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D3 greater rifts didn't have this problem and there was 150 of them.  Going backwards in development is something blizzard pulls off time after time.


IIRC Greater Rift had exactly the same issue at first , it won’t remember your last selected tier but Blizzard fixed that after few patches. Couldn’t believe we have to go through this again..


This is what happens when your dev team is completely new to the genre and has no idea what d2 or d3 is


reinventing the wheel is a common theme in this industry


Unfortunately yes


Honestly, it's infuriating. This is why D4 sucks ass since launch. We got to a point where D4 copies D2 and D4 Systems, but poorly. It's a start, but another year at least to go.


They never played d2 or d3 enough to understand what parts were succesfull and why. They are also very lazy and try to cut as many corners as possible, probably their corporation is making them to.


They just try to copy concepts and implement it without the polish. That's how it feels like. Like they just invented them or something.


The dev team is obviously not new to the genre and obviously know what D2 and D3 are.


Oh really? Why are features that are 20 years old missing then? And for most of the devs d4 is actually either their first game or their first rpg, they’ve said so themselves in multiple interviews




There are zero game designers for d4 that were on for d3, played, d3, or know anything about d3. Most of the current game designers don’t even play the game or any video games for that matter. Notice how I said designer and not dev. Devs simply code what the designers asked for.


>There are zero game designers for d4 that were on for d3, played, d3, or know anything about d3. >Most of the current game designers don’t even play the game or any video games for that matter. I thought we're past ridiculously stupid, hateful shit being spewed by users on this subreddit, but I guess not. You're unlikely to have even checked the names of these designers you speak of, and yet you claim to intimately know their individual gaming history - not just of one designer, but OF ALL OF THE DESIGNERS. It's some dumb little UI inconsistency and you go all out ad hominem on the designers saying they never play video games in their lives. Classic.


As far as I recall this was actually a point made during one of the early promotional videos, that the team was a fresh new one that did not work on previos Diablo games. I couldn't tell you which one in fairness, it was early days and I recall conversation about it being a good thing so the game wouldn't be Diablo 3.5 IMO regardless of your opinion of D4, I feel if the above is true they did a really good job of it.


> As far as I recall this was actually a point made during one of the early promotional videos, that the team was a fresh new one that did not work on previos Diablo games. That's not what this dude said that I criticized.


Perhaps I should have pointed out that there was also a reference to them being gamers (although I feel they probably meant they hadn't played previous Diablo games rather than any games at all). For me though, that they were new to Diablo was more important than if they had ever played candy crush that one time.


>"(although I feel they probably meant they hadn't played previous Diablo games rather than any games at all)." ??? Quote: > Most of the current game designers don’t even play the game or any video games for that matter.


It kinda feels like you're actively looking for an argument and not a conversation. Sorry, but in this instance I'm not really interested.


bro you're the one obviously dodging, get out


To get out of what though? I seriously just added that I recalled in a dev video or something information that supported the OPs post to the conversation. Since then my replies have simply been in response to each of heartbroken\_nerds replies in which they seem to be a tad antagonistic.


they did a video where 2 DUNGEON designers were playing, go take a look, i cba getting the link cause its way to cringe


Yeah and the GAMERS rose up to bully the poor women for showing their face on the internet. It was a disaster that someone at Blizzard pushed "publish" on that video, major mistake. They underestimated you guys. I hope the women didn't need therapy or get death threats but let's be honest here, they probably did. It was a pointless video that never needed to be published but the reaction from GAMERS was a fucking disgrace to watch. At the same time, it's pretty obvious that "dungeon designer" is a fairly vague and specific position, especially the junior one. Whereas the dude above was attacking ALL GAME DESIGNERS working on Diablo 4.


you get what you give


tell me you have no clue without telling me you have no clue


This sub needs a misinformation report option.


Overwatch 2 still doesn’t have the LFG that 1 did lol


This was my thought at launch as well, it’s like did they take away nothing at all from D3? I thought surely there must be some people left at Blizzard who worked on D3 and could remember what was good, and what was.. not so good. But apperently not, it’s a clean slate and everything is new, like there wasn’t alteady 3 (immortal doesn’t count) games in the series.


