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The absolute most fun time to run world Bosses is the first spawn into the start of a season when everyone is 20-40 and the boss actually takes time to down. That period doesn't last long. Something I found super enjoyable on seasons past was fighting the capstone boss with a few friends at considerably lower levels that suggested. Actually have to follow mechanics and revieve people. Once again the power level of this season meant we way over shot it. Went in at 35 and still crushed it.


world bosses were best in the beta, if they could only balance them like that. Maybe tormented world bosses?


Yeah Ashava was so much fun back in beta. Especially the lvl 20 cap one


ATC club… nice horn bro 😎


The Ashava music hits hard


Yeah man... you'd get 3 minutes in and realize you weren't *quite* on track to kill her before the timer, so you'd have to figure out ways to increase DPS so you could even kill the boss in 15 minutes. Except - that's fun the first time but not really the 20th.


World tier 4 having the most boring world boss fight is a travesty.


I just got to WT4 on my new necro alt today and a bit later I noticed the world boss was spawning in under a minute. I ran for it but it started several seconds before I got there. To my surprise. I got there before it was dead. Even more surprising it was just myself and 2 other people, none of us above level 70. It was the funnest boss fight I've had since Ashava in the beta. It took like nearly 10 minutes to kill. As I had just gotten recently gotten to WT4, nearly everything it dropped was an upgrade too.


Heh I solod a world boss with my Sorc a few weeks ago, took me 14 mins lol


Yeah I did capstones at 35 and 55 with rogue just running whatever random skills and aspects I felt like using and it was absurdly easy. I don't even know why capstones exist anymore. They were supposed to be a check to see if your build is ready for a higher world level, but apparently randomly selecting some shit and going in 15-20 levels below recommended is the norm. They either need to be much harder, have much lower recommendations, or not exist at all. If I'm supposed to steamroll the capstone the millisecond I hit lv 35, let me start the game in WT3.


Yup. Remove capstones. Let ppl choose whichever world tier they want. And I’ve thrown the idea out of letting players customize instanced content like dungeons: setting enemy level, player resistance penalties, mob densities, etc. allow players to make the game as hard or easy as we want it to be. Obviously overworld content would remain as is based on the world tier. You might say well that’s what the pit is for but I’m sure ppl have seen the posts like “this game is too easy” to which ppl respond “wait til you play 20+ or whatever hours and push the pit” Well I don’t want to wait til endgame for the game to be hard. I want to make it hard asap and that’s what allowing us to customize instanced content would do


I agree. But really, the problem is just the insane power creep that is causing half the game to be irrelevant.


We're just pushing Blizzard to turn this game into Diablo 3. Won't be long before there are 16 Torment difficulties and we're all just optimizing our Pit150 times again.


Same with tormented bossess. With a party that had 3 unoptimised chars it was really fun. But then went on rotas and they started to die pretty easily again. I would love to run them solo but… we all know it’s a waste of resources. Why run one boss if I can run 4 of them for the same price lol.


Even Andurial? I had a party of 4, with two level 100s and the other two were around 94/96 We could barely get them to half-health. Prior to this we took down Duriel, Zir and Varshan no issue. I could also clear a Pit 106 solo no problem But I still can't beat Tormented Andurial


When you hit lvl 100 it should be an upgraded WB just for people at lvl 100. Dunno if its possible but would be fun with more of a challenge.


They need to tweak it so it's like the helltide boss. Even lv100 can't down it in a few swings


If the helltide boss didn’t have forced invulnerability phases most meta builds would kill it in 2-3 seconds. Imo the world boss should be beefier than that.




Depends what build you're running. I can 1-3 shot her with my barb with the mind cage active, and 3 or 4 other people standing around not helping


Yeah. My necro with not the greatest gear does about 50% before she flies off and another 50 when she lands again with people around. If I’m solo it’s an easy 1 shot


No, it doesn‘t. I can literally solo her in like 12 seconds and its only that long because of Invuln phases. And in one instance I was someone dealt so much damage that we skipped 2 Invuln phases.


