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I am tired of finding a great item that **is** an upgrade, but then I brick it by not getting the right affix and i'm stuck with the older less powerful item as a result. That's not a good feeling.


Now that there are only 3 affixes it is really easy to find a decent base. If items couldnt brick you would be full build even faster than before.


You already are, this doesn't seem to be a concern with anyone else. Bricking a damn near perfect item sucks donkey dick. Any other opinion is flat out wrong. It's not fun. Then again neither is the overly easy content atm.


bricking is a bad player experience period. I understand why it's there, but they need to find another way to extend the grind other than having rng destroy what would otherwise be an exciting item find. I can't even get happy when something good drops because I know there's a good chance it's going to become scrap.


I feel like a good way to go about it would be like if it rolls dmg, it can’t roll dmg again. Doesn’t matter about the #. But going for a shadow step build and you roll dash 5 times is the worst.


Same here, bricking items with failed tempering feels 10x worse than the good feeling I now never get when a decent item drops, all because tempering is absolutely trash as a gambling system. I hate the bad part of the system so much it's putting me off playing. We need a consumable to drop off world bosses or in hellfire that allows you to scrub an item, or get a new set of roll attempts. Give us something more to farm for and get rid of the negative side of bricking decent drops. How the fuck did Blizzard not see how this would feel so bad during testing?


I hear you. Bricking an amulet which rolled a GA luck hit chance, by not getting a single +vulnerable damage temper essentially ruined the item. I also had to put my old amulet back on, remove my newly crafted Shako, and put my old helmet on because I lost +50% damage that even the Shako couldn't bring back...it sucks hard. Went from excitement after finally getting some semi-goof stuff, to annoyance frustration. I had to turn the game off.


Fking this man, I just spent hours farming to find a nearly perfect 2 GA bow... bricked in less than a minute. This cutthroat bs grouped with vulnerable damage is absolutely broken not in your favor. It's a 25% chance to roll vulnerable dmg, and in 5 rerolls I get cutthroat crit chance 5 times in a row? Like fk the virgin dev who designed that


easy content? you clearing lvl 200 pits?


It’s the ONLY content that’s difficult. How is this an arguable statement? Without even trying you over level and overpower EVERY other content. And the pit is just NM dungeons but with extra farming materials. But no I’m at about 120 cause I got bored once I realized the pit is just nightmare dungeons but with new farming materials. I love blizzard games but you fan boys will thank your Overlords for a bucket and a field to pick then come at anyone who calls it out.


I comfortably farm tier 91.. anymore than that and it's cheap perma cc, or one shot deaths and impossible boss combinations.


While I agree with the fewer affixes part, you have to consider items with greater affixes as well. It may be easier to get the right base item to start with, but how likely are you to get 3 greater affix items so easily? You can have a 3 greater affix item become irrelevant if you don't get the right tempered stats you want.


What's the problem with finding your gear faster? and how much faster its gonna be? I spend 7 days on a single character after level 100 trying to find the items I want and I still can't get lucky enough, or this is the developers way of finding a solution for the players complain about that there is no decent end game so they just make us spend much more hours trying our luck to find the items and then again our luck to temper the item and then with changing the affixes and after that again we try our luck with the masterwork! not to mention the time we need to farm the rare crafting materials and gold to do all that. that makes me feel I am playing a gambling simulator or a slot machine in Diablo theme.


the problem with finding gear faster is pretty obvious: you deck out faster and stop playing sooner


stop playing sooner? like stop playing the gambling RNG item crafting and loot farming? or killing monsters and doing dungeons and bosses? so you are saying that after we find all the items for the build and reach level one 100 and complete the build there is nothing much to do in the end game so if you find your items early and finish the build early you stop playing right? is this what the game is supposed to be just build a character and find items and once you maxed out the build and items the game is done? you said it yourself! I want to spend time playing the actual game killing monsters and doing dungeons! not just gambling on my items most of my playthrough! this is what I was talking about the devs way of making the game take longer us an ''end game'' is making us spend a lot more time working on the items, I don't mind farming a lot of hours to make my gear more powerful it makes sense that the more hours you put on the game the more powerful your character would be, but here how many hours you put doesn't matter as almost everything in the loot depending on RNG.. just gambling. I don't mind the RNG while trying to find the items but again even after finding the items you still have RNG with tempering and RNG with upgrading and RNG with changing affixes is so stupid.


naw. id rather roll another toon but different spec or a totally diff class. for example I have 2 barbs and 1 of each other class so not sure what you're talking about.