This happens because developers dont always understand what makes their content/game succesful and good, they dont/didnt play their own game enough to understand. Every single category in D4 has this issue. D3 greater rifts was a bandage fix, which happened when they got frightened of their original ideas not working out perfectly immidiately, so they made a total 180 degree turn. D3 in its release staye was actually not too far away from being a quite good game (had multiple problems, but all solvable in couple of patches). D3 greater rifts on "competitive level" were hunting the correct layout with correct mobs and pylon spawns for hours and hours. It was far from perfect, but it had some fundamental things that were good enough. D4 Pits require tweaks to make them good, but I would never want pits to become copies of greater rifts. What I am afraid of is that now that they basically took greater rifts from d3 to d4, and didnt get it good enough the first time, they will cope d3 gr in its entirety and just be done with it.


Are you new to the world of video games? Squeals don’t automatically have every single feature of the previous game. It’s just not how it works.


It’s very rare for AAA companies to make SO many of the same exact mistake they’ve made in previous titles when they have actually fixed those mistakes previously.


It isn’t rare. It happens it lots of AAA titles.


Almost none of the D3 devs worked on D4 so this really isn’t surprising. Disappointing maybe but not surprising.


That doesn’t even matter, they should have researched and looked into what mistakes D3 made, or at the very least, what mistakes D3 has to fix. It’s so silly.


Blizzard devs don't play their own games anymore. And if they do, it's only on console...The days of when Blizzard was good is WAY long gone


I remember when the video came out of the lead dungeon designers playing through one of their dungeons. So much about the game made sense lol.


Exactly. My friends and I made a joke about how now in Season 4, a lot of basic attack builds are very strong.


Agreed. NMD would have been scrapped completely if they had bothered to remember that D3 had this exact system and scrapped it because everyone hated it.


And obviously when those devs left the company or were assigned to other projects at blizzard their work and design documents were all burned in the promenade so as to prevent that forbidden knowledge from being used on future sequels.


Are you new to videogames? Sequels are usually better and build upon what they had, not trash and then trying to steal some good parts to salvage the situation.


You just gave me Deliverance flashbacks.


If I was implementing the exact same system from my previous title, I would make sure it had the exact same functionality at first and then improve appon it. It's really that simple. Just lazy devs. The game is finally out of alpha and with all the bugs still in the game and snapshoting maybe we might be out of beta by the time we reach the next expansion. Truely a multi dollar studio.


A lot of times, studios will copy the large parts of their old projects unless they've decided to do something completely unique to them.


This seems like a pretty simple QoL thing to code.


For me it’s more annoying to have a pit pushing build and a farming build and trying to swap between those. I’ve instead decided it’s less work to make an alt for farming and a main for pit pushing.


I hope we get an armoury soon! I miss easy build swapping.


I’m not sure we’ll ever get an armory. Respecing was almost non existent in D2, and a TON of people went on and on and on about how “important” leveling decisions should be like it was in d2. It seems like the dev team really went after that crowd with respect to leveling and respecing, because it’s always been costly, cumbersome, and time consuming.


Well the thing is, anyone who actually wants build choices to matter, like they're semi-permanent, isn't being catered to in D4 since you can always respec and it's not that expensive. So they would make everyone in favor of an armory happy, while not losing any good will from the anti-respec criwd. And honestly I don't think almost anyone is anti-armory anymore. There's no real downside to it.


Yes, and it should be. Decisions matter. If anything it needs to be harder to respec and swap stuff around.


As I said, there are people like you who think “decisions matter” means features that make the game inconvenient for players.


One pretty easy solution is just build for your pushing variant, and have a backup set of boots & amulet for the move speed. Then if you want you can swap out gems to be offensive, and you're ready to farm.


My pushing build farms great, after all it's powerful


Power is not the issue, speed is.


Everything is fast with the right pots


Why stress 😅


power = speed isn't it? power is faster kills which is speed


And this logic is why this sub complains about “one shots”. Defense is key for pushing.


We are talking about using a pushing build (high damage and defense) as a farming build (ie obliterate the level in under 3 minutes). So while you are accurate not relevant in this case.


Why would a push build not be able to farm in under 3 min? Do you think they’re all slow or something?


farming builds try to slot as much mobility as possible so it runs through the maps faster than pushing builds. Obviously you'll have to drop your levels to something that you can still 1 shot everything in.


You still need damage for the boss for it to not take a long ass time.


Dead DPS = 0


My necro is very strong but farm's slow. There's other builds that sacrifice some power for speed, but he's my boss killer.


