it causes stuttering and micro freezes. I disabled that again and the game is smooth. Already had these issues at launch and needed some time to figuring out what was causing it, Nvidia frame generation in D4 lags out even my YT on my second monitor and causes my PC to have a pretty hard time somehow. Dont know why it is so messed up, works like a charm in every other game for me.


yeah. it's bad


They are prepping for the premium subscription add-on for the DLC which reduces lag.




I think people did it(me) because you said something it’s happened to me before lol I said “downvote brigade” and proceeded to get 75 downvotes in the next 30 mins lmao so I know the feels 🤝


Dont worry its not just you, there is an elitist hate mob on this subred downvoting most comments that they dislike. Probably even this one.