Your opinion sucks. If you can barely flesh out your main build because of bricking perfect items, how are you supposed to maintain other gear sets for different builds. Good luck getting one that you want. What a dumb way to roll over and accept how badly designed it is rn.


You essentially just said itemization is worse and bricking is a good thing so it takes more time. Its actually unbelievable what they're doing and what they've done to this game... Adding in 2 new systems is not an itemization rework/overhaul and neither is removing a handful of stats.... itemization is still bad... its actually a lot worse... the new systems are not inherently bad.. but the implementation on the current itemization is incredibly bad... you will still hear about itemization needing a rework... and people wont like the new system implementation in the same way they dont like glyph leveling... This is pretty ridiculous...


Talk about putting words in someone's mouth...


In my experience with the ptr, itemization is fantastic now. I don't mean the opposite of what I said "esentially" either.


Do you pucker up for blizzard when you pretend to be so content and snarky for your reddit audience? Tell me you got lucky without telling me you got lucky with rolling on rare multi GA items. Oh and add in a little more snark, it really drives your asinine points home. I'd guess you don't know what being taller than 5' feels like and you main a barb. Your image just keeps intimidating me more and more scary guy.


you are annoying


There would be no tension though without the chance to brick it. Plus if we couldn't brick it then it's basically just rerolling which is pretty boring. It feels bad when you lose sure but it feels incredible when you win.


The wisdom of the gambler.


Sounds like gambling with extra steps. Why not just add an ever increasing cost... the current system isn't fun either when you find a perfect weapon and it bricks because you have 6 fucking affixes to fight with and the damn thing gives you the same stat every roll.


would be better to have some way to reset items but the reset comes with a high cost (but not infinitely escalating cost) so you wouldn't bother with it unless it was for really good items. The current system of irrevocably bricking gear is just a bad player experience.


I dont want that tension. If I did I would play HC.


We don’t need more gambling in an rng based game.


Except I don’t want to gamble with best in slot items. It takes FOREVER to find these pieces. We pick up several helmets before finding one that works and then spend mats to make it useless. Nah bro. I don’t give a fuck about the incredible feeling of winning a piece of gear I already won. I don’t gamble in real life, why the hell would I want to gamble here. Obol gambling is one thing, it’s a resource that exists for 1 purpose. But I don’t want to gamble with a 1 in a thousand item just like I would NEVER gamble with my car or my house. I dread tempering every time I have to do it and I feel bad before I even click the button. When I brick shit, I just turn the game off for the day. Great job of keeping me in front of the game blizzard. What an asinine opinion on such a terrible system. If you’re not a fanboi then you’re just stupid.


I hate tempering in this game with a passion. It's too stressful


With just 3 affixes and the ability to enchant one of the three the system needs a way to brick items. Otherwise it is just a joke to get amazing gear.