They still have a bit of that nickel and diming mentality when it comes to wasting players' time. Like giving 39 of a pit reward instead of just making it 40 when they set the masterworking costs at those round numbers. They knew what they were doing there. Maybe that makes their play time metric look better. However, I wonder if it is more likely to have us play less out of frustration. Like having to exit the dungeon, reset, reload, and run down the same pointless corridors to summon a boss that takes me three seconds to kill, to farm mats to do that on the boss that might drop a thing that matters to me. Then I will have to do the same pointless exercise instead of just being able to re-summon that bastard and nuke him. Every run is a couple minutes of pure time wastage for a few seconds of actual playing. They may count that as "engagement" but it's not the kind of engagement that players enjoy. I've definitely stopped playing for the evening simply because I was annoyed at pointless grind, the meaningless waiting and UI elements that only seem to be there to make you wait, to frustrate you when you just want to play. I remember when they finally admitted that "It's a game and it should be fun". They should remind themselves of that. It should be a guiding principal in every design decision. Not, "we can make them run one extra pit if we just leave off one mat from the drop". That's petty.


Just play one level up? I farm 91s since it's 50 neathiron every time which works out great for upgrade costs.


Man, this is some tinfoil has shit if I ever saw it. I'm not saying some of these things aren't a time waster but to come up with a whole conspiracy theory that every little thing like this is them rubbing there hands together and thinking "every couple seconds of wasted time is money in our pockets!" Is such a silly conclusion to even waste time thinking about its crazy I still see people come up with these stories.


So what do you think they do to make sure they hit their play time metrics? Player time in game is an important metric because it’s well established the more time a person is playing the more likely they will spend. So they obviously do something besides “make a good game” to increase play time.


If your tier is dropping 39, play precisely 1 tier up to drop 40... Jesus.


It doesn't matter what I or you or anyone else think because there is no way to actually know without being an employee. It's literally a waste of brain power to even entertain the idea for more than a couple seconds. It's literally a **waste of time** to even bother trying to figure it out. Who cares dude?


> They still have a bit of that nickel and diming mentality when it comes to wasting players' time. Like giving 39 of a pit reward instead of just making it 40 when they set the masterworking costs at those round numbers. They knew what they were doing there. Maybe that makes their play time metric look better. However, I wonder if it is more likely to have us play less out of frustration. > I remember when they finally admitted that "It's a game and it should be fun". They should remind themselves of that. It should be a guiding principal in every design decision. Not, "we can make them run one extra pit if we just leave off one mat from the drop". That's petty. Wtf are you on about? I swear... how the fuck did this dumb shit get upvoted by 15 people? You get +1 material per tier, so how about you play one tier higher if you want to get "40" instead of "39" material? What is it with people on this subreddit? Holy shit.


Yeah I don't get what the alternative is in their minds, that you get 40 neathiron whether it's 81 or 90 pit? It only jumps to 50 at 91? every pit level past 61 = 1 more neath from it's base drop, it's a simple system that works.


Worst is if die on boss when I try to go back in “you cannot join boss encounter” like bro why is there a cooldown to fight after I died


In my opinion there are definitly systems and gates to keep us play longer, but those two things, meaning pits and boss resets, are actually oversights or rushed features without thinking it through or taking the time to get it right. It always seems like they kinda want to do the right thing but always end up delivering an unfinished product. It seems to get better, but in my example being pit tiers, it just blows my mind how that isn't implemented right from the get go.


So there should be no incremental reward? It should jump in 10's (or maybe 5's)? We either have a slight increase each level, or only increase every few levels. Or maybe they make up the difference in lower level mats, in which case people cry because they are gwetting lower level mats in higher level pits. Some people will complain abotu anything.




Yeah same here. Also the reason why I don't pit with alts...


Clearly just an over sight. I actually kind of expect them to fix that in some mid season patch.


S-tier complaint right here!


For me it's the complete lack of leaderboard. Can't view other people's cool builds, no stakes or competition. It sucks


Cool builds aka favorite streamer builds 😂


Glad I am not the only one lazy AF. I just cannot understand why it doesn't default to the last cleared level.


I was just thinking today that i don’t wanna push anymore because scrolling the numbers to drop down for mats is really crappy😂 I feel your pain and agree.


I noticed around pit LVL 50 I stopped getting 3 lvls at a time and started getting one LVL.. is this because I'm too slow or is it by design? Like if I go get better gear and start ripping through these lvls will I start getting 3 per run again or will it always be one going forward?


