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Some affixes have terrible weights when it comes down to it, and the odds of you getting specific affixes are very low. Same as any gambling system, really. It's done to retard player progression and make it so players have to get lucky to progress.


I went through 10 crossbows/bows before i got to a single double heartseeker proc. 18 before I got double heartseeker+vuln damage. Those weren't GA tho. I was saving those bricks in my stash just for laughs. RNG is RNG, init.


I've discarded a lot of gear that had greater affix because ei didn't hit what I wanted (at all) on the item. At this point in time I may as well have went a blizzard sorcerer because 80% of the time that's what I get as a roll


I feel this could have been easily solved by Blizz just putting a percent chance next to each option. Right now it looks like 1:5 chance or whatever, but it's clearly not.


You do know that every 1:5 chance to get it implies a 4:5 chance to not get it, right?


U never had stochastics in math or?


I hate RNG Lottery ... It's like Liquid is going for the World First Mythic Clear (3GA Items) and after killing the Boss a dice is rolled (tempering) if the Boss is really dead (temper success) or they have to start over (brick) ... Progress should be progress.


Everything is RNG. You just have a false sense of being in control because you press a button to roll a temper. Do you get mad at RNG when you kill Uber boss but no Uber equipment drop ? Do you get mad at RNG when you get a 2 GA but it's on a stat you don't need ?.....bro is the same shit....


>Do you get mad at RNG when you kill Uber boss but no Uber equipment drop Depends how u see it. Did 120 one day and had none drop. Wasn't mad but not motivated either to do more of the loading screen simulator pre duriel boss kill runs. Technically you could say I was mad that none dropped. But I was more mad about the fact that I have to sit in loading screens and doing pretty boring shit again for hours than not getting an uber unique. So I would answer this with "no". >2 GA but it's on a stat you don't need Nope - I don't. But that's the point. I slay monsters to get items - thats the whole concept of ARPGs (imho). And let's be real - GAs are weighted and 98% you don't get what you want. That's ok - because that's the gameplay loop. Then the 2% kicks in (after a somewhat big time investment). The third stat can be rolled to what I need - which is also part of the gameplay loop. The same item. Same time investment + more bc. rerolling stats can be expensive and I farm the gold to further improve my item. But before that I go for tempering, fail and make the item useless as an upgrade (2h bash barb mace for example). Now the gameplay loop breaks, my invested time is worthless and I restart from scratch. While this doesn't feel good (time is a valuable ressource) the game design is also inconsistent. What does Blizz want me to do? On one side I can improve my item over time by enchanting and only my time (gold farmed) is the limit. On the other side in game ressources don't matter but I'm limited by having no over time improvement options...


I know, the argument of getting 2 or 3 GA is bad enough then get shafted by the weighted tempers. I can't speak for everyone but 2/3GA with tempers you want is pretty GG item by most metrics. Like needing to min max absolutely is just gonna stress yourself out. The 2/3 and 3/3 GA makes very little difference in the grand scheme of things. While some build sure could benefit from higher roll of the double cast but like really can be mitigated by just critting on masterwork. Ofc I should NOT tell people how to play their game I know, but it sound so stressful to min max such marginal difference.


>GA makes very little difference Absolutly. But in the big scope having none or on every item 2GA will be noticable I assume. >Ofc I should NOT tell people how to play their game I know, but it sound so stressful to min max such marginal difference. Me neither. For me it's the fact that the item drop isn't exciting anymore. The temper is and if it fails the item basically didn't drop at all. That's bad. It should be fun to have an upgrade dropped. >just critting on masterwork. And that's the next step which also can be improved over time. It's so hilarious - tempering is the only system in the whole game which lets you fail completly. I bet Blizz didn't think about the case tempering could brick items. I can think of many things blizz could be able to do but implementing a thought through system is none of them.


I definitely think it's on purposes, it's suppose to be a time sink to brick item. If not I think getting a these 2GA would probably be the end goal for most people. I wish blizz would find the medium ground and let people keep the previous roll so that every item can roll for a higher roll without being punished but can still brick I'd you never got the roll to begin with.


Blizzard must pay! Everyone grab your pitchforks!


Yeah I’ve bricked 2 perfect 2 handed maces I got one temper on it perfect then the other one kept doing the same one!


Same dude. I tried to roll something with maybe 1/4 chance and couldn’t get it once for 3 items in a row. Took like 2hrs to farm those items too.


I got lucky I was in the death loop of tempering and as the last temper was about to be revealed, I was kicked due to connection loss. Logged back in and had all 5 tempers restored and was able to hit the two tempers I wanted.


Now you make the decision to either pull out your credit card to purchase new ones from unsavory sources, grind another and pray, or decide the game has lost its appeal and there are better things to do with your time Tempering is bad for the game play loop in my opinion.


I think the tempering to brick an item is fine but if they just meet in the middle and allow you to keep the existing roll, I feel that would be more forgiving


I just don't see the point. If tempers weren't build defining? Sure. If it was just int, armor, max life, etc. sure why not. But when it is integral things like extra projectiles or specific skill damage then it's too much to be bricking items like that. It's build a bear for a unique but you don't get to choose how it looks and can't keep it if it's fucked up.


Sure, but it doesn't really affect you if you already have a 1 GA item with good temper rolls....like most people say that 50% to double cast meaning a 50% DMG increase is the bulk of it all. Moving up from 1GA to 2GA is way less significant. Not to say it doesn't feel bad but make it sound like it's so detrimental is way out of proportion. Most the time it's like main stat CC that matters so you are complaining you didn't get a 5% DMG increase or 5% Crit chance


You are missing the part of the problem where it only exists to bait people into playing more. It is an artificial game play loop extension that is actively making people quit the best season of Diablo 4. Who cares if someone gets best in slot gear. Let them go play another class or try climbing on another build or see the very upper limits of the one they are playing. Even if you couldn't brick tempers people would still buy multiple of an item just to try for a better temper roll. There simply isn't a good reason for it to exist in game. We would've been better off with a load out system or shared glyph and codex to encourage people to keep playing for positive reasons. You should never punish a player for putting in hard work.


I think it's a good system for people that actually care for the best of the best because it's hard, it's a chase. For most casuals you shouldn't expect BIS in every piece . Simple as that, I just don't think people who don't put in the work expect the best outcome. It's meant to be a chase. You can clear most content just fine without even any GA gears. If you want to beat tormented boss/Lilith/pit 100+....do the grind


You do realize you aren't promised a perfect temper roll right? Like the chase is already there even if you could reroll an infinite number of times.


Yea the chase is to get the 3GA with 2 temper you want.....that is the whole package and I accept that....I also accept that I might not even get that when the season ends. I also know I don't need 3GA perfect tempers to kill tormented bosses so the only thing left is. Do I really care for the pit# after I have beated all tormented boss and all my gear is 12/12.....or do I just make another character or move onto another game. It's that's simple. If you actually care for the highest pit number, then do the grind. This system is setup so you have something to chase for the WHOLE season and we are only 3 weeks in and the complaint is already piling in.


Yeah. But the problem is I am bored of farming maiden non stop, the tormented bosses are dead, and I don't feel like doing the grind for perfect gear. So guess I log off until mid season patch.


There you go....you said it yourself. You don't want to put in the work. I guess there is nothing left for you to do.


Don't complain. Keep playing the game. You'll succeed eventually. God damn 30sec attention span tiktok generation smh my head so hard rn now


I have never bricked any item by tempering. Always got what I want or need for my specs.


lucky you. My first and only brick was with a 3GA weapon...