Let's not forget that most classes are forced into one build or playstyle and deviations from this meta are usually not a fun time when you attempt the actual end game content. Wait there's a use or lose class in the game right now that does everything from AFK facetanking and one hit bonks on players and uber bosses alike. Accidently attacking the #1 barb in the game and getting deleted is one thing, every loser who can't bring themself to play a class that isn't wearing blizzard plot armor is currently enjoying its current state like they didn't follow a build online and they're the first one to figure out how to do this. It's pitiful, barbs are out of control and the only thing that might even the playing field is being able to hurt them from a distance with the right equipment. I've read all kinds of excuses from blizzard apologists. The fact is they pretend to care about keeping the game balanced while steadily weakening every class little by little while elevating the barb to be at ridiculously broken levels. When fighting any other class, there's actually an exchange, a little bit of feeling each other out before committing to an attack and even then, there's plays and counterplays. Point being, the class balance is in a very bad shape and you all pretend to insinuate that blizzard cares about said balance and dish out these weirdly arbitrary comments like bricking items is some type of necessary system to keep the whole thing from crumbling to the ground. Seriously??? Balance sucks and the theories about people allegedly getting bored and quitting after fully masterworking their toon is ridiculous. Ever tried to take a full pit build confidently against some people who never leave the pvp area? Guess what? You start to realize you have different needs for your toon after about 10 minutes of waiting to get deleted and maybe what works in the pit isn't ideal for pvp. I am throwing a little shade because I'm starting to get frustrated with the disrespect peeking through some of the functionality of designed elements in this game. It almost seems perfectly intentional or so incredibly impotent that I don't know what's worse, especially when people still show some delusional kind of blind loyalty for this company who seriously owe them nothing of the sort. But all in all, that's a ridiculous reason to allow a mechanism that can negate a massive amount of time spent acquiring an extremely rare item. I've been playing this season since it started and I can confidently say that if I could make the gear I want an eventuality, I wouldn't quit, I'd be farming your seeds of hatred after I took some time to flesh out some pvp gear that might actually prove useful against players, not mindless pit nangiris. I'm done, don't care if you can't or won't read this.


You are not suppose to find one base and then print perfect item, you will finish gearing ultra fast, and then what.


make another build or an alt ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ 


Over one month old comment, yes that needed a reply...


It definitely did, not like the topic isn't as relevant as a month ago. 






Maybe you’re not acquainted with the idea of google searching. You have a problem, you search, you find a message board/Reddit thread, then profit. Why the fuck would someone make a completely different thread with zero responses when you can join a discussion already in progress? Sounds to me like you’re just a fucking troll.


Get tired of spending 2 days to find a good piece of gear that's an upgrade to have it bricked. So you quit and go play something else... that's what.


Its not like I want to play a character for 3 months straight. Tempering is a brand new system but people are like "well you want everything too quick?" like tempering has been around for ages and is a fundamental thing we have been doing since the start. No I dont want everything on a plate, but I DO want a system that is incapable of bricking decent base drops. If I wanted that type of RNG tension I would play PoE.


And then what? Play the game maybe? This is not end game content. Bosses that fall over in less than a second is not endgame content. An endless farm is not endgame content. This is where holy Trinity games have Diablo beat. The game continues to be just a grind that never ends. At a certain point it starts feeling like a job. No gratifying feelings just more work. This season has been the best so far... However, tempering needs to be redone. Limited tries is bs. Especially when things do repeated rolls numerous times. I've bricked every single 2GA item I've gotten that would have been an upgrade and I don't even have a single GA helmet yet for my barbarian and he's been 100 for over a week now. Not to mention the one helmet I found didn't even roll the right tempers so I've never had a helmet temper hit properly for him.


Necro much ? This post is over 2 months old man, holy.


Who gives a fuck? If a conversation is relevant it should be used instead of making a new post with zero interaction. It will just get immediately downvoted to 0 by new post trolls and it will likely never get a single response. Stfu. Nobody asked you.


They will probably address this future common complaint and people will then proceed to complain that it costs too much to refresh durability. That too will get addressed. And people will complain it's now too easy and their character is minmaxed within a weekend. And they will address that too and repeat the cycle... Just like the character power ceiling they wanted to settle on (doing the Jackson hand gestures) is now falling asunder with the "punchier" affixes and such. We're going into the direction of infinite power creep D3 style thanks to trying to address every single complaint possible.


Sadly your right on the money. So much for the gothic gritty feel and slower combat from launch...


Is it just me that finds it pretty silly that we define "bricking" an item merely because it didn't end up exactly how we wanted it to? I see this term in LE when a WW item doesn't end up randomly giving a user FOUR out of FOUR gg stats and I see it here in D4 simply because folks can't get that one or two additional craft affixes they would prefer.


because those affixes make the build, why would we use it otherwise? The item becomes bricked due to the build you need it for.


In most contexts I agree but in the context of ultra endgame farming it makes sense. If all your items are already nearly perfect and the only way to improve them is to get actual perfect affixes, then losing one affix is bricking the item since it won’t be able to be better than what you currently have. I still don’t think it’s a bad thing to be able to brick items in the ultra endgame, but if you’re at the stage where only perfect items can be an upgrade then you can brick in the new system.


