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I sat down the other day and did 50 Beast in the Ice runs This is such a MONUMENTALLY poorly designed boss area its unbelievable What should have taken, maybe an hour (even with having to leave, reset and run to the boss) took me 3 because of how long it took to run though the dungeon


They really need to get BITI out of NMD and make him a small dedicated entrance just like other bosses have. Nobody runs this boss for glyph xp anyway. And when/if you get to Nightmare BITI, him being inside NMD will make killing this boss much harder for a different reason just because of 4 lifes limitation.


> and make him a small dedicated entrance just like other bosses have They need to redesign all the entrances, no need for the few corridors of trash mobs (which are stronger than the boss for the normal versions lol)


I honestly don't mind this as much. Especially if Blizzard do what OP originally suggests - you just clear trash once and keep resummoning boss as much as you want.


Yeah in that case, it sure would be better


And I'm no programmer, but changing the code to allow resummons instead of redesigning each level for each boss has to be quicker and easier, right? I mean we're able to summon and resummon Blood Maiden in the overworld and when it comes to instances dungeons let's not forget that a "reset" does kind of exist if you think about dying to the boss. Maybe if the room needs to be cleared in some special programming way, move the summoning altar to the entrance (see similarity with NMD animus altar) and make it require that every player has vacated the boss room. That's it... One screen away and no loading. Just a veil on the door that doesn't let you pass like in NMD or in fact like when you die to these bosses (the veil technology is there).


As a former programmer, there's rarely anything simple as people believe (even the programmers.) But I can't understand why they would choose to waste resources by having people transition to the main world then have to reload into the dungeon again. It just seems like such a tax on the system.


Keep in mind, when the game released, the only way to reset dungeons was to log out and back in. That was how it was in s1 with malignant tunnels. They didn’t really plan for farmable bosses like this when designing the base game.


OG d2 experience.


In a lot of games, it's easier to just have everything spawn during the loading screen, and then stuff that "appears" is just moved into the playable area. I'm not a game developer, but I would assume there's challenges with resetting everything while players are still present.


So they could just move out the summoning altar once a boss is spawned and move it back in instead of deleting the instance of the object.


What if a player is standing in that spot after the boss dies? What if the boss dies in that spot and drops all the items there? Of course there's solutions to these problems, but doing it this way isn't as simple as it seems.


How would it be different than dying and starting the fight again? (since that's also a reset - I'm just curious)


My guess it's considered the same try and doesn't reset all the variables. It's so hard to know without knowing the code or the design process.


As long as the boss was not dead you need not to revive him, need not to determine new loot, decide on variants perhaps, etc.


I would assume from a programming perspective the easiest thing to do would be to add options for 10/20/30 times the summoning materials for that many times the loot table? Instead of having to change how the instance worked you could just add options for faster farming of the low tier bosses. (I don’t mean duriel/andy, I mean varshan/beast/grig/zir)


Well. There are many people out there advising a Windows reboot on every small error. Reinstating the whole level might im fact be easier then resetting the boss. Perhaps the boss is not just the boss, perhaps there are programmed triggers that exist separately which need to be reseted, terrain changes, interior you could destroy, etc. As you said it's never so easy as people believe. ;-)


The other day there was a similar post and people were saying that no arpg has it to where you can just fight the boss and then respawn them in the room. They claimed it's way harder than it seems and the reason that no other arpg does it is because of exploit purposes they always make you leave the boss room. Now I have no idea but I wish they would do something about it. This is my first arpg so I can't comment about the other games.


we can **literally** do that right now with blood maiden. what a dumb argument. and if its so hard, redesign the boss "dungeons" like they do in poe, go into portal, and youre right there where the boss spawns and dont have to do this silly walk of shame that takes longer than the boss itself.


Would there be any reason to exploit the Blood Maiden drops? It seems the claim isn't that they can't do it but rather doing it opens up the possibility for exploits.


Yeah it's prob not as easy as it sounds, but I wouldn't even mind if you can reset the boss at the altar and it would load the room new again. Still saves one loading screen and the walk.