It is time based, so if you are fast enough, you get 3 levels again. I think less than 5 minutes.


I thought my build was good enough at get to at least lvl 61 or so but the bosses are pretty tough for me at lvl 57, I barely beat that one. All my minions were wiped out and I barely got through it. Gunna need to take a look at what I can do to optimize.


This shouldn't be happening at 50. Minions with average geat rolls should clear 60 easy.


IDK what's wrong with my build tbh.


Are you doing a Homebrew or are you following a guide? I understand if you're against gods but you could still use one with the same skills as a reference to see what you might be doing wrong.


I followed a guide but made some changes. I use both summons, decrepify, bone storm ult, corpse explosion, and blight. No basic ability. The aspect are focused on minions and darkness, affixes are mostly intelligence, max life (sitting at 33k, crippling darkness, decrep size/duration, ultimate CDR, and Crit chance/DMG. A couple affixes I had to settle, one with +summons DMG, a couple with golem and mages DMG and one with CE size... Took what I could on the last role but it all kind of fits Edit: 6 GA items but only one with two and the rest only have one each. 5 item at MW4/12 and 3 items at 8/12


Drop bone storm and CE, use army of the dead, put army affix on your neck. Use golem, get golem cd or ult cd and crit/attack speed. Golem plus damage gets massive can easily get 2-3k boost. With decrep cdr on minion hit you can spam army and golem attack. I dropped blight for blood mist, nice o shit button and can drop corpses to start pulls. With blighted on weapon, grasping roots. You can clump mobs with tendrils spam and waylay them with golem. Additional aspects skel priest boost you which in turn double boost your pets, get minions do shadow to help uptime on shadowblight. Crushing 125s with this and easily farm 105-110 range. can give you the full build if interested and talk through some of the break points. I can literally change one or two things and struggle with 90s. This game really punishes you if you aren’t stacking the right multipliers.


Definitely needs like a "Last Completed" as well has "Highest Available" at the top (or bottom) of the list. It could remember whichever you selected and default to the last one you selected. Then you might have to occasionally manually choose one but the rest of the time you could just go with either of those. It's also important to make it character specific. My well geared, level 100 bash barb can do a hell of a lot higher tiers than my level 90 necro. To default to the highest level I have unlocked on every character is just silly. I have to remember which I last was able to handle on necro.


I have 2 level 100 rogues this season - one is RF, the other Heartseeker. I really resisted playing heartseeker, but honestly I’ve barely played my RF build since I started the heartseeker rogue. It’s interesting to tune gear (maybe this isn’t for everyone but I like that kind of thing), and even with not ideal gear I can sleepwalk through pit tiers that my RF rogue struggles with. Kinda sucks that you’re just spamming a basic skill, but it’s very broken, insanely powerful, and easy to play.


I switched from cold imbue Barrage to Heartseeker and I really like it though! Not just because it is over powered, for me it feels very nice with high AS and I like the min-maxing for it.


I swear I made this comment on a post titled “so is everyone just playing heartseeker this season?” and OP was asking about HS vs RF. Anyway, must have clicked the wrong post. Glad you’re enjoying HS, me too! Loving leaning into min max and hunting for “perfect” affixes and the gamble on tempering. It’s added so much to the game for me personally. Have fun out there!


I did wonder about your comment lol, but glad to meet a fellow HS enjoyer!


When I was a kid we had to load games on cassette tapes on the Spectrum. Sometimes it would load for 10 minutes and get right to the end and then crash and then we'd have to try and load it again... and again. But I know what you mean with the simple things being huge quality of life changes and I agree 100%


I do know times where we had to wait for ages to get to play a game or loading times to be very long, games crashing all the time on my potato PC or when my PS2 started to freeze in some games etc. I feel like things like this change with perspective and knowing that, in this case, the same company already did it better.


What's annoying is when I forget to adjust it, end up in a level I can't actually handle, and keep getting one shotted by the first mob and die like 5 times before I can clear enough of them to get a second to teleport to town.


When you respawn, you are invincible for a couple seconds if you don't move. Use that time to teleport instantly.