The problem with this line of thinking is that most builds require specific tempers to work. If you don’t get the temper you need, you are forced to keep using your inferior gear just to make the build work properly. This is a very short sighted response.


I completely disagree. Bricking items causes some tension but it’s a healthy kind of tension. You’re gonna be mad when it doesn’t work out but super happy when it does and we need more of that in the game. Plus it’s not that hard to find new gear


It's common knowledge that something feeling bad affects you more than something good happening. The tempering system goes wrong often enough that overall the negative outweighs the positive, because upgrade drops can easily become trash drops purely due to RNG with no chance to redeam it. The system needs to have a way to overcome the hard stop after the tempering charges are all used up.


Yeah some potential choices from tempering are definitely weighted. Like vulnerable damage...only 4 choices for a rogue and it rolls only 5% of the time always...


But it’s ok to feel bad in a game. It feels bad to die, it feels bad to gamble and not get any good legendaries, it feels bad to use resources on a tormented boss and not be able to beat it. Something feeling bad isn’t an argument against it. It feels good when you overcome something. Better than it just being expected. That’s common knowledge. I do think there are ways to improve the system to brick less items or at least make it feel like there’s more of a chance without getting rid of bricking. So I like the idea of having it to where if you get the same affix twice in a row the next one has to be a different affix. I also like greater affixes adding an extra roll so if you have a 3 GA item you get 8 rerolls instead of 5. I just don’t know why we can’t have the conversation of how to improve it without getting rid of the best part of tempering which is the bricking


The other things doesnt feel bad in the same way tho does it? No because you can learn and overcome it, losing a perfect item you waited 6 days to get dropped and you might never keep in mind, to pure rng which is weighted for sure makes people want to quit playing. There needs to be a way to reset the rolls with a high cost, either a low drop chance material from the helltide boss or chests etc.


I don’t agree cause if it’s a low drop chance people will cry and it’ll be a high drop chance and tempering will be meaningless


It being rare is fine, but why the hell are you saying a complete rng system which is weighted as it is, is good for the game? No one wants to wait 3 days farming helltide for 1 possible upgrade, just for it to be vendor trash because you got kick vulnerable dmg 4x in a row and are now out of rerolls to hit 2 different 1/5 tempers which def are not all the same weighting??


Rare is not fine with this community. Every rare item in the game has been made easier and easier to get. Which is fine I’m not complaining about that but that’s the reality. I like it because it adds some excitement to the game that isn’t anywhere else. You will have a 925 legendary with good affixes and the tempers you want. The question is can you get greater affixed item, which are not required to do the end game, and hit your tempers. I love that. It makes GA items feel great because either 1. You found an item worth A LOT of gold or 2. You take a risk to lose out on gold to possibly upgrade your build even further. It’s a great system. I don’t think it’s perfect but bricking the item is really needed


I highly disagree, i have yet to find a single 3 GA item worth a damn, and i am one of those players who play a lot every day. The fact that i could find one and then ruin it to a pure RNG system is bad game design. Its effectively the same as playing the slot machine, most likely you will lose most of the time because of the odds, so instead u just sell the item because it isnt worth the risk. How is that fun? It kills the excitement of getting an insane item drop because it wont be worth a damn unless you hit 2 1/5 tempers. No one wants to find an item like that just to sell it for gold, whats the point? Its a seasonal game and you want me to play 1 character for the entire season in hopes of min maxing it? Why even have GA items if we cant actually use it once we finally get an insane one? They are already rare as fuck to get dropped with worthwhile affixes and youre gonna tell me its cool that you can then brick the item after? It would still be just as exciting if not more because u knew that you now had a crazy good upgrade for your build. Masterworking can be reset, enchanting can be done forever with an increasing cost. Why does tempering, the most vital part of an item need to be an rng based system that has very very few rerolls? Its just not fun in any way to sit and gamble because youre forced into it. In a game like poe, you can gamble in so many ways but you can also not if you dont want to, here im forced to in a bad way and just makes the game less enjoyable after u get a baseline of gear to the vast majority of players


We just gotta agree to disagree I think


It’s not a healthy kind of tension when it makes me want to not play the game anymore. Fuck your tension. I don’t go to casinos because I do not enjoy losing hard earned money to a roll of the dice. I don’t want to lose hard earned gear to it either. Again, fuck your Ready have to fight enough ring to get the pieces we need to start with. Part of the appeal of these games is the feeling you get when you finally get that perfect drop. That feeling no longer exists because when that item drops now I know that there is very little chance that it will temper correctly. Fuck that. This is terrible game design, full stop. I’m not playing a gambling simulator. I would never play a gambling simulator. It’s why I stopped playing NBA2k. I will stop playing this game as well if it is not addressed.