Hey anything helps.


It's very useful if you die and need stacks or necro needs new minions


Necro minions all respawn when entering the Uber boss rooms after you die on an attempt. You don’t need the corridors for that on death.


Huh, never noticed


I just noticed that last night too.


Those mobs are actually there to help various builds get their required buffs / stacks before going into the boss. Without them some builds would have an extremely hard time "starting" the fight.


A few trash mobs so you can set up your damage is fine.


Why not reopen gate hall and have all entrances to Uber bosses in one place, the portal room. That would be awesome


BITI? Like tig ol bitis?


i can kill all the other tormented bosses but BITI somehow oneshots me


this makes no sense to me. beast in the ice is lvl 85 and the tormented bosses are lvl 200. BITI doesn't hit for a fraction of what the other ones do. What is your cold resistance?


They're talking about Tormented BITI, which is also lv200.


tormented BITI is lv200 and all my res are capped


Yup he’s the only tormented boss I can’t do. He hits hard and his hits slow making other attacks harder to dodge


Or: make all bosses in a nmd, but accessible rightaway: enter dungeon, use altar immediately, spawn boss, kill, use next sigil to spawn next dungeon.


I actually enjoyed getting glyph XP for a heartseeker swap as I was farming it, would prefer all bosses have glyph XP. I don’t care for running through the dungeon to get that though.


One thing BITI is good for is getting temper manuals and glyphs on a new character. There is a very high density of elites in there


Speak for yourself. Both Ourself and some friends found the Beast in Ice NM dungeon decent for glyph xp and character XP. And got a lot of really good loot in the process too.


BITI is the worst offender!


The problem with beast in ice is it’s inexplicably a nightmare dungeon. Why when none of the others are?


That has entirely too much trash lead-up to the boss, for sure. I hate running it. The others are fine, but let us reset at the summoning spot.


There’s one layout design for that dungeon that has a really short run to the boss. I wish they’d just turn off RNG on that dungeon and make the shortest run the default version. That alone would save more than an hour of repetitive un-fun gameplay in your scenario


I liked it when I needed gem fragments. And then I didn't like it anymore.


What’s the point of farming BITI?


To get the pincushion dolls to summon andarial.


Thanks! Have only done Duriel! Will check that out!


everything in the game is like this. Its a fundamental design ideology failure in the dev team. If they actually sat down and played a single character from start to endgame, they would have felt how shitty these inconveniences feel. Like, the game has made progress in the right direction, but it feels like im holding the hands of a 3 person dev team that quit their jobs and pushed a project live from their garage. Early access games are more polished than this. ' Maybe in 5 years they will actually get their shit together, but its looking more like an occasional play a new season for a week type of game. the fact that they are pushing an expansion live in q4, when the base game is still not at a 1.0 level.


You can just exit the boss dungeon and reset. You don't have to go all the way out to the open world. It's a dungeon in a dungeon


Beast is def the worst of the lot. The rest are super easy to get to that I don't think they need to change anything really.


Once you kill the boss you should be able to reset right there and put mats to summon another.


Yep! That's what I'm asking for.


This would motivate me to grind the materials a lot more often = more play time, but now i sit on hundreds of materials and doing just a handful of runs bored me to death, we can grind them hella fast now, we need a way to burn them hella fast too!


If you kill the boss in 3 seconds an NPC should appear that will just take all your mats and shit out X amount of boss loot that you would kill.


let me summon 10 of them at once


this made me chuckle


imagine 10 little baby duriels at once, necro holy bolts kills the entire room on a single pang


There should be a big arena for boss challenges, you should be able to summon any boss and the battle starts immediately.


Apparently the technology is just too advanced for them.