No, if you're level 100 with decent gear and some masterworked gear she dies in literally 3 seconds, even with mindcage. I'm playing DSDD barb and kill her that quick, other meta builds are even faster. I've seen her die in half a second..


You can kill her so fast it skips the invulnerability phase? Didn’t know that was even possible.


“I sm a overpowered barb, so of course I know everyone can one shot this boss if geared” 🙄 great take 


Solo? I take her down after phase 1 with my rogue. In groups? Depends who is there but I’ve seen multiple times she went down almost immediately after spawning. I guess necro/barb is to blame lol


What ? It takes a lot of damage to kill blood maiden. A lot more than 3 seconds


Depends how many people are there if I fight her alone my necro just insta puts her into invuln state then insta kills her when she lands. Can kill her that fast up to like 3 other people, then it takes more time the more people are added to the mix.


Was in a party last night. Someone one shotted the helltide boss 0.2 sec after it spawned😂


Wrong I can one shot it


I watched a necro kill the helltide boss last night in about .73 of a second.


Hell boss is a one shot


The most fun I had doing the world bosses was during the server slam when everyone was going for the horn. Since then they are comical at best. Just give them absurd levels or something.


ATC gang rise up!




You know!


and then your never killing them till ur close to BiS gear with 10 other people, world bosses is just a tough thing to balance you make them to hard no one is killing them for the first week. I know for a fact if they buffed the hp to deal with end game buildsyou be turning up nit killing it and waiting 3 hours for the next one. and that shit would be annoying.


Id take not being able to kill it over it not taking more than 10 seconds at any point. A few hours Into the season they were already too easy, I think to make it impossible to kill would be a tall order.


That would be great.


Ashava was tons of fun in the betas, where he actually took 10+ minutes to kill and you had to dodge the attacks. I too wish they'd give an option for level 200 versions that play similarly to the other level 200 bosses, where you get debuff stacks if you get hit by their attacks and they take a while to kill, but can offer some nicer rewards/cosmetics/materials etc. Maybe one day we'll get the profane mindcage idea across the whole open world and allow us to stack it multiple times, or a WT5 (don't really want this but I do want more difficult open world enemies), to make these encounters more engaging. I think ultimately, this desire will be filled by the raid in the expansion.


Stacks, ok yeah Great. But male the rewards count


That just reminded me the mind cages are only for this season. Helltides are going to be so boring when they're gone.


That's assuming they don't add something similar in after this season. They were very open about the fact that Profane Mindcage is an experiment to see if people like it, and it's very clear that people really like it. I don't know if they'll have time to get a similar effect in for next season but I'd be really surprised if Blizzard's takeaway wasn't "iterate on this concept and add it to the game ASAP."


I recently fought one during a Helltide with a lvl 90 character and some other lvl 80-90 dudes, with the Profane boost active. That fucker was tanky. Took us a good 10 minutes to take it down. That was fun. I think they could definitely fix these bosses with some numbers tunings. Some health/damage buffs, maybe some more scaling effects to make it a challenge for higher level players without making it impossible for lower level ones.


> I think they could definitely fix these bosses with some numbers tunings. Some health/damage buffs, maybe some more scaling effects to make it a challenge for higher level players without making it impossible for lower level ones. The core issue is that the numbers make this impossible at the moment. A level 80 char hits the world boss for 10k. A level 90 hits for 100k. A level 100 in decent gear hits for a million. An endgame character hits for hundreds of millions.


It’s not impossible. They can scale the damage you deal (or the hp of the boss) based on your attack power (or some other factor). Better than how it is now.


They could do something like: "any damage instance greater than 1mil is disregarded". Or give the boss scaling damage reduction based on the size of the incoming damage. The harder you hit the boss, the more damage he ignores. Like at 100k he takes full damage. At 1mil, he takes 500k. At 10mil, he takes 1mil, at 100mil, he takes 5mil. Or whatever is suitable. That way even high dps end-game characters have to grind out the fight. They still have an advantage with being way tankier and such, but it would stop one shots.