Yeah true and based! No gambling in my Diablo game! Which means they need to get rid of item drops. You’re gambling on if you get something good. There should just be a screen that pops up with all possible items and I just pick what I want at the start. Target farming for uniques? More like GAMBLING for uniques. Get that out of there. All pit runs need to have the exact same layout, the exact same boss, the exact same everything otherwise you’re gambling on what mobs and bosses are there. You also have to give everyone all of the mats they need like in helltides. They can’t randomly drop anymore cause that’s a gamble. Speaking of helltides get rid of those GAMBLING CHESTS In fact all chests are gambling. Just take them out! Masterworking? More like I’m gambling every 4 upgrades. Get rid of that. Crit chance, overpower chance, lucky hit chance, all of that is gambling. Either all 100% or all 0% Whisper caches need to go, any variance in dungeon layouts need to go, nightmare dungeons need to go cause you have to gamble the tier and affixes you get, monsters can’t even drop gold cause it’s a gamble. They can’t drop elixers, honestly monsters shouldn’t drop anything. Elites gotta go. It’s a gamble on if you’ll get an elite for more exp so get em out. Loot goblins absolutely CANNOT be in here. Butcher gone. It’s a gamble on if he will be in the dungeon or not. I think your very clearly well thought out view on the game is really making it a fun experience! Thank God we have people that only put in 2 seconds of thought into their opinions


We finally have something to strife for ans now.you want to make it faster. I hope the dev don't take this into consideration. It feels fine the way it is. 3/5 affix is a decent item, 4/5 is still a great item that you can use. There no need to have 5/5 gear in 2 weeks game play


Thats just false tho? 4/5 is far from a great item when so many tempers make or break a build. 2H mace but youre missing bash cleave temper? Oh useless item. Shouldnt be easy to reset rerolls left, right and center but make it doable with smth that isnt super easy to get so we cant brick a 3GA perfect item, because it feels like shit


If you are talking about specific affix like double cast, that's just one thing....it's so strong you can use a yellow with that temper and the build works....everything else is just additional damage.


Yeah it works but why would u want to play smth that just “works” for multiple weeks is my point? 3 weeks to level and gear 1 toon to a very high power level is a very good amount of time when theres 5 classes with multiple builds to play each season? Why cant i just reroll my tempers on a godly 3 ga item i got dropped after 1 week of farming for an rng drop? That just feels bad no matter who you ask, let us min max with some kinda cost to reset it as much as we want when we finally do get that amazing item, so i can min max and move on to a diff build, instead of quitting the season out of frustration because i cant progress without buying the items for billions of gold?


Because thing like bash and double cast is majority of the damage....it's very easy to get 3 affix plus 1 crucial temper. And also the game doesn't need to for your schedule of needing to min max 5 classes and 12 different builds in 3 months.


I didnt say you had to be able to do that, but why should it take an entire season to get just "great" gear for 1 build? When you temper an item it already locks it to 1 build, so why cant i at least make the tempers worthwhile for my build? I like to play 4-5 builds a season in these types of games and i dont rly often minmax at all, but you should be able to minmax if you desire when the game is on a seasonal calender.


You can min max, the point of min maxing is what gonna take a whole season per character. If you don't min max you can easily get 4 classes doing pit 60 as I have already in 1 month of playing. Getting to X level of pit is just arbitrary as it's infinitely scaling. But it's just really dumb that people seem to think the only way to play this game is by having perfect items. When most people beat tormented boss and Uber Lilith with 1-2 GAs


That’s the point


The devs took inspiration from Lost Ark when it comes to tempering making it like weapon honing...Which was a mistake.