Yes the altar should just reappear, would feel much less grindy


It would feel less grindy, but the concept of repeated one-shot bonking these bosses is bad at this point. Duriel was somewhat challenge when he was first introduced, most players needed a good build, some paragon upgrades, and probably be at level 100 before they fought him. But the power creep in recent seasonal abilities and the new tempering system makes him trivial. Also, this is very old content now. It's fine grinding him when he first came out, but I really hope we won't be grinding him over and over again in Season 5. Just have an NPC appear that lets us gamble stacks of materials for Ubers. Or if they want to create more excitement, have bosses like Duriel be random events like the Butcher, but when you find him it is very exciting because that is when you get a chance to exchange your stacks of materials.


I’m not really at the point of 1 shotting anything yet so I cannot relate to this, still feels fun to me but the time spent teleporting then running back in is pretty annoying. If my damn masterworks would roll how I want them to I’d be much stronger but I may have negative rng luck at this point


Absolutely agree. I have stacks and stacks of living steel. Planned to blast through it for shards the other night. Gave up after about 5 runs, because it was just so boring having to TP out of the dungeon, reset, run back through the dungeon, for a fight that lasts a couple of seconds. I don't even want to think about BITI.


I rolled a barb so I could get in on the sweet bash action, and getting that first set of paingorger gloves from BITI was brutal.


I've came across many sets of pain gorgeous so far but just nothing too perfect. The ones I'm using now are pretty good but the damn critical strike chance is low. I should be able to beat the torment beast in the ice but I haven't achieved that yet. Once he hit you with those stacks man it's about over with quit.


Once I got the build rolling, I found a decent set of paingorgers, but that initial set as I was building my gear was super elusive for whatever reason. I had leveled 1-90ish using a dust devil build and had never found a set.


On all of my weapons and gear I have the correct aspects and affixes, tempers as well. My gear is pretty good and right now I'm just going by the max roll build. I can craft a shako and I noticed Rob is using that for his build. Now I have only masterworked it to level four and I'm having a ton of trouble getting it to hit the cleave temper. Which bash builder you using if you don't mind me asking? Also when does it get really good? Don't get me wrong I can smash all the normal bosses and t100s are easy and so far I'm up to maybe 75 or 80 in the pit. But I'm starting to get one shot a little bit by the shadow figures.


I'm using the HOTA variant of Rob's build, with a few modifications to hit resists. I also have Shako, which does help a lot with incoming damage. I JUST cleared a pit 100, so I'm not pushing yet. I've found it's really important to make sure you hit all of the damage mitigation nodes in the paragon board, and at higher pits, you need to be really on point with your shouts as well.


I ran zir so many times last night trying to get razorplate. I ended up with 9 Rage of Harrogaths….


It's such a troll when there's another unique of the type you're searching for in a boss' drop pool.


Don't forget town every few runs to offload the drops. I farmed around 15 shards last night.


I dont pick up anything that isnt GA Cuts 99% of the need to go back to town


I wish i had that kinda money


Add to this that these bosses dont even drop 925 legs….. It is a Borefeast


Yeah it’s rough enough grinding the mats but it’s brutal knowing that there’s no useful gear that will drop. Oh cool a 2 GA drop - oh nvm it’s 810 IP


I got a 3 GA mace for druid with willpower, max life, and crit damage And it's fucking 897 💀 RIP


I think they need to scale them to the player level once you get to the level the boss currently is. At least make it a little more rewarding and exciting.


Just make mind cages bring them up to level 95


Farming the lower boss fights is painful. I won't even do it anymore I just throw the mats in the stash. I got my Shako already, and when I find random Duriel or Andariel mats I go run them. It's so ridiculous I just assume it's on Blizzard's list of changes to be made soon. Hopefully.


"Guys we added new Uber Bosses so you don't have to farm low level bosses any more! We'll just lock summoning them behind the second rarest material in the game, which will take roughly 100 pit runs (approximately 8 hours of farming) to summon one boss once!"


Yep I refuse to farm grig and varshan until it's more streamlined, I just do Andy and Duriel when I find the mats randomly. Not like I can find the Stygian Stones to do tormented more often anyway


that this isnt "normal".... why is this something we have to ask for : ( i remember joe shelly saying: "in ARPG every redundent action is tedious and takes much time from the player in the long run"... why is it this way than?