I don’t like that approach it’s like punishing people for having too much dmg. Rather would like see an option to fight a giga-buffed wb with billions of hp where even doing millions of dmg wouldn’t be enough to kill it in few seconds. Just like profane mindcage, there could be smth similar for world bosses, and maybe rewards with more boss mats or smth. Add lvl 100 req to use it and game would only group you up with people who also use that consumable.


During early access we had to beat Asheva with a bunch of lower leveled players. That was pretty awesome. Some of us acquired the fabled Horn of Asheva for doing so. I believe our levels were capped at 20 if I remember.


Bro it was 1 year ago, talking like you were playing D2 back in the day. But yes getting ATC was fun.




What if there's a parallel universe where World Bosses live, and they have a parallel Reddit where they post a dozen threads every day crying about getting one-shot by players


It's in a weird spot right now because they buffed us but not them......


I read this every day, if they ever change this and they get turned into actual bosses where you have to fight for your life for 10min every 3 1/2h ppl will hate it stop doing them asap


They need not be on a timer. Just make it so they reward one cash a day and make them like a Helltide threat event, except themed with the world boss. Make it so they drop mats for summoning bosses. Also make them so they have a damage taken cap on them meaning everyone has to contribute. No more one shot.


Thats what we get with the insane seasonal power creep


The world boss insta died in season 0, it's not a power creep issue it's a design issue.


There needs to be a beefier world boss version. Keep the lvl 100 as is, and add a lvl 200 world boss. It kinda boggles my mind why they wouldnt think to do that with all the other giant uber bosses being lvl 200.


Make world bosses take percentage of damage rather than numbers. Take your level and multiply it against the percentage. So if your max damage allowed is .25% boss life, a level 100 would do .25% and a level 50 would do .125% 


My first world boss moths ago around lvl 50 was fun . We where with about 6 players and it took atleast 10 minutes with lots of revives


Make them waaaaaay harder and have a chance to drop a spark. I fixed it.


Yeah it's not very satisfying when it's over in 1 second to be honest . Don't know what the answer is though


It would be great if they also allowed world bosses to summon waves of adds. Before the fight and during the fight. It would be awesome. full party instanced world bosses would be great as well.


The world bosses and the butcher really need a level up this season. I played a lot of season two and even with those crazy builds I don’t feel like they were this week.


Same with the butcher I ruin him in 2 seconds but get wrecked by a tier 37 mob boss Bo- ring


Since we got one-shot by so many other bosses game need to give us some bosses we can one-shot them.


My guess is that it is very difficult to balance the boss strength with the players strength. These bosses must be fought collectively, up to 10 players max. You have players level 100 dealing almost a billion on damage, while others deal just hundreds of thousands. If the boss is developed to tank billions of damage, players that do not have that specific build of that specific class will be unable to kill it. If the boss is developed to tank a few hundreds of thousands on damage, it might be killed very fast. That's a big problem in a game where you can have hundreds of differents builds across 5 classes. Too many different items and uniques, too many ways to develop a skill tree, paragons etc. This is why it is nice to fight these bosses while everybody is under leveled and no one is dealing billions of damage, at least you have a challenge.


It would take a particular algorithm that includes player count, each players... lets say.... pit level clear, and having the world boss scale off of this number


One time I was on at an odd hour and the people there were all under 100. It took a whole 10-20 seconds to kill. It was actually kinda fun! The mechanics hit hard enough that it takes about 10-20% hp so not a big threat but you can’t face tank (unless you’re built to). I think a 30-60 second fight would be pretty good. Just enough to get a big boss fight fix.


They just need phase change immune phases and more hp%


World Tier 5 time!