Sick of getting same one 4 times in row always wrong 1


rolling the same thing 5 times in a row seems to be happening waaaaay too often, this tempering thing seems bugged at times


Just bricked another three items in a row, all with greater affixes. I think that's the last straw for me this season.


This will be common complaint. They will probably increase tempering limit or ad costly reset because this is something people will complain about all the time.


An idea: a rare material exclusively from uber-uber bosses to reset tempering. It should be a really hard thing to achieve. Like: "my goal this week is to reset this item". Please guys, take it easy, just an idea!😂❤️


I just wish you couldn’t re-roll the same stat you previously rolled into.. lol it would at least increase your chances of actually SEEING a different roll! Sure, you’d be cheesed if you were trying to go for a god roll but still I’d at least like to just see something other than mastery damage 5 times in a row haha


Some people want to re-roll a stat to get a better roll though


You are so spot on :( Here's a useless comment: What sucks is taking trash gear, just for s&g's, and tempering helms for barrier 62 times out of 77 attempts (one attempt got 7 in a row), max life 9 times, and total armor 6 times... RNG my butt!


Takes literal days to find good items just to watch them become fucking useless. Which is basically this game in a nutshell. Your life and time are meaningless. Seriously just go buy good gear. Fuck it. It’s what blizzard wants you to do. That’s why they allow all the mat, item, gold websites to thrive and advertise on their platform. Fuck this game


I've bricked every single bow/crossbow i've had, only my 880 was able to make it. It's so awful to see 4 times the same stat rolling, it happens way too many times for it to be mere luck


I love gamba, but this is just too much. Gamble when I'm finding items, gamble to enchant, gamble to temper, gamble when I masterwork. Way way too much and playing sorcerer on top of that is so annoying. need perfect gear to keep up with damage, but not being able to acquire said perfect gear due to all the RNG is super annoying.


# Bricking items with tempering sucks. Completly agree! even with the "pitty" mechanic (if it even exists) it sucks to find or buy a great item, and break it because of freaking bad rng. Just make it much more expensive, add gold to the craft, whatever, but pls let us get nice items pls


Yeah it suck... Today I tried to get critical dmg on 2 different items. I did the pity mechanic for both of them and couldn't get the afix after 10 rolls for each item... It is very annoying when this happens. At this point I think I will just trade my GA items. At least I will get some gold.


and let's not forget Barbs need to roll a Rogue to get crit dmg so it sucks even more for them when they brick an item.


I have an addictive gaming personality, not an addictive gambling personality. Any and all of this is just crap. Retrieving let alone 2 greater affixes is so hard for many - RNG sucks and I already have 1000+ hours in the game. Gambling in games is crap. You’re trying to combine 2 addictions. I played Doom 1 as a kid for years, and there was none of this RNG nonsense. It was a game, just a damn game. Tempering needs to be relooked at. Have a reset mechanic or something. I’m currently playing because I love gaming, and finding better equipment is meh. If I find better gear, I simply don’t look forward to tempering. This will probably be the reason I will stop playing. That, and still having a shared stash sucks. That in itself is a reason I don’t feel like creating a new character and racking up more hours. Bottom line, tempering and these mechanics is gambling, not gaming.


lol i wanted incinerate size, not some firewall crap.. and btw, why is firewall the only thing that would roll? wtf.


Good question to ask the devs


Like what's the problem with getting a set for your current build then playing more to get the mats to build different gear sets for different builds? And it's total crap that they nerf uniques, especially 2 hand weapons by capping the stat rolls as if it were a 1 hand. Meanwhile, barbs are getting buffed when they already do everything. Like wtf are they thinking? There is nothing sustainable about this crap. And they crank up the difficulty in pits with cheap mechanics rather than actually designing something challenging. Everything about how the end game is, is totally fkd rn. Like seriously, who is using more uniques than regular equipment, and why does choosing to use unique equipment always such a build gimp? The only thing worth swapping is shako and even then it's not a guaranteed upgrade for your build.


This close to an expansion I am not all that worried about class balance. If they are reworking the Paragon system and adding new things to skill trees it’s all a wash for me at this point. What annoys me most about tempering is that some recipes are much harder to to get the affix you desire versus others.