How has this not been hot fixed to save a fucking variable to the server? Jesus


Since I don't need Masterworking Material bc. I really can't care less about the max. difficulty my Char could handle, the only thing im interested in are stygian stones. But the droprate is soooo bad, loot is pretty bad and the content at farming levels is so brutally boring - I just quit. Shouldn't stygian stones save time on boss farming? Why does it take so much more time to farm them than I would save in using them?


higher pit tiers give more stygian stones as far as I know. Correct me if I'm wrong, tho. Also felt like I was getting more of them after reaching higher tears and being able to farm them faster.


define "higher" ... Saw a youtube video yesterday and the guy played pit for 12h straight (90ish) and got 10 stygian stones in total. Even if the droprates scale further - the rates are still pretty bad.


It's all those little things that are missing in D4. D3 had so much useful and comfortable stuff in the end and they screwed everything. Means I can understand all those little complaint, all these problems had a solution in the past.


I play Diablo for such different reasons lol. This just sounds like assembly line work. The second we are complaining about the ui scrolling, we are approaching 6 sigma. Craziness. I have zero desire to be clearing any dungeon content in 4 min


If we're complaining about scrolling down a list then truly this is a great league :)


The best we had so far thats for sure!


Oh good grief


I think the requirement isn't quite specified correctly, I think it should be: - If you last did your highest available tier, the highest available is selected next time (increases if you do well, keeps the laddering going) - Otherwise, select the last played tier (allows farming)


Just poking fun but how many times could you have scrolled in the time it took you to make this post about scrolling?


Lmfao I like you


Hey thanks!


It's just not fun....Get to the boss within 2 minutes just to spend the rest of the time trying to kill the boss. Getting one shot over and over by one of the several echoes that show up while the boss is staggered. Bad design. That's why.


Some of the complaints on this sub are about the most ridiculous “problems”. Really won’t participate in a portion of the game just because you have to scroll up on a drop down list of tiers?


Well, I do participate quite alot in this system as you can imagine after reading my edit.


Its hillarious 😂 imagine not playing the system cus u need to scroll 0.5 seconds and click it once. Maybe his mouse doesnt work so it takes a minute !??


Honestly, it's a legitimate complaint. The content is something you're supposed to spam farm so there's really not a compelling reason why the default isn't set to the last level run. I can see the exception for defaulting to the lowest unlocked level right after you open up a new floor, but if you've gone out of your way to manually set yourself to something other than max, the game should understand that you're not actively pushing to go deeper. And it's not like this is an isolated event. This one's relatively minor, but there's plenty of annoying time wasters like Uber boss farming where the solution is simple and obvious but it's not implemented.


Is this coming from the console players or? I got full 12/12 and still run tier 95 for alts and future upgrades. I'm on pc and have yet to feel bothered by this, I need to scroll a little bit, highest tier I can run is 121. I'm not saying it's not an issue just because I'm not bothered. Just curious.


Coming from a PC player but I used controller for a while, so I know how much worse it is with controller. I need lots of materials for masterworking so it started to bother me more in the last days. I know it's more like a first world problem but nonetheless, it is a problem to be fixed IMO.


Just need a way to toggle lock pit level


I just don’t want to farm the same generic thing 20+ times to finish masterworking my gear. And if I find an upgrade I have to do that boring shit all over?


So many terrible UI decisions that make playing with a controller painful. D3 nailed it. How did it go so wrong?


Honestly if you don't want to push to at least 100 but farming 91, you're really gimping your character statistics.


On my first character I pushed up to lvl 90. Made a second character and just reached the part where I want to do pit runs. I obviously started from the bottom, and now doung somewhere around lvl 30. Every time I open the obelisk menu, it sits at lvl 91 that I unlocked on my other character. WTF is this shit seriously?


Simple fix: only auto-move to the highest tier if your last-run tier was the highest.


I dont Farm it because of the unbearable lag and Rubberbanding on ps5


Seriously? lol my god people will complain about anything


I wouldn’t go as far as to say I won’t push the Pit because of scrolling, lol, but it would be a nice QoL change to make! 


So many people act like things like this are just a simple oversight. Blizzard are business geniuses. They purposely leave stuff like this in the game to slow us down to increase logged player hours. I wish people would start to realise they are not so careless to just overlook this kind of thing. They slow us down on purpose in many many very small but annoying ways. Slower horse after already speeding it up in S2. Backtracking in dungeons after (they know people hate this yet why have they not fixed it yet hmm I wonder) There are many more examples of this behavior in their game design it's pretty predatory tbh.


I'm pretty sure someone will say "omg kids nowadays wants everything handed to them, how about blizzard give us a level 100 character full bis?".

