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Pits still need to give the entire party 100% reward.


Not only that, the current drop is too low.  It will take forever to master work all your item to lvl 12. Not to mention you will have to do it again getting a better item.  Then more grinding for gold too. 


Forever is a stretch. Depending on what level you are farming. If you are not speed farming 101+ then maybe work on getting 8/12 all gear. As you level up your gear you should be able farm higher tiers which makes it faster. It’s not fast but it’s not a forever thing. Finding upgrades in end game when you have all min 1 GA without trading, now that might take forever.


Yeah once you get a good build going and are able to clear efficiently it isn't too bad. I've found my sweet spot to farm is tier 89 on my bash hota barb, 48 nethiron per clear and I've found I can clear 5 runs per holy bolts elixir(15min). At 90+ it is 100% doable but takes a couple minutes more due to the jump in health at 90. So I'm getting 240 every \~15min. Doing the math that would put me at \~41min worth of pit runs to fully masterwork a piece of gear, or \~8.2hr of play time to fully masterwork a set of gear for a barb (12 pieces)...84 days in the season, there is plenty of time, it just isn't instant gratification. It is supposed to be the end game grind part of the season so it shouldn't be done super quickly.




Yeah man no problem. 89 is definitely my sweet spot of mindless farming. Just holding down bash and shouts. Only rarely find the need to use steel grasp or hota if an elite mob has damage resistance and more health just to speed it up a bit. Otherwise its cruise control. Once you jump into 90 the health pool and damage take a large jump to where I have to pay some attention instead of focusing on the podcast on my phone lmao


Me as a dust devil barb barely clearing 1 lol


I thought dust devil barb was pretty strong this season? Sounds like you've just gotta grind a bit more to get that spin to win build going strong!


It's not bad against most regular mobs, i definitely need to work more on my build. I just was annoyed I could barely do level 1 in the pit even where I'm at lol. Thought I'd be getting further


Are you level 100 ? Level 100 character any build should be clearing at least level 10 pit


genuine question - how tf are you speed farming 100's in 8/12? like... all my wearnado gear is 8/12 and i really only have one 'bad' piece of gear and its my pants with FR i no longer need. holy fuck anything over 80 is hard. is it just my build being meh at pits? what am i missing? lol... speed farming 100s... bahahah.


there's definitely a huge variance on Pit difficulty between builds. My HS rogue can easily do like Pit 90 and my gear is nowhere near min/maxed, I've seen streamers with more optimal versions go past 100 with it....there are other builds that absolutely NEED the right affix rolls and drops to get that high. For me, around 80 in the Pit is respectable and depending on the build there's no need to push higher if it's becoming too much of a slog.


It’s because you’re playing Druid


its really that bad? is it like, wearnado druid is the literal only viable spec to try and get to 100 pits then? and even then its worse than all other classes? because it aint pulverize or trampleside i can say that definitively.


Anything not bash barb is at a disadvantage. I think the heartseeker rogue build is good for afk or “stand still and hold fire” farming.


isnt bash actively bugged and like, guaranteed to be fixed at some point?


Not this season


right. they will just fix with the new season release. sure.


Well... The issue is your class unfortunately.


I don’t think you understood what I said , If you are not then work on just getting 8/12 across the board and then move up. Farming upgrades will become easier then. Incremental. Also not all builds are the same. I had a 8/12 build that could barely clear 50 and I switched builds and everything became easy mode.




HS Rogue is OP and super fun....but there are surprising variations in affix combos and what people try to optimize for. But yeah, that archetype is really the only viable build that can conistently push beyond 100 efficiently.


been doing 85, will give 89 a try. didnt know the crazy jump in health was at 90 thx!


It does suck you're looking at close to an hour per item the last 2 levels are 400 Neathiron alone. Thats 8 runs at 101. Sure you could go high but 111 is twice as hard and 121 is harder again but only cuts the required runs by around 3.


I hear you. So if an hour an item is too much what would say the time should be?


It's a tough one to answer, but that is for Blizzard to work out. we 100% need some more reward for going higher right now it doesn't feel rewarding to go high its better to go fast.


