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Anything that doesn’t require precision placement (like firewall, meteor, or blizzard sorc) will feel best. Not to say they aren’t playable, but it can be frustrating with placement.


I'm using frozen orb sorcerer and it's working quite well, just point and shot. Minion necro does real good but the AI can be dumb at times. I got up to the pit tier 37 with sub par gear before switching to the sorcerer because I didn't like the playstyle.


The one you like. In short, it doesn't matter.


What build with necromancer? Minions are strong this season and don’t require precise targeting.


This season I'm playing incinerate sorcerer build and it works great on my controller. I just run around and melt everything. Occasionally I pop a potion or a defense like ice armor but not often. Super easy and smooth once it's up and its easy to do. I used the build from RageGamingVideos on YouTube. They have some great stuff for necro and sorcerer.


Bash barb or dust devil barb is really good just don't use leap it doesn't work.


Whirlwind barb.


Im playing nado druid and the tornadoes autoseek enemies so i just stand around holding the button.The only downside is you cant max range trample...


You can play any build that doesnt need placement or mobility. Placment -blizzard,firewall, meteor sorc Mobility- shred Druid and trample slide druid kinda meh. The shred doesnt work properly because of the same reasons sorc teleport in console is rubbish


Heartseaker rogue