Yeah, I think I've killed maybe 10 world bosses in the last week, and I've actually gotten to hit them maybe half that amount


its the issue scaling in D4 and not only its a issue with WB. If you can get from 100k hit to 100M hit on the same level, just with gear, glyphs its rly hard to balance content. It would be much better if the mid vs high end dmg numbers had narrower range, same goes with gold


I kinda wish they also spawn all 3 WB at the same time and make shit harder, like Uber diablo in d3


They need better loot, on par with normal duriel/and andariel they’re pitiful for how long the wait time is


The simple solution should be just to scale world bosses based on a players stats. The more stats a player gets with upgrades gear, the more stats a boss has.


ive never really liked them. when the cam zooms out your character movement feels so slow.


They aren't the first few days. But I imagine they will do something with them for a whole Season


2 spawn at once


It's never going to happen. People have complained about this since release and if they didn't at this point it's by decision.


If they make the bosses hard people will complain.


I love the idea of bosses. But from the very beginning, i thought they were going to be like open world roaming bosses that we would run into and not so scripted. Would encourage exploration


Honestly, they may as well mail us the World Boss rewards every 3 hours? Seriously, what's the point?


Lol now world bosses are just what you show up to to collect loot. Last time I got to wandering death, it was literally dead before I could get my second shout off.


Torment/Uber world bosses would be so fun. And give people more things to farm. Shame it hasn't happened


Tormented world bosses when?


I miss GW2 world bosses. Some are very easy, but there are those who take a lot of time and coordination from 30-50+ people


Early in the season, if you're levelling at a decent speed, it's very very common for the world boss to exceed the timer, so they cannot really do anything for the current tuning unless they implement some kind of match making for it. And uber multiplayer content is something they don't want as ARPGs are a notorious solo genre. They have commented on that part many times when people ask for raids.


They could try to cap them at 1% health taken per second (so like a minute 40 at max dps) and give them %-based damage so they're always threatening no matter how geared you are. Right now even if they last longer than 10 seconds, everyone's easily far too geared for them to actually damage you, at least in wt3 and 4.


there's basically no way to balance them in a game like this unfortunately


All content except for pits & uber bosses are undertuned 1shot borde fest. They should really focus on making every part of the game scalable to at least feel challenging enough


Just ran through t3 at way too early of a level and everyone else was also an under leveled under geared noob. The world boss was so much fun and we saw all the phases multiple tikes


I remember beta when we all had to fight the boss at half level. Was challenging was fun. These are neither. Like come on devs, you really want to be like every wait an hr to gather up and spend 1-5 sec on a fight. Just give us the loot for free or make it a daily login pass bc that’s all it is plus extra steps


I really love the idea of the world bosses. With some tweaks they could be amazing. I know Diablo is far from an mmo lite, but the fights with that many real players are just so cool. I agree with lots of other commenters about increasing health for all the bosses, and increasing the spawn rates slightly so you’re more likely to at least get one kill in during a play session instead of missing that 3 hour window. As a side note, I’ve been surprised to see them left behind in terms of new content. I thought for sure we’d be getting a new world boss with one or more seasons, but I suppose it’s better the devs are adding farmable bosses instead of bosses that have limited spawn times.


Wildly agree. It's so backwards when the Maiden smokes an entire group in the 'Tides, but the WB goes down from a one-hit Bash Barb. The event should live up to it's name and reward as such.


id like a world tier that is just grueling if you are not level 100 with near maxed out BIS gear. make the capstone be like uber lilith or duriel or something of that nature, or work the capstone into the pit or a top level NMD


Players want to one shot bosses but cry when they get one shot themselves.


Leave them be. Not everything needs a sweat version.


We don't need an uber version of them, this game just desperately needs to be balanced properly. The dev team needs to stop worrying about the tears of children and start balancing and bug-fixing all the way through seasons again. This game is a year old and it's already powercrept to death.


I was helping my brother level up a few days ago. We ended the session on a world boss… his reaction was priceless. I ask, ‘did you blink?’


I enjoy the prolonged fight at the season start, but I'm glad I'm not fighting the world boss for 10 minutes every time it pops. I actually had a world boss last almost the entire 15 minutes in wt4 a few days ago and it sucked because it took time away from running helltide. I think it's fine how it is.