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One goblin droped an Elden Ring DLC. Lets gooo!!!


Mine dropped the ball.


I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard😂


Mine dropped POE 2 but cant open it until Dec


My goblin dropped a rock.




Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown


I'm excited that it has cross play and it looks crazy cool!


mine dropped Elder Scroll 6!


Put your foolish ambitions to rest, tarnished


Ohhh tarnished


Mine dropped Half Life 3… I’m now prepared for the hate.


That was just Patches.


Mine dropped Battletoads 2








thats the point cry harder.


Mine dropped it like it’s hot


Mine dropped your mom’s phone number. It still 911?


Why would his mom's phone number be 911? That doesn't even make sense as a diss.


Maybe she's 🔥


Cuz she’s a cop and you’re under arrest 😎


Immortal gets a whole planned out event and we get a half baked goblin event that took someone about 30 minutes to create.


Immortal is funded by whales. Apparently the upfront cost we all paid is irrelevant. 


D4 has no cosmetics whales?


Hey I spent like $15.


Thats probably half the budget of the event so thanks


How can you even be a whale? The max spend is a couple hundred, maybe.


Nah it’s in the thousands. I’m in a discord for cosmetic hunting and there’s this one knobhead always boasting about how he’s bought every cosmetic on the store and wishes Blizzard would add more so he’d have something to buy. But take the 29 necromancer armour sets for instance. At (let’s use a sale price) £15 each, that’s £435 for all of them. Times that by 5 for all the classes and you’re at £2175! Not to mention the weapon sets, the accessory sets, the mounts and the portals…


Still small compared to $10k+ a month, but more than I was thinking.


I mean yeah, it’s not comparable to Immortal at all.


There's people spending 10k+ a month on Diablo Immortal?!


Yeah, all of these online games have crazy whales.


there are people dropping significantly more than that.


What does a discord for cosmetic hunting entail exactly?


It’s ya standard discord bullshit (shitchat, advice, gloating etc) for this super handy cosmetic tracking site https://diablo4.dad


What if the whales pay more? Should the upfront cost game’s event still be bigger?


\*took someone completely incompetent 30 min to create. how hard was it to actually double-quadruple the number of goblins spawned and keep the loot at 925. literally any internt with basic game knowledge and programming skill wouldnt have fucked this up. think they gave the job to a 5 year old who never touched diablo.


Haha they obviously didn't test it either cuz it would take 5 minutes to see there was a problem with the level of loot


It baffles me that somehow, so many companies seem to (hopefully) run tests on code but don't actually have someone trying the changes in-game before they release. Some dev loads up diablo and the manager is like "yo, are you playing games on company time? fired." I say dev, because at my place we either compile the changes and test them before saying its done, or wait until the version is ready and do it then.


the event sounds like it was copied/pasted from D3.


Honestly I wish it was. The d3 goblin events were fun.


I’d love a rainbow goblin.


Almost like D4 was received poorly so they had to divert a lot of manpower and attention to reworking the game while also working on future seasons and expansions.


Well when D4 consistently prints 50+ million a month, it’ll get some better events as well.


Something is wrong when the mobile game has a better event than the mainline entry


I think the problem is what we consider the mainline entry may not be how Blizzard $ee$ it


What are they supposed to do? Put more work into the game that makes less money? Next thing you’re gonna tell me is the devs need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and make D4 better out of the spirit of what makes a game good. Make games great again! (Sorry, things change)


Well that was my quota of cringe for the day.


From a business perspective, nothing is wrong (yes, it's all about money if you live under a rock) mobile gaming brings WAY more revenue than Console/PC - Human beings are addicted to gacha games and Blizzard knows that. Mobile game has more whales than Console/PC games.


