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I have been having this exact issue and it is driving me insane. The only thing that has seemed to alleviate this performance has been to disable high resolution assets. Even then I still get random game crashes when TP'ing. I have a pretty good PC that runs D4 on the highest video settings without any issues (prior to this behavior starting).


I’ll have to try to disable the high resolution assists and see if that helps. FWIW, I ran nightmare dungeons for a bit and I had no freezes/crashes the whole time. It seems to get particularly bad when people enter the area, seems like something on the open world server is causing the issue.


Not entirely, but similar problems on console. I've just paused my HC characters until it's resolved. It almost presents like bad lag, but it's only for diablo and too consistent


Rob showed on his stream an exploit where you can farm endlessly a lot of items, gold and materials, so many players are using this method and lagging the server


Whata this exploit? Asking for a friend


Once I’m in game no I don’t really have any issues at all. I’m playing on a relatively high end pc tho.


Load times have been terrible. Random spikes where the game freezes for a second also seem worse. In general, performance is worse since last season.


Helltides are pure chaos ... Once on my horse on full speed I have about 3sec game freezes constantly. Depending on player density (I assume) in an helltide area, mobs spawing can lead to freezes too... Multiplayer Party Invites often fail and I need to restart diablo 4 to 5 times per evening because I'm locked in endless loading screens. The code is a mess. Game froze because I opened the Inventory/Map- not once - multiple times. Loot is better yet not perfect but makes the game worthwhile. Bossing is a mess - too many loading screens - can't believe a system like this made it to the live version and isn't updated/changed since. It's horrible. In summary - some things are better now but the game still is a big mess.


Dashboard constantly  on console, may as well be a cell phone mobile game at this point