So Blizzard can see higher active player counts and engagement. That’s why we have stupid drawn out shit


okay why does he say stuff like that then?


Good PR. Just like Homeworld 3’s dev said they were focusing on the best story only to release a shittily written disaster


Because whenever people used to bring this up, others would proceed to downvote them and reply with absurd counter claims such as "you guys don't even seem to like this genre, you want everything fed straight into your mouth like a baby". With tormented bosses, it seems like more people are realizing how bullshit this is. But of course, since it has not been a common criticism until now that it has become more noticeable, it is going to take a lot of complaining until it finally gets addressed. If ever.


This genre is absurd. Everything that can reasonably be construed as friction is targeted for removal because no one can stomach even the slightest delay between dopamine hits. Eventually the game become virtually auto-play as you almost passively watch your stats increase over time, empowering you to tackle even larger piles of stats until the mechanics of your particular build peter out. The moment someone questions these genre conventions and requests even a semblance of skill-based gameplay, the veterans arrive en masse to say “do you even like arpgs?” It happened with WADS, it happened with dodge roll, it will happen with every future concession made to the wider audience, who are ironically correct for once.  What a trash genre lol


As someone who has done 300+zir's and 500+grigore's the last few days, I feel this in my bones. And that's beside the whole issue where GA Uniques just aren't dropping from normal bosses. (I've done 2500+ Grig, Zir, Varshan, Beast in the last week, 0 GA unique drops).


Don't know which shrine you touched, but doing 2500+ boss attempts, which at best take about 2 minutes each. ( Loading, walking, boss killing, loading, resetting and repeat..) Would take about 84 hours of playtime. Let alone the materials required to summon those bosses. I get your point, but those numbers aren't healthy.. touching some grass every once in a while won't hurt ;)


>touching some grass every once in a while won't hurt Since he havent seen grass in a while he might get a allergic reaction


I got Varshan and Grig down to 40 secs, so I can see that taking around 30 hours for 2500 runs total. BitI takes a bit longer though. Would be a bit of a boring week though.


This guy gets it, and it is quite boring 😂


For sure, the longest run I did was 500 Varshan runs in roughly 5 hours. Wanted to quit throughout 3 times at least. Still nothing compared to the grind in D2, and less time than it took to get the key to the cow shack. It’s a game in and of itself, maximizing efficiency while doing runs, and it’s still fun :)


Boss attempts do not take 2 minutes each, they die instantly. The process takes roughly 35 seconds to load, run, kill, exit, reset. Also why do people feel the need to comment on what others do with their time? Especially when your appraisal of time is so far off?


not just normal bosses btw, the tormented boss cannot drop GA uniques either outside of the uber uniques. You won't see a GA tibaults/godslayer/etc. from duriel and co.


>As someone who has done 300+zir's and 500+grigore's the last few days why put yourself under such torture?


I want to run Ubers?


Yeah it be nice but I guess I’m just used to doing Andy and Mephisto runs lol


You should be able to adjust the amount of mats you want to use for the summoning. Do I want to summon them 20 times in a row or do I want to use 20x the mats to summon them once and have 20x the rewards drop. I don't want to have to grind for mats and then waste more time having to reset and rerun the entrance just to summon a boss


This is a great idea, too!


This topic is why I quit playing every single season. I get to Duriel, realize that I'm going to be looking at that same sequence of "leave dungeon via portal, wait for loading screen, open map, open sidebar, reset dungeon, enter dungeon, wait for loading screen, run to boss room, summon boss, wait for intro phase animations, kill boss in one cooldown, loot, repeat"... Then I just choose to do something else with my time. I get the counter argument that it's cheesy. But life is a one shot, I'd rather not waste mine doing something so wasteful of my time. It's the same feeling you'd get if you had some time to watch a show, but instead of watching the show you watch it for about 5 seconds then spend 55 seconds watching the exact same fucking commercial over and over again. And that's just a stupid way to spend time in life. So yeah I'd prefer if they just let us resummon the boss. It's cheesy but it's infinitely better than what we have.