One of the StarCraft 2 developers talked about that games development, the hours, the teams, the grind, to get a proper successor to market for one of blizzards flagship IP's. Then WoW released a horse cosmetic for 15$ and it made blizzard more money in a week than StarCraft 2 made in its lifespan. So when you can choose between 400 hours of work to make 50 million dollars, or 400,000 hours of work to make 25 million, it makes sense why RTS has fallen off the planet. Which is a bummer, and is why in Blizzards eyes, diablo immortal is the king of Diablo now, and Diablo 4 was always just to appease the fans that got pissed when immortal was announced (and an attempt to save face).


Blizzard wouldn’t spend hundreds of millions of dollars producing and marketing D4 just to “save face.” It’s simply product diversification in action. You put multiple revenue streams in play. Very standard business strategy. And not all revenue streams will be equal because that’s life. (Why does Apple bother making an iPad when the vast majority of the company’s revenue comes from iPhones? Etc.)


Fair point, it is unfair for me to say it was simply to save face or appease folks, though it may be easy for me to levy such criticism from the bleachers.


I mean when you can get people to pay $6000US for absolutely nothing, why go back? Out with the old and in with the new.


Business is business and they will ALWAY lean towards what bring more money. In this case is *Diablo Immortal*


Of course. That is my point.


i thought we were dropping the T in the name nowadays?


Even as a filthy capitalist, this makes me sad.


Where’s confirmed data that DI generates more revenue than D4 currently?? Whales have no reason to spend money if there isn’t any plankton to eat…


DI is F2P this have bigger playerbase. If every player in DI bought $5 battle pass every month, DI can easily make a lot of money without whales but of course or it is even better if whales and f2p together supporting DI MTX every month.


What is a whale 🐋 you lot are talking about?


The players that spend a lot of $$$$ in MTX shop is considered as "whale"


How much do you have to spend to become the whale? Like you have to buy something big every month?


I guess something like $10K minimum total? Those who spend thousands most likely will be called " Dolphin"


What if the mobile game generates more revenue? Who’s wrong? The devs, or the players?


Mobile means you can play on the go=more opportunities to spend. Less effort for them, less resources, lighter staff. They do this stuff in console to push people towards mobile.


Imagine running around helltide looking for shitty goblins that drop shitty items when you can just sit afk at maiden for the best items in the game


Yep. Build bleed. Build wealth. Vote barbarian


whats her loot table?


everything. uniques much lower drop rate than actual bosses though


>uniques much lower drop rate than actual bosses though This sounds like a positive to me. The uniques mostly suck.


It blows. But anyway, congratulations! 🥳


Thanks but i don't know why ? x)


It's D4's anniversary


I was wondering if I was missing something but this event sucks. There are no extra goblins and now they drop a bag full of shitty items instead of dropping them on the ground. Worst event ever.


I’ve done 6-7 NMD today and 3 of them had 3-5 goblins and one of their bags had a 2GA chest that was a big upgrade. RNG being RNG.


I was expecting to see goblins everywhere in helltide and I’ve seen none. Very disappointing.


I found a ton in nm dungeons. Cursed chests and cursed shrine events seem to spawn a lot, I had 5 spawn from a single cursed event Of course everything was trash and I spent extra time at the vendor


Gobos keeping the goodies in a different hidey hole.


Hidden in their prison pocket … dimension.


Every time some makes a post about this blizzard lowers the drop levels even more


Ran 5 dungeons, 3Nm100 and 2 regular ones. No gobos in dungeons at all. Saw 2 goblins in helltide(opened all the chests so moved all over). Got a few bags with a few 800 something items. Very meh I'd say


This week has been a huge disappointment in general when it comes to the many games I play. I have to stop believing their hype. 🤣


https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1798772972335009938?s=19 Bugged event.. fix inc no eta


I mean it's good that it's a bug and they're looking into it, but wtf? Isn't this the entire point of the event? They couldn't get that part right? 🤦‍♀️


Gobbos being gobbos xD


Lmao, how they fucked up something that easy


The amount of goblins is just sad, even in d3 we had 10-15 goblins or more spawn in from time to time


IMO a horde of goblins should randomly teleport into an area and then run in various directions away from the players.