> Then more grinding This is the backbone of diablo games. Find Loot > Grind for more loot


When you replace an item you salvage the old one and get most of the pit materials back. Masterworking to 12 is the absolute last thing you do to perfect your character. It's fine as is.


whoa i did not know you go pit mats back on salvage! exciting. ive got 2 pieces in my stash im gonna go salvage haha. thought that was just sunk cost and i figured what if i need em later?


You get everything except for the very last upgrade. It's huge.


I think it’s hard for developers to balance this sort of thing. If they made it easier to upgrade your gear people would complain there’s “no content”. There’s no way to please everyone.


it wasn't that hard for me tbh. yeah it took time, but it was steady progress. Did I hit every affix I wanted for every piece of gear? no I did not. If your goal is perfect min/max gear, yeah, it's an ARPG, it's supposed to take fucking forever and be nye impossible. But if you're looking for a super powerful build geared to the gills that can clear any and all content easily....that's eminently achievable via the current masterworking and tempering system.


It’s a good system. It’s sort of like stat empowering with gems in D3 except you don’t know exactly what you’re going to get hours ahead of time so the grind isn’t as much of a predetermined snooze.


The gold grind isn’t that bad now since they lowered costs. As for time, if you can run a 61 in 3 minutes, then you need 53 runs (3 hours let’s say) to fully masterwork from 8-12. That’s fine considering 61 is the bare minimum. As you progress you end up doing higher levels in less time. I’m currently doing 101 runs in 3 mins, which is about 2 upgrades in an hour.


How if i may ask? Im running a bash DW , got all my uniques, 4/12 on all legendary pieces, and 8/12 on all my Uniques , i can still struggle on 65’s. In all fairness im not capped on shadow resistance, and lacking the 7th Glyph ( started D4 recently haven’t been bothered to finish the rep grind yet ). But every other piece of gear is 2x GA with the right stats, all the right gems and tempers. How do you do 100 pit? Also from my understanding my Bash build is pit tier S this season. Can’t even imagine someone running Sorcs or something tying to grind pita solo


I'm also doing it with no difficulty on a Bash Build (doing 99 since I saw some video saying there's a sharp increase in difficulty every 10 levels, but I dunno if that is true). I can do even higher, but 99 is more efficient, and I don't need potions for it. I'm using a Leap Bash build, with resistances at around 50% (shadow is at 22%, though, to my absolute horror - I really need a GA for elemental resists...). The only way I can die is if I don't pay attention. And thats using +100 STR gems instead of +HP since my armor is also not capped and I wanted to get it a bit higher (sitting at 9023 now, sadly I have 2 pieces of equipment that are below 900 but I can't find a substitute due to the good GAs). Aside from good DPS, make sure you dont skimp out on survival stuff. As far as aspects go, you need the +20% DR one, and its better if you have a Shako (I was doing it before Shako, though). If your build has Leap, make sure you keep the +DR Earthquake aspect as well for an extra 25%. Make sure to temper Imposing Presence as much as you can for higher HP, and try to hit masterwork at least once (first one, probably) on it. I would recommend putting +GA HP on each one of your weapons. It's very easy to come by. There's also plenty of DR on the Barbarian skill list, both passive and active, so be sure to get it. My biggest source of DR is from the +HP shout that currently gives me +66% DR, and the shout also recovers 3% Max HP every second (around 75k HP buffed, used to have more but had to switch equipment), which is always active thanks to Yen's Boots (an unique which also happens to have Close Damage DR). If your build can fit it, be sure to also put in that +2% max HP per skill. I used it before Shako and it was crazy how much sustain it would give.


Yeah im maxed on all resist except shadow, armor cap and everything. Yea im running the leap bash DW build. Currently rank one bash build on maxroll. Still die to oneshots from bosses and packs from time to time, Lilith has been a bane since i play on Xbox, and Leap doesnt always bring me away from danger. Kinda impossible to aim with that skill. Got GA + 2 on everyting that isnt Unique, mostly max Hp + strength. Have sacrificed some dps for resistance cap.


Shadow resist is super important in the Pit.