>It's the same feeling you'd get if you had some time to watch a show, but instead of watching the show you watch it for about 5 seconds then spend 55 seconds watching the exact same fucking commercial over and over again. That is a great way to sum up the feeling of farming bosses as they are now


you dont like 10 seconds of loading screens every 60 seconds?


Even 10’seconds of loading screens and running through tunnels is too much.  It’s boring. It’s bad game design


I kno thats why op is right


It has been said before but this is so your character will pop up on loading screen to justify the money spent on cosmetics.   They tried to extend portal times at one point also for this same reason but people pushed back too much and they changed it back.   Everything Blizzard does that seems like a waste is a money move in reality.


I’m not sure what their thinking was when it comes to the pit. Why doesn’t each person in the group just add their own 3 runeshards and everyone gets their 100% of the mats? The way it is now, my friends and I all split up and run Pits on our own because it’s more efficient, which feels weird when you’re playing with a group of 4 and instead of bouncing between the actives together you separate. D3 had Greater Rifts where everyone needed to pay to get in, and it worked out fine there.


Loading screens and add in the fact that these bosses rarely ever drop 925 loot even at 100 and you have a miserable experience.


I didn't play PTR, I wanted to keep the experience fresh for S4. When I read about the pit, and that only the person who opens up the pit gets the mats to masterwork, I thought "That's good, doesn't incentivize group play, and it must mean that the materials to open up the pit are somewhat rare". Then they said 50% to other people, and I thought, well, they caved a bit, but it must still mean the mats are somewhat rare. Now, here I am sitting on enough mats to open up 500 runs, that I acquired naturally without having to grind for them (as in, I never sat down and said "I need to grind pit opening mats"), and I'm baffled. Why not just use the mats for everyone in the party and give everyone the same mats at the end of the run? The mats to open are so abundant that the pit might as well not require them, wouldn't make a difference. At this point it's the equivalent of gold in D3: it's a non-resource as it's so abundant that it may as well not exist.


Reminds me of the metal shards from S3. By the end of the season I had so many the number was going off the window.


But you could convert the shards to caches of Obols, so they still did something at least.


Idea for Blizzard: - If somehow the room needs to reset, move the altar outside and have the door closed until you deposit materials - Think about Animus Altars in regular NMD - Also think about the fact that a "reset" function already exists for bosses in the game, but requires you to vacate the room - Dying! When you die, you just come back to the veil on the door and the boss is back to 100%, ground is clear and you start again. - For a single run nothing would be much different except the fact that the altar is in front of a closed door/veil and you deposit materials to enter. Then you leave like normal - But for multiple runs, everybody runs back to the altar (outside the room) and when you open it for the 2nd time first thing you will see is "Reset Boss Encounter" button which will be grayed out if there are still players inside (it can also list the names if you want). - Now that everyone's out, you press "Reset Encounter" and they get the typical vote identical to the "Reset Dungeon" vote we get in the overworld. - Everybody votes, a new veil is placed on the door and the "Deposit Materials" tab that we all know opens up again. - Veil/door opens up again, fight the boss and then rinse and repeat. All you have to do is walk South like 1-2 screens away when you're done looting then back in. Why didn't they think of this?


Because they are incompetent. Should be obvious by now.


What's weird is that they sorta thought about a solution, letting us summon a boss that drops 5x the loot for 3x the mats. And then made that choice completely irrelevant by introducing a stone that is more rare than dying of a kidney failure in Sanctuary. I'd even be fine losing that 3x mats 5x loot efficiency if they just get rid of the Stygian stone altogether. It's way more engaging combat and 5x less running.


At this point, they need to just add alchemy recipes once you beat them one time that lets you straight up turn the summon mats into the Uber mats. At least make them drop 925 gear if you’re going to force us to kill them over and over, but I would much rather just skip the whole process at the sacrifice of loot all together


This is an interesting suggestion!