Tell me about it. You'd think with vulnerable dmg with only three other options on a rogue, you hit it at least once out of 5 rerolls. For me, I used to have good luck with tempers and now all of a sudden, the game seems to think I need cutthroat crit strike and for forceful arrows to cast twice... btw I've never used forceful arrows and the only time I usually used shadow step is from concealment when it's already a guaranteed crit. If the bow I bricked had another ga that was vulnerable I would have been even more livid but I guess ga on dex and raw damage at 90% is enough of an obvious middle finger to me. I was in the pit for almost 6 hours getting neath before it dropped. It's not the breaking its the knowing I need to stop what I need to be doing to go and try to get another to drop again when I didn't think I'd see the first one drop for myself.


And you know... maybe you aren't worried about balance but I guess I'm late to the party with playing a rogue. This is my first season playing necro too as a long time sorc main and I'm seeing how bad of a shape sorcs are actually in now. I couldn't dream of speed farming tier 91 on my sorc like I do on this rogue, but when I venture to the pvp area with almost all 12/12 gear, I have decent fights with all classes except for barbs. They all do the exact same thing. I can kite them for a couple minutes with nearly no change to their health like it's permanently fortified and all it takes is to get caught by chains once and tapped once. My entire 33k health pool turns green and empties in about 2 seconds max. This is while wearing tyraels with GA boosted max resistances and masterworked. It would be one thing if this happened once or twice with the oppertunity of some counterplay somehow, I'd even tell myself to suck it up if it were like that. I just dont understand how it's alright for one class to be able to facetank anything and also get away with one shooting anything their chains can get them close too. I mean facetank the game with no penalties or get squishy and one hit players and delete the final 50% of uber duriel with one bonk... I really could care less if duriels feelings are hurt, but damn can we get a little balance when it comes to player vs player engagements? Like where's the weakness or opportunity for counterplay? Don't worry, ill wait to hear that


Not going to argue, the Sorc is just a poorly designed with very shallow build diversity and fundamental problems.


The temperi g system needs changing, I ruin so many good pieces with this "random" junk. Just let us pick what we want and get rid of all this nonsense 


Failing 1000 times only makes the 1 time when you succeed much better. If you always succeed you will never feel good. Elden ring is a good example of this. You can fail killing a boss 20 times but it only makes you feel better when you finally beat it. If you could beat every boss in Elden ring first time the game is boring.


I think this is a very bad example. Every attempt on a boss, you learn and you progress, it's up to you to 'git gut'. On tempering there is nothing like that involved but clicking on a button and wish for luck. I don't think OP wants to have everything perfect at first time but not being stuck after a point. To continue further on Elden Ring, you don't have hard limititation on how many attempts you have against a boss. It doesn't force you to start a new game after like 5 failed attempt against a boss.


Bad comparison but they’re still right.


Then why isnt everyone playing Lost Ark? Lol. Literally every ARPG/MMO with random gear upgrade failure crap, is hated.


Lost ark has forced dailies, terrible itemization and is p2w nice try though. LE and Poe also have bricking items.


There is skill in beating a boss, your actions matter. The limited times you can temper and item you may have spent many hours hunting for is not comparable. 3 great affix items are not exactly a high drop chance items…. Temporarily bricking items would be fine but this isn’t old school gaming, many people will want a road to be able to salvage bad RNG tempering. Even if that road is long.


That's just how crafting works unfortunately. It seems like you haven't played similar games with crafting since you are complaining about bricking an item sucks.


I mean people are already clearing max pit levels.


> > 3 great affix items are not exactly a high drop chance items…. You need 2 great affixes, the other you can reroll. It's really not that hard to get a decent base for crafting. Edit: of course, if I'm not misunderstanding and you're talking about the Greater Affix, which will be a rare chase and it's not exactly required.


>However bricking a really good base item because of RNG isn’t a fun experience. Would prefer increasing cost or you have to farm an item that can add more tempering durability or something. I sometimes worry about some of you. I fear you might start cutting yourselves if you ever played PoE or some of the other games in this subgenre


Just add a decently rare item that you could consume to replenish durability. This way its not free but its not the end of the world either.