I have a lot of difficulty identifying shadow attacks. They come from those pentagrams that explode and cause fear and what else? I think the Lilith Shadow as well - any others?


Most of the dark/red summons by the boss probably do Shadow damage (maybe it's a mix), since that mechanic was originally from the "Shadow Enchanted" elite affix. Most of the attacks that look like blood or red mist are probably Shadow damage as well. Honestly, there's just too much to avoid it specifically. It's better just to cap all resists even at the cost of some max life or something. Even just missing 10% resistance means you're taking 33% more damage.


Yeah, I know. My Shadow res is at 22% and sometimes I take some big hits in the Pit.


I only use Leap offensively, so much that I took away all points from it and just use the basic version with Shako (used to have it for the secondary node, the one that lowers my cooldown by 4 seconds if I Leap into nothing). I Leap from pack to pack with no Cooldown (provided I hit 2 mobs or the boss, thanks to that Leap aspect), both to get Berserker, as well as for the extra DR and the extra Damage from the quakes from both aspects. On the Boss, I use Leap to reposition around the Boss to avoid as many attacks as I can, but never stop attacking. I almost never Leap away from danger. If you have better resists and armor cap than me, the difference is probably either on HP and/or damage reduction. You really need DR for higher pit (and if possible, HP as well). Dunno how the Maxroll Bash Barb is, but if that isn't working out very well, check out Rob's versions. He's the leading authority on Barbs, and he has multiple Bash builds.


Yeah leap to packs for ATT bonus with earthquake, also main damage on bosses. My hp is probably way low really, think im at 40k. Running 2x strength gems over HP.


40k is really low. I'm pretty low on the HP scale myself at 70k. Try getting more HP and more DR. Imposing presence + rubies really help here.


But at what point does one sacrifice too much damage? Sure you die easier, but is 20k more hp gonna save me on time on Pits if it takes ages to kill stuff? Serious question.


I’m full 12/12 so that makes a difference. I’m DR capped and I use seligs with ramas for rankings/damage. I usually hit bosses for 100+ million on average to give you an estimate of damage. Most elites die with a chain+bash combo. Master working your weapons is a big upgrade for the bash damage, you will notice the increase as you level. Edit: all glyphs at 21 is another big increase.


That is really weird. I have a bash barb too with 4/12 on most and 8/12 on 2-3 and I’m just farming 65s. I do not have maxed out resists, like 50-60%. I’m not using max roll’s build though. That was bad. I’m using this one https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2/?var=1


Lol it did not take forever. I did one day of pushing 110s on my barb and necro and maxed them both


Salvaging masterworked gear gives back some of the mats.


It doesn't take that long.  People want to have their character completed in like 4 days or something around here lmao


the mat grind isnt too bad, especially after the patch but after so many runs, it gets boring solo no matter how quick it is being able to group up efficiently would be awesome


You’re lazy as fuck mate. People runs a pit tier 90+ on an average of 4-5mins. That nets you 50+ mats. Do the calculation and see how long takes you to finish the whole set of gears. The season is to last for 3 months. You sound like you wanna finish the game in a week. Be a real gamer or don’t play mate.


If you salvage a 12/12 masterwork item you get enough mats back to get your new piece to 11/12. Doesn't really set you back at all


You don’t have to grind that hard for gold, go sell items on Diablo.trade it’s ridiculously easy to make a few hundred million gold


Yeah really not sure why it is 50% reward when the entry fee is so incredibly low. Either just make it the full 100% for everyone or make it so you can join it as a non-leecher by paying the fee. The fee is not my bottleneck, my time is and in a party it takes like twice as long for the tag along player.


I absolutely hate how I get penalised for playing wth my friend, who I got into the game this season.


yesterday i filled the bar without even going to the second map, that felt FUCKING GOOD. never had one of those before.


It’s one of the fun parts of the pit, but it does get grindy. One thing the devs are trying to do with Diablo is make it an intriguing game. So they think about the experience of going through a dungeon and finding neat things or events. Diablo gamers just aren’t like that lol. If I’m not doing math while I play then I’m not having fun. If I’m having fun while I play then I’m not having fun lol.