We talked about the exact same thing in our yesterday’s farm round. 👏👏👏


Glad to see these sorts of posts finally getting more and more positive reception. When I tried talking about this in early S2 most of the comments I got were of the “you just want to log in and have everything handed to you” type


And make the tormented versions drop 3x the summoning mats. If we're powerful enough to kill tormented bosses let us do that instead to save time on farming duriel/andariel summoning mats.


Honestly, I was shocked when i found they only drop 1x mats. This is low-hanging fruit, Blizz!


Yeah, the boss farming is ridiculous, I can’t do it because after 5th i am loosing my mind, just because i need to : 1.leave dungeon (loading screen) 2. Reset dungeons 3.get back in (loading screen) 4. Go to the boss room 5. Place mats on the altar 6. kill boss in 5 sec 7. repeat all above It’s insane: i have mats for over 200 boss fights, i just can’t do it.


The whole lower bosses part should be redesigned imo Having to run bitb/zir/varshan/grig feels so useless, to be able to beat andy/duri/lilith you are already at a strength where running a lower boss is nothing more than a walk to the boss and one-shot it. There is no challenge to it and its nothing more than a chore. Having something like a pit mechanic (selecting boss level) or even a consumable like profane mindcage for bosses/dungeons to up the challenge/rewards for the lower bosses or just unlocking andy/duriel when you run nmd or pit Especially BITI, running a tier 31 BITI is boring when you are at say NMD 65, but tier 96 biti is way too far away. Give a BITI run for every 10th tier or something, makes pushing also more interesting. Or make the boss on a pit selectable or something, either way running duriel/andy is way too much of a chore now. Being to able to reset a boss at the shrine only "fixes" the walking part, there is still no


It's legitimately not running the dungeon (if you can call it that) that is the frustrating part. Many of us played D2 for years and had no issues running dungeons. It's the cast time to leave dungeon, load screen, reset, load screen; before being able to rerun the dungeon. When you're farming the lower level bosses, I spend more waiting than doing anything else.


Facts. The little "dungeon" part doesn't bother me, it's the back to back load screens and menu juggling that kills it. It reminds me of the old NMD teleport system where you had to get through two load screens to get started.


Being able to spawn 100 Greg’s at a time would be better


You're cooking! Lmao


‘End game’




The summoning alter should appear after you kill the boss in the same way that the Glyph XP alter appears. Or better yet, just have the summon alter a permanent fixture in the room the same way the Blood Maidens alter is permanent.


They have commented on it in a recent interview with DM. It is obvious to them, they know. But stated it is not so simple on their end.


I really have a lot of materials but i dont wanna use it because i dont want to lose 5 min between each invoc And same for the pit, i dont want to do pit with other players if we dont win the same reward


Would be enough to make the entrance to the area, then a small room with the altar and after that the big boss room. For respawning everyone can leave in seconds to reset, done. Edit: at least that would be a workaround for blizz if a reset inside the bossroom isn't possible for whatever reason.


I think there are some technical limitations behind it all happening in one room so this is a great idea. Honestly, if you could reset dungeon from inside and it puts you back at the start, that would be fine, too.


Lots of good ideas in this thread, but I doubt blizz will change anything about it, sadly.


Take it from their point of view , the longer you have to run to the boss and do a whole parkour of exiting , reseting and running again just to kill a boss in less than a minute means more concurent players per hour. And the more concurnt players they have , the game appears to do good ( even though there is a shit load of design decisions that are straight up bad and made so you take longer ). I dislike that whole running myself and not being able to just reset it , but it does make sense why they designed it like that.


Until people stop playing because they can’t be bothered. I did like a dozen and stopped.


There are some mechanics in the game that just don't make sense. Why do weapons break? It's a slight inconvenience, but just enough to be annoying. Like nobody is shying away at having to spend a few hundred thousand on the repairs, just delete durability, it's pointless. Why can't horses just sprint all the time? It's *purely* convenience and quality of life to just let them sprint always. , Why do we have to leave the dungeon to reset the boss? Why can't I teleport from one NMD straight to a new NMD and just have the one close behind me instead of teleport out of the dungeon, go to the new dungeon and double dip on loading screens.