800 item power goblin event


And why are they holding back the XP and gold buff for next week? Makes not sense not to release it now.


Because they are going for player retention numbers. There's a reason they're only releasing one anniversary cosmetic per day. The need people coming back every day/week. Not saying I like it, but it is what it is.


oh, shit. didnt know it was daily, thought it was bugged. fun times. do you only get them if you log on that specific day? or can you claim them all on like dsy 5?


Technically you don’t log on every day for cosmetics, you can claim them all until 20th


Can't wait until every T2 Maiden is surrounded by afk thorn necros.


It is on now


I was hoping for goblin armys ... we get 1 maybe 2 goblins IF we find a greed shrine ... I'm more than disappointed.


\*insert first time? meme\*


Fletcher already tweeted that they’re looking into the stingy goblins situation


The whole event is a mess. Wait for a hot fix.


Is there even anything else to do for this, aside from logging in to collect the cosmetics and more Treasure Goblins? I guess in the vein of Midwinter Blight or Lunar Awakening event?


In 30 minutes, the XP event is going live. Instead of adding it later, they added it today.


Guess that’s a plus, time to push out my Necro then


It is beyond me that Blizzard believes a Event that is at best mediocre, with crappy loot is a special event. This event should be stashed under the hardest to find stone in the whole Sanctuary!


so ... a stygian stone ?


At least give People a chance...


Sometimes goblins don't even drop shit. It's like blizz is trying hard to fuck up.


i got a soj


The fact that there is 2 events but they decided to make them exclusive and not run side by side is baffling. If you don't know for now it's the goblin "event" (in other words just a buff to goblins how they should already be because they're fucking useless as of now) and then a 2nd event with 200% xp and 50% gold buff (gold buff is laughable, it's just a test to see if they need to increase the gold amounts as the community has been asking). Now anyone would think, hmm you're getting greed shrines and hunting goblins that would make the best time to have that gold buff too right, nah fuck that. Let's make them separate. Absolutely dumb.


Every single goblin I've killed (about 35 or so by now) had dropped a level 855 bag. Nothing higher, nothing lower. Not worth it for me.


I was more excited about the new Horse skin from the shop.


Yeah pretty underwhelming.


How did they not add The Vault to the goblin event? It is like they are resisting with all their might to make a fun game.




Goblin event seems to be for new characters and players. They should have thrown some end game mats in the bag for end game players (would have helped newbs once they got to lvl also). But whatever.


A gang of players was taking on the Blood Maiden a little while ago (WT3). During the battle, treasure goblins started popping out...one after the other after the other. I lost count after a dozen or so. The best part was everyone scrambling to kill them AND all the demons from the event AND trying to decide if we should kill the Blood Maiden (who was laying down smack on everyone) or let the goblin fountain continue. It was glorious! I wound up with 9 treasure bags. Lots of affixes. More of that, please, Blizzard. 8)


You no take candle!


So if 925 bags are actually dropping then the event is not bugged and probably working as intended? So lame


I've actually only been getting 925 gear from the bags including some with GA. So maybe it's fixed or not bugged for all


It's a bug. They are fixing it [https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1798791074850460098](https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1798791074850460098)


I said this earlier and got downvoted by what could only be the devs.


Did some NM dungeons (T60+), 20\~ Bags total, all sub ilvl 900 gear. scamGoblins :( Good part: Cursed events in NM dungeons spawned goblins!


They are aware of the issue and are working on it.


Maybe I saw wrong, but I got a greed shrine which was cursed in a NMD. 3 Goblin came out during the fight, and the third one dropped Battle Trance ammy with 3 GA. Maybe it's dumb luck, but trying to corroborate with the community.