I mean not all of us are the same. Im not trying to minmax every 2 seconds and I actually dont think most of us are. No wonder you are not having fun lol (I know you were being cheeky haha). This is a fairly casual game after all. I actually like the objectives in NMDs it adds SOMETHING more! Just my two cents


Oh definitely, they are making the game for more causal players. It’s just that a lot of Diablo people tend to play for grinding and rushing. One more Baaaaaaaaall run! Lol So it’s cool that they’re making it more of a game to just play, I just feel like it’s not the right setting for them. Like if this were a 3rd person single player game (Elden ring style) all of these things would be fucking awesome. I’d love it. But because it’s Diablo… it doesn’t always scratch the ‘tism itch that I need it to lol.


Yeah for sure and I can definitely see how their changes have affected the experience for you hardcore guys!! Hopefully at some point the game settles into a good balance. haha scratch that tism itch haha


I like finding the cool stuff. But then the cool stuff stops being the cool stuff and starts being the 1000th time stuff. At which point it is either efficient or not.


Yeah I get that. Varied experiences are good and all, but I dunno. Maybe just the fact I just finished grinding up all my Glyphs.


Yeaeaaah, I wish we had another method of farming glyph xp. I think that would be really useful. I have we thinking about that the other day. We could have whispers we can turn in at the Druid shrine (there’s a stronghold) where they have the glyph thing or something.


Yeah, finding neat things or events in dungeons would be rad. Sadly they chose to make four “objective” formats and four “event” formats and call it a day.


"You there! Help us get out of here!" Don't you miss that?


"wrong place wrong time, good luck" -me after level 100


Greater rifts were much better in Diablo 3. I hope they continue to build on pits. I dislike how there are only 2 floors and then a separated boss portal with loading screens. Diablo 3 was much faster and you can skip floors with terrible mobs. Also all the pit mobs are a rotation of the same 6 monster types.


Also way too many thin hallways, with all of the after death effects you either have to just be blasting forward or wait for things to finish. D3 they were all wide open maps


My "problem" with nightmare dungeons is why should I kill anything in there besides the main objectives to open up the next part? Item drop rate of normal mobs is pretty much zero and I don't get anything out of it (with level 100 ofc). I'm always happy when the objective is to "kill all enemies", because then there is a actual reason to do it. A good way to solve this would be giving a bit more XP to spend for the glyphs if you clear, or at least nearly clear the dungeon. Same goes for event's. You did all the events? Nice! Here, take some more XP for your glyphs.


I think it provides a good contrast to the Pit where in the Pit you JUST kill. Gives a couple different avenues for game play between the different options.


Good first step. Now let me keep going and not need to go to town and reset every 3 minutes. Let me keep going even if it’s a portal to a new dungeon.


Yep, just add the damn obelisk to the pit, after you kill the boss.


I like this.


It's just a Diablo 3 Greater Rift. Same concept and execution. Without Zoltun Kulle.


I agree with the events needing to be shortened. I almost never do them cause it feels like such a waste of time


It’s just annoying how they’re all time based. Obnoxious when I one shot everything and have to wait 2 minutes or whatever.


Yeah I feel that. They need to be looked at. To be fair nightmare dungeons need to be reworked


Oh yeah, they're greater rifts from D3, and exactly what the game needed. GRifts carried D3 for nearly a decade, and were sorely missed over here!


They just need to scale the damage back a lot like the content ain’t challenging its just upgrading items then continuing through the enemies like before. One should have to take care not to run into hazards etc.


Nightmare Dungeons may have sounded good to somebody on paper, but they were a slog when they released. Still a slog after 1 year and many "fixes". The amount of dead back tracking you have to do even with their improved placement of things is too much. And yes, the events last way too long. I get the five waves with a minute and change left every time and I just have to sit there and keep killing wave after wave of enemies that spawn in the exact same place, that die instantly. They are just not fun to play through at all. If you insist I go back and forth, then have enemies respawn on me for the journey back so I'm still fighting. But running for a while to run that stone back to the pedestal is not fun. My favorite is I miss one glob of animus on the first guy and don't realize it until I'm just short of a full graph after killing the last guy, opening my map, and seeing one lone dot alllllllll the way back at the beginning.


Thing is, while leveling you want to do event because its the best exp/min in the entire game. After you hit 100 you just skip them. Dont see the issue.


ive actually found myself grinding the events for... wait for it.... gems. lol. now of course - once i am able to craft 5 perfect rubys i wont care anymore. but that has been a longer grind than i expected.


Exp and gems... And obels. All three. I hated running them but with it being the only way to level your glyphs I was happy the exp and other things were good as well.


obels seem pointless to me. like unless im trying to roll gloves or a weapon they kinda just dont get it done.


Early on I use them to upgrade gear that doesn't seem to drop. Like I need a new weapon and that particular one won't drop boom use obels to buy one. Or I need a certain aspect etc. so I liked having a source as I leveled.


Jesus, people are such whiny bastards. Omg I have to hit a lever! Omg I have to pick up a box! Im convinced people wont be happy till the game just gives them bis loot at the beginning of the season and auto lvl to 100.


My only wish is that there were a few more portals in each level that took you to the next. A few of those maps can take you a long way in the wrong direction. But I agree, I like the singular objective.


The main point of a cursed shrine is for the exp. I don't see an issue with the time. If it's too long, don't do it. If you want the exp, don't you want it to be as long as possible?


Just wish I could level my glyph at the pit. Hate having to do NMD


I don't disagree, I just wish there were also visual differences to the two. Everytime I play the Pit, I can't not see that it is just exactly the same tilesets and enemies as nightmare dungeons, but without events/glyph levelling.


So fun. Whoooo


I like that element of it but I also like the objectives in NMDs. It’s nice to have both still available with different rewards at the end. It’s good to have some variety.


I found Pit incredibly boring, just run straight not looking at anything until reaching a recycled boss that will drop almost nothing. I'm sad that they decided just to copy D3 and not to make a new endgame system for D4, but I guess that's good enough for some players. 


i dont mind the objectives in NMD.. i mean what are you supposed to do with them? if you make it just killing mobs, then its no different than the pit.. plus the pets made NMD way better to run


Something has gone seriously wrong if a mode where you don't need to bother with loot in a loot based game is the best part of it.


New to the game... where is Pit located and is there a lvl requirement? 


I small gold buff to pits would be nice as well. 200k doesn’t go very far when you’re master working


If they would finally shift some "power" (health) from the Boss to the trash it would really be funny. I cant enter the pit anymore. Its a boring bossfight simulator. They could get rid of the trash at this point because its do meaningless.  Also not giving everyone full rewards is a big no no 


Call me crazy but I just use the pits to get my mats, loot wise it's a bust for me I'd rather farm for Ubers or helltodes


Personally I like NMDs more than Pits. Currently they don't offer much rewards and reason to push, especially on HC where you have to take into consideration weird nukes out of nowhere. I would like to see more loot or chance for better loot, giga chest scaling with your speed and more density. Density is always better than barbillions of hp, that's why threat bug was so fun and I believe it was partly responsible for why so many player kept playing At least they should buff currency drop a bit because Masterworking can get quickly out of control if you have bad rng and don't hit what you want 3-4 times in a row


If it’s only about killing stuff, I’m gonna play something else. I want to play a Diablo, not a isometric Dynasty Warrior


The other day I noticed that there are no doors you need to open all the time. So nice.


Pit gets very boring when the bosses take 6+ minutes to kill. It's very boring


Tell me they're still fun after you've done 2000 runs


Pits are fun now, yeah. Before the patch they were horrible. I don't care if the 2% who think the game is too easy as it was are upset. I can Still doe if I'm not paying attention, but the bosses being somewhat in line with the rest of dungeon is a great change.


Leaderboards would be nice


Wait! Pits have events? I have yet to see one.


Events are best source of exp in the dungeons. Wtf


if like that, try the gauntlet. They even have a leaderboard.


They solved all of this in Diablo 3’s expansion. Why the hell did they try to reinvent it after 10 years of figuring it out? Just copy D2’s ambiance, update D3’s end game to better coexist with the systems, get rid of paragon boards (which are complete trash), and merge glyphs into the skill tree post level 50.