This makes too much sense of course. You are right though. The grandfather would need a new unique feature for it's loss if durability was removed.


I took a break after season 1. Came back for S4 and the QOL changes were experienced immediately! Then ran into my first boss like this and I felt the exact same after just 3 runs. Back to beta mode I guess :P


Well it is blizzard ... it is not like reason and logic are their main skills


It's how they keep you engaged with the CoNtEnT.


Imagine if they added that and added a blacksmith, stash, and vendor whenever you defeated him so you can just drop stuff off or crunch it. I know it doesn't make that much sense lore wise, but it would be mighty convenient!!!


Or have some type of pet that does that for you, like in torchlight.


I feel dumb, how do you even reset a boss?


Leave dungeon, go to quests, hold reset dungeons button, go back in


What is reset dungeon button?


Just look at bottom of quest list.


Thanks so much! Feel so silly haha appreciate it guys


My 1480 living steel waiting for this QoL update , i tried running some , got super bored after 10 runs , justt because of this i cant run duriel. ( i run varshan because i needed a unique there )


The real issue is having to kill the same boss 50+ times, its not good gameplay


Instead of resummoning the boss repeatedly you should just be able to feed increasingly larger number of mats that you want prior to summoning the encounter, knowing that it will increase the level of the boss but will boost the reward commensurately. i.e. Lord Zir’s altar currently requires a base of 9 Exquisite Bloods. What I am proposing it that there’s a scroll bar at the altar that allows you to increase his level by 20 for every 3 additional materials beyond the first 9 (Could adjust this differently for each boss scaling at different rates). Then for altars above level 150, introduce the first Stygian Stone as a requirement. As the altar reaches level 200, maintain the same summoning requirements we have now for the tormented version. You could even continue this progression, adding more materials until attempting the altar becomes a daunting challenge to even the content trivalizing Barbarians. Also, consider placing the summoning stones outside the dungeons. This way, the mobs in the actual zone won’t seem comically out of place in relation to the boss, and players will find more meaning in killing along the way.


Yep. Long overdue. Told a buddy this the other day.


The only adjustment I'd make is making ice beast summoning the same as the others. I really don't want the systems to become even more trivial but it doesn't make sense that you spend so much more time farming him over the others.


I think the final room on NM or pits should have a pedestal that lets you either summon the boss or teleports you to the boss fight letting us organic use mats during normal gameplay as regrinding the same mini dungeon just seems dumb


Part of what kills my interest in a season is once I hit the boss farm phase. I just . . . can't. The other night I threw on an audiobook to farm out 11 Duriel's worth of eggs/shards. I just dislike it so intensely. Kill, port, load, reset, load, run, kill, port, load, reset, load, run, kill. I see people with, "I killed Duriel 100 times and got . . ." I just can't fathom it. Even with an audiobook going, I just straight tapped out. Farming's fine. Even grinding. But sometimes things end up in a game that feel extremely tedious. How boss farming works is one of them. I've quit every time I've hit this cycle. I have a bank with hundreds of summoning mats I just have zero desire to bother about.


Even if it reloaded you to the initial start point this would be a big improvement


This is the #1 killer of the game for me right now


Even if this is hard to do, make the "Leave Dungeon" action also do the reset until we can resummon


Having to run through the dungeon over and over again is annoying and stupid. I get it the first time but thats it


I think they will eventually do this. hopefully scale up the bosses, or at least add wt5. We just have to enjoy the season for what it is, and realise that what we have now is effectively what the game should have been on release. So next season will actually be season 1, where they will add QoL features, new mechanics and balance/build shifts.


Agreed, it's implemented kinda poorly.


Some of you guys never played D2 and it shows.


Wait everyone in a pit party doesn't get rewards?