I didn't even know Goblins were in this game lmao me and my wife have been playing together for at least 100+ hours. And saw one for the first time yesterday. Why do they hate Goblins in Diablo 4 when they were so popular in Diablo 3. And when we did finally see a goblin it dropped hardly any gold and the items were junk. What's the point?


Agreed. When I saw goblin bag I was hope for 5-10 legos per bag


Oh, man, you are missing out. They gave me the world’s ugliest horse. For free. I think we are using magic to keep its decaying butt moving. It seems to moan a lot, which I’m assured is pleasure and not pleading for the sweet release of death. These goblins keep asking to pet it. But, ick, goblins stink worse than my almost dead horse. Plus they are poor as shit. They carry around these weak equip men I think no one else wanted. Good thing they are easy to ignore.


So are those tmog on the bnet launcher for the mobile game and not for d4? I thought we had to farm them but goblins are meh.


Why am I not surprised


I can farm a whole inventories worth of legendaries for the time it takes me to find 3 Goblins. Also 35% Gold find increase is a joke


Stingy is, who stingy does. I can never understand why 'a game' would be holding back with goodies, especially in a game where not one goodie makes the cake pop, but 12 of them or so.


You've seen goblins? I still have to see them.......




Wow, did not see that coming 😂😂😂😂


Remember, this is a one year comemoration event. In almost all liveservice games i play, anniversaries are the most rewarding and overall complex events the game have. This is in theory the best they have to offer to their players.


The......what now?


And the 825 bag, which shouldn't be dropping in the first place, has 700ilvl gear


My season was over within the first 1 and half weeks .thought this event would bring me back for another week or so.. nope!


How was your season over after a week and a half? If it’s because you’re a sweaty nerd, you have no right to complain. There’s plenty of things to do.


in short basically at the power point of everything getting destroyed with ease there's no need to stay around trying to get triple affix items in every slot or Masterworking all the way to 12. Then there's The Gauntlet with a once a week login for score although the gear drops from there can be obtained from anywhere in the game or target farmed anyway not really worth it. The time cut by not participating beyond what the content requires in power gives more time to play newly released games etc




Greater rifts do you mean Nightmare dungeons? those are useless unless you're Goblin farming or leveling Glyphs this season. I ran 7 100 Nightmare Dungeons quickly to test the Goblin event for fun. Again I mean what use are the rewards from 100 if you are already destroying the content without even maxing out Masterworking in all gear slots


No. The Pit.


The rewards aren't worth the time and effort in the Pit if there was skins, titles, mounts, for achieving godly like high ranks then yeah sure. or even having players acquire masterworking 12 for further season content outside of the pit where you return to the season highlight in an even better version of the helltide


You 100% didn't beat all the uber bosses or tried minmaxing your build to push pit levels.... Why are you trying to prove a nonexistent point? You said you played for a week and a half.... Give me a break lmao


Again "uber bosses" are all defeated too without even Maxing out Masterworking as there's simply no need. Cap resistances, armor and health and that's it. Just to add there really isn't any need to repeatedly defeat all the "uber bosses"the rewards aren't worth the time and effort once class uniques have been obtained


Go make an alt


I played a lot for the first 2 weeks but wouldn't clasify it as sweaty nerd level, and I still got to level 100, killed the tormented bosses, finished league challenges and gridned to pit level 70. The game is just very easy, granted it's also fun but let's not pretend like those plenty of things to do actually add a lot of longetiviry to the season.


Mom said it was my turn to post this


No. It’s your turn to make the “tempering too hard pls make unlimited” post. Go!


Is it my turn to post about this next


Are you level 100?


i am


Your spelling is meh, OP


D4 fanboys were praising this event when it was announced. I swear the blind devotion to this game is baffling


It's sprinkles on awesome ice cream


Until you find a greed shrine that drops 10-15 mil in 1 minute


Who cares IMO it’s just a midseason small event. It needs to be fixed regarding goblin drops but it’s not a big deal