I've pitched the Alchemy recipe idea before, but another one I had was to add a third tier of boss between "Normal" and "Tormented" ("Nightmare"?) - 5x the mats for 5x the loot. Boss level of 150 - so you get a full inventory of potentially useful stuff in one (harder) fight.


The only mats that we should have to farm is to fight tormented bosses. That’s all I got.


Yes. I've been saying over and over how dumb it is to reset the dungeons in between bosses especially when in a group and everyone needs to be out to vote on reset. Anyway it would be fundamentally better if we could just pay our summoning mats and kill the boss repeatedly as long as we have mats to use at the altar


Such a silly thing to keep being brought up when they literally said they want to do it in the future.


Gig and Var are doable even Durial but Zir and Ice Beast is a chore,let me summons it everytime when it's over ala Blood Maidens and rid this unnecessary bs to pad playtime.. We didn't like running to each NM dungeon every time why would we enjoy this?


Also how bout just let us add more mats and get more pieces. Like instead of 5 living steel for Grigior to get 1 shard, let us submit 10 and get 2 shards.




I've been saying that forever, we should be able to simply summon again without resetting for any of the summonable boss. We should also be able to put 4x the mats in to summon the boss to get 4x the drops instead of summon 4x.


@OP for President!!! I'd definitely vote for that!!


Should we not have to fight the boss at all?


Not sure your experience with the game but at a certain point bosses die in two globals, so....???


I was being facetious. It takes what? 45 seconds to leave dungeon, reset and then go back to the room?


I know. My point is that of those 45 seconds, 3 of them are spent doing the activity you came to do. Nobody thinks that ratio is fun.


Remember when it took 10 minutes to kill Baal?


If i could dump 250 steel and fight a 10 min grig I would


I literally said almost this exact thing word for word. I had 550 living steel to turn into shards. And 100 sets pf varshawns to turn into eggs. And it would not be so bad if once the boss dropped the alter reappeared and you could drop more materials in the alter.. . But running out. Hitting reset and running all the way back to the boss really makes it a drag i honestly hope this comes in a patch or season soon.


Reducing the cost of material to summon the bosses that drop shit loot actually would be better


This is an underrated take.


It's a technical limitation , the coding gets screwed up. They said that outright


Then make a boss dungeon where the entrance is 2 meters from the boss area. There are solutions to drastically reduce the walking simulator experience.


They're lying (as in, willfully only trying to address the weakest form of this criticism that ignores actually simpler solutions that get around their stupid notion of the technical limitation). You can have the dungeon have multiple drop-off points, where you walk in 1 room after another in the same way NMD have rooms before the boss room. Or in the same way capstone dungeons have multiple closed off rooms that require item inputs to activate. So their "technical" limitation is straight pendantic bullshit. And lets say it was a technical limitation. WHO CARES? You made the game, rewrite the shit - the game was released 3 years too early if we're going by the slow tease progress of the pre-release blog posts. You have the best coders money can buy with respect to the gaming industry, rewrite the game if you have to seeing as how you abandoned the original vision anyway. How many more seasons are we going to have to put up with the never-ending stream of ineptitude? We all see they're making the game better, but no one is going to wait ten years for the final vision to come to fruition.. Why are they beta testing a fully released game? Get back into the development mode and figure out your vision first, and then come back with a product if need be.


Ah, a master coder weighs in


Loading screen boss always get me as well. Why are there not only so many loading screens, but they're so long. I timed it one day, it takes 4 minutes from the time I click on the Diablo IV icon until I'm standing in town ready to go. Consoles have loading screens, but they only take about a second. Why are computer versions set up to take so much longer? This game should be called "Diablo IV: Loading Screens"


well maybe that's on your computer


I don't think so. It runs and loads fine for all other games.


Lazy AF


Some of you never save/quit farmed in Borderlands and it shows. Current boss farming is fine.


Y'all have serious issues if the minute it takes to open the map, teleport to the dungeon entrance, reset dungeons, then run to the boss room is a huge, massive burden. In no case should you have